import BIP32Factory from 'bip32'; import * as bitcoin from 'bitcoinjs-lib'; import ecc from '../../blue_modules/noble_ecc'; import { AbstractWallet } from './abstract-wallet'; import { HDLegacyP2PKHWallet } from './hd-legacy-p2pkh-wallet'; import { HDSegwitBech32Wallet } from './hd-segwit-bech32-wallet'; import { HDSegwitP2SHWallet } from './hd-segwit-p2sh-wallet'; import { LegacyWallet } from './legacy-wallet'; import { THDWalletForWatchOnly } from './types'; const bip32 = BIP32Factory(ecc); export class WatchOnlyWallet extends LegacyWallet { static readonly type = 'watchOnly'; static readonly typeReadable = 'Watch-only'; // @ts-ignore: override public readonly type = WatchOnlyWallet.type; // @ts-ignore: override public readonly typeReadable = WatchOnlyWallet.typeReadable; public _hdWalletInstance?: THDWalletForWatchOnly; use_with_hardware_wallet = false; masterFingerprint: number = 0; /** * @inheritDoc */ getLastTxFetch() { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.getLastTxFetch(); return super.getLastTxFetch(); } timeToRefreshTransaction() { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.timeToRefreshTransaction(); return super.timeToRefreshTransaction(); } timeToRefreshBalance() { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.timeToRefreshBalance(); return super.timeToRefreshBalance(); } allowSend() { return this.useWithHardwareWalletEnabled() && this.isHd() && this._hdWalletInstance!.allowSend(); } allowSignVerifyMessage() { return false; } getAddress() { if (this.isAddressValid(this.secret)) return this.secret; // handling case when there is an XPUB there if (this._hdWalletInstance) throw new Error('Should not be used in watch-only HD wallets'); throw new Error('Not initialized'); } valid() { if (this.secret.startsWith('xpub') || this.secret.startsWith('ypub') || this.secret.startsWith('zpub')) return this.isXpubValid(); try { bitcoin.address.toOutputScript(this.getAddress()); return true; } catch (_) { return false; } } /** * this method creates appropriate HD wallet class, depending on whether we have xpub, ypub or zpub * as a property of `this`, and in case such property exists - it recreates it and copies data from old one. * this is needed after serialization/save/load/deserialization procedure. */ init() { let hdWalletInstance: THDWalletForWatchOnly; if (this.secret.startsWith('xpub')) hdWalletInstance = new HDLegacyP2PKHWallet(); else if (this.secret.startsWith('ypub')) hdWalletInstance = new HDSegwitP2SHWallet(); else if (this.secret.startsWith('zpub')) hdWalletInstance = new HDSegwitBech32Wallet(); else return this; hdWalletInstance._xpub = this.secret; // if derivation path recovered from JSON file it should be moved to hdWalletInstance if (this._derivationPath) { hdWalletInstance._derivationPath = this._derivationPath; } if (this._hdWalletInstance) { // now, porting all properties from old object to new one for (const k of Object.keys(this._hdWalletInstance)) { // @ts-ignore: JS magic here hdWalletInstance[k] = this._hdWalletInstance[k]; } // deleting properties that cant survive serialization/deserialization: delete hdWalletInstance._node1; delete hdWalletInstance._node0; } this._hdWalletInstance = hdWalletInstance; return this; } prepareForSerialization() { if (this._hdWalletInstance) { delete this._hdWalletInstance._node0; delete this._hdWalletInstance._node1; delete this._hdWalletInstance._bip47_instance; } } getBalance() { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.getBalance(); return super.getBalance(); } getTransactions() { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.getTransactions(); return super.getTransactions(); } async fetchBalance() { if (this.secret.startsWith('xpub') || this.secret.startsWith('ypub') || this.secret.startsWith('zpub')) { if (!this._hdWalletInstance) this.init(); if (!this._hdWalletInstance) throw new Error('Internal error: _hdWalletInstance is not initialized'); return this._hdWalletInstance.fetchBalance(); } else { // return; return super.fetchBalance(); } } async fetchTransactions() { if (this.secret.startsWith('xpub') || this.secret.startsWith('ypub') || this.secret.startsWith('zpub')) { if (!this._hdWalletInstance) this.init(); if (!this._hdWalletInstance) throw new Error('Internal error: _hdWalletInstance is not initialized'); return this._hdWalletInstance.fetchTransactions(); } else { // return; return super.fetchTransactions(); } } async getAddressAsync(): Promise { if (this.isAddressValid(this.secret)) return new Promise(resolve => resolve(this.secret)); if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.getAddressAsync(); throw new Error('Not initialized'); } _getExternalAddressByIndex(index: number) { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance._getExternalAddressByIndex(index); throw new Error('Not initialized'); } _getInternalAddressByIndex(index: number) { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance._getInternalAddressByIndex(index); throw new Error('Not initialized'); } getNextFreeAddressIndex() { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.next_free_address_index; throw new Error('Not initialized'); } getNextFreeChangeAddressIndex() { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.next_free_change_address_index; throw new Error('Not initialized'); } async getChangeAddressAsync() { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.getChangeAddressAsync(); throw new Error('Not initialized'); } async fetchUtxo() { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.fetchUtxo(); throw new Error('Not initialized'); } getUtxo(...args: Parameters) { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.getUtxo(...args); throw new Error('Not initialized'); } combinePsbt(...args: Parameters) { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.combinePsbt(...args); throw new Error('Not initialized'); } broadcastTx(...args: Parameters) { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.broadcastTx(...args); throw new Error('Not initialized'); } /** * signature of this method is the same ad BIP84 createTransaction, BUT this method should be used to create * unsinged PSBT to be used with HW wallet (or other external signer) */ createTransaction(...args: Parameters) { const [utxos, targets, feeRate, changeAddress, sequence] = args; if (this._hdWalletInstance && this.isHd()) { const masterFingerprint = this.getMasterFingerprint(); return this._hdWalletInstance.createTransaction(utxos, targets, feeRate, changeAddress, sequence, true, masterFingerprint); } else { throw new Error('Not a HD watch-only wallet, cant create PSBT (or just not initialized)'); } } getMasterFingerprint() { return this.masterFingerprint; } getMasterFingerprintHex() { if (!this.masterFingerprint) return '00000000'; let masterFingerprintHex = Number(this.masterFingerprint).toString(16); if (masterFingerprintHex.length < 8) masterFingerprintHex = '0' + masterFingerprintHex; // conversion without explicit zero might result in lost byte // poor man's little-endian conversion: // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ return ( masterFingerprintHex[6] + masterFingerprintHex[7] + masterFingerprintHex[4] + masterFingerprintHex[5] + masterFingerprintHex[2] + masterFingerprintHex[3] + masterFingerprintHex[0] + masterFingerprintHex[1] ); } isHd() { return this.secret.startsWith('xpub') || this.secret.startsWith('ypub') || this.secret.startsWith('zpub'); } weOwnAddress(address: string) { if (this.isHd()) { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.weOwnAddress(address); throw new Error('Not initialized'); } if (address && address.startsWith('BC1')) address = address.toLowerCase(); return this.getAddress() === address; } allowMasterFingerprint() { return this.getSecret().startsWith('zpub'); } useWithHardwareWalletEnabled() { return !!this.use_with_hardware_wallet; } setUseWithHardwareWalletEnabled(enabled: boolean) { this.use_with_hardware_wallet = !!enabled; } /** * @inheritDoc */ getAllExternalAddresses() { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.getAllExternalAddresses(); return super.getAllExternalAddresses(); } isXpubValid() { let xpub; try { if (this.secret.startsWith('zpub')) { xpub = this._zpubToXpub(this.secret); } else if (this.secret.startsWith('ypub')) { xpub = AbstractWallet._ypubToXpub(this.secret); } else { xpub = this.secret; } const hdNode = bip32.fromBase58(xpub); hdNode.derive(0); return true; } catch (_) {} return false; } addressIsChange(...args: Parameters) { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.addressIsChange(...args); return super.addressIsChange(...args); } getUTXOMetadata(...args: Parameters) { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.getUTXOMetadata(...args); return super.getUTXOMetadata(...args); } setUTXOMetadata(...args: Parameters) { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.setUTXOMetadata(...args); return super.setUTXOMetadata(...args); } getDerivationPath(...args: Parameters) { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.getDerivationPath(...args); throw new Error("Not a HD watch-only wallet, can't use derivation path"); } setDerivationPath(...args: Parameters) { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.setDerivationPath(...args); throw new Error("Not a HD watch-only wallet, can't use derivation path"); } isSegwit(): boolean { if (this._hdWalletInstance) return this._hdWalletInstance.isSegwit(); return super.isSegwit(); } }