/* global alert */ import FingerprintScanner from 'react-native-fingerprint-scanner'; import { Platform, Alert } from 'react-native'; import PasscodeAuth from 'react-native-passcode-auth'; import * as NavigationService from '../NavigationService'; import { StackActions, CommonActions } from '@react-navigation/native'; import RNSecureKeyStore from 'react-native-secure-key-store'; import loc from '../loc'; const BlueApp = require('../BlueApp'); export default class Biometric { static STORAGEKEY = 'Biometrics'; static FaceID = 'Face ID'; static TouchID = 'Touch ID'; static Biometrics = 'Biometrics'; static async isDeviceBiometricCapable() { try { const isDeviceBiometricCapable = await FingerprintScanner.isSensorAvailable(); if (isDeviceBiometricCapable) { return true; } } catch { Biometric.setBiometricUseEnabled(false); return false; } } static async biometricType() { try { const isSensorAvailable = await FingerprintScanner.isSensorAvailable(); return isSensorAvailable; } catch (e) { console.log(e); } return false; } static async isBiometricUseEnabled() { try { const enabledBiometrics = await BlueApp.getItem(Biometric.STORAGEKEY); return !!enabledBiometrics; } catch (_e) { await BlueApp.setItem(Biometric.STORAGEKEY, ''); return false; } } static async isBiometricUseCapableAndEnabled() { const isBiometricUseEnabled = await Biometric.isBiometricUseEnabled(); const isDeviceBiometricCapable = await Biometric.isDeviceBiometricCapable(); return isBiometricUseEnabled && isDeviceBiometricCapable; } static async setBiometricUseEnabled(value) { await BlueApp.setItem(Biometric.STORAGEKEY, value === true ? '1' : ''); } static async unlockWithBiometrics() { const isDeviceBiometricCapable = await Biometric.isDeviceBiometricCapable(); if (isDeviceBiometricCapable) { return new Promise(resolve => { FingerprintScanner.authenticate({ description: 'Please confirm your identity.', fallbackEnabled: true }) .then(() => resolve(true)) .catch(() => resolve(false)) .finally(() => FingerprintScanner.release()); }); } return false; } static async clearKeychain() { await RNSecureKeyStore.remove('data'); await RNSecureKeyStore.remove('data_encrypted'); await RNSecureKeyStore.remove(Biometric.STORAGEKEY); await BlueApp.setResetOnAppUninstallTo(true); NavigationService.dispatch(StackActions.replace('WalletsRoot')); } static async requestDevicePasscode() { let isDevicePasscodeSupported = false; try { isDevicePasscodeSupported = await PasscodeAuth.isSupported(); if (isDevicePasscodeSupported) { const isAuthenticated = await PasscodeAuth.authenticate(); if (isAuthenticated) { Alert.alert( 'Storage', `All your wallets will be removed and your storage will be decrypted. Are you sure you want to proceed?`, [ { text: loc._.cancel, style: 'cancel' }, { text: loc._.ok, onPress: () => Biometric.clearKeychain(), }, ], { cancelable: false }, ); } } } catch { isDevicePasscodeSupported = undefined; } if (isDevicePasscodeSupported === false) { alert('Your device does not have a passcode. In order to proceed, please configure a passcode in the Settings app.'); } } static showKeychainWipeAlert() { if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { Alert.alert( 'Storage', `You have attempted to enter your password 10 times. Would you like to reset your storage? This will remove all wallets and decrypt your storage.`, [ { text: loc._.cancel, onPress: () => { NavigationService.dispatch( CommonActions.setParams({ index: 0, routes: [{ name: 'UnlockWithScreenRoot' }, { params: { unlockOnComponentMount: false } }], }), ); }, style: 'cancel', }, { text: loc._.ok, onPress: () => Biometric.requestDevicePasscode(), style: 'default', }, ], { cancelable: false }, ); } } }