mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 08:55:56 +01:00
REF: remove old and untranslated values from loc files
This commit is contained in:
37 changed files with 1261 additions and 3912 deletions
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ minimum_perc = 30
source_file = loc/en.json
source_lang = en
lang_map = af_ZA: zar_afr, cs_CZ: cs_cz, da_DK: da_dk, de_DE: de_de, es_ES: es, fa_IR: fa, fi_FI: fi_fi, fr_FR: fr_fr, hr_HR: hr_hr, hu_HU: hu_hu, id_ID: id_id, ja_JP: jp_jp, nb_NO: nb_no, nl_NL: nl_nl, pt_BR: pt_br, pt_PT: pt_pt, sk_SK: sk_sk, sv_SE: sv_se, th_TH: th_th, tr_TR: tr_tr, uk_UA: ua, vi_VN: vi_vn, xh: zar_xho, zh_CN: zh_cn, zh_TW: zh_tw
lang_map = af_ZA: zar_afr, bg_BG: bg_bg, ca: ca, cs_CZ: cs_cz, cy: cy, da_DK: da_dk, de_DE: de_de, el: el, es_ES: es, fa_IR: fa, fi_FI: fi_fi, fr_FR: fr_fr, hr_HR: hr_hr, hu_HU: hu_hu, id_ID: id_id, ja_JP: jp_jp, nb_NO: nb_no, nl_NL: nl_nl, pt_BR: pt_br, pt_PT: pt_pt, sk_SK: sk_sk, sv_SE: sv_se, th_TH: th_th, tr_TR: tr_tr, uk_UA: ua, vi_VN: vi_vn, xh: zar_xho, zh_CN: zh_cn, zh_TW: zh_tw
file_filter = ios/fastlane/metadata/<lang>/description.txt
@ -181,23 +181,14 @@
"dynamic_prev": "السابق",
"dynamic_start": "البدء",
"dynamic_stop": "الإيقاف",
"fee_10m": "10m",
"fee_1d": "1d",
"fee_3h": "3h",
"fee_custom": "Custom",
"fee_fast": "Fast",
"fee_medium": "Medium",
"fee_replace_min": "The total fee rate (satoshi per byte) you want to pay should be higher than {min} sat/byte",
"fee_satbyte": "in sat/byte",
"fee_slow": "Slow",
"header": "الإرسال",
"input_clear": "المسح",
"input_done": "تم",
"input_paste": "اللصق",
"input_total": "الإجمالي:",
"open_settings": "فتح الإعدادات",
"permission_camera_message": "نحتاج إلى إذنك لاستخدام الكاميرا الخاصة بك",
"permission_camera_title": "إذن باستخدام الكاميرا",
"open_settings": "فتح الإعدادات",
"permission_storage_later": "اسألني لاحقًا",
"permission_storage_message": "تحتاج BlueWallet إلى إذنك للوصول إلى وحدة التخزين الخاصة بك لحفظ هذه المعاملة.",
"permission_storage_title": "إذن وصول BlueWallet إلى وحدة التخزين",
@ -226,7 +217,6 @@
"currency": "العملة",
"currency_source": "يتم الحصول على الأسعار من",
"default_desc": "عند تعطيل هذا الإعداد، ستفتح BlueWallet المحفظة المحدَّدة فور التشغيل.",
"default_info": "Default info",
"default_title": "عند التشغيل",
"default_wallets": "عرض جميع المحافظ",
"electrum_connected": "متصل",
@ -301,16 +291,13 @@
"transactions_count": "عدد المعاملات"
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"add_create": "الإنشاء",
"add_entropy_generated": "{gen} بايت من الإنتروبيا (العشوائية) المحققة",
"add_entropy_provide": "توفير الإنتروبيا (العشوائية) باستخدام النرد",
"add_entropy_remain": "{gen} بايت من الإنتروبيا (العشوائية) المحققة. سيتم الحصول على {rem} بايت المتبقية من مولِّد الأرقام العشوائية للنظام.",
