/* global alert */ import { AppStorage, SegwitP2SHWallet, LegacyWallet, WatchOnlyWallet, HDLegacyBreadwalletWallet, HDSegwitP2SHWallet, HDLegacyP2PKHWallet, HDSegwitBech32Wallet, LightningCustodianWallet, PlaceholderWallet, SegwitBech32Wallet, HDLegacyElectrumSeedP2PKHWallet, HDSegwitElectrumSeedP2WPKHWallet, MultisigHDWallet, } from '.'; import ReactNativeHapticFeedback from 'react-native-haptic-feedback'; import loc from '../loc'; const EV = require('../blue_modules/events'); const A = require('../blue_modules/analytics'); const BlueApp: AppStorage = require('../BlueApp'); const bip38 = require('../blue_modules/bip38'); const wif = require('wif'); const prompt = require('../blue_modules/prompt'); const notifications = require('../blue_modules/notifications'); export default class WalletImport { /** * * @param w {AbstractWallet} * @param additionalProperties key-values passed from outside. Used only to set up `masterFingerprint` property for watch-only wallet * @returns {Promise} * @private */ static async _saveWallet(w, additionalProperties) { try { const wallet = BlueApp.getWallets().some( wallet => (wallet.getSecret() === w.secret || wallet.getID() === w.getID()) && wallet.type !== PlaceholderWallet.type, ); if (wallet) { alert('This wallet has been previously imported.'); WalletImport.removePlaceholderWallet(); } else { const emptyWalletLabel = new LegacyWallet().getLabel(); ReactNativeHapticFeedback.trigger('notificationSuccess', { ignoreAndroidSystemSettings: false }); if (w.getLabel() === emptyWalletLabel) w.setLabel(loc.wallets.import_imported + ' ' + w.typeReadable); w.setUserHasSavedExport(true); if (additionalProperties) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(additionalProperties)) { w[key] = value; } } WalletImport.removePlaceholderWallet(); BlueApp.wallets.push(w); await BlueApp.saveToDisk(); A(A.ENUM.CREATED_WALLET); alert(loc.wallets.import_success); notifications.majorTomToGroundControl(w.getAllExternalAddresses(), [], []); } EV(EV.enum.WALLETS_COUNT_CHANGED); } catch (e) { alert(e); console.log(e); WalletImport.removePlaceholderWallet(); EV(EV.enum.WALLETS_COUNT_CHANGED); } } static removePlaceholderWallet() { const placeholderWalletIndex = BlueApp.wallets.findIndex(wallet => wallet.type === PlaceholderWallet.type); if (placeholderWalletIndex > -1) { BlueApp.wallets.splice(placeholderWalletIndex, 1); } } static addPlaceholderWallet(importText, isFailure = false) { const wallet = new PlaceholderWallet(); wallet.setSecret(importText); wallet.setIsFailure(isFailure); BlueApp.wallets.push(wallet); EV(EV.enum.WALLETS_COUNT_CHANGED); return wallet; } static isCurrentlyImportingWallet() { return BlueApp.getWallets().some(wallet => wallet.type === PlaceholderWallet.type); } /** * * @param importText * @param additionalProperties key-values passed from outside. Used only to set up `masterFingerprint` property for watch-only wallet * @returns {Promise} */ static async processImportText(importText, additionalProperties) { if (WalletImport.isCurrentlyImportingWallet()) { return; } const placeholderWallet = WalletImport.addPlaceholderWallet(importText); // Plan: // -2. check if BIP38 encrypted // -1a. check if multisig // -1. check lightning custodian // 0. check if its HDSegwitBech32Wallet (BIP84) // 1. check if its HDSegwitP2SHWallet (BIP49) // 2. check if its HDLegacyP2PKHWallet (BIP44) // 3. check if its HDLegacyBreadwalletWallet (no BIP, just "m/0") // 3.1 check HD Electrum legacy // 4. check if its Segwit WIF (P2SH) // 5. check if its Legacy WIF // 6. check if its address (watch-only wallet) // 7. check if its private key (segwit address P2SH) TODO // 7. check if its private key (legacy address) TODO try { if (importText.startsWith('6P')) { let password = false; do { password = await prompt('This looks like password-protected private key (BIP38)', 'Enter password to decrypt', false); } while (!password); const decryptedKey = await bip38.decrypt(importText, password, status => { console.warn(status.percent + '%'); }); if (decryptedKey) { importText = wif.encode(0x80, decryptedKey.privateKey, decryptedKey.compressed); } } // is it multisig? try { const ms = new MultisigHDWallet(); ms.setSecret(importText); if (ms.getN() > 0 && ms.getM() > 0) { await ms.fetchBalance(); return WalletImport._saveWallet(ms); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } // is it lightning custodian? if (importText.indexOf('blitzhub://') !== -1 || importText.indexOf('lndhub://') !