import { useFocusEffect, useRoute } from '@react-navigation/native'; import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { BackHandler, Image, InteractionManager, LayoutAnimation, ScrollView, StyleSheet, Text, TextInput, TouchableOpacity, View, } from 'react-native'; import Share from 'react-native-share'; import * as BlueElectrum from '../../blue_modules/BlueElectrum'; import { fiatToBTC, satoshiToBTC } from '../../blue_modules/currency'; import triggerHapticFeedback, { HapticFeedbackTypes } from '../../blue_modules/hapticFeedback'; import Notifications from '../../blue_modules/notifications'; import { BlueButtonLink, BlueCard, BlueLoading, BlueSpacing20, BlueSpacing40, BlueText } from '../../BlueComponents'; import DeeplinkSchemaMatch from '../../class/deeplink-schema-match'; import AmountInput from '../../components/AmountInput'; import BottomModal from '../../components/BottomModal'; import Button from '../../components/Button'; import CopyTextToClipboard from '../../components/CopyTextToClipboard'; import HandOffComponent from '../../components/HandOffComponent'; import QRCodeComponent from '../../components/QRCodeComponent'; import { useTheme } from '../../components/themes'; import { TransactionPendingIconBig } from '../../components/TransactionPendingIconBig'; import { useExtendedNavigation } from '../../hooks/useExtendedNavigation'; import loc, { formatBalance } from '../../loc'; import { BitcoinUnit, Chain } from '../../models/bitcoinUnits'; import { SuccessView } from '../send/success'; import { useStorage } from '../../hooks/context/useStorage'; import { HandOffActivityType } from '../../components/types'; import SegmentedControl from '../../components/SegmentControl'; import { CommonToolTipActions } from '../../typings/CommonToolTipActions'; import HeaderMenuButton from '../../components/HeaderMenuButton'; const segmentControlValues = [loc.wallets.details_address, loc.bip47.payment_code]; const ReceiveDetails = () => { const { walletID, address } = useRoute().params; const { wallets, saveToDisk, sleep, isElectrumDisabled, fetchAndSaveWalletTransactions } = useStorage(); const wallet = wallets.find(w => w.getID() === walletID); const [customLabel, setCustomLabel] = useState(''); const [customAmount, setCustomAmount] = useState(''); const [customUnit, setCustomUnit] = useState(BitcoinUnit.BTC); const [bip21encoded, setBip21encoded] = useState(''); const [isCustom, setIsCustom] = useState(false); const [tempCustomLabel, setTempCustomLabel] = useState(''); const [tempCustomAmount, setTempCustomAmount] = useState(''); const [tempCustomUnit, setTempCustomUnit] = useState(BitcoinUnit.BTC); const [showPendingBalance, setShowPendingBalance] = useState(false); const [showConfirmedBalance, setShowConfirmedBalance] = useState(false); const [showAddress, setShowAddress] = useState(false); const [currentTab, setCurrentTab] = useState(segmentControlValues[0]); const { goBack, setParams, setOptions } = useExtendedNavigation(); const bottomModalRef = useRef(null); const { colors, closeImage } = useTheme(); const [intervalMs, setIntervalMs] = useState(5000); const [eta, setEta] = useState(''); const [initialConfirmed, setInitialConfirmed] = useState(0); const [initialUnconfirmed, setInitialUnconfirmed] = useState(0); const [displayBalance, setDisplayBalance] = useState(''); const fetchAddressInterval = useRef(); const receiveAddressButton = useRef(); const stylesHook = StyleSheet.create({ customAmount: { borderColor: colors.formBorder, borderBottomColor: colors.formBorder, backgroundColor: colors.inputBackgroundColor, }, customAmountText: { color: colors.foregroundColor, }, root: { backgroundColor: colors.elevated, }, amount: { color: colors.foregroundColor, }, label: { color: colors.foregroundColor, }, modalButton: { backgroundColor: colors.modalButton, }, tip: { backgroundColor: colors.ballOutgoingExpired, }, }); const setAddressBIP21Encoded = useCallback( addr => { const newBip21encoded = DeeplinkSchemaMatch.bip21encode(addr); setParams({ address: addr }); setBip21encoded(newBip21encoded); setShowAddress(true); }, [setParams], ); const obtainWalletAddress = useCallback(async () => { console.debug('receive/details - componentDidMount'); let newAddress; if (address) { setAddressBIP21Encoded(address); await Notifications.tryToObtainPermissions(receiveAddressButton); Notifications.majorTomToGroundControl([address], [], []); } else { if (wallet.chain === Chain.ONCHAIN) { try { if (!isElectrumDisabled) newAddress = await