"add_import_wallet": "استيراد المحفظة",
"import_file": "استيراد ملف",
"add_lightning": "Lightning",
"add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions",
"add_lndhub": "اتصل ببرنامج تضمين LNDHub الخاص بك",
"add_lndhub_error": "عنوان العقدة المقدَّم لا ينطوي على عقدة LNDHub صالحة.",
"add_lndhub_placeholder": "عنوان العقدة الخاص بك",
@ -343,14 +330,13 @@
"import_do_import": "الاستيراد",
"import_error": "فشل الاستيراد. يُرجى التأكد من أن البيانات المقدَّمة صالحة.",
"import_explanation": "اكتب هنا عبارتك التذكيرية أو مفتاحك الخاص أو WIF أو أي شيء لديك. ستبذل BlueWallet قصارى جهدها لتخمين التنسيق الصحيح واستيراد محفظتك",
"import_file": "استيراد ملف",
"import_imported": "تم الاستيراد",
"import_scan_qr": "المسح الضوئي أو استيراد ملف",
"import_success": "تم استيراد محفظتك بنجاح.",
"import_title": "الاستيراد",
"list_create_a_button": "إضافة الآن",
"list_create_a_wallet": "إضافة محفظة",
"list_create_a_wallet1": "إنها مجانية ويمكنك إنشاء",
"list_create_a_wallet2": "العدد الذي تريده من المحافظ",
"list_empty_txs1": "ستظهر معاملاتك هنا",
"list_empty_txs1_lightning": "يجب استخدام محفظة Lightning في معاملاتك اليومية. الرسوم رخيصة جدًا والسرعة كبيرة حقًا.",
"list_empty_txs2": "ابدأ بمحفظتك",
@ -362,7 +348,6 @@
"list_long_choose": "اختيار صورة",
"list_long_clipboard": "النسخ من الحافظة",
"list_long_scan": "مسح رمز الاستجابة السرعة ضوئيًا",
"take_photo": "التقاط صورة",
"list_tap_here_to_buy": "شراء Bitcoin",
"list_title": "المحافظ",
"list_tryagain": "إعادة المحاولة",
@ -370,6 +355,7 @@
"select_no_bitcoin": "لا توجد محافظ Bitcoin متاحة حاليًا.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "تحتاج إلى محفظة Bitcoin لإعادة تعبئة محافظ Lightning. يُرجى إنشاء محفظة أو استيراد واحدة.",
"select_wallet": "اختيار محفظة",
"take_photo": "التقاط صورة",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "تم النسخ إلى الحافظة.",
"xpub_title": "عنوان XPUB للمحفظة"
@ -4,19 +4,13 @@
"cancel": "Отказ",
"continue": "Продължи",
"enter_password": "Въведете парола",
"file_saved": "Файл ({filePath}) е запазен в папката със свалени файлове.",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment": "Невалиден анимиран QRCode фрагмент. Моля, опитайте отново",
"never": "никога",
"of": "{number} от {total}",
"ok": "OK",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Вашият уолет е криптиран. Необходима е парола за декриптиране",
"allow": "Allow",
"dont_allow": "Don't Allow",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No",
"save": "Save",
"seed": "Seed",
"wallet_key": "Уолет ключ",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Невалиден анимиран QRCode фрагмент. Моля, опитайте отново",
"file_saved": "Файл ({filePath}) е запазен в папката със свалени файлове."
