import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'; import { RouteProp, useFocusEffect, useRoute } from '@react-navigation/native'; import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import * as bitcoin from 'bitcoinjs-lib'; import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { ActivityIndicator, Alert, Dimensions, findNodeHandle, FlatList, I18nManager, Keyboard, LayoutAnimation, NativeScrollEvent, NativeSyntheticEvent, Platform, StyleSheet, Text, TextInput, TouchableOpacity, View, } from 'react-native'; import DocumentPicker from 'react-native-document-picker'; import { Icon } from '@rneui/themed'; import RNFS from 'react-native-fs'; import { btcToSatoshi, fiatToBTC } from '../../blue_modules/currency'; import * as fs from '../../blue_modules/fs'; import triggerHapticFeedback, { HapticFeedbackTypes } from '../../blue_modules/hapticFeedback'; import { BlueText } from '../../BlueComponents'; import { HDSegwitBech32Wallet, MultisigHDWallet, WatchOnlyWallet } from '../../class'; import DeeplinkSchemaMatch from '../../class/deeplink-schema-match'; import { AbstractHDElectrumWallet } from '../../class/wallets/abstract-hd-electrum-wallet'; import AddressInput from '../../components/AddressInput'; import presentAlert from '../../components/Alert'; import AmountInput from '../../components/AmountInput'; import { BottomModalHandle } from '../../components/BottomModal'; import Button from '../../components/Button'; import CoinsSelected from '../../components/CoinsSelected'; import InputAccessoryAllFunds, { InputAccessoryAllFundsAccessoryViewID } from '../../components/InputAccessoryAllFunds'; import { useTheme } from '../../components/themes'; import loc, { formatBalance, formatBalanceWithoutSuffix } from '../../loc'; import { BitcoinUnit, Chain } from '../../models/bitcoinUnits'; import NetworkTransactionFees, { NetworkTransactionFee } from '../../models/networkTransactionFees'; import { CreateTransactionTarget, CreateTransactionUtxo, TWallet } from '../../class/wallets/types'; import { TOptions } from 'bip21'; import assert from 'assert'; import { NativeStackNavigationProp } from '@react-navigation/native-stack'; import { SendDetailsStackParamList } from '../../navigation/SendDetailsStackParamList'; import { useExtendedNavigation } from '../../hooks/useExtendedNavigation'; import { ContactList } from '../../class/contact-list'; import { useStorage } from '../../hooks/context/useStorage'; import SelectFeeModal from '../../components/SelectFeeModal'; import { useKeyboard } from '../../hooks/useKeyboard'; import { DismissKeyboardInputAccessory, DismissKeyboardInputAccessoryViewID } from '../../components/DismissKeyboardInputAccessory'; import ActionSheet from '../ActionSheet'; import HeaderMenuButton from '../../components/HeaderMenuButton'; import { CommonToolTipActions, ToolTipAction } from '../../typings/CommonToolTipActions'; import { Action } from '../../components/types'; interface IPaymentDestinations { address: string; // btc address or payment code amountSats?: number | string; amount?: string | number | 'MAX'; key: string; // random id to look up this record unit: BitcoinUnit; } interface IFee { current: number | null; slowFee: number | null; mediumFee: number | null; fastestFee: number | null; } type NavigationProps = NativeStackNavigationProp; type RouteProps = RouteProp; const SendDetails = () => { const { wallets, setSelectedWalletID, sleep, txMetadata, saveToDisk } = useStorage(); const navigation = useExtendedNavigation(); const selectedDataProcessor = useRef(); const setParams = navigation.setParams; const route = useRoute(); const feeUnit = route.params?.feeUnit ?? BitcoinUnit.BTC; const amountUnit = route.params?.amountUnit ?? BitcoinUnit.BTC; const frozenBalance = route.params?.frozenBalance ?? 0; const transactionMemo = route.params?.transactionMemo; const utxos = route.params?.utxos; const payjoinUrl = route.params?.payjoinUrl; const isTransactionReplaceable = route.params?.isTransactionReplaceable; const routeParams = route.params; const scrollView = useRef>(null); const scrollIndex = useRef(0); const { colors } = useTheme(); // state const [width, setWidth] = useState(Dimensions.get('window').width); const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); const [wallet, setWallet] = useState(null); const feeModalRef = useRef(null); const { isVisible } = useKeyboard(); const [addresses, setAddresses] = useState([ { address: '', key: String(Math.random()), unit: amountUnit } as IPaymentDestinations, ]); const [networkTransactionFees, setNetworkTransactionFees] = useState(new NetworkTransactionFee(3, 2, 1)); const [networkTransactionFeesIsLoading, setNetworkTransactionFeesIsLoading] = useState(false); const [customFee, setCustomFee] = useState(null); const [feePrecalc, setFeePrecalc] = useState({ current: null, slowFee: null, mediumFee: null, fastestFee: null }); const [changeAddress, setChangeAddress] = useState(null); const [dumb, setDumb] = useState(false); const { isEditable } = routeParams; // if utxo is limited we use it to calculate available balance const balance: number = utxos ? utxos.