v5.4.1 ====== * ADD: fiat input for receive & send * ADD: Fee details to lighting invoice * FIX: Watch-only Wallets we're not being synced to Watch app * FIX: following onchain+offchain invoice * FIX: Reorder wallets not working * FIX: extend pull to close gesture area to full modal height * FIX: Don't allow navigating backwards on backup screens * FIX: round fiat currencies v5.4.0 ====== * FIX: Set the first launch flag (issue with disappearing wallets) * ADD: Catalan translation * ADD: Slovak translation * ADD: custom success animation to onchain transactions * FIX: improved startup time * FIX: Seed index number * FIX: scan button style for RU language * REF: Navigation updated v5.3.9 ====== * ADD: camera on main screen * ADD: Shortcuts on Scan button long press * ADD: redeem Azte.co vouchers (#1118) * FIX: potential HD wallet crash when vout was not parsed correctly * FIX: for legacy-wallet fetch Transactions to not crash when vout for transaction is missing addresses * FIX: Bigger touch area on settings button * FIX: Change Delete wallet color button * FIX: Update de_DE locale * FIX: Change status bar color * FIX: Add chevrons on Settings and add wallets screens * FIX: Wallet Animation for press out * FIX: typo v5.3.7 ====== * ADD: Storage delete/not-delete for unencrypted storage. * ADD: some missing localizations * FIX: Fee suggestion selection * FIX: allow view to be scrolled on small devices * FIX: Biometrics switch value * REF: prevent possible crash on ln view invoice screen