"wallet_key": "Уолет ключ"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "Цода на вашият ваучър е",
@ -97,378 +91,6 @@
"placeholder": "Фактура",
"potentialFee": "Възможна такса: {fee}",
"refill": "Зареди",
"refill_card": "Зареди с банкова карта",
"refill_create": "In order to proceed, please create a Bitcoin wallet to refill with.",
"refill_external": "Refill with External Wallet",
"refill_lnd_balance": "Refill Lightning wallet balance",
"sameWalletAsInvoiceError": "You can not pay an invoice with the same wallet used to create it.",
"title": "manage funds"
"lndViewInvoice": {
"additional_info": "Additional Information",
"for": "For:",
"has_been_paid": "This invoice has been paid for",
"open_direct_channel": "Open direct channel with this node:",
"please_pay": "Please pay",
"preimage": "Preimage",
"sats": "sats",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "This invoice was not paid for and has expired"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "Create Encrypted storage",
"create_password": "Create a password",
"create_password_explanation": "Password for fake storage should not match the password for your main storage",
"help": "Under certain circumstances, you might be forced to disclose a password. To keep your coins safe, BlueWallet can create another encrypted storage, with a different password. Under pressure, you can disclose this password to a 3rd party. If entered in BlueWallet, it will unlock a new 'fake' storage. This will seem legit to a 3rd party, but it will secretly keep your main storage with coins safe.",
"help2": "The new storage will be fully functional, and you can store some minimum amounts there so it looks more believable.",
"password_should_not_match": "Password is currently in use. Please, try a different password.",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Passwords do not match, please try again.",
"retype_password": "Retype password",
"success": "Success",
"title": "Plausible Deniability"
"pleasebackup": {
"ask": "Have you saved your wallet's backup phrase? This backup phrase is required to access your funds in case you lose this device. Without the backup phrase, your funds will be permanently lost.",
"ask_no": "No, I have not",
"ask_yes": "Yes, I have",
"ok": "OK, I wrote this down!",
"ok_lnd": "OK, I have saved it.",
"text": "Please take a moment to write down this mnemonic phrase on a piece of paper. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.",
"text_lnd": "Please take a moment to save this LNDHub authentication. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.",
"title": "Your wallet is created..."
"receive": {
"details_create": "Create",
"details_label": "Description",
"details_setAmount": "Receive with amount",
"details_share": "share",
"header": "Receive"
"send": {
"broadcastButton": "BROADCAST",
"broadcastError": "error",
"broadcastNone": "Input transaction hash",
"broadcastPending": "pending",
"broadcastSuccess": "success",
"confirm_header": "Confirm",
"confirm_sendNow": "Send now",
"create_amount": "Amount",
"create_broadcast": "Broadcast",
"create_copy": "Copy and broadcast later",
"create_details": "Details",
"create_fee": "Fee",
"create_memo": "Memo",
"create_satoshi_per_byte": "Satoshi per byte",
"create_this_is_hex": "This is your transaction's hex, signed and ready to be broadcasted to the network.",
"create_to": "To",
"create_tx_size": "TX size",
"create_verify": "Verify on coinb.in",
"details_add_rec_add": "Add Recipient",
"details_add_rec_rem": "Remove Recipient",
"details_address": "address",
"details_address_field_is_not_valid": "Address field is not valid",
"details_adv_fee_bump": "Allow Fee Bump",
"details_adv_full": "Use Full Balance",
"details_adv_full_remove": "Your other recipients will be removed from this transaction.",
"details_adv_full_sure": "Are you sure you want to use your wallet's full balance for this transaction?",
"details_adv_import": "Import Transaction",
"details_amount_field_is_not_valid": "Amount field is not valid",
"details_create": "Create Invoice",
"details_error_decode": "Error: Unable to decode Bitcoin address",
"details_fee_field_is_not_valid": "Fee field is not valid",
"details_next": "Next",
"details_no_maximum": "The selected wallet does not support automatic maximum balance calculation. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_multiple": "The selected wallet does not support sending Bitcoin to multiple recipients. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_signed_tx": "The selected file does not contain a transaction that can be imported.",
"details_note_placeholder": "note to self",
"details_scan": "Scan",
"details_total_exceeds_balance": "The sending amount exceeds the available balance.",
"details_wallet_before_tx": "Before creating a transaction, you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.",
"details_wallet_selection": "Wallet Selection",
"dynamic_init": "Initializing",
"dynamic_next": "Next",
"dynamic_prev": "Previous",
"dynamic_start": "Start",
"dynamic_stop": "Stop",
"fee_10m": "10m",
"fee_1d": "1d",
"fee_3h": "3h",
"fee_custom": "Custom",
"fee_fast": "Fast",
"fee_medium": "Medium",
