/* global jest */ import mockClipboard from '@react-native-clipboard/clipboard/jest/clipboard-mock.js'; const consoleWarnOrig = console.warn; console.warn = (...args) => { if ( typeof args[0] === 'string' && (args[0].startsWith('WARNING: Sending to a future segwit version address can lead to loss of funds') || args[0].startsWith('only compressed public keys are good')) ) { return; } consoleWarnOrig.apply(consoleWarnOrig, args); }; const consoleLogOrig = console.log; console.log = (...args) => { if ( typeof args[0] === 'string' && (args[0].startsWith('updating exchange rate') || args[0].startsWith('begin connection') || args[0].startsWith('TLS Connected to') || args[0].startsWith('connected to')) ) { return; } consoleLogOrig.apply(consoleLogOrig, args); }; global.net = require('net'); // needed by Electrum client. For RN it is proviced in shim.js global.tls = require('tls'); // needed by Electrum client. For RN it is proviced in shim.js global.fetch = require('node-fetch'); jest.mock('@react-native-clipboard/clipboard', () => mockClipboard); jest.mock('react-native-watch-connectivity', () => { return { getIsWatchAppInstalled: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve(false)), subscribeToMessages: jest.fn(), updateApplicationContext: jest.fn(), }; }); jest.mock('react-native-secure-key-store', () => { return {}; }); jest.mock('@react-native-community/push-notification-ios', () => { return {}; }); jest.mock('react-native-permissions', () => require('react-native-permissions/mock')); jest.mock('react-native-device-info', () => { return { getUniqueId: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('uniqueId'), getSystemName: jest.fn(), getDeviceType: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(false), hasGmsSync: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(true), hasHmsSync: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(false), isTablet: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(false), }; }); jest.mock('react-native-quick-actions', () => { return { clearShortcutItems: jest.fn(), setQuickActions: jest.fn(), isSupported: jest.fn(), }; }); jest.mock('react-native-default-preference', () => { return { setName: jest.fn(), set: jest.fn(), }; }); jest.mock('react-native-fs', () => { return { mkdir: jest.fn(), moveFile: jest.fn(), copyFile: jest.fn(), pathForBundle: jest.fn(), pathForGroup: jest.fn(), getFSInfo: jest.fn(), getAllExternalFilesDirs: jest.fn(), unlink: jest.fn(), exists: jest.fn(), stopDownload: jest.fn(), resumeDownload: jest.fn(), isResumable: jest.fn(), stopUpload: jest.fn(), completeHandlerIOS: jest.fn(), readDir: jest.fn(), readDirAssets: jest.fn(), existsAssets: jest.fn(), readdir: jest.fn(), setReadable: jest.fn(), stat: jest.fn(), readFile: jest.fn(), read: jest.fn(), readFileAssets: jest.fn(), hash: jest.fn(), copyFileAssets: jest.fn(), copyFileAssetsIOS: jest.fn(), copyAssetsVideoIOS: jest.fn(), writeFile: jest.fn(), appendFile: jest.fn(), write: jest.fn(), downloadFile: jest.fn(), uploadFiles: jest.fn(), touch: jest.fn(), MainBundlePath: jest.fn(), CachesDirectoryPath: jest.fn(), DocumentDirectoryPath: jest.fn(), ExternalDirectoryPath: jest.fn(), ExternalStorageDirectoryPath: jest.fn(), TemporaryDirectoryPath: jest.fn(), LibraryDirectoryPath: jest.fn(), PicturesDirectoryPath: jest.fn(), }; }); jest.mock('react-native-document-picker', () => ({})); jest.mock('react-native-haptic-feedback', () => ({})); jest.mock('rn-ldk/lib/module', () => ({})); jest.mock('rn-ldk/src/index', () => ({})); const realmInstanceMock = { create: function () {}, delete: function () {}, close: function () {}, write: function (transactionFn) { if (typeof transactionFn === 'function') { // to test if something is not right in Realm transactional database write transactionFn(); } }, objectForPrimaryKey: function () { return {}; }, objects: function () { const wallets = { filtered: function () { return []; }, }; return wallets; }, }; jest.mock('realm', () => { return { UpdateMode: { Modified: 1 }, open: jest.fn(() => realmInstanceMock), }; }); jest.mock('react-native-idle-timer', () => { return { setIdleTimerDisabled: jest.fn(), }; }); jest.mock('react-native-ios-context-menu', () => { return {}; }); jest.mock('react-native-haptic-feedback', () => { return { trigger: jest.fn(), }; }); jest.mock('../blue_modules/analytics', () => { const ret = jest.fn(); ret.ENUM = { CREATED_WALLET: '' }; return ret; }); jest.mock('react-native-share', () => { return { open: jest.fn(), }; }); jest.mock('../components/WidgetCommunication', () => { return { reloadAllTimelines: jest.fn(), }; }); const mockKeychain = { SECURITY_LEVEL_ANY: 'MOCK_SECURITY_LEVEL_ANY', SECURITY_LEVEL_SECURE_SOFTWARE: 'MOCK_SECURITY_LEVEL_SECURE_SOFTWARE', SECURITY_LEVEL_SECURE_HARDWARE: 'MOCK_SECURITY_LEVEL_SECURE_HARDWARE', setGenericPassword: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(), getGenericPassword: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(), resetGenericPassword: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(), }; jest.mock('react-native-keychain', () => mockKeychain); jest.mock('react-native-tcp-socket', () => mockKeychain); jest.mock('../components/TooltipMenu.ios.tsx', () => require('../components/TooltipMenu.tsx')); global.alert = () => {};