import React, { useEffect, useReducer, useState } from 'react'; import { RouteProp, StackActions, useNavigation, useRoute } from '@react-navigation/native'; import { NativeStackNavigationProp } from '@react-navigation/native-stack'; import { Icon } from '@rneui/themed'; import BN from 'bignumber.js'; import { Alert, Dimensions, Image, PixelRatio, ScrollView, StyleSheet, Text, TouchableOpacity, View, useWindowDimensions, } from 'react-native'; import { BlueSpacing20 } from '../../BlueComponents'; import { randomBytes } from '../../class/rng'; import { FButton, FContainer } from '../../components/FloatButtons'; import SafeArea from '../../components/SafeArea'; import { Tabs } from '../../components/Tabs'; import { BlueCurrentTheme, useTheme } from '../../components/themes'; import loc from '../../loc'; import { AddWalletStackParamList } from '../../navigation/AddWalletStack'; type RouteProps = RouteProp<AddWalletStackParamList, 'ProvideEntropy'>; type NavigationProp = NativeStackNavigationProp<AddWalletStackParamList, 'ProvideEntropy'>; export enum EActionType { push = 'push', pop = 'pop', limit = 'limit', noop = 'noop', } type TEntropy = { value: number; bits: number }; type TState = { entropy: BN; bits: number; items: number[]; limit: number }; type TAction = | ({ type: EActionType.push } & TEntropy) | { type: EActionType.pop } | { type: EActionType.limit; limit: number } | { type: EActionType.noop }; type TPush = (v: TEntropy | null) => void; type TPop = () => void; const initialState: TState = { entropy: BN(0), bits: 0, items: [], limit: 256, }; const shiftLeft = (value: BN, places: number) => value.multipliedBy(2 ** places); const shiftRight = (value: BN, places: number) => value.div(2 ** places).dp(0, BN.ROUND_DOWN); export const eReducer = (state: TState = initialState, action: TAction): TState => { switch (action.type) { case EActionType.noop: return state; case EActionType.push: { let value: number | BN = action.value; let bits: number = action.bits; if (value >= 2 ** bits) { throw new TypeError("Can't push value exceeding size in bits"); } if (state.bits === state.limit) return state; if (state.bits + bits > state.limit) { value = shiftRight(BN(value), bits + state.bits - state.limit); bits = state.limit - state.bits; } const entropy = shiftLeft(state.entropy, bits).plus(value); const items = [...state.items, bits]; return { ...state, entropy, bits: state.bits + bits, items }; } case EActionType.pop: { if (state.bits === 0) return state; const bits = state.items.pop()!; const entropy = shiftRight(state.entropy, bits); return { ...state, entropy, bits: state.bits - bits, items: [...state.items] }; } case EActionType.limit: { return { ...state, limit: action.limit }; } default: return state; } }; export const entropyToHex = ({ entropy, bits }: { entropy: BN; bits: number }): string => { if (bits === 0) return '0x'; const hex = entropy.toString(16); const hexSize = Math.floor((bits - 1) / 4) + 1; return '0x' + '0'.repeat(hexSize - hex.length) + hex; }; export const getEntropy = (number: number, base: number): TEntropy | null => { if (base === 1) return null; let maxPow = 1; while (2 ** (maxPow + 1) <= base) { maxPow += 1; } let bits = maxPow; let summ = 0; while (bits >= 1) { const block = 2 ** bits; if (summ + block > base) { bits -= 1; continue; } if (number < summ + block) { return { value: number - summ, bits }; } summ += block; bits -= 1; } return null; }; // cut entropy to bytes, convert to Buffer export const convertToBuffer = ({ entropy, bits }: { entropy: BN; bits: number }): Buffer => { if (bits < 8) return Buffer.from([]); const bytes = Math.floor(bits / 8); // convert to byte array const arr: string[] = []; const ent = entropy.toString(16).split('').reverse(); ent.forEach((v, index) => { if (index % 2 === 1) { arr[0] = v + arr[0]; } else { arr.unshift(v); } }); let arr2 = => parseInt(i, 16)); if (arr.length > bytes) { arr2.shift(); } else if (arr2.length < bytes) { const zeros = [...Array(bytes - arr2.length)].map(() => 0); arr2 = [...zeros, ...arr2]; } return Buffer.from(arr2); }; const Coin = ({ push }: { push: TPush }) => ( <View style={styles.coinRoot}> <TouchableOpacity accessibilityRole="button" onPress={() => push(getEntropy(0, 2))} style={styles.coinBody}> <Image style={styles.coinImage} source={require('../../img/coin1.png')} /> </TouchableOpacity> <TouchableOpacity accessibilityRole="button" onPress={() => push(getEntropy(1, 2))} style={styles.coinBody}> <Image style={styles.coinImage} source={require('../../img/coin2.png')} /> </TouchableOpacity> </View> ); const diceIcon = (i: number): string => { switch (i) { case 1: return 'dice-one'; case 2: return 'dice-two'; case 3: return 'dice-three'; case 4: return 'dice-four'; case 5: return 'dice-five'; default: return 'dice-six'; } }; const Dice = ({ push, sides }: { push: TPush; sides: number }) => { const { width } = useWindowDimensions(); const { colors } = useTheme(); const diceWidth = width / 4; const stylesHook = StyleSheet.create({ dice: { borderColor: colors.buttonBackgroundColor, }, diceText: { color: colors.foregroundColor, }, diceContainer: { backgroundColor: colors.elevated, }, }); return ( <ScrollView contentContainerStyle={[styles.diceContainer, stylesHook.diceContainer]}> {[...Array(sides)].map((_, i) => ( <TouchableOpacity accessibilityRole="button" key={i} onPress={() => push(getEntropy(i, sides))}> <View style={[styles.diceRoot, { width: diceWidth }]}> {sides === 6 ? ( <Icon style={styles.diceIcon} name={diceIcon(i + 1)} size={70} color="grey" type="font-awesome-5" /> ) : ( <View style={[styles.dice, stylesHook.dice]}> <Text style={stylesHook.diceText}>{i + 1}</Text> </View> )} </View> </TouchableOpacity> ))} </ScrollView> ); }; const buttonFontSize = PixelRatio.roundToNearestPixel(Dimensions.get('window').width / 26) > 22 ? 22 : PixelRatio.roundToNearestPixel(Dimensions.get('window').width / 26); const Buttons = ({ pop, save, colors }: { pop: TPop; save: () => void; colors: any }) => ( <FContainer> <FButton onPress={pop} text={loc.entropy.undo} icon={ <View style={styles.buttonsIcon}> <Icon name="undo" size={buttonFontSize} type="font-awesome" color={colors.buttonAlternativeTextColor} /> </View> } /> <FButton onPress={save} text={} icon={ <View style={styles.buttonsIcon}> <Icon name="arrow-down" size={buttonFontSize} type="font-awesome" color={colors.buttonAlternativeTextColor} /> </View> } /> </FContainer> ); const TollTab = ({ active }: { active: boolean }) => { const { colors } = useTheme(); return <Icon name="toll" type="material" color={active ? colors.buttonAlternativeTextColor : colors.buttonBackgroundColor} />; }; const D6Tab = ({ active }: { active: boolean }) => { const { colors } = useTheme(); return <Icon name="dice" type="font-awesome-5" color={active ? colors.buttonAlternativeTextColor : colors.buttonBackgroundColor} />; }; const D20Tab = ({ active }: { active: boolean }) => { const { colors } = useTheme(); return <Icon name="dice-d20" type="font-awesome-5" color={active ? colors.buttonAlternativeTextColor : colors.buttonBackgroundColor} />; }; const ProvideEntropy = () => { const [entropy, dispatch] = useReducer(eReducer, initialState); const { words } = useRoute<RouteProps>().params; const navigation = useNavigation<NavigationProp>(); const [tab, setTab] = useState(1); const [show, setShow] = useState(false); const { colors } = useTheme(); const stylesHook = StyleSheet.create({ entropy: { backgroundColor: colors.inputBackgroundColor, }, entropyText: { color: colors.foregroundColor, }, }); useEffect(() => { dispatch({ type: EActionType.limit, limit: words === 24 ? 