"fee_replace_min": "The total fee rate (satoshi per byte) you want to pay should be higher than {min} sat/byte",
"fee_satbyte": "in sat/byte",
"fee_slow": "Slow",
"header": "Send",
"input_clear": "Clear",
"input_done": "Done",
"input_paste": "Paste",
"input_total": "Total:",
"permission_camera_message": "We need your permission to use your camera",
"permission_camera_title": "Permission to use camera",
"open_settings": "Open Settings",
"permission_storage_later": "Ask Me Later",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet needs your permission to access your storage to save this file.",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet is unable save this file. Please, open your device settings and enable Storage Permission.",
"permission_storage_title": "Storage Access Permission",
"psbt_clipboard": "Copy to Clipboard",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "This is a partially signed bitcoin transaction (PSBT). Please finish signing it with your hardware wallet.",
"psbt_tx_export": "Export to file",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "There is no transaction signing in progress",
"psbt_tx_open": "Open Signed Transaction",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Scan Signed Transaction",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "The selected image does not contain a QR Code.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "The selected file does not contain a wallet that can be imported.",
"success_done": "Done",
"txSaved": "The transaction file ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder .",
"problem_with_psbt": "Problem with PSBT"
"settings": {
"about": "About",
"about_awesome": "Built with the awesome",
"about_backup": "Always backup your keys!",
"about_free": "BlueWallet is a free and open source project. Crafted by Bitcoin users.",
"about_release_notes": "Release notes",
"about_review": "Leave us a review",
"about_selftest": "Run self test",
"about_sm_github": "GitHub",
"about_sm_telegram": "Telegram chat",
"about_sm_twitter": "Follow us on Twitter",
"advanced_options": "Advanced Options",
"currency": "Currency",
"currency_source": "Prices are obtained from",
"default_desc": "When disabled, BlueWallet will immediately open the selected wallet at launch.",
"default_info": "Default info",
"default_title": "On Launch",
"default_wallets": "View All Wallets",
"electrum_connected": "Connected",
"electrum_connected_not": "Not Connected",
"electrum_error_connect": "Can't connect to provided Electrum server",
"electrum_host": "host, for example {example}",
"electrum_port": "TCP port, usually {example}",
"electrum_port_ssl": "SSL port, usually {example}",
"electrum_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully. Restart may be required for changes to take effect.",
"electrum_settings": "Electrum Settings",
"electrum_settings_explain": "Set to blank to use default",
"electrum_status": "Status",
"encrypt_decrypt": "Decrypt Storage",
"encrypt_decrypt_q": "Are you sure you want to decrypt your storage? This will allow your wallets to be accessed without a password.",
"encrypt_del_uninstall": "Delete if BlueWallet is uninstalled",
"encrypt_enc_and_pass": "Encrypted and Password protected",
"encrypt_title": "Security",
"encrypt_tstorage": "storage",
"encrypt_use": "Use {type}",
"encrypt_use_expl": "{type} will be used to confirm your identity prior to making a transaction, unlocking, exporting or deleting a wallet. {type} will not be used to unlock an encrypted storage.",
"general": "General",
"general_adv_mode": "Advanced mode",
"general_adv_mode_e": "When enabled, you will see advanced options such as different wallet types, the ability to specify the LNDHub instance you wish to connect to and custom entropy during wallet creation.",
"general_continuity": "Continuity",
"general_continuity_e": "When enabled, you will be able to view selected wallets, and transactions, using your other Apple iCloud connected devices.",
"groundcontrol_explanation": "GroundControl is a free opensource push notifications server for bitcoin wallets. You can install your own GroundControl server and put its URL here to not rely on BlueWallet's infrastructure. Leave blank to use default",
"header": "settings",
"language": "Language",
"language_restart": "When selecting a new language, restarting BlueWallet may be required for the change to take effect.",
"lightning_error_lndhub_uri": "Not a valid LndHub URI",
"lightning_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully",
"lightning_settings": "Lightning Settings",
"lightning_settings_explain": "To connect to your own LND node please install LndHub and put its URL here in settings. Leave blank to use BlueWallet's LNDHub (lndhub.io). Wallets created after saving changes will connect to the specified LNDHub.",
"network": "Network",
"network_broadcast": "Broadcast transaction",
"network_electrum": "Electrum server",
"not_a_valid_uri": "Not a valid URI",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"password": "Password",
"password_explain": "Create the password you will use to decrypt the storage",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Passwords do not match",
