import { AbstractHDElectrumWallet } from './abstract-hd-electrum-wallet'; import bip39 from 'bip39'; import b58 from 'bs58check'; import { decodeUR } from 'bc-ur'; const BlueElectrum = require('../../blue_modules/BlueElectrum'); const coinSelectAccumulative = require('coinselect/accumulative'); const coinSelectSplit = require('coinselect/split'); const HDNode = require('bip32'); const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib'); const createHash = require('create-hash'); const reverse = require('buffer-reverse'); export class MultisigHDWallet extends AbstractHDElectrumWallet { static type = 'HDmultisig'; static typeReadable = 'Multisig Vault'; constructor() { super(); this._m = 0; // minimum required signatures so spend (m out of n) this._cosigners = []; // array of xpubs or mnemonic seeds this._cosignersFingerprints = []; // array of according fingerprints (if any provided) this._cosignersCustomPaths = []; // array of according paths (if any provided) this._derivationPath = ''; this._isNativeSegwit = false; this._isWrappedSegwit = false; this._isLegacy = false; this.gap_limit = 10; } isLegacy() { return this._isLegacy; } isNativeSegwit() { return this._isNativeSegwit; } isWrappedSegwit() { return this._isWrappedSegwit; } setWrappedSegwit() { this._isWrappedSegwit = true; } setNativeSegwit() { this._isNativeSegwit = true; } setLegacy() { this._isLegacy = true; } setM(m) { this._m = m; } /** * @returns {number} How many minumim signatures required to authorize a spend */ getM() { return this._m; } /** * @returns {number} Total count of cosigners */ getN() { return this._cosigners.length; } setDerivationPath(path) { this._derivationPath = path; switch (this._derivationPath) { case "m/48'/0'/0'/2'": this._isNativeSegwit = true; break; case "m/48'/0'/0'/1'": this._isWrappedSegwit = true; break; case "m/45'": this._isLegacy = true; break; case "m/44'": this._isLegacy = true; break; } } getDerivationPath() { return this._derivationPath; } getCustomDerivationPathForCosigner(index) { if (index === 0) throw new Error('cosigners indexation starts from 1'); return this._cosignersCustomPaths[index - 1] || this.getDerivationPath(); } getCosigner(index) { if (index === 0) throw new Error('cosigners indexation starts from 1'); return this._cosigners[index - 1]; } getFingerprint(index) { if (index === 0) throw new Error('cosigners fingerprints indexation starts from 1'); return this._cosignersFingerprints[index - 1]; } getCosignerForFingerprint(fp) { const index = this._cosignersFingerprints.indexOf(fp); return this._cosigners[index]; } static isXpubValid(key) { let xpub; try { xpub = super._zpubToXpub(key); HDNode.fromBase58(xpub); return true; } catch (_) {} return false; } /** * * @param key {string} Either xpub or mnemonic phrase * @param fingerprint {string} Fingerprint for cosigner that is added as xpub * @param path {string} Custom path (if any) for cosigner that is added as mnemonics */ addCosigner(key, fingerprint, path) { if (MultisigHDWallet.isXpubString(key) && !fingerprint) { throw new Error('fingerprint is required when adding cosigner as xpub (watch-only)'); } if (path && !this.constructor.isPathValid(path)) { throw new Error('path is not valid'); } if (!MultisigHDWallet.isXpubString(key)) { // mnemonics. lets derive fingerprint if (!bip39.validateMnemonic(key)) throw new Error('Not a valid mnemonic phrase'); fingerprint = MultisigHDWallet.seedToFingerprint(key); } else { if (!MultisigHDWallet.isXpubValid(key)) throw new Error('Not a valid xpub: ' + key); } const index = this._cosigners.length; this._cosigners[index] = key; if (fingerprint) this._cosignersFingerprints[index] = fingerprint.toUpperCase(); if (path) this._cosignersCustomPaths[index] = path; } /** * Stored cosigner can be EITHER xpub (or Zpub or smth), OR mnemonic phrase. This method converts it to xpub * * @param cosigner {string} Zpub (or similar) or mnemonic seed * @returns {string} xpub * @private */ _getXpubFromCosigner(cosigner) { let xpub = cosigner; if (!MultisigHDWallet.isXpubString(cosigner)) { const index = this._cosigners.indexOf(cosigner); xpub = MultisigHDWallet.seedToXpub(cosigner, this._cosignersCustomPaths[index] || this._derivationPath); } return this.constructor._zpubToXpub(xpub); } _getExternalAddressByIndex(index) { if (!this._m) throw new Error('m is not set'); index = +index; if (this.external_addresses_cache[index]) return this.external_addresses_cache[index]; // cache hit const address = this._getAddressFromNode(0, index); this.external_addresses_cache[index] = address; return address; } _getAddressFromNode(nodeIndex, index) { const pubkeys = []; let cosignerIndex = 0; for (const cosigner of this._cosigners) { this._nodes = this._nodes || []; this._nodes[nodeIndex] = this._nodes[nodeIndex] || []; let _node; if (!this._nodes[nodeIndex][cosignerIndex]) { const xpub = this._getXpubFromCosigner(cosigner); const hdNode = HDNode.fromBase58(xpub); _node = hdNode.derive(nodeIndex); } else { _node = this._nodes[nodeIndex][cosignerIndex]; } pubkeys.push(_node.derive(index).publicKey); cosignerIndex++; } if (this.isWrappedSegwit()) { const { address } = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ redeem: bitcoin.payments.p2wsh({ redeem: bitcoin.payments.p2ms({ m: this._m, pubkeys: MultisigHDWallet.sortBuffers(pubkeys) }), }), }); return address; } else if (this.isNativeSegwit()) { const { address } = bitcoin.payments.p2wsh({ redeem: bitcoin.payments.p2ms({ m: this._m, pubkeys: MultisigHDWallet.sortBuffers(pubkeys) }), }); return address; } else if (this.isLegacy()) { const { address } = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ redeem: bitcoin.payments.p2ms({ m: this._m, pubkeys: MultisigHDWallet.sortBuffers(pubkeys) }), }); return address; } else { throw new Error('Dont know how to make address'); } } _getInternalAddressByIndex(index) { if (!this._m) throw new Error('m is not set'); index = +index; if (this.internal_addresses_cache[index]) return this.internal_addresses_cache[index]; // cache hit const address = this._getAddressFromNode(1, index); this.internal_addresses_cache[index] = address; return address; } static seedToXpub(mnemonic, path) { const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic); const root = bitcoin.bip32.fromSeed(seed); const child = root.derivePath(path).neutered(); this._xpub = child.toBase58(); return this._xpub; } /** * @param mnemonic {string} Mnemonic seed phrase * @returns {string} Hex string of fingerprint derived from mnemonics. Always has lenght of 8 chars and correct leading zeroes */ static seedToFingerprint(mnemonic) { const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic); const root = bitcoin.bip32.fromSeed(seed); let hex = root.fingerprint.toString('hex'); while (hex.length < 8) hex = '0' + hex; // leading zeroes return hex.toUpperCase(); } /** * Returns xpub with correct prefix accodting to this objects set derivation path, for example 'Zpub' (with * capital Z) for bech32 multisig * @see * * @param xpub {string} Any kind of xpub, including zpub etc since we are only swapping the prefix bytes * @returns {string} */ convertXpubToMultisignatureXpub(xpub) { let data = b58.decode(xpub); data = data.slice(4); if (this.isNativeSegwit()) { return b58.encode(Buffer.concat([Buffer.from('02aa7ed3', 'hex'), data])); } else if (this.isWrappedSegwit()) { return b58.encode(Buffer.concat([Buffer.from('0295b43f', 'hex'), data])); } return xpub; } static isXpubString(xpub) { return ['xpub', 'ypub', 'zpub', 'Ypub', 'Zpub'].includes(xpub.substring(0, 4)); } /** * Converts fingerprint that is stored as a deciman number to hex string (all caps) * * @param xfp {number} For example 64392470 * @returns {string} For example 168DD603 */ static ckccXfp2fingerprint(xfp) { let masterFingerprintHex = Number(xfp).toString(16); while (masterFingerprintHex.length < 8) masterFingerprintHex = '0' + masterFingerprintHex; // conversion without explicit zero might result in lost byte // poor man's little-endian conversion: // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ return ( masterFingerprintHex[6] + masterFingerprintHex[7] + masterFingerprintHex[4] + masterFingerprintHex[5] + masterFingerprintHex[2] + masterFingerprintHex[3] + masterFingerprintHex[0] + masterFingerprintHex[1] ).toUpperCase(); } getXpub() { return this.getSecret(true); } getSecret(coordinationSetup = false) { let ret = '# BlueWallet Multisig setup file\n'; if (coordinationSetup) ret += '# this file contains only public keys and is safe to\n# distribute among cosigners\n'; if (!coordinationSetup) ret += '# this file may contain private information\n'; ret += '#\n'; ret += 'Name: ' + this.getLabel() + '\n'; ret += 'Policy: ' + this.getM() + ' of ' + this.getN() + '\n'; let hasCustomPaths = 0; for (let index = 0; index < this.getN(); index++) { if (this._cosignersCustomPaths[index]) hasCustomPaths++; } let printedGlobalDerivation = false; if (hasCustomPaths !== this.getN()) { printedGlobalDerivation = true; ret += 'Derivation: ' + this.getDerivationPath() + '\n'; } if (this.isNativeSegwit()) { ret += 'Format: P2WSH\n'; } else if (this.isWrappedSegwit()) { ret += 'Format: P2WSH-P2SH\n'; } else if (this.isLegacy()) { ret += 'Format: P2SH\n'; } else { ret += 'Format: unknown\n'; } ret += '\n'; for (let index = 0; index < this.getN(); index++) { if ( this._cosignersCustomPaths[index] && ((printedGlobalDerivation && this._cosignersCustomPaths[index] !== this.getDerivationPath()) || !printedGlobalDerivation) ) { ret += '# derivation: ' + this._cosignersCustomPaths[index] + '\n'; // if we printed global derivation and this cosigned _has_ derivation and its different from global - we print it ; // or we print it if cosigner _has_ some derivation set and we did not print global } if (this.constructor.isXpubString(this._cosigners[index])) { ret += this._cosignersFingerprints[index] + ': ' + this._cosigners[index] + '\n'; } else { if (coordinationSetup) { const xpub = this.convertXpubToMultisignatureXpub( MultisigHDWallet.seedToXpub(this._cosigners[index], this._cosignersCustomPaths[index] || this._derivationPath), ); const fingerprint = MultisigHDWallet.seedToFingerprint(this._cosigners[index]); ret += fingerprint + ': ' + xpub + '\n'; } else { ret += 'seed: ' + this._cosigners[index] + '\n'; ret += '# warning! sensitive information, do not disclose ^^^ \n'; } } ret += '\n'; } return ret; } setSecret(secret) { if (secret.toUpperCase().startsWith('UR:BYTES')) { const decoded = decodeUR([secret]); const b = Buffer.from(decoded, 'hex'); secret = b.toString(); } // is it Coldcard json file? let json; try { json = JSON.parse(secret); } catch (_) {} if (json && json.xfp && json.p2wsh_deriv && json.p2wsh) { this.addCosigner(json.p2wsh, json.xfp); // technically we dont need deriv (json.p2wsh_deriv), since cosigner is already an xpub return; } // is it electrum json? if (json && json.wallet_type) { const mofn = json.wallet_type.split('of'); this.setM(parseInt(mofn[0].trim())); const n = parseInt(mofn[1].trim()); for (let c = 1; c <= n; c++) { const cosignerData = json['x' + c + '/']; if (cosignerData) { const fingerprint = (cosignerData.ckcc_xfp ? MultisigHDWallet.ckccXfp2fingerprint(cosignerData.ckcc_xfp) : cosignerData.root_fingerprint?.toUpperCase()) || '00000000'; if (cosignerData.seed) { // TODO: support electrum's bip32 } this.addCosigner(cosignerData.xpub, fingerprint, cosignerData.derivation); } } if (this.getCosigner(1).startsWith('Zpub')) this.setNativeSegwit(); if (this.getCosigner(1).startsWith('Ypub')) this.setWrappedSegwit(); if (this.getCosigner(1).startsWith('xpub')) this.setLegacy(); } // coldcard & cobo txt format: let customPathForCurrentCosigner = false; for (const line of secret.split('\n')) { const [key, value] = line.split(':'); switch (key) { case 'Name': this.setLabel(value.trim()); break; case 'Policy': this.setM(parseInt(value.trim().split('of')[0].trim())); break; case 'Derivation': this.setDerivationPath(value.trim()); break; case 'Format': switch (value.trim()) { case 'P2WSH': this.setNativeSegwit(); break; case 'P2WSH-P2SH': this.setWrappedSegwit(); break; case 'P2SH': this.setLegacy(); break; } break; default: if (key && value && MultisigHDWallet.isXpubString(value.trim())) { this.addCosigner(value.trim(), key, customPathForCurrentCosigner); } else if (key.replace('#', '').trim() === 'derivation') { customPathForCurrentCosigner = value.trim(); } else if (key === 'seed') { this.addCosigner(value.trim(), false, customPathForCurrentCosigner); } break; } } if (!this.getLabel()) this.setLabel('Multisig vault'); } _getDerivationPathByAddressWithCustomPath(address, customPathPrefix) { const path = customPathPrefix || this._derivationPath; for (let c = 0; c < this.next_free_address_index + this.gap_limit; c++) { if (this._getExternalAddressByIndex(c) === address) return path + '/0/' + c; } for (let c = 0; c < this.next_free_change_address_index + this.gap_limit; c++) { if (this._getInternalAddressByIndex(c) === address) return path + '/1/' + c; } return false; } _getWifForAddress(address) { return false; } _getPubkeyByAddress(address) { throw new Error('Not applicable in multisig'); } _getDerivationPathByAddress(address) { throw new Error('Not applicable in multisig'); } _addPsbtInput(psbt, input, sequence, masterFingerprintBuffer) { const bip32Derivation = []; // array per each pubkey thats gona be used const pubkeys = []; for (let c = 0; c < this._cosigners.length; c++) { const cosigner = this._cosigners[c]; const path = this._getDerivationPathByAddressWithCustomPath(input.address, this._cosignersCustomPaths[c] || this._derivationPath); // ^^ path resembles _custom path_, if provided by user during setup, otherwise default path for wallet type gona be used const masterFingerprint = Buffer.from(this._cosignersFingerprints[c], 'hex'); const xpub = this._getXpubFromCosigner(cosigner); const hdNode0 = HDNode.fromBase58(xpub); const splt = path.split('/'); const internal = +splt[splt.length - 2]; const index = +splt[splt.length - 1]; const _node0 = hdNode0.derive(internal); const pubkey = _node0.derive(index).publicKey; pubkeys.push(pubkey); bip32Derivation.push({ masterFingerprint, path, pubkey, }); } if (this.isNativeSegwit()) { const p2wsh = bitcoin.payments.p2wsh({ redeem: bitcoin.payments.p2ms({ m: this._m, pubkeys: MultisigHDWallet.sortBuffers(pubkeys) }), }); const witnessScript = p2wsh.redeem.output; psbt.addInput({ hash: input.txId, index: input.vout, sequence, bip32Derivation, witnessUtxo: { script: p2wsh.output, value: input.value, }, witnessScript, // hw wallets now require passing the whole previous tx as Buffer, as if it was non-segwit input, to