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr.value, 0) : (wallet?.getBalance() ?? 0); const allBalance = formatBalanceWithoutSuffix(balance, BitcoinUnit.BTC, true); // if cutomFee is not set, we need to choose highest possible fee for wallet balance // if there are no funds for even Slow option, use 1 sat/vbyte fee const feeRate = useMemo(() => { if (customFee) return customFee; if (feePrecalc.slowFee === null) return '1'; // wait for precalculated fees let initialFee; if (feePrecalc.fastestFee !== null) { initialFee = String(networkTransactionFees.fastestFee); } else if (feePrecalc.mediumFee !== null) { initialFee = String(networkTransactionFees.mediumFee); } else { initialFee = String(networkTransactionFees.slowFee); } return initialFee; }, [customFee, feePrecalc, networkTransactionFees]); useEffect(() => { // decode route params const currentAddress = addresses[scrollIndex.current]; if (routeParams.uri) { try { const { address, amount, memo, payjoinUrl: pjUrl } = DeeplinkSchemaMatch.decodeBitcoinUri(routeParams.uri); setAddresses(addrs => { addrs[scrollIndex.current].unit = BitcoinUnit.BTC; return [...addrs]; }); setAddresses(addrs => { if (currentAddress) { currentAddress.address = address; if (Number(amount) > 0) { currentAddress.amount = amount!; currentAddress.amountSats = btcToSatoshi(amount!); } addrs[scrollIndex.current] = currentAddress; return [...addrs]; } else { return [...addrs, { address, amount, amountSats: btcToSatoshi(amount!), key: String(Math.random()) } as IPaymentDestinations]; } }); if (memo?.trim().length > 0) { setParams({ transactionMemo: memo }); } setParams({ payjoinUrl: pjUrl, amountUnit: BitcoinUnit.BTC }); } catch (error) { console.log(error); triggerHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackTypes.NotificationError); presentAlert({ title: loc.errors.error, message: loc.send.details_error_decode }); } } else if (routeParams.address) { // screen was called with `address` parameter, so we just prefill it setAddresses(prevAddresses => { const updatedAddresses = [...prevAddresses]; updatedAddresses[0] = { ...updatedAddresses[0], address: routeParams.address, amount: 0, amountSats: 0, } as IPaymentDestinations; return updatedAddresses; }); } else if (routeParams.addRecipientParams) { // used to add a recipient, mainly from contacts aka paymentcodes screen const index = addresses.length === 0 ? 0 : scrollIndex.current; const { address, amount } = routeParams.addRecipientParams; setAddresses(prevAddresses => { const updatedAddresses = [...prevAddresses]; if (address) { updatedAddresses[index] = { ...updatedAddresses[index], address, amount: amount ?? updatedAddresses[index].amount, amountSats: amount ? btcToSatoshi(amount) : updatedAddresses[index].amountSats, } as IPaymentDestinations; } return updatedAddresses; }); // @ts-ignore: Fix later setParams(prevParams => ({ ...prevParams, addRecipientParams: undefined })); } else { setAddresses([{ address: '', key: String(Math.random()) } as IPaymentDestinations]); // key is for the FlatList } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [routeParams.uri, routeParams.address, routeParams.addRecipientParams]); useEffect(() => { // check if we have a suitable wallet const suitable = wallets.filter(w => w.chain === Chain.ONCHAIN && w.allowSend()); if (suitable.length === 0) { triggerHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackTypes.NotificationError); presentAlert({ title: loc.errors.error, message: loc.send.details_wallet_before_tx }); navigation.goBack(); return; } const newWallet = (routeParams.walletID && wallets.find(w => w.getID() === routeParams.walletID)) || suitable[0]; setWallet(newWallet); setParams({ feeUnit: newWallet.getPreferredBalanceUnit(), amountUnit: newWallet.getPreferredBalanceUnit() }); // we are ready! setIsLoading(false); // load cached fees AsyncStorage.getItem(NetworkTransactionFee.StorageKey) .then(res => { if (!res) return; const fees = JSON.parse(res); if (!fees?.fastestFee) return; setNetworkTransactionFees(fees); }) .catch(e => console.log('loading cached recommendedFees error', e)); // load fresh fees from servers setNetworkTransactionFeesIsLoading(true); NetworkTransactionFees.recommendedFees() .then(async fees => { if (!fees?.fastestFee) return; setNetworkTransactionFees(fees); await AsyncStorage.setItem(NetworkTransactionFee.StorageKey, JSON.stringify(fees)); }) .catch(e => console.log('loading recommendedFees error', e)) .finally(() => { setNetworkTransactionFeesIsLoading(false); }); }, []); // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps // change header and reset state on wallet change useEffect(() => { if (!wallet) return; setSelectedWalletID(wallet.getID()); // reset other values setChangeAddress(null); setParams({ utxos: null, isTransactionReplaceable: wallet.type === HDSegwitBech32Wallet.type && !routeParams.isTransactionReplaceable ? true : undefined, }); // update wallet UTXO wallet .fetchUtxo() .then(() => { // we need to re-calculate fees setDumb(v => !v); }) .catch(e => console.log('fetchUtxo error', e)); }, [wallet]); // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps // recalc fees in effect so we don't block render useEffect(() => { if (!wallet) return; // wait for it const fees = networkTransactionFees; const requestedSatPerByte = Number(feeRate); const lutxo = utxos || wallet.getUtxo(); let frozen = 0; if (!utxos) { // if utxo is not limited search for frozen outputs and calc it's balance frozen = wallet .getUtxo(true) .filter(o => !lutxo.some(i => i.txid === o.txid && i.vout === o.vout)) .reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr.value, 0); } const options = [ { key: 'current', fee: requestedSatPerByte }, { key: 'slowFee', fee: fees.slowFee }, { key: 'mediumFee', fee: fees.mediumFee }, { key: 'fastestFee', fee: fees.fastestFee }, ]; const newFeePrecalc: /* Record */ IFee = { ...feePrecalc }; let targets = []; for (const transaction of addresses) { if (transaction.amount === BitcoinUnit.MAX) { // single output with MAX targets = [{ address: transaction.address }]; break; } const value = transaction.amountSats; if (Number(value) > 0) { targets.push({ address: transaction.address, value }); } else if (transaction.amount) { if (btcToSatoshi(transaction.amount) > 0) { targets.push({ address: transaction.address, value: btcToSatoshi(transaction.amount) }); } } } // if targets is empty, insert dust if (targets.length === 0) { targets.push({ address: '36JxaUrpDzkEerkTf1FzwHNE1Hb7cCjgJV', value: 546 }); } // replace wrong addresses with dump targets = => { if (!wallet.isAddressValid(t.address)) { return { ...t, address: '36JxaUrpDzkEerkTf1FzwHNE1Hb7cCjgJV' }; } else { return t; } }); for (const opt of options) { let flag = false; while (true) { try { const { fee } = wallet.coinselect(lutxo, targets, opt.fee); // @ts-ignore options& opt are used only to iterate keys we predefined and we know exist newFeePrecalc[opt.key] = fee; break; } catch (e: any) { if (e.message.includes('Not enough') && !flag) { flag = true; // if we don't have enough funds, construct maximum possible transaction targets =, index) => (index > 0 ? { ...t, value: 546 } : { address: t.address })); continue; } // @ts-ignore options& opt are used only to iterate keys we predefined and we know exist newFeePrecalc[opt.key] = null; break; } } } setFeePrecalc(newFeePrecalc); setParams({ frozenBalance: frozen }); }, [wallet, networkTransactionFees, utxos, addresses, feeRate, dumb]); // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps // we need to re-calculate fees if user opens-closes coin control useFocusEffect( useCallback(() => { setIsLoading(false); setDumb(v => !v); return () => {}; }, []), ); const getChangeAddressAsync = async () => { if (changeAddress) return changeAddress; // cache let change; if (WatchOnlyWallet.type === wallet?.type && !wallet.isHd()) { // plain watchonly - just get the address change = wallet.getAddress(); } else { // otherwise, lets call widely-used getChangeAddressAsync() try { change = await Promise.race([sleep(2000), wallet?.getChangeAddressAsync()]); } catch (_) {} if (!change) { // either sleep expired or getChangeAddressAsync threw an exception if (wallet instanceof AbstractHDElectrumWallet) { change = wallet._getInternalAddressByIndex(wallet.getNextFreeChangeAddressIndex()); } else { // legacy wallets change = wallet?.getAddress(); } } } if (change) setChangeAddress(change); // cache return change; }; /** * TODO: refactor this mess, get rid of regexp, use etc etc * * @param data {String} Can be address or `bitcoin:xxxxxxx` uri scheme, or invalid garbage */ const processAddressData = useCallback( (data: string | { data?: any }) => { assert(wallet, 'Internal error: wallet not set'); if (typeof data !