"plausible_deniability": "Plausible deniability",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Read Clipboard",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet will display shortcuts for handling an invoice or address found in your clipboard.",
"privacy_system_settings": "System Settings",
"privacy_quickactions": "Wallet Shortcuts",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Touch and hold the BlueWallet app icon on your Home Screen to quickly view your wallet's balance.",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Provide shortcuts if an address, or invoice, is found in your clipboard.",
"push_notifications": "Push notifications",
"retype_password": "Re-type password",
"save": "Save",
"saved": "Saved"
"notifications": {
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Would you like to receive notifications when you get incoming payments?",
"no_and_dont_ask": "No, and Don't Ask Me Again",
"ask_me_later": "Ask Me Later"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one that pays you and has higher fees. This effectively cancels transaction. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"cancel_no": "This transaction is not replaceable",
"cancel_title": "Cancel this transaction (RBF)",
"cpfp_create": "Create",
"cpfp_exp": "We will create another transaction that spends your unconfirmed transaction. The total fee will be higher than the original transaction fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called CPFP - Child Pays For Parent.",
"cpfp_no_bump": "This transaction is not bumpable",
"cpfp_title": "Bump fee (CPFP)",
"details_balance_hide": "Hide Balance",
"details_balance_show": "Show Balance",
"details_block": "Block Height",
"details_copy": "Copy",
"details_from": "Input",
"details_inputs": "Inputs",
"details_outputs": "Outputs",
"details_received": "Received",
"details_show_in_block_explorer": "View in block explorer",
"details_title": "Transaction",
"details_to": "Output",
"details_transaction_details": "Transaction details",
"enable_hw": "This wallet is not being used in conjunction with a hardware wallet. Would you like to enable hardware wallet use?",
"list_conf": "conf: {number}",
"pending": "Pending",
"list_title": "transactions",
"rbf_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one with a higher fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"rbf_title": "Bump fee (RBF)",
"status_bump": "Bump Fee",
"status_cancel": "Cancel Transaction",
"transactions_count": "transactions count"
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_create": "Create",
"add_entropy_generated": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy",
"add_entropy_provide": "Provide entropy via dice rolls",
"add_entropy_remain": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy. Remaining {rem} bytes will be obtained from the System random number generator.",
"add_import_wallet": "Import wallet",
"add_lightning": "Lightning",
"add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions",
"add_lndhub": "Connect to your LNDHub",
"add_lndhub_error": "The provided node address is not valid LNDHub node.",
"add_lndhub_placeholder": "your node address",
"add_or": "or",
"add_title": "add wallet",
"add_wallet_name": "name",
"add_wallet_type": "type",
"clipboard_bitcoin": "You have a Bitcoin address on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?",
"clipboard_lightning": "You have a Lightning Invoice on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?",
"details_address": "Address",
"details_advanced": "Advanced",
"details_are_you_sure": "Are you sure?",
"details_connected_to": "Connected to",
"details_del_wb": "Wallet Balance",
"details_del_wb_err": "The provided balance amount does not match this wallet's balance. Please, try again",
"details_del_wb_q": "This wallet has a balance. Before proceeding, please be aware that you will not be able to recover the funds without this wallet's seed phrase. In order to avoid accidental removal this wallet, please enter your wallet's balance of {balance} satoshis.",
"details_delete": "Delete",
"details_delete_wallet": "Delete wallet",
"details_display": "display in wallets list",
"details_export_backup": "Export / backup",
"details_marketplace": "Marketplace",
"details_master_fingerprint": "Master fingerprint",
"details_no_cancel": "No, cancel",
"details_save": "Save",
"details_show_xpub": "Show wallet XPUB",
"details_title": "Wallet",
"details_type": "Type",
"details_use_with_hardware_wallet": "Use with hardware wallet",
"details_wallet_updated": "Wallet updated",
"details_yes_delete": "Yes, delete",
"enter_bip38_password": "Enter password to decrypt",
"export_title": "wallet export",
"import_do_import": "Import",
"import_error": "Failed to import. Please, make sure that the provided data is valid.",
"import_explanation": "Write here your mnemonic, private key, WIF, or anything you've got. BlueWallet will do its best to guess the correct format and import your wallet",
"import_file": "Import File",
"import_imported": "Imported",
"import_scan_qr": "Scan or import a file",
