import React, { useMemo } from 'react'; import { ActivityIndicator, I18nManager, Pressable, PressableProps, StyleSheet, Switch, TouchableOpacity, View } from 'react-native'; import { Avatar, ListItem as RNElementsListItem, Button } from '@rneui/themed'; // Replace with actual import paths import { useTheme } from './themes'; // Update the type for the props interface ListItemProps { swipeable?: boolean; rightIcon?: any; leftAvatar?: React.JSX.Element; containerStyle?: object; Component?: typeof React.Component | typeof PressableWrapper; bottomDivider?: boolean; topDivider?: boolean; testID?: string; onPress?: () => void; onLongPress?: () => void; onDeletePressed?: () => void; disabled?: boolean; switch?: object; // Define more specific type if needed leftIcon?: any; // Define more specific type if needed title: string; subtitle?: string; subtitleNumberOfLines?: number; rightTitle?: string; rightTitleStyle?: object; isLoading?: boolean; chevron?: boolean; checkmark?: boolean; subtitleProps?: object; swipeableLeftContent?: React.ReactNode; swipeableRightContent?: React.ReactNode; } export class PressableWrapper extends React.Component { render() { return ; } } export class TouchableOpacityWrapper extends React.Component { render() { return ; } } // Define Swipeable Button Components const DefaultRightContent: React.FC<{ reset: () => void; onDeletePressed?: () => void }> = ({ reset, onDeletePressed }) => (