mitigate // some hw wallets attack vector nonWitnessUtxo: Buffer.from(input.txhex, 'hex'), }); } else if (this.isWrappedSegwit()) { const p2shP2wsh = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ redeem: bitcoin.payments.p2wsh({ redeem: bitcoin.payments.p2ms({ m: this._m, pubkeys: MultisigHDWallet.sortBuffers(pubkeys) }), }), }); const witnessScript = p2shP2wsh.redeem.redeem.output; const redeemScript = p2shP2wsh.redeem.output; psbt.addInput({ hash: input.txId, index: input.vout, sequence, bip32Derivation, witnessUtxo: { script: p2shP2wsh.output, value: input.value, }, witnessScript, redeemScript, // hw wallets now require passing the whole previous tx as Buffer, as if it was non-segwit input, to mitigate // some hw wallets attack vector nonWitnessUtxo: Buffer.from(input.txhex, 'hex'), }); } else if (this.isLegacy()) { const p2sh = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ redeem: bitcoin.payments.p2ms({ m: this._m, pubkeys: MultisigHDWallet.sortBuffers(pubkeys) }), }); const redeemScript = p2sh.redeem.output; psbt.addInput({ hash: input.txId, index: input.vout, sequence, bip32Derivation, redeemScript, nonWitnessUtxo: Buffer.from(input.txhex, 'hex'), }); } else { throw new Error('Dont know how to add input'); } return psbt; } _getOutputDataForChange(outputData) { const bip32Derivation = []; // array per each pubkey thats gona be used const pubkeys = []; for (let c = 0; c < this._cosigners.length; c++) { const cosigner = this._cosigners[c]; const path = this._getDerivationPathByAddressWithCustomPath( outputData.address, this._cosignersCustomPaths[c] || this._derivationPath, ); // ^^ path resembles _custom path_, if provided by user during setup, otherwise default path for wallet type gona be used const masterFingerprint = Buffer.from(this._cosignersFingerprints[c], 'hex'); const xpub = this._getXpubFromCosigner(cosigner); const hdNode0 = HDNode.fromBase58(xpub); const splt = path.split('/'); const internal = +splt[splt.length - 2]; const index = +splt[splt.length - 1]; const _node0 = hdNode0.derive(internal); const pubkey = _node0.derive(index).publicKey; pubkeys.push(pubkey); bip32Derivation.push({ masterFingerprint, path, pubkey, }); } outputData.bip32Derivation = bip32Derivation; if (this.isLegacy()) { const p2sh = bitcoin.payments.p2ms({ m: this._m, pubkeys: MultisigHDWallet.sortBuffers(pubkeys) }); outputData.redeemScript = p2sh.output; } else if (this.isWrappedSegwit()) { const p2shP2wsh = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ redeem: bitcoin.payments.p2wsh({ redeem: bitcoin.payments.p2ms({ m: this._m, pubkeys: MultisigHDWallet.sortBuffers(pubkeys) }), }), }); outputData.witnessScript = p2shP2wsh.redeem.redeem.output; outputData.redeemScript = p2shP2wsh.redeem.output; } else if (this.isNativeSegwit()) { // not needed by coldcard, apparently..? const p2wsh = bitcoin.payments.p2wsh({ redeem: bitcoin.payments.p2ms({ m: this._m, pubkeys: MultisigHDWallet.sortBuffers(pubkeys) }), }); outputData.witnessScript = p2wsh.redeem.output; } else { throw new Error('dont know how to add change output'); } return outputData; } howManySignaturesCanWeMake() { let howManyPrivKeysWeGot = 0; for (const cosigner of this._cosigners) { if (!MultisigHDWallet.isXpubString(cosigner)) howManyPrivKeysWeGot++; } return howManyPrivKeysWeGot; } /** * @inheritDoc */ createTransaction(utxos, targets, feeRate, changeAddress, sequence, skipSigning = false, masterFingerprint) { if (targets.length === 0) throw new Error('No destination provided'); if (this.howManySignaturesCanWeMake() === 0) skipSigning = true; if (!changeAddress) throw new Error('No change address provided'); sequence = sequence || AbstractHDElectrumWallet.defaultRBFSequence; let algo = coinSelectAccumulative; if (targets.length === 1 && targets[0] && !targets[0].value) { // we want to send MAX algo = coinSelectSplit; } const { inputs, outputs, fee } = algo(utxos, targets, feeRate); // .inputs and .outputs will be undefined if no solution was found if (!inputs || !outputs) { throw new Error('Not enough balance. Try sending smaller amount'); } let psbt = new bitcoin.Psbt(); let c = 0; inputs.forEach(input => { c++; psbt = this._addPsbtInput(psbt, input, sequence); }); outputs.forEach(output => { // if output has no address - this is change output let change = false; if (!output.address) { change = true; output.address = changeAddress; } let outputData = { address: output.address, value: output.value, }; if (change) { outputData = this._getOutputDataForChange(outputData); } psbt.addOutput(outputData); }); if (!skipSigning) { for (let cc = 0; cc < c; cc++) { for (const cosigner of this._cosigners) { if (!MultisigHDWallet.isXpubString(cosigner)) { // ok this is a mnemonic, lets try to sign const seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(cosigner); const hdRoot = bitcoin.bip32.fromSeed(seed); psbt.signInputHD(cc, hdRoot); } } } } let tx; if (!skipSigning && this.howManySignaturesCanWeMake() >= this.getM()) { tx = psbt.finalizeAllInputs().extractTransaction(); } return { tx, inputs, outputs, fee, psbt }; } /** * @see * * @param bufArr {Array.} * @returns {Array.} */ static sortBuffers(bufArr) { return bufArr.sort(; } prepareForSerialization() { // deleting structures that cant be serialized delete this._nodes; } static isPathValid(path) { const root = bitcoin.bip32.fromSeed(Buffer.alloc(32)); try { root.derivePath(path); return true; } catch (_) {} return false; } allowSend() { return true; } async fetchUtxo() { await super.fetchUtxo(); // now we need to fetch txhash for each input as required by PSBT const txhexes = await BlueElectrum.multiGetTransactionByTxid( this.getUtxo().map(x => x.txid), 50, false, ); const newUtxos = []; for (const u of this.getUtxo()) { if (txhexes[u.txid]) u.txhex = txhexes[u.txid]; newUtxos.push(u); } return newUtxos; } getID() { const string2hash = [...this._cosigners].sort().join(',') + ';' + [...this._cosignersFingerprints].sort().join(','); return createHash('sha256').update(string2hash).digest().toString('hex'); } calculateFeeFromPsbt(psbt) { let goesIn = 0; const cacheUtxoAmounts = {}; for (const inp of { if (inp.witnessUtxo && inp.witnessUtxo.value) { // segwit input goesIn += inp.witnessUtxo.value; } else if (inp.nonWitnessUtxo) { // non-segwit input // lets parse this transaction and cache how much each input was worth const inputTx = bitcoin.Transaction.fromHex(inp.nonWitnessUtxo); let index = 0; for (const out of inputTx.outs) { cacheUtxoAmounts[inputTx.getId() + ':' + index] = out.value; index++; } } } if (goesIn === 0) { // means we failed to get amounts that go in previously, so lets use utxo amounts cache we've build // from non-segwit inputs for (const inp of psbt.txInputs) { const cacheKey = reverse(inp.hash).toString('hex') + ':' + inp.index; if (cacheUtxoAmounts[cacheKey]) goesIn += cacheUtxoAmounts[cacheKey]; } } let goesOut = 0; for (const output of psbt.txOutputs) { goesOut += output.value; } return goesIn - goesOut; } calculateHowManySignaturesWeHaveFromPsbt(psbt) { let sigsHave = 0; for (const inp of { sigsHave = Math.max(sigsHave, inp.partialSig?.length || 0); if (inp.finalScriptSig || inp.finalScriptWitness) sigsHave = this.getM(); // hacky, but it means we have enough // He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough. Lao Tzu } return sigsHave; } }