"import_success": "Your wallet has been successfully imported.",
"import_title": "import",
"list_create_a_button": "Add now",
"list_create_a_wallet": "Add a wallet",
"list_create_a_wallet_text": "It's free and you can create \nas many as you like",
"list_empty_txs1": "Your transactions will appear here",
"list_empty_txs1_lightning": "Lightning wallet should be used for your daily transactions. Fees are unfairly cheap and speed is blazing fast.",
"list_empty_txs2": "Start with your wallet",
"list_empty_txs2_lightning": "\nTo start using it tap on \"manage funds\" and topup your balance.",
"list_header": "A wallet represents a pair of keys, one private and one you can share to receive coins.",
"list_import_error": "An error was encountered when attempting to import this wallet.",
"list_import_problem": "There was a problem importing this wallet",
"list_latest_transaction": "latest transaction",
"list_long_choose": "Choose Photo",
"list_long_clipboard": "Copy from Clipboard",
"list_long_scan": "Scan QR Code",
"list_tap_here_to_buy": "Buy Bitcoin",
"list_title": "wallets",
"list_tryagain": "Try Again",
"looks_like_bip38": "This looks like password-protected private key (BIP38)",
"reorder_title": "Reorder Wallets",
"select_no_bitcoin": "There are currently no Bitcoin wallets available.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "A Bitcoin wallet is required to refill Lightning wallets. Please, create or import one.",
"select_wallet": "Select Wallet",
"take_photo": "Take Photo",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard.",
"pull_to_refresh": "pull to refresh",
"xpub_title": "wallet XPUB"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "Vault",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Best security for large amounts",
"provide_signature": "Provide signature",
"vault_key": "Vault key {number}",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Required keys out of the total",
"fee": "Fee: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"header": "Send",
"share": "Share",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "how many signatures can bluewallet make",
"scan_or_import_file": "Scan or import file",
"export_coordination_setup": "export coordination setup",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Co-sign this transaction?",
"lets_start": "Let's start",
"create": "Create",
"provide_key": "Provide key",
"native_segwit_title": "Best practice",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Best compatibility",
"legacy_title": "Legacy",
"co_sign_transaction": "Sign a transaction",
"what_is_vault": "A Vault is a",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-of-{n} multisig ",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "wallet",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Vault Settings...",
"needs": "Needs",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": " {m} vault keys ",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "to spend and a 3rd one you \ncan use as backup.",
"quorum": "{m} of {n} quorum",
"quorum_header": "Quorum",
"of": "of",
"wallet_type": "Wallet type",
"view_key": "view",
"invalid_mnemonics": "This mnemonic phrase doesnt seem to be valid",
"invalid_cosigner": "Not a valid cosigner data",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Incorrect cosigner: this is not a cosigner for {format} format",
"create_new_key": "Create New",
"scan_or_open_file": "Scan or open file",
"i_have_mnemonics": "I have a seed for this key...",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Please write down this mnemonic phrase on paper. Don't worry, you can write it down later.",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Ok, I wrote it down",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Insert a seed to import your existing vault key",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "This is the cosigner's xpub, ready to be imported into another wallet. It is safe to share it.",
"wallet_key_created": "Your vault key was created. Take a moment to safely backup your mnemonic seed",
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Are you sure? Your mnemonic seed will be lost if you dont have a backup",
"forget_this_seed": "Forget this seed and use xpub instead",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Fingerprint for this seed doesnt match this cosigners fingerprint",
"view_edit_cosigners": "View/edit cosigners",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "This cosigner is already imported",
"export_signed_psbt": "Export Signed PSBT",
"input_fp": "Enter fingerprint",
"input_fp_explain": "skip to use default one (00000000)",
"input_path": "Input derivation path",
"input_path_explain": "skip to use default one ({default})",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Edit Cosigners"
"cc": {
"change": "change",
"coins_selected": "Coins selected ({number})",
"empty": "This wallet doesn't have any coins at the moment",
"freeze": "freeze",
"freezeLabel": "Freeze",
"header": "Coin control",
"use_coin": "Use coin",
"tip": "Allows you to see, label, freeze or select coins for improved wallet management."