256 : 128 }); }, [dispatch, words]); const handlePush: TPush = v => { if (v === null) { dispatch({ type: EActionType.noop }); } else { dispatch({ type: EActionType.push, value: v.value, bits: v.bits }); } }; const handlePop: TPop = () => { dispatch({ type: EActionType.pop }); }; const handleSave = async () => { let buf = convertToBuffer(entropy); const bufLength = words === 24 ? 32 : 16; const remaining = bufLength - buf.length; let entropyTitle = ''; if (buf.length < bufLength) { entropyTitle = loc.formatString(loc.wallets.add_entropy_remain, { gen: buf.length, rem: remaining, }); } else { entropyTitle = loc.formatString(loc.wallets.add_entropy_generated, { gen: buf.length, }); } Alert.alert( loc.wallets.add_entropy, entropyTitle, [ { text: loc._.cancel, onPress: () => {}, style: 'cancel', }, { text: loc._.ok, onPress: async () => { if (remaining > 0) { const random = await randomBytes(remaining); buf = Buffer.concat([buf, random], bufLength); } /* Convert Buffer to hex string before navigating as React Navigation does not support passing Buffer objects between screens */ const popTo = StackActions.popTo('AddWallet', { entropy: buf.toString('hex'), words }, true); navigation.dispatch(popTo); }, style: 'default', }, ], { cancelable: true }, ); }; const hex = entropyToHex(entropy); let bits = entropy.bits.toString(); bits = ' '.repeat(bits.length < 3 ? 3 - bits.length : 0) + bits; return ( <SafeArea> <BlueSpacing20 /> <TouchableOpacity accessibilityRole="button" onPress={() => setShow(!show)}> <View style={[styles.entropy, stylesHook.entropy]}> <Text style={[styles.entropyText, stylesHook.entropyText]}> {show ? hex : loc.formatString(loc.entropy.amountOfEntropy, { bits, limit: entropy.limit })} </Text> </View> </TouchableOpacity> <Tabs active={tab} onSwitch={setTab} tabs={[TollTab, D6Tab, D20Tab]} /> {tab === 0 && <Coin push={handlePush} />} {tab === 1 && <Dice sides={6} push={handlePush} />} {tab === 2 && <Dice sides={20} push={handlePush} />} <Buttons pop={handlePop} save={handleSave} colors={colors} /> </SafeArea> ); }; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ entropy: { padding: 5, marginLeft: 10, marginRight: 10, borderRadius: 9, minHeight: 49, paddingHorizontal: 8, justifyContent: 'center', flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', }, entropyText: { fontSize: 15, fontFamily: 'Courier', }, coinRoot: { flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', flexDirection: 'row', flexWrap: 'wrap', }, coinBody: { flex: 0.33, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', aspectRatio: 1, borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 5, borderColor: BlueCurrentTheme.colors.lightButton, margin: 10, padding: 10, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100, }, coinImage: { aspectRatio: 1, width: '100%', height: '100%', borderRadius: 75, }, diceContainer: { alignItems: 'flex-start', flexDirection: 'row', flexWrap: 'wrap', justifyContent: 'center', paddingBottom: 100, }, diceRoot: { aspectRatio: 1, maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100, }, dice: { margin: 3, borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 5, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', aspectRatio: 1, borderColor: BlueCurrentTheme.colors.buttonBackgroundColor, }, diceIcon: { margin: 3, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', aspectRatio: 1, color: 'grey', }, buttonsIcon: { backgroundColor: 'transparent', transform: [{ rotate: '-45deg' }], alignItems: 'center', }, }); export default ProvideEntropy;