import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'; import PushNotificationIOS from '@react-native-community/push-notification-ios'; import { AppState, Platform } from 'react-native'; import { getApplicationName, getSystemName, getSystemVersion, getVersion, hasGmsSync, hasHmsSync } from 'react-native-device-info'; import { checkNotifications, requestNotifications, RESULTS } from 'react-native-permissions'; import PushNotification from 'react-native-push-notification'; import loc from '../loc'; import { groundControlUri } from './constants'; import { fetch } from '../util/fetch'; const PUSH_TOKEN = 'PUSH_TOKEN'; const GROUNDCONTROL_BASE_URI = 'GROUNDCONTROL_BASE_URI'; const NOTIFICATIONS_STORAGE = 'NOTIFICATIONS_STORAGE'; export const NOTIFICATIONS_NO_AND_DONT_ASK_FLAG = 'NOTIFICATIONS_NO_AND_DONT_ASK_FLAG'; let alreadyConfigured = false; let baseURI = groundControlUri; const deepClone = obj => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); const checkAndroidNotificationPermission = async () => { try { const { status } = await checkNotifications(); console.debug('Notification permission check:', status); return status === RESULTS.GRANTED; } catch (err) { console.error('Failed to check notification permission:', err); return false; } }; export const checkNotificationPermissionStatus = async () => { try { const { status } = await checkNotifications(); return status; } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to check notification permissions:', error); return 'unavailable'; // Return 'unavailable' if the status cannot be retrieved } }; // Listener to monitor notification permission status changes while app is running let currentPermissionStatus = 'unavailable'; const handleAppStateChange = async nextAppState => { if (nextAppState === 'active') { const isDisabledByUser = (await AsyncStorage.getItem(NOTIFICATIONS_NO_AND_DONT_ASK_FLAG)) === 'true'; if (!isDisabledByUser) { const newPermissionStatus = await checkNotificationPermissionStatus(); if (newPermissionStatus !== currentPermissionStatus) { currentPermissionStatus = newPermissionStatus; if (newPermissionStatus === 'granted') { await initializeNotifications(); } } } } }; AppState.addEventListener('change', handleAppStateChange); export const cleanUserOptOutFlag = async () => { return AsyncStorage.removeItem(NOTIFICATIONS_NO_AND_DONT_ASK_FLAG); }; /** * Should be called when user is most interested in receiving push notifications. * If we dont have a token it will show alert asking whether * user wants to receive notifications, and if yes - will configure push notifications. * FYI, on Android permissions are acquired when app is installed, so basically we dont need to ask, * we can just call `configure`. On iOS its different, and calling `configure` triggers system's dialog box. * * @returns {Promise<boolean>} TRUE if permissions were obtained, FALSE otherwise */ /** * Attempts to obtain permissions and configure notifications. * Shows a rationale on Android if permissions are needed. * * @returns {Promise<boolean>} */ export const tryToObtainPermissions = async () => { console.debug('tryToObtainPermissions: Starting user-triggered permission request'); if (!isNotificationsCapable) { console.debug('tryToObtainPermissions: Device not capable'); return false; } try { const rationale = { title: loc.settings.notifications, message: loc.notifications.would_you_like_to_receive_notifications, buttonPositive: loc._.ok, buttonNegative: loc.notifications.no_and_dont_ask, }; const { status } = await requestNotifications( ['alert', 'sound', 'badge'], Platform.OS === 'android' && Platform.Version < 33 ? rationale : undefined, ); if (status !== RESULTS.GRANTED) { console.debug('tryToObtainPermissions: Permission denied'); return false; } return configureNotifications(); } catch (error) { console.error('Error requesting notification permissions:', error); return false; } }; /** * Submits onchain bitcoin addresses and ln invoice preimage hashes to GroundControl server, so later we could * be notified if they were paid * * @param addresses {string[]} * @param hashes {string[]} * @param txids {string[]} * @returns {Promise<object>} Response object from API rest call */ export const majorTomToGroundControl = async (addresses, hashes, txids) => { console.debug('majorTomToGroundControl: Starting notification registration', { addressCount: addresses?.length, hashCount: hashes?.length, txidCount: txids?.length, }); try { const noAndDontAskFlag = await AsyncStorage.getItem(NOTIFICATIONS_NO_AND_DONT_ASK_FLAG); if (noAndDontAskFlag === 'true') { console.warn('User has opted out of notifications.'); return; } if (!Array.isArray(addresses) || !Array.isArray(hashes) || !Array.isArray(txids)) { throw new Error('No addresses, hashes, or txids provided'); } const pushToken = await getPushToken(); console.debug('majorTomToGroundControl: Retrieved push token:', !!pushToken); if (!pushToken || !pushToken.token || !pushToken.os) { return; } const requestBody = JSON.stringify({ addresses, hashes, txids, token: pushToken.token, os: pushToken.os, }); let response; try { console.debug('majorTomToGroundControl: Sending request to:', `${baseURI}/majorTomToGroundControl`); response = await fetch(`${baseURI}/majorTomToGroundControl`, { method: 'POST', headers: _getHeaders(), body: requestBody, }); } catch (networkError) { console.error('Network request failed:', networkError); throw networkError; } if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Ground Control request failed with status ${response.status}: ${response.statusText}`); } const responseText = await response.text(); if (responseText) { try { return JSON.parse(responseText); } catch (jsonError) { console.error('Error parsing response JSON:', jsonError); throw jsonError; } } else { return {}; // Return an empty object if there is no response body } } catch (error) { console.error('Error in majorTomToGroundControl:', error); throw error; } }; /** * Returns a permissions object: * alert: boolean * badge: boolean * sound: boolean * * @returns {Promise<Object>} */ export const checkPermissions = async () => { try { return new Promise(function (resolve) { PushNotification.checkPermissions(result => { resolve(result); }); }); } catch (error) { console.error('Error checking permissions:', error); throw error; } }; /** * Posts to groundcontrol info whether we want to opt in or out of specific notifications level * * @param levelAll {Boolean} * @returns {Promise<*>} */ export const setLevels = async levelAll => { const pushToken = await getPushToken(); if (!pushToken || !pushToken.token || !pushToken.os) return; try { const response = await fetch(`${baseURI}/setTokenConfiguration`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ level_all: !!levelAll, token: pushToken.token, os: pushToken.os, }), }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Failed to set token configuration: ' + response.statusText); } if (!levelAll) { console.debug('Disabling notifications as user opted out...'); await Promise.all([ new Promise(resolve => PushNotification.removeAllDeliveredNotifications(resolve)), new Promise(resolve => PushNotification.setApplicationIconBadgeNumber(0, resolve)), new Promise(resolve => PushNotification.cancelAllLocalNotifications(resolve)), AsyncStorage.setItem(NOTIFICATIONS_NO_AND_DONT_ASK_FLAG, 'true'), ]); console.debug('Notifications disabled successfully'); } else { await AsyncStorage.removeItem(NOTIFICATIONS_NO_AND_DONT_ASK_FLAG); // Clear flag when enabling } } catch (error) { console.error('Error setting notification levels:', error); } }; export const addNotification = async notification => { let notifications = []; try { const stringified = await AsyncStorage.getItem(NOTIFICATIONS_STORAGE); notifications = JSON.parse(stringified); if (!Array.isArray(notifications)) notifications = []; } catch (e) { console.error(e); // Start fresh with just the new notification notifications = []; } notifications.push(notification); await AsyncStorage.setItem(NOTIFICATIONS_STORAGE, JSON.stringify(notifications)); }; const postTokenConfig = async () => { console.debug('postTokenConfig: Starting token configuration'); const pushToken = await getPushToken(); console.debug('postTokenConfig: Retrieved push token:', !!pushToken); if (!pushToken || !pushToken.token || !pushToken.os) { console.debug('postTokenConfig: Invalid token or missing OS info'); return; } try { const lang = (await AsyncStorage.getItem('lang')) || 'en'; const appVersion = getSystemName() + ' ' + getSystemVersion() + ';' + getApplicationName() + ' ' + getVersion(); console.debug('postTokenConfig: Posting configuration', { lang, appVersion }); await fetch(`${baseURI}/setTokenConfiguration`, { method: 'POST', headers: _getHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ token: pushToken.token, os: pushToken.os, lang, app_version: appVersion, }), }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); await AsyncStorage.setItem('lang', 'en'); throw e; } }; const _setPushToken = async token => { try { token = JSON.stringify(token); return await AsyncStorage.setItem(PUSH_TOKEN, token); } catch (error) { console.error('Error setting push token:', error); throw error; } }; /** * Configures notifications. For Android, it will show a native rationale prompt if necessary. * * @returns {Promise<boolean>} */ export const configureNotifications = async onProcessNotifications => { if (alreadyConfigured) { console.debug('configureNotifications: Already configured, skipping'); return true; } return new Promise(resolve => { const handleRegistration = async token => { if (__DEV__) { console.debug('configureNotifications: Token received:', token); } alreadyConfigured = true; await _setPushToken(token); resolve(true); }; const handleNotification = async notification => { // Deep clone to avoid modifying the original object const payload = deepClone({ ...notification,, }); if ( { const validData = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries([_, value]) => value != null)); Object.assign(payload, validData); } = undefined; if (!payload.title && !payload.message) { console.warn('Notification missing required fields:', payload); return; } await addNotification(payload); notification.finish(PushNotificationIOS.FetchResult.NoData); if (payload.foreground && onProcessNotifications) { await onProcessNotifications(); } }; const configure = async () => { try { const { status } = await checkNotifications(); if (status !== RESULTS.GRANTED) { console.debug('configureNotifications: Permissions not granted'); return resolve(false); } const existingToken = await getPushToken(); if (existingToken) { alreadyConfigured = true; console.debug('Notifications already configured with existing token'); return resolve(true); } PushNotification.configure({ onRegister: handleRegistration, onNotification: handleNotification, onRegistrationError: error => { console.error('Registration error:', error); resolve(false); }, permissions: { alert: true, badge: true, sound: true }, popInitialNotification: true, }); } catch (error) { console.error('Error in configure:', error); resolve(false); } }; configure(); }); }; /** * Validates whether the provided GroundControl URI is valid by pinging it. * * @param uri {string} * @returns {Promise<boolean>} TRUE if valid, FALSE otherwise */ export const isGroundControlUriValid = async uri => { try { const response = await fetch(`${uri}/ping`, { headers: _getHeaders() }); const json = await response.json(); return !!json.description; } catch (_) { return false; } }; export const isNotificationsCapable = hasGmsSync() || hasHmsSync() || Platform.OS !== 'android'; export const getPushToken = async () => { try { let token = await AsyncStorage.getItem(PUSH_TOKEN); token = JSON.parse(token); return token; } catch (e) { console.error(e); AsyncStorage.removeItem(PUSH_TOKEN); throw e; } }; /** * Queries groundcontrol for token configuration, which contains subscriptions to notification levels * * @returns {Promise<{}|*>} */ const getLevels = async () => { const pushToken = await getPushToken(); if (!pushToken || !pushToken.token || !pushToken.os) return; try { const response = await fetch(`${baseURI}/getTokenConfiguration`, { method: 'POST', headers: _getHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ token: pushToken.token, os: pushToken.os, }), }); if (!response) return {}; return await response.json(); } catch (_) { return {}; } }; /** * The opposite of `majorTomToGroundControl` call. * * @param addresses {string[]} * @param hashes {string[]} * @param txids {string[]} * @returns {Promise<object>} Response object from API rest call */ export const unsubscribe = async (addresses, hashes, txids) => { if (!Array.isArray(addresses) || !Array.isArray(hashes) || !Array.isArray(txids)) { throw new Error('No addresses, hashes, or txids provided'); } const token = await getPushToken(); if (!token?.token || !token?.os) { console.error('No push token or OS found'); return; } const body = JSON.stringify({ addresses, hashes, txids, token: token.token, os: token.os, }); try { const response = await fetch(`${baseURI}/unsubscribe`, { method: 'POST', headers: _getHeaders(), body, }); if (!response.ok) { console.error('Failed to unsubscribe:', response.statusText); return; } return response; } catch (error) { console.error('Error