Promise.race([wallet.getAddressAsync(), sleep(1000)]); } catch (_) {} if (newAddress === undefined) { // either sleep expired or getAddressAsync threw an exception console.warn('either sleep expired or getAddressAsync threw an exception'); newAddress = wallet._getExternalAddressByIndex(wallet.getNextFreeAddressIndex()); } else { saveToDisk(); // caching whatever getAddressAsync() generated internally } } else if (wallet.chain === Chain.OFFCHAIN) { try { await Promise.race([wallet.getAddressAsync(), sleep(1000)]); newAddress = wallet.getAddress(); } catch (_) {} if (newAddress === undefined) { // either sleep expired or getAddressAsync threw an exception console.warn('either sleep expired or getAddressAsync threw an exception'); newAddress = wallet.getAddress(); } else { saveToDisk(); // caching whatever getAddressAsync() generated internally } } setAddressBIP21Encoded(newAddress); await Notifications.tryToObtainPermissions(receiveAddressButton); Notifications.majorTomToGroundControl([newAddress], [], []); } }, [wallet, saveToDisk, address, setAddressBIP21Encoded, isElectrumDisabled, sleep]); const onEnablePaymentsCodeSwitchValue = useCallback(() => { if (wallet.allowBIP47()) { wallet.switchBIP47(!wallet.isBIP47Enabled()); } saveToDisk(); obtainWalletAddress(); }, [wallet, saveToDisk, obtainWalletAddress]); useEffect(() => { if (showConfirmedBalance) { triggerHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackTypes.NotificationSuccess); } }, [showConfirmedBalance]); const toolTipActions = useMemo(() => { const action = CommonToolTipActions.PaymentCode; action.menuState = wallet?.isBIP47Enabled(); return [action]; }, [wallet]); const onPressMenuItem = useCallback(() => { LayoutAnimation.configureNext(LayoutAnimation.Presets.easeInEaseOut); onEnablePaymentsCodeSwitchValue(); }, [onEnablePaymentsCodeSwitchValue]); const HeaderRight = useMemo( () => , [onPressMenuItem, toolTipActions], ); const handleClose = useCallback(() => { goBack(); }, [goBack]); const HeaderLeft = useMemo( () => ( ), [closeImage, handleClose], ); useEffect(() => { wallet?.allowBIP47() && wallet?.isBIP47Enabled() && setOptions({ headerLeft: () => (wallet?.isBIP47Enabled() ? null : HeaderLeft), headerRight: () => (wallet?.isBIP47Enabled() ? HeaderLeft : HeaderRight), }); }, [HeaderLeft, HeaderRight, colors.foregroundColor, setOptions, wallet]); // re-fetching address balance periodically useEffect(() => { console.debug('receive/details - useEffect'); const intervalId = setInterval(async () => { try { const decoded = DeeplinkSchemaMatch.bip21decode(bip21encoded); const addressToUse = address || decoded.address; if (!addressToUse) return; console.debug('checking address', addressToUse, 'for balance...'); const balance = await BlueElectrum.getBalanceByAddress(addressToUse); console.debug('', balance); if (balance.unconfirmed > 0) { if (initialConfirmed === 0 && initialUnconfirmed === 0) { setInitialConfirmed(balance.confirmed); setInitialUnconfirmed(balance.unconfirmed); setIntervalMs(25000); triggerHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackTypes.ImpactHeavy); } const txs = await BlueElectrum.getMempoolTransactionsByAddress(addressToUse); const tx = txs.pop(); if (tx) { const rez = await BlueElectrum.multiGetTransactionByTxid([tx.tx_hash], true, 10); if (rez && rez[tx.tx_hash] && rez[tx.tx_hash].vsize) { const satPerVbyte = Math.round(tx.fee / rez[tx.tx_hash].vsize); const fees = await BlueElectrum.estimateFees(); if (satPerVbyte >= { setEta(loc.formatString(loc.transactions.eta_10m)); } else if (satPerVbyte >= fees.medium) { setEta(loc.formatString(loc.transactions.eta_3h)); } else { setEta(loc.formatString(loc.transactions.eta_1d)); } } } setDisplayBalance( loc.formatString(loc.transactions.pending_with_amount, { amt1: formatBalance(balance.unconfirmed, BitcoinUnit.LOCAL_CURRENCY, true).toString(), amt2: formatBalance(balance.unconfirmed, BitcoinUnit.BTC, true).toString(), }), ); setShowPendingBalance(true); setShowAddress(false); } else if (balance.unconfirmed === 0 && initialUnconfirmed !