"refill_card": "Зареди с банкова карта"
@ -99,7 +99,6 @@
"list_title": "transaccions"
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_create": "Crear",
"add_import_wallet": "Importar moneder",
"add_or": "o",
@ -130,12 +129,9 @@
"import_title": "importar",
"list_create_a_button": "Afegir ara",
"list_create_a_wallet": "Afegeix un moneder",
"list_create_a_wallet1": "És gratuït i pots crear",
"list_create_a_wallet2": "tants com vulguis",
"list_empty_txs1": "Les seves transaccions apareixeran aquí,",
"list_empty_txs1_lightning": "Els moneders Lightning poden ser usats per les seves transaccions diàries. Les comissions són baixes i els pagaments ràpids.",
"list_empty_txs2": "encara no té cap transacció.",
"list_empty_txs2_lightning": "",
"list_latest_transaction": "última transacció",
"list_tap_here_to_buy": "Prem aquí per comprar Bitcoin",
"list_title": "moneders",
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
"_": {
"allow": "Povolit",
"bad_password": "Nesprávné heslo, zkuste to znovu.",
"cancel": "Zrušit",
"continue": "Pokračovat",
"dont_allow": "Nepovolit",
"enter_password": "Zadejte heslo",
"file_saved": "Soubor ({filePath}) byl uložen do složky Stažené soubory.",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment": "Neplatný animovaný fragment QRCode, zkuste to prosím znovu",
"never": "nikdy",
"no": "Ne",
"of": "{number} z {total}",
"ok": "OK",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Vaše úložiště je zašifrované. Zadejte heslo k odemčení",
"allow": "Povolit",
"dont_allow": "Nepovolit",
"yes": "Ano",
"no": "Ne",
"save": "Uložit",
"seed": "Seed",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Vaše úložiště je zašifrované. Zadejte heslo k odemčení",
"wallet_key": "Klíč peněženky",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Neplatný animovaný fragment QRCode, zkuste to prosím znovu",
"file_saved": "Soubor ({filePath}) byl uložen do složky Stažené soubory."
"yes": "Ano"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "Váš kód voucheru je",
@ -27,6 +27,16 @@
"success": "Úspěch",
"title": "Uplatnit Azte.co voucher"
"cc": {
"change": "změnit",
"coins_selected": "Vybrané mince ({number})",
"empty": "Tato peněženka nemá v tuto chvíli žádné mince",
"freeze": "zmrazit",
"freezeLabel": "Zmrazit",
"header": "Kontrola mincí",
"tip": "Umožňuje zobrazit, označit, zmrazit nebo vybrat mince pro lepší správu peněženky.",
"use_coin": "Použít minci"
"entropy": {
"save": "Uložit",
"title": "Entropie",
@ -87,6 +97,12 @@
"offer_window": "okno",
"p2p": "P2P směnárna"
"is_it_my_address": {
"check_address": "Zkontrolujte adresu",
"enter_address": "Zadejte adresu:",
"owns": "{label} vlastní {address}",
"title": "Je to moje adresa?"
"lnd": {
"errorInvoiceExpired": "Faktura vypršela",
"exchange": "Směnárna",
@ -107,14 +123,76 @@
"lndViewInvoice": {
"additional_info": "dodatečné informace",
"for": "Pro:",
"lightning_invoice": "Lightning faktura",
"has_been_paid": "Tato faktura byla uhrazena",
"lightning_invoice": "Lightning faktura",
"open_direct_channel": "Otevřít přímý kanál s tímto uzlem:",
"please_pay": "Prosím zaplaťte",
"preimage": "Předobraz",
"sats": "sats",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "Tato faktura nebyla zaplacena a její platnost vypršela."