== -1) { const lnd = new LightningCustodianWallet(); if (importText.includes('@')) { const split = importText.split('@'); lnd.setBaseURI(split[1]); lnd.setSecret(split[0]); } else { lnd.setBaseURI(LightningCustodianWallet.defaultBaseUri); lnd.setSecret(importText); } lnd.init(); await lnd.authorize(); await lnd.fetchTransactions(); await lnd.fetchUserInvoices(); await lnd.fetchPendingTransactions(); await lnd.fetchBalance(); return WalletImport._saveWallet(lnd); } // trying other wallet types const hd4 = new HDSegwitBech32Wallet(); hd4.setSecret(importText); if (hd4.validateMnemonic()) { await hd4.fetchBalance(); if (hd4.getBalance() > 0) { // await hd4.fetchTransactions(); // experiment: dont fetch tx now. it will import faster. user can refresh his wallet later return WalletImport._saveWallet(hd4); } } const segwitWallet = new SegwitP2SHWallet(); segwitWallet.setSecret(importText); if (segwitWallet.getAddress()) { // ok its a valid WIF const legacyWallet = new LegacyWallet(); legacyWallet.setSecret(importText); const segwitBech32Wallet = new SegwitBech32Wallet(); segwitBech32Wallet.setSecret(importText); await legacyWallet.fetchBalance(); await segwitBech32Wallet.fetchBalance(); if (legacyWallet.getBalance() > 0) { // yep, its legacy we're importing await legacyWallet.fetchTransactions(); return WalletImport._saveWallet(legacyWallet); } else if (segwitBech32Wallet.getBalance() > 0) { // yep, its single-address bech32 wallet await segwitBech32Wallet.fetchTransactions(); return WalletImport._saveWallet(segwitBech32Wallet); } else { // by default, we import wif as Segwit P2SH await segwitWallet.fetchBalance(); await segwitWallet.fetchTransactions(); return WalletImport._saveWallet(segwitWallet); } } // case - WIF is valid, just has uncompressed pubkey const legacyWallet = new LegacyWallet(); legacyWallet.setSecret(importText); if (legacyWallet.getAddress()) { await legacyWallet.fetchBalance(); await legacyWallet.fetchTransactions(); return WalletImport._saveWallet(legacyWallet); } // if we're here - nope, its not a valid WIF const hd1 = new HDLegacyBreadwalletWallet(); hd1.setSecret(importText); if (hd1.validateMnemonic()) { await hd1.fetchBalance(); if (hd1.getBalance() > 0) { // await hd1.fetchTransactions(); // experiment: dont fetch tx now. it will import faster. user can refresh his wallet later return WalletImport._saveWallet(hd1); } } try { const hdElectrumSeedLegacy = new HDSegwitElectrumSeedP2WPKHWallet(); hdElectrumSeedLegacy.setSecret(importText); if (await hdElectrumSeedLegacy.wasEverUsed()) { // not fetching txs or balances, fuck it, yolo, life is too short return WalletImport._saveWallet(hdElectrumSeedLegacy); } } catch (_) {} try { const hdElectrumSeedLegacy = new HDLegacyElectrumSeedP2PKHWallet(); hdElectrumSeedLegacy.setSecret(importText); if (await hdElectrumSeedLegacy.wasEverUsed()) { // not fetching txs or balances, fuck it, yolo, life is too short return WalletImport._saveWallet(hdElectrumSeedLegacy); } } catch (_) {} const hd2 = new HDSegwitP2SHWallet(); hd2.setSecret(importText); if (hd2.validateMnemonic()) { await hd2.fetchBalance(); if (hd2.getBalance() > 0) { // await hd2.fetchTransactions(); // experiment: dont fetch tx now. it will import faster. user can refresh his wallet later return WalletImport._saveWallet(hd2); } } const hd3 = new HDLegacyP2PKHWallet(); hd3.setSecret(importText); if (hd3.validateMnemonic()) { await hd3.fetchBalance(); if (hd3.getBalance() > 0) { // await hd3.fetchTransactions(); // experiment: dont fetch tx now. it will import faster. user can refresh his wallet later return WalletImport._saveWallet(hd3); } } // no balances? how about transactions count? if (hd1.validateMnemonic()) { await hd1.fetchTransactions(); if (hd1.getTransactions().length !== 0) { return WalletImport._saveWallet(hd1); } } if (hd2.validateMnemonic()) { await hd2.fetchTransactions(); if (hd2.getTransactions().length !== 0) { return WalletImport._saveWallet(hd2); } } if (hd3.validateMnemonic()) { await hd3.fetchTransactions(); if (hd3.getTransactions().length !== 0) { return WalletImport._saveWallet(hd3); } } if (hd4.validateMnemonic()) { await hd4.fetchTransactions(); if (hd4.getTransactions().length !== 0) { return WalletImport._saveWallet(hd4); } } // is it even valid? if yes we will import as: if (hd4.validateMnemonic()) { return WalletImport._saveWallet(hd4); } // not valid? maybe its a watch-only address? const watchOnly = new WatchOnlyWallet(); watchOnly.setSecret(importText); if (watchOnly.valid()) { // await watchOnly.fetchTransactions(); // experiment: dont fetch tx now. it will import faster. user can refresh his wallet later await watchOnly.fetchBalance(); return WalletImport._saveWallet(watchOnly, additionalProperties); } // nope? // TODO: try a raw private key } catch (Err) { WalletImport.removePlaceholderWallet(placeholderWallet); EV(EV.enum.WALLETS_COUNT_CHANGED); console.warn(Err); } WalletImport.removePlaceholderWallet(); WalletImport.addPlaceholderWallet(importText, true); ReactNativeHapticFeedback.trigger('notificationError', { ignoreAndroidSystemSettings: false }); EV(EV.enum.WALLETS_COUNT_CHANGED); alert(loc.wallets.import_error); } }