== 0) { // now, handling a case when unconfirmed == 0, but in past it wasnt (i.e. it changed while user was // staring at the screen) const balanceToShow = balance.confirmed - initialConfirmed; if (balanceToShow > 0) { // address has actually more coins than initially, so we definitely gained something setShowConfirmedBalance(true); setShowPendingBalance(false); setShowAddress(false); setDisplayBalance( loc.formatString(loc.transactions.received_with_amount, { amt1: formatBalance(balanceToShow, BitcoinUnit.LOCAL_CURRENCY, true).toString(), amt2: formatBalance(balanceToShow, BitcoinUnit.BTC, true).toString(), }), ); fetchAndSaveWalletTransactions(walletID); } else { // rare case, but probable. transaction evicted from mempool (maybe cancelled by the sender) setShowConfirmedBalance(false); setShowPendingBalance(false); setShowAddress(true); } } } catch (error) { console.debug(error); } }, intervalMs); return () => clearInterval(intervalId); }, [bip21encoded, address, initialConfirmed, initialUnconfirmed, intervalMs, fetchAndSaveWalletTransactions, walletID]); const renderConfirmedBalance = () => { return ( {isCustom && ( <> {customLabel} )} {displayBalance} ); }; const renderPendingBalance = () => { return ( {isCustom && ( <> {customLabel} )} {displayBalance} {eta} ); }; const handleBackButton = () => { goBack(null); return true; }; useEffect(() => { BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', handleBackButton); return () => { BackHandler.removeEventListener('hardwareBackPress', handleBackButton); clearInterval(fetchAddressInterval.current); fetchAddressInterval.current = undefined; }; // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); const renderReceiveDetails = () => { return ( <> {isCustom && ( <> {getDisplayAmount() && ( {getDisplayAmount()} )} {customLabel?.length > 0 && ( {customLabel} )} )} ); }; useFocusEffect( useCallback(() => { const task = InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(async () => { if (wallet) { obtainWalletAddress(); } else if (!wallet && address) { setAddressBIP21Encoded(address); } }); return () => { task.cancel(); }; }, [wallet, address, obtainWalletAddress, setAddressBIP21Encoded]), ); const showCustomAmountModal = () => { setTempCustomLabel(customLabel); setTempCustomAmount(customAmount); setTempCustomUnit(customUnit); bottomModalRef.current.present(); }; const createCustomAmountAddress = () => { bottomModalRef.current.dismiss(); setIsCustom(true); let amount = tempCustomAmount; switch (tempCustomUnit) { case BitcoinUnit.BTC: // nop break; case BitcoinUnit.SATS: amount = satoshiToBTC(tempCustomAmount); break; case BitcoinUnit.LOCAL_CURRENCY: if (AmountInput.conversionCache[amount + BitcoinUnit.LOCAL_CURRENCY]) { // cache hit! we reuse old value that supposedly doesnt have rounding errors amount = satoshiToBTC(AmountInput.conversionCache[amount + BitcoinUnit.LOCAL_CURRENCY]); } else { amount = fiatToBTC(tempCustomAmount); } break; } setCustomLabel(tempCustomLabel); setCustomAmount(tempCustomAmount); setCustomUnit(tempCustomUnit); setBip21encoded(DeeplinkSchemaMatch.bip21encode(address, { amount, label: tempCustomLabel })); setShowAddress(true); }; const resetCustomAmount = () => { setTempCustomLabel(''); setTempCustomAmount(''); setTempCustomUnit(wallet.getPreferredBalanceUnit()); setCustomLabel(); setCustomAmount(); setCustomUnit(wallet.getPreferredBalanceUnit()); setBip21encoded(DeeplinkSchemaMatch.bip21encode(address)); setShowAddress(true); bottomModalRef.current.dismiss(); }; const handleShareButtonPressed = () => {{ message: currentTab === loc.wallets.details_address ? bip21encoded : wallet.getBIP47PaymentCode() }).catch(error => console.debug(error), ); }; /** * @returns {string} BTC amount, accounting for current `customUnit` and `customUnit` */ const getDisplayAmount = () => { if (Number(customAmount) > 0) { switch (customUnit) { case BitcoinUnit.BTC: return customAmount + ' BTC'; case BitcoinUnit.SATS: return satoshiToBTC(customAmount) + ' BTC'; case BitcoinUnit.LOCAL_CURRENCY: return fiatToBTC(customAmount) + ' BTC'; } return customAmount + ' ' + customUnit; } else { return null; } }; const renderTabContent = () => { const qrValue = currentTab === segmentControlValues[0] ? bip21encoded : wallet.getBIP47PaymentCode(); if (currentTab === segmentControlValues[0]) { return {address && renderReceiveDetails()}; } else { return ( {!qrValue && {loc.bip47.not_found}} {qrValue && ( <> {loc.receive.bip47_explanation} )} ); } }; return ( <> {wallet?.allowBIP47() && wallet?.isBIP47Enabled() && ( tab === currentTab)} onChange={index => { setCurrentTab(segmentControlValues[index]); }} /> )} {showAddress && renderTabContent()} {address !== undefined && showAddress && ( )} {showConfirmedBalance ? renderConfirmedBalance() : null} {showPendingBalance ? renderPendingBalance() : null} {!showAddress && !showPendingBalance && !showConfirmedBalance ? : null} {showAddress && currentTab === loc.wallets.details_address && ( )}