echo "Applying patch for AppDelegate.m" patch ios/BlueWallet/AppDelegate.m ./scripts/maccatalystpatches/appdelegate.patch echo "Applying patch for package.json" patch package.json ./scripts/maccatalystpatches/packagejson.patch echo "Removing node_modules" rm -fr node_modules echo "Removing ios/Pods" rm -fr ios/Pods echo "Removing ios/Podfile.lock" rm -fr ios/Podfile.lock echo "Re-installing node_modules" npm i echo "Applying patch for react-native-camera" cd node_modules/react-native-camera/ios/RCT patch RCTCameraManager.m ../../../../scripts/maccatalystpatches/RCTCameraManager.patch cd ../RN/ patch RNCamera.m ../../../../scripts/maccatalystpatches/RNCamera.patch echo "Applying patch for react-native-image-picker" cd ../../../../ cd node_modules/react-native-image-picker/ios patch ImagePickerManager.m ../../../scripts/maccatalystpatches/ImagePickerManager.patch echo "Applying patch for Podfile" cd ../../../ patch ios/Podfile ./scripts/maccatalystpatches/podfile.patch echo "Applying patch for realm podspec" patch node_modules/realm/RealmJS.podspec ./scripts/maccatalystpatches/realm.patch cd ios pod update echo "" echo "You should now be able to compile BlueWallet using Mac Catalyst on XCode. Enable Mac under Deployment Info by using XCode. If you are running macOS Catalina, you will need to remove the iOS 14 Widgets from the project targets."