// @ts-ignore: Ignore import { Platform } from 'react-native'; import { PanGestureHandlerProperties } from 'react-native-gesture-handler'; // @ts-ignore: Ignore import { useSharedValue, WithSpringConfig } from 'react-native-reanimated'; // Fire onScrollComplete when within this many px of target offset export const SCROLL_POSITION_TOLERANCE = 2; export const DEFAULT_ANIMATION_CONFIG: WithSpringConfig = { damping: 20, mass: 0.2, stiffness: 100, overshootClamping: false, restSpeedThreshold: 0.2, restDisplacementThreshold: 0.2, }; export const DEFAULT_PROPS = { autoscrollThreshold: 30, autoscrollSpeed: 100, animationConfig: DEFAULT_ANIMATION_CONFIG, scrollEnabled: true, dragHitSlop: 0 as PanGestureHandlerProperties['hitSlop'], activationDistance: 0, dragItemOverflow: false, }; export const isIOS = Platform.OS === 'ios'; export const isAndroid = Platform.OS === 'android'; export const isWeb = Platform.OS === 'web'; // Is there a better way to check for v2? export const isReanimatedV2 = !!useSharedValue; if (!isReanimatedV2) { console.warn('Your version of react-native-reanimated is too old for react-native-draggable-flatlist. It may not work as expected.'); }