import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import { DevSettings, Alert, Platform, AlertButton } from 'react-native'; import { useStorage } from '../hooks/context/useStorage'; import { HDSegwitBech32Wallet } from '../class'; import Clipboard from '@react-native-clipboard/clipboard'; import { useIsLargeScreen } from '../hooks/useIsLargeScreen'; import { TWallet } from '../class/wallets/types'; const getRandomLabelFromSecret = (secret: string): string => { const words = secret.split(' '); const randomWord = words[Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length)]; return `[Developer] ${randomWord}`; }; const showAlertWithWalletOptions = ( wallets: TWallet[], title: string, message: string, onWalletSelected: (wallet: TWallet) => void, filterFn?: (wallet: TWallet) => boolean, ) => { const filteredWallets = filterFn ? wallets.filter(filterFn) : wallets; const showWallet = (index: number) => { if (index >= filteredWallets.length) return; const wallet = filteredWallets[index]; if (Platform.OS === 'android') { // Android: Use a limited number of buttons since the alert dialog has a limit Alert.alert( `${title}: ${wallet.getLabel()}`, `${message}\n\nSelected Wallet: ${wallet.getLabel()}\n\nWould you like to select this wallet or see the next one?`, [ { text: 'Select This Wallet', onPress: () => onWalletSelected(wallet), }, { text: 'Show Next Wallet', onPress: () => showWallet(index + 1), }, { text: 'Cancel', style: 'cancel', }, ], { cancelable: true }, ); } else { const options: AlertButton[] = => ({ text: w.getLabel(), onPress: () => onWalletSelected(w), })); options.push({ text: 'Cancel', style: 'cancel', }); Alert.alert(title, message, options, { cancelable: true }); } }; if (filteredWallets.length > 0) { showWallet(0); } else { Alert.alert('No wallets available'); } }; const DevMenu: React.FC = () => { const { wallets, addWallet } = useStorage(); const { setLargeScreenValue } = useIsLargeScreen(); useEffect(() => { if (__DEV__) { // Clear existing Dev Menu items to prevent duplication DevSettings.addMenuItem('Reset Dev Menu', () => { DevSettings.reload(); }); DevSettings.addMenuItem('Add New Wallet', async () => { const wallet = new HDSegwitBech32Wallet(); await wallet.generate(); const label = getRandomLabelFromSecret(wallet.getSecret()); wallet.setLabel(label); addWallet(wallet); Clipboard.setString(wallet.getSecret()); Alert.alert('New Wallet created!', `Wallet secret copied to clipboard.\nLabel: ${label}`); }); DevSettings.addMenuItem('Copy Wallet Secret', () => { if (wallets.length === 0) { Alert.alert('No wallets available'); return; } showAlertWithWalletOptions(wallets, 'Copy Wallet Secret', 'Select the wallet to copy the secret', wallet => { Clipboard.setString(wallet.getSecret()); Alert.alert('Wallet Secret copied to clipboard!'); }); }); DevSettings.addMenuItem('Copy Wallet ID', () => { if (wallets.length === 0) { Alert.alert('No wallets available'); return; } showAlertWithWalletOptions(wallets, 'Copy Wallet ID', 'Select the wallet to copy the ID', wallet => { Clipboard.setString(wallet.getID()); Alert.alert('Wallet ID copied to clipboard!'); }); }); DevSettings.addMenuItem('Copy Wallet Xpub', () => { if (wallets.length === 0) { Alert.alert('No wallets available'); return; } showAlertWithWalletOptions( wallets, 'Copy Wallet Xpub', 'Select the wallet to copy the Xpub', wallet => { const xpub = wallet.getXpub(); if (xpub) { Clipboard.setString(xpub); Alert.alert('Wallet Xpub copied to clipboard!'); } else { Alert.alert('This wallet does not have an Xpub.'); } }, wallet => typeof wallet.getXpub === 'function', ); }); DevSettings.addMenuItem('Purge Wallet Transactions', () => { if (wallets.length === 0) { Alert.alert('No wallets available'); return; } showAlertWithWalletOptions(wallets, 'Purge Wallet Transactions', 'Select the wallet to purge transactions', wallet => { const msg = 'Transactions purged successfully!'; if (wallet.type === HDSegwitBech32Wallet.type) { wallet._txs_by_external_index = {}; wallet._txs_by_internal_index = {}; } // @ts-ignore: Property '_hdWalletInstance' does not exist on type 'Wallet'. Pls help if (wallet._hdWalletInstance) { // @ts-ignore: Property '_hdWalletInstance' does not exist on type 'Wallet'. Pls help wallet._hdWalletInstance._txs_by_external_index = {}; // @ts-ignore: Property '_hdWalletInstance' does not exist on type 'Wallet'. Pls help wallet._hdWalletInstance._txs_by_internal_index = {}; } Alert.alert(msg); }); }); DevSettings.addMenuItem('Force Large Screen Interface', () => { setLargeScreenValue('LargeScreen'); Alert.alert('Large Screen Interface forced.'); }); DevSettings.addMenuItem('Force Handheld Interface', () => { setLargeScreenValue('Handheld'); Alert.alert('Handheld Interface forced.'); }); DevSettings.addMenuItem('Reset Screen Interface', () => { setLargeScreenValue(undefined); Alert.alert('Screen Interface reset to default.'); }); } }, [wallets, addWallet, setLargeScreenValue]); return null; }; export default DevMenu;