during unsubscribe:', error); throw error; } }; const _getHeaders = () => { return { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }; }; export const clearStoredNotifications = async () => { try { await AsyncStorage.setItem(NOTIFICATIONS_STORAGE, JSON.stringify([])); } catch (_) {} }; export const getDeliveredNotifications = () => { try { return new Promise(resolve => { PushNotification.getDeliveredNotifications(notifications => resolve(notifications)); }); } catch (error) { console.error('Error getting delivered notifications:', error); throw error; } }; export const removeDeliveredNotifications = (identifiers = []) => { PushNotification.removeDeliveredNotifications(identifiers); }; export const setApplicationIconBadgeNumber = badges => { PushNotification.setApplicationIconBadgeNumber(badges); }; export const removeAllDeliveredNotifications = () => { PushNotification.removeAllDeliveredNotifications(); }; export const getDefaultUri = () => { return groundControlUri; }; export const saveUri = async uri => { try { baseURI = uri || groundControlUri; await AsyncStorage.setItem(GROUNDCONTROL_BASE_URI, baseURI); } catch (error) { console.error('Error saving URI:', error); throw error; } }; export const getSavedUri = async () => { try { const baseUriStored = await AsyncStorage.getItem(GROUNDCONTROL_BASE_URI); if (baseUriStored) { baseURI = baseUriStored; } return baseUriStored; } catch (e) { console.error(e); try { await AsyncStorage.setItem(GROUNDCONTROL_BASE_URI, groundControlUri); } catch (storageError) { console.error('Failed to reset URI:', storageError); } throw e; } }; export const isNotificationsEnabled = async () => { try { const levels = await getLevels(); const token = await getPushToken(); const isDisabledByUser = (await AsyncStorage.getItem(NOTIFICATIONS_NO_AND_DONT_ASK_FLAG)) === 'true'; // Return true only if we have all requirements and user hasn't opted out return !isDisabledByUser && !!token && !!levels.level_all; } catch (error) { console.log('Error checking notification levels:', error); if (error instanceof SyntaxError) { throw error; } return false; } }; export const getStoredNotifications = async () => { let notifications = []; try { const stringified = await AsyncStorage.getItem(NOTIFICATIONS_STORAGE); notifications = JSON.parse(stringified); if (!Array.isArray(notifications)) notifications = []; } catch (e) { if (e instanceof SyntaxError) { console.error('Invalid notifications format:', e); notifications = []; await AsyncStorage.setItem(NOTIFICATIONS_STORAGE, '[]'); } else { console.error('Error accessing notifications:', e); throw e; } } return notifications; }; // on app launch (load module): export const initializeNotifications = async onProcessNotifications => { console.debug('initializeNotifications: Starting initialization'); try { const noAndDontAskFlag = await AsyncStorage.getItem(NOTIFICATIONS_NO_AND_DONT_ASK_FLAG); console.debug('initializeNotifications: No ask flag status:', noAndDontAskFlag); if (noAndDontAskFlag === 'true') { console.warn('User has opted out of notifications.'); return; } const baseUriStored = await AsyncStorage.getItem(GROUNDCONTROL_BASE_URI); baseURI = baseUriStored || groundControlUri; console.debug('Base URI set to:', baseURI); setApplicationIconBadgeNumber(0); // Only check permissions, never request currentPermissionStatus = await checkNotificationPermissionStatus(); console.debug('initializeNotifications: Permission status:', currentPermissionStatus); // Handle Android 13+ permissions differently const canProceed = Platform.OS === 'android' ? isNotificationsCapable && (await checkAndroidNotificationPermission()) : currentPermissionStatus === 'granted'; if (canProceed) { console.debug('initializeNotifications: Can proceed with notification setup'); const token = await getPushToken(); if (token) { console.debug('initializeNotifications: Existing token found, configuring'); await configureNotifications(onProcessNotifications); await postTokenConfig(); } else { console.debug('initializeNotifications: No token found, will request permissions'); await tryToObtainPermissions(); } } else { console.debug('Notifications require user action to enable'); } } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to initialize notifications:', error); baseURI = groundControlUri; await AsyncStorage.setItem(GROUNDCONTROL_BASE_URI, groundControlUri).catch(err => console.error('Failed to reset URI:', err)); } };