import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import DefaultPreference from 'react-native-default-preference'; import { Transaction, TWallet } from '../class/wallets/types'; import { useSettings } from '../hooks/context/useSettings'; import { useStorage } from '../hooks/context/useStorage'; import { GROUP_IO_BLUEWALLET } from '../blue_modules/currency'; import debounce from '../blue_modules/debounce'; enum WidgetCommunicationKeys { AllWalletsSatoshiBalance = 'WidgetCommunicationAllWalletsSatoshiBalance', AllWalletsLatestTransactionTime = 'WidgetCommunicationAllWalletsLatestTransactionTime', DisplayBalanceAllowed = 'WidgetCommunicationDisplayBalanceAllowed', LatestTransactionIsUnconfirmed = 'WidgetCommunicationLatestTransactionIsUnconfirmed', } DefaultPreference.setName(GROUP_IO_BLUEWALLET); export const isBalanceDisplayAllowed = async (): Promise => { try { const displayBalance = await DefaultPreference.get(WidgetCommunicationKeys.DisplayBalanceAllowed); if (displayBalance === '1') { return true; } else if (displayBalance === '0') { return false; } else { // Preference not set, initialize it to '1' (allowed) and return true await DefaultPreference.set(WidgetCommunicationKeys.DisplayBalanceAllowed, '1'); return true; } } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to get DisplayBalanceAllowed:', error); return true; } }; export const setBalanceDisplayAllowed = async (allowed: boolean): Promise => { try { if (allowed) { await DefaultPreference.set(WidgetCommunicationKeys.DisplayBalanceAllowed, '1'); } else { await DefaultPreference.set(WidgetCommunicationKeys.DisplayBalanceAllowed, '0'); } } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to set DisplayBalanceAllowed:', error); } }; export const calculateBalanceAndTransactionTime = async ( wallets: TWallet[], walletsInitialized: boolean, ): Promise<{ allWalletsBalance: number; latestTransactionTime: number | string; }> => { if (!walletsInitialized || !(await isBalanceDisplayAllowed())) { return { allWalletsBalance: 0, latestTransactionTime: 0 }; } const results = await Promise.allSettled( wallet => { if (wallet.hideBalance) return { balance: 0, latestTransactionTime: 0 }; const balance = await wallet.getBalance(); const transactions: Transaction[] = await wallet.getTransactions(); const confirmedTransactions = transactions.filter(t => t.confirmations > 0); const latestTransactionTime = confirmedTransactions.length > 0 ? Math.max( => t.received || t.time || 0)) : WidgetCommunicationKeys.LatestTransactionIsUnconfirmed; return { balance, latestTransactionTime }; }), ); const allWalletsBalance = results.reduce((acc, result) => acc + (result.status === 'fulfilled' ? result.value.balance : 0), 0); const latestTransactionTime = results.reduce( (max, result) => result.status === 'fulfilled' && typeof result.value.latestTransactionTime === 'number' && result.value.latestTransactionTime > max ? result.value.latestTransactionTime : max, 0, ); return { allWalletsBalance, latestTransactionTime }; }; export const syncWidgetBalanceWithWallets = async ( wallets: TWallet[], walletsInitialized: boolean, cachedBalance: { current: number }, cachedLatestTransactionTime: { current: number | string }, ): Promise => { try { const { allWalletsBalance, latestTransactionTime } = await calculateBalanceAndTransactionTime(wallets, walletsInitialized); if (cachedBalance.current !== allWalletsBalance || cachedLatestTransactionTime.current !== latestTransactionTime) { await Promise.all([ DefaultPreference.set(WidgetCommunicationKeys.AllWalletsSatoshiBalance, String(allWalletsBalance)), DefaultPreference.set(WidgetCommunicationKeys.AllWalletsLatestTransactionTime, String(latestTransactionTime)), ]); cachedBalance.current = allWalletsBalance; cachedLatestTransactionTime.current = latestTransactionTime; } } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to sync widget balance with wallets:', error); } }; const debouncedSyncWidgetBalanceWithWallets = debounce( async ( wallets: TWallet[], walletsInitialized: boolean, cachedBalance: { current: number }, cachedLatestTransactionTime: { current: number | string }, ) => { await syncWidgetBalanceWithWallets(wallets, walletsInitialized, cachedBalance, cachedLatestTransactionTime); }, 500, ); const useWidgetCommunication = (): void => { const { wallets, walletsInitialized } = useStorage(); const { isWidgetBalanceDisplayAllowed } = useSettings(); const cachedBalance = useRef(0); const cachedLatestTransactionTime = useRef(0); useEffect(() => { if (walletsInitialized) { debouncedSyncWidgetBalanceWithWallets(wallets, walletsInitialized, cachedBalance, cachedLatestTransactionTime); } }, [wallets, walletsInitialized, isWidgetBalanceDisplayAllowed]); useEffect(() => { return () => { debouncedSyncWidgetBalanceWithWallets.cancel(); }; }, []); }; export default useWidgetCommunication;