== 'string') { data = String(; } const currentIndex = scrollIndex.current; setIsLoading(true); if (!data.replace) { // user probably scanned PSBT and got an object instead of string..? setIsLoading(false); triggerHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackTypes.NotificationError); return presentAlert({ title: loc.errors.error, message: loc.send.details_address_field_is_not_valid }); } const cl = new ContactList(); const dataWithoutSchema = data.replace('bitcoin:', '').replace('BITCOIN:', ''); if (wallet.isAddressValid(dataWithoutSchema) || cl.isPaymentCodeValid(dataWithoutSchema)) { setAddresses(addrs => { addrs[scrollIndex.current].address = dataWithoutSchema; return [...addrs]; }); setIsLoading(false); setTimeout(() => scrollView.current?.scrollToIndex({ index: currentIndex, animated: false }), 50); return; } let address = ''; let options: TOptions; try { if (!data.toLowerCase().startsWith('bitcoin:')) data = `bitcoin:${data}`; const decoded = DeeplinkSchemaMatch.bip21decode(data); address = decoded.address; options = decoded.options; } catch (error) { data = data.replace(/(amount)=([^&]+)/g, '').replace(/(amount)=([^&]+)&/g, ''); const decoded = DeeplinkSchemaMatch.bip21decode(data); decoded.options.amount = 0; address = decoded.address; options = decoded.options; } console.log('options', options); if (wallet.isAddressValid(address)) { setAddresses(addrs => { addrs[scrollIndex.current].address = address; addrs[scrollIndex.current].amount = options?.amount ?? 0; addrs[scrollIndex.current].amountSats = new BigNumber(options?.amount ?? 0).multipliedBy(100000000).toNumber(); return [...addrs]; }); setAddresses(addrs => { addrs[scrollIndex.current].unit = BitcoinUnit.BTC; return [...addrs]; }); setParams({ transactionMemo: options.label || '', amountUnit: BitcoinUnit.BTC, payjoinUrl: options.pj || '' }); // there used to be `options.message` here as well. bug? // RN Bug: contentOffset gets reset to 0 when state changes. Remove code once this bug is resolved. setTimeout(() => scrollView.current?.scrollToIndex({ index: currentIndex, animated: false }), 50); } setIsLoading(false); }, [setParams, wallet], ); const createTransaction = async () => { assert(wallet, 'Internal error: wallet is not set'); Keyboard.dismiss(); setIsLoading(true); const requestedSatPerByte = feeRate; for (const [index, transaction] of addresses.entries()) { let error; if (!transaction.amount || Number(transaction.amount) < 0 || parseFloat(String(transaction.amount)) === 0) { error = loc.send.details_amount_field_is_not_valid; console.log('validation error'); } else if (parseFloat(String(transaction.amountSats)) <= 500) { error = loc.send.details_amount_field_is_less_than_minimum_amount_sat; console.log('validation error'); } else if (!requestedSatPerByte || parseFloat(requestedSatPerByte) < 1) { error = loc.send.details_fee_field_is_not_valid; console.log('validation error'); } else if (!transaction.address) { error = loc.send.details_address_field_is_not_valid; console.log('validation error'); } else if (balance - Number(transaction.amountSats) < 0) { // first sanity check is that sending amount is not bigger than available balance error = frozenBalance > 0 ? loc.send.details_total_exceeds_balance_frozen : loc.send.details_total_exceeds_balance; console.log('validation error'); } else if (transaction.address) { const address = transaction.address.trim().toLowerCase(); if (address.startsWith('lnb') || address.startsWith('lightning:lnb')) { error = loc.send.provided_address_is_invoice; console.log('validation error'); } } if (!error) { const cl = new ContactList(); if (!wallet.isAddressValid(transaction.address) && !cl.isPaymentCodeValid(transaction.address)) { console.log('validation error'); error = loc.send.details_address_field_is_not_valid; } } // validating payment codes, if any if (!error) { if (transaction.address.startsWith('sp1')) { if (!wallet.allowSilentPaymentSend()) { console.log('validation error'); error = loc.send.cant_send_to_silentpayment_adress; } } if (transaction.address.startsWith('PM')) { if (!wallet.allowBIP47()) { console.log('validation error'); error = loc.send.cant_send_to_bip47; } else if (!(wallet as unknown as AbstractHDElectrumWallet).getBIP47NotificationTransaction(transaction.address)) { console.log('validation error'); error = loc.send.cant_find_bip47_notification; } else { // BIP47 is allowed, notif tx is in place, lets sync joint addresses with the receiver await (wallet as unknown as AbstractHDElectrumWallet).syncBip47ReceiversAddresses(transaction.address); } } } if (error) { // Scroll to the recipient that caused the error with animation scrollView.current?.scrollToIndex({ index, animated: true }); setIsLoading(false); presentAlert({ title: addresses.length > 1 ? loc.formatString(loc.send.details_recipient_title, { number: index + 1, total: addresses.length }) : undefined, message: error, }); triggerHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackTypes.NotificationError); return; } } try { await createPsbtTransaction(); } catch (Err: any) { setIsLoading(false); presentAlert({ title: loc.errors.error, message: Err.message }); triggerHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackTypes.NotificationError); } }; const navigateToQRCodeScanner = useCallback(() => { navigation.navigate('ScanQRCode', { showFileImportButton: true, }); }, [navigation]); const createPsbtTransaction = async () => { if (!wallet) return; const change = await getChangeAddressAsync(); assert(change, 'Could not get change address'); const requestedSatPerByte = Number(feeRate); const lutxo: CreateTransactionUtxo[] = utxos || (wallet?.getUtxo() ?? []); console.log({ requestedSatPerByte, lutxo: lutxo.length }); const targets: CreateTransactionTarget[] = []; for (const transaction of addresses) { if (transaction.amount === BitcoinUnit.MAX) { // output with MAX targets.push({ address: transaction.address }); continue; } const value = parseInt(String(transaction.amountSats), 10); if (value > 0) { targets.push({ address: transaction.address, value }); } else if (transaction.amount) { if (btcToSatoshi(transaction.amount) > 0) { targets.push({ address: transaction.address, value: btcToSatoshi(transaction.amount) }); } } } const targetsOrig = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(targets)); // preserving original since it will be mutated // without forcing `HDSegwitBech32Wallet` i had a weird ts error, complaining about last argument (fp) const { tx, outputs, psbt, fee } = (wallet as HDSegwitBech32Wallet)?.createTransaction( lutxo, targets, requestedSatPerByte, change, isTransactionReplaceable ? HDSegwitBech32Wallet.defaultRBFSequence : HDSegwitBech32Wallet.finalRBFSequence, false, 0, ); if (tx && routeParams.launchedBy && psbt) { console.warn('navigating back to ', routeParams.launchedBy); // @ts-ignore idk how to fix FIXME? navigation.navigate(routeParams.launchedBy, { psbt }); } if (wallet?.type === WatchOnlyWallet.type) { // watch-only wallets with enabled HW wallet support have different flow. we have to show PSBT to user as QR code // so he can scan it and sign it. then we have to scan it back from user (via camera and QR code), and ask // user whether he wants to broadcast it navigation.navigate('PsbtWithHardwareWallet', { memo: transactionMemo, walletID: wallet.getID(), psbt, launchedBy: routeParams.launchedBy, }); setIsLoading(false); return; } if (wallet?.type === MultisigHDWallet.type) { navigation.navigate('PsbtMultisig', { memo: transactionMemo, psbtBase64: psbt.toBase64(), walletID: wallet.getID(), launchedBy: routeParams.launchedBy, }); setIsLoading(false); return; } assert(tx, 'createTRansaction failed'); txMetadata[tx.getId()] = { memo: transactionMemo, }; await saveToDisk(); let recipients = outputs.filter(({ address }) => address !== change); if (recipients.length === 0) { // special case. maybe the only destination in this transaction is our own change address..? // (ez can be the case for single-address wallet when doing self-payment for consolidation) recipients = outputs; } navigation.navigate('Confirm', { fee: new BigNumber(fee).dividedBy(100000000).toNumber(), memo: transactionMemo, walletID: wallet.getID(), tx: tx.toHex(), targets: targetsOrig, recipients, satoshiPerByte: requestedSatPerByte, payjoinUrl, psbt, }); setIsLoading(false); }; useEffect(() => { const newWallet = wallets.find(w => w.getID() === routeParams.walletID); if (newWallet) { setWallet(newWallet); } }, [routeParams.walletID, wallets]); const setTransactionMemo = (memo: string) => { setParams({ transactionMemo: memo }); }; /** * same as `importTransaction`, but opens camera instead. * * @returns {Promise} */ const importQrTransaction = useCallback(async () => { if (wallet?.type !== WatchOnlyWallet.type) { return presentAlert({ title: loc.errors.error, message: 'Importing transaction in non-watchonly wallet (this should never happen)' }); } navigateToQRCodeScanner(); }, [navigateToQRCodeScanner, wallet?.type]); const importQrTransactionOnBarScanned = useCallback( (ret: any) => { if (!wallet) return; if (! ret = { data: ret }; if ('UR')) { presentAlert({ title: loc.errors.error, message: 'BC-UR not decoded. This should never happen' }); } else if ('+') === -1 &&'=') === -1 &&'=') === -1) { // this looks like NOT base64, so maybe its transaction's hex // we dont support it in this flow } else { // psbt base64? // we construct PSBT object and pass to next screen // so user can do smth with it: const psbt = bitcoin.Psbt.fromBase64(; navigation.navigate('PsbtWithHardwareWallet', { memo: transactionMemo, walletID: wallet.getID(), psbt, }); setIsLoading(false); } }, [navigation, transactionMemo, wallet], ); /** * watch-only wallets with enabled HW wallet support have different flow. we have to show PSBT to user as QR code * so he can scan it and sign it. then we have to scan it back from user (via camera and QR code), and ask * user whether he wants to broadcast it. * alternatively, user can export psbt file, sign it externally and then import it * * @returns {Promise} */ const importTransaction = useCallback(async () => { if (wallet?.type !== WatchOnlyWallet.type) { return presentAlert({ title: loc.errors.error, message: 'Importing transaction in non-watchonly wallet (this should never happen)' }); } try { const res = await DocumentPicker.pickSingle({ type: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? ['io.bluewallet.psbt', 'io.bluewallet.psbt.txn', DocumentPicker.types.plainText, DocumentPicker.types.json] : [DocumentPicker.types.allFiles], }); if (DeeplinkSchemaMatch.isPossiblySignedPSBTFile(res.uri)) { // we assume that transaction is already signed, so all we have to do is get txhex and pass it to next screen // so user can broadcast: const file = await RNFS.readFile(res.uri, 'ascii'); const psbt = bitcoin.Psbt.fromBase64(file); const txhex = psbt.extractTransaction().toHex(); navigation.navigate('PsbtWithHardwareWallet', { memo: transactionMemo, walletID: wallet.getID(), txhex }); setIsLoading(false); return; } if (DeeplinkSchemaMatch.isPossiblyPSBTFile(res.uri)) { // looks like transaction is UNsigned, so we construct PSBT object and pass to next screen // so user can do smth with it: const file = await RNFS.readFile(res.uri, 'ascii'); const psbt = bitcoin.Psbt.fromBase64(file); navigation.navigate('PsbtWithHardwareWallet', { memo: transactionMemo, walletID: wallet.getID(), psbt }); setIsLoading(false); return; } if (DeeplinkSchemaMatch.isTXNFile(res.uri)) { // plain text file with txhex ready to broadcast const file = (await RNFS.readFile(res.uri, 'ascii')).replace('\n', '').replace('\r', ''); navigation.navigate('PsbtWithHardwareWallet', { memo: transactionMemo, walletID: wallet.getID(), txhex: file }); setIsLoading(false); return; } triggerHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackTypes.NotificationError); presentAlert({ title: loc.errors.error, message: loc.send.details_unrecognized_file_format }); } catch (err) { if (!DocumentPicker.isCancel(err)) { triggerHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackTypes.NotificationError); presentAlert({ title: loc.errors.error, message: loc.send.details_no_signed_tx }); } } }, [navigation, setIsLoading, transactionMemo, wallet]); const askCosignThisTransaction = async () => { return new Promise(resolve => { Alert.alert( '', loc.multisig.cosign_this_transaction, [ { text:, style: 'cancel', onPress: () => resolve(false), }, { text: loc._.yes, onPress: () => resolve(true), }, ], { cancelable: false }, ); }); }; const _importTransactionMultisig = useCallback( async (base64arg: string | false) => { try { const base64 = base64arg || (await fs.openSignedTransaction()); if (!base64) return; const psbt = bitcoin.Psbt.fromBase64(base64); // if it doesnt throw - all good, its valid if ((wallet as MultisigHDWallet)?.howManySignaturesCanWeMake() > 0 && (await askCosignThisTransaction())) { setIsLoading(true); await sleep(100); (wallet as MultisigHDWallet).cosignPsbt(psbt); setIsLoading(false); await sleep(100); } if (wallet) { navigation.navigate('PsbtMultisig', { memo: transactionMemo, psbtBase64: psbt.toBase64(), walletID: wallet.getID(), }); } } catch (error: any) { triggerHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackTypes.NotificationError); presentAlert({ title: loc.send.problem_with_psbt, message: error.message }); } setIsLoading(false); }, [navigation, sleep, transactionMemo, wallet], ); const importTransactionMultisig = useCallback(() => { return _importTransactionMultisig(false); }, [_importTransactionMultisig]); const onBarScanned = useCallback( (ret: any) => { if (! ret = { data: ret }; if ('UR')) { presentAlert({ title: loc.errors.error, message: 'BC-UR not decoded. This should never happen' }); } else if ('+') === -1 &&'=') === -1 &&'=') === -1) { // this looks like NOT base64, so maybe its transaction's hex // we dont support it in this flow } else { // psbt base64? return _importTransactionMultisig(; } }, [_importTransactionMultisig], ); const handlePsbtSign = useCallback( async (psbtBase64: string) => { let tx; let psbt; try { psbt = bitcoin.Psbt.fromBase64(psbtBase64); tx = (wallet as MultisigHDWallet).cosignPsbt(psbt).tx; } catch (e: any) { presentAlert({ title: loc.errors.error, message: e.message }); return; } finally { setIsLoading(false); } if (!tx || !wallet) return setIsLoading(false); // we need to remove change address from recipients, so that Confirm screen show more accurate info const changeAddresses: string[] = []; // @ts-ignore hacky for (let c = 0; c < wallet.next_free_change_address_index + wallet.gap_limit; c++) { // @ts-ignore hacky changeAddresses.push(wallet._getInternalAddressByIndex(c)); } const recipients = psbt.txOutputs.filter(({ address }) => !changeAddresses.includes(String(address))); navigation.navigate('CreateTransaction', { fee: new BigNumber(psbt.getFee()).dividedBy(100000000).toNumber(), feeSatoshi: psbt.getFee(), tx: tx.toHex(), recipients, satoshiPerByte: psbt.getFeeRate(), showAnimatedQr: true, psbt, }); }, [navigation, wallet], ); useEffect(() => { const data = routeParams.onBarScanned; if (data) { if (selectedDataProcessor.current) { console.debug('SendDetails - selectedDataProcessor:', selectedDataProcessor.current); switch (selectedDataProcessor.current) { case CommonToolTipActions.ImportTransactionQR: importQrTransactionOnBarScanned(data); break; case CommonToolTipActions.SignPSBT: handlePsbtSign(data); break; case CommonToolTipActions.CoSignTransaction: case CommonToolTipActions.ImportTransactionMultsig: _importTransactionMultisig(data); break; case CommonToolTipActions.ImportTransaction: processAddressData(data); break; default: console.debug('Unknown selectedDataProcessor:', selectedDataProcessor.current); } } else { processAddressData(data); } } selectedDataProcessor.current = undefined; setParams({ onBarScanned: undefined }); }, [ importQrTransactionOnBarScanned, onBarScanned, routeParams.onBarScanned, setParams, processAddressData, _importTransactionMultisig, handlePsbtSign, ]); const handleAddRecipient = useCallback(() => { // Check if any recipient is incomplete (missing address or amount) const incompleteIndex = addresses.findIndex(item => !item.address || !item.amount); if (incompleteIndex !== -1) { scrollIndex.current = incompleteIndex; scrollView.current?.scrollToIndex({ index: incompleteIndex, animated: true }); presentAlert({ title: loc.send.please_complete_recipient_title, message: loc.formatString(loc.send.please_complete_recipient_details, { number: incompleteIndex + 1 }), }); return; } // Add new recipient as usual if all recipients are complete setAddresses(prevAddresses => [...prevAddresses, { address: '', key: String(Math.random()) } as IPaymentDestinations]); // Wait for the state to update before scrolling setTimeout(() => { scrollIndex.current = addresses.length; // New index at the end scrollView.current?.scrollToIndex({ index: scrollIndex.current, animated: true, }); }, 0); }, [addresses]); const onRemoveAllRecipientsConfirmed = useCallback(() => { setAddresses([{ address: '', key: String(Math.random()) } as IPaymentDestinations]); }, []); const handleRemoveAllRecipients = useCallback(() => { Alert.alert(loc.send.details_recipients_title, loc.send.details_add_recc_rem_all_alert_description, [ { text: loc._.cancel, onPress: () => {}, style: 'cancel', }, { text: loc._.ok, onPress: onRemoveAllRecipientsConfirmed, }, ]); }, [onRemoveAllRecipientsConfirmed]); const handleRemoveRecipient = useCallback(() => { if (addresses.length > 1) { const newAddresses = [...addresses]; newAddresses.splice(scrollIndex.current, 1); // Adjust the current index if the last item was removed const newIndex = scrollIndex.current >= newAddresses.length ? newAddresses.length - 1 : scrollIndex.current; setAddresses(newAddresses); // Wait for the state to update before scrolling setTimeout(() => { scrollView.current?.scrollToIndex({ index: newIndex, animated: true, }); }, 0); // Update the scroll index reference scrollIndex.current = newIndex; } }, [addresses]); const handleCoinControl = useCallback(() => { if (!wallet) return; navigation.navigate('CoinControl', { walletID: wallet?.getID(), }); }, [navigation, wallet]); const handleInsertContact = useCallback(() => { if (!wallet) return; navigation.navigate('PaymentCodeList', { walletID: wallet.getID() }); }, [navigation, wallet]); const onReplaceableFeeSwitchValueChanged = useCallback( (value: boolean) => { setParams({ isTransactionReplaceable: value }); }, [setParams], ); const onUseAllPressed = useCallback(() => { triggerHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackTypes.NotificationWarning); const message = frozenBalance > 0 ? loc.send.details_adv_full_sure_frozen : loc.send.details_adv_full_sure; const anchor = findNodeHandle(scrollView.current); const options = { title: loc.send.details_adv_full, message, options: [loc._.cancel, loc._.ok], cancelButtonIndex: 0, anchor: anchor ?? undefined, }; ActionSheet.showActionSheetWithOptions(options, buttonIndex => { if (buttonIndex === 1) { Keyboard.dismiss(); setAddresses(addrs => { addrs[scrollIndex.current].amount = BitcoinUnit.MAX; addrs[scrollIndex.current].amountSats = BitcoinUnit.MAX; return [...addrs]; }); setAddresses(addrs => { addrs[scrollIndex.current].unit = BitcoinUnit.BTC; return [...addrs]; }); } }); }, [frozenBalance]); // Header Right Button const headerRightOnPress = useCallback( (id: string) => { if (id === { handleAddRecipient(); } else if (id === { handleRemoveRecipient(); } else if (id === { selectedDataProcessor.current = CommonToolTipActions.SignPSBT; navigateToQRCodeScanner(); } else if (id === { onUseAllPressed(); } else if (id === { onReplaceableFeeSwitchValueChanged(!isTransactionReplaceable); } else if (id === { selectedDataProcessor.current = CommonToolTipActions.ImportTransaction; importTransaction(); } else if (id === { selectedDataProcessor.current = CommonToolTipActions.ImportTransactionQR; importQrTransaction(); } else if (id === { selectedDataProcessor.current = CommonToolTipActions.ImportTransactionMultsig; importTransactionMultisig(); } else if (id === { selectedDataProcessor.current = CommonToolTipActions.CoSignTransaction; navigateToQRCodeScanner(); } else if (id === { handleCoinControl(); } else if (id === { handleInsertContact(); } else if (id === { handleRemoveAllRecipients(); } }, [ handleAddRecipient, handleRemoveRecipient, navigateToQRCodeScanner, onUseAllPressed, onReplaceableFeeSwitchValueChanged, isTransactionReplaceable, importTransaction, importQrTransaction, importTransactionMultisig, handleCoinControl, handleInsertContact, handleRemoveAllRecipients, ], ); const headerRightActions = useCallback(() => { if (!wallet) return []; const walletActions: Action[][] = []; const recipientActions: Action[] = [ CommonToolTipActions.AddRecipient, { ...CommonToolTipActions.RemoveRecipient, hidden: addresses.length <= 1, }, { ...CommonToolTipActions.RemoveAllRecipients, hidden: !(addresses.length > 1), }, ]; walletActions.push(recipientActions); const isSendMaxUsed = addresses.some(element => element.amount === BitcoinUnit.MAX); const sendMaxAction: Action[] = [ { ...CommonToolTipActions.SendMax, disabled: wallet.getBalance() === 0 || isSendMaxUsed, hidden: !isEditable || !(Number(wallet.getBalance()) > 0), }, ]; walletActions.push(sendMaxAction); const rbfAction: Action[] = [ { ...CommonToolTipActions.AllowRBF, menuState: isTransactionReplaceable, hidden: !(wallet.type === HDSegwitBech32Wallet.type && isTransactionReplaceable !== undefined), }, ]; walletActions.push(rbfAction); const transactionActions: Action[] = [ { ...CommonToolTipActions.ImportTransaction, hidden: !(wallet.type === WatchOnlyWallet.type && wallet.isHd()), }, { ...CommonToolTipActions.ImportTransactionQR, hidden: !(wallet.type === WatchOnlyWallet.type && wallet.isHd()), }, { ...CommonToolTipActions.ImportTransactionMultsig, hidden: !(wallet.type === MultisigHDWallet.type), }, { ...CommonToolTipActions.CoSignTransaction, hidden: !(wallet.type === MultisigHDWallet.type && wallet.howManySignaturesCanWeMake() > 0), }, { ...CommonToolTipActions.SignPSBT, hidden: !(wallet as MultisigHDWallet)?.allowCosignPsbt(), }, ]; walletActions.push(transactionActions); const specificWalletActions: Action[] = [ { ...CommonToolTipActions.InsertContact, hidden: !(isEditable && wallet.allowBIP47() && wallet.isBIP47Enabled()), }, CommonToolTipActions.CoinControl, ]; walletActions.push(specificWalletActions); return walletActions; }, [addresses, isEditable, wallet, isTransactionReplaceable]); const HeaderRight = useCallback( () => , [headerRightOnPress, isLoading, headerRightActions], ); const setHeaderRightOptions = useCallback(() => { navigation.setOptions({ headerRight: HeaderRight, }); }, [HeaderRight, navigation]); useEffect(() => { console.log('send/details - useEffect'); if (wallet) { setHeaderRightOptions(); } }, [colors, wallet, isTransactionReplaceable, balance, addresses, isEditable, isLoading, setHeaderRightOptions]); const handleRecipientsScroll = (e: NativeSyntheticEvent) => { const contentOffset = e.nativeEvent.contentOffset; const viewSize = e.nativeEvent.layoutMeasurement; const index = Math.floor(contentOffset.x / viewSize.width); scrollIndex.current = index; }; const formatFee = (fee: number) => formatBalance(fee, feeUnit!, true); const stylesHook = StyleSheet.create({ root: { backgroundColor: colors.elevated, }, selectLabel: { color: colors.buttonTextColor, }, of: { color: colors.feeText, }, memo: { borderColor: colors.formBorder, borderBottomColor: colors.formBorder, backgroundColor: colors.inputBackgroundColor, }, feeLabel: { color: colors.feeText, }, feeRow: { backgroundColor: colors.feeLabel, }, feeValue: { color: colors.feeValue, }, }); const calculateTotalAmount = () => { const totalAmount = addresses.reduce((total, item) => total + Number(item.amountSats || 0), 0); const totalWithFee = totalAmount + (feePrecalc.current || 0); return totalWithFee; }; const renderCreateButton = () => { const totalWithFee = calculateTotalAmount(); const isDisabled = totalWithFee === 0 || totalWithFee > balance || balance === 0 || isLoading || addresses.length === 0; return ( {isLoading ? ( ) : (