"multisig": {
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Jsi si jistý(á)? Vaš mnemotechnický seed budou ztracen, pokud nemáte zálohu",
"co_sign_transaction": "Podepsat transakci",
"confirm": "Potvrdit",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Spolupodepsat transakci?",
"create": "Vytvořit",
"create_new_key": "Vytvořit novou",
"export_coordination_setup": "nastavení koordinace exportu",
"export_signed_psbt": "Exportovat podepsanou PSBT",
"fee": "Poplatek: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"forget_this_seed": "Zapomeňte na toto seed a použijte místo něj xpub",
"header": "Odeslat",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "kolik podpisů může bluewallet udělat",
"i_have_mnemonics": "Mám seed pro tento klíč...",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Dobře, napsal jsem ji",
"input_fp": "Zadejte otisk prstu",
"input_fp_explain": "přeskočit a použít výchozí (00000000)",
"input_path": "Vložit derivační cestu",
"input_path_explain": "přeskočit a použít výchozí ({default})",
"invalid_cosigner": "Nejsou platná data spolupodepsaného",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Nesprávný spolupodepsaný: toto není spolupodepsaný pro {format} formát",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Otisk pro tento seed neodpovídá tomuto otisku spolupodepisujícího",
"invalid_mnemonics": "Zdá se, že tato mnemotechnická fráze není platná",
"legacy_title": "Starší",
"lets_start": "Začněme",
"multisig_vault": "Uložiště",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Nejlepší zabezpečení pro velké částky",
"native_segwit_title": "Nejlepší praxe",
"needs": "Potřebuje",
"of": "z",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Napište tuto mnemotechnickou frázi na papír. Nebojte se, můžete si ji zapsat i později.",
"provide_key": "Poskytněte klíč",
"provide_signature": "Poskytnout podpis",
"quorum": "{m} z {n} kvorum",
"quorum_header": "Kvorum",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Požadované klíče z celkového počtu",
"scan_or_import_file": "Naskenujte nebo importujte soubor",
"scan_or_open_file": "Naskenujte nebo otevřete soubor",
"share": "Sdílet",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "Tento spolupodepisující je již importován",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "Toto je xpub spolupodepisujícího připravený k importu do jiné peněženky. Je bezpečné ho sdílet.",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Vložte seed k importu stávajícího klíče uložiště",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Nastavení úložiště...",
"vault_key": "Klíč úložiště {number}",
"view_edit_cosigners": "Zobrazit/upravit spolupodepisující",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Upravit spolupodepisující",
"view_key": "Podívat se",
"wallet_key_created": "Klíč k uložišti byl vytvořen. Udělejte si chvíli a bezpečně zálohujte svůj mnemotechnický seed",
"wallet_type": "Typ peněženky",
"what_is_vault": "Uložiště je",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": " {m} klíčů uložiště",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "k utracení a třetí můžete\npoužít jako zálohu.",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-z-{n} multisig ",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "peněženka",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Nejlepší kompatibilita"
"notifications": {
"ask_me_later": "Zeptejte se mě později",
"no_and_dont_ask": "Ne, a už se mě znovu neptejte",
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Chcete dostávat oznámení o příchozích platbách?"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "Vytvořit zašifrované úložiště",
"create_password": "Vytvořit heslo",
@ -204,24 +282,24 @@
"input_done": "Hotovo",
"input_paste": "Vložit",
"input_total": "Celkem:",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "Neprobíhá žádné podepisování transakcí",
"open_settings": "Otevřít nastavení",
"permission_camera_message": "K použití fotoaparátu potřebujeme vaše povolení",
"permission_camera_title": "Povolení k použití kamery",
"open_settings": "Otevřít nastavení",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet nemůže tento soubor uložit. Otevřete nastavení zařízení a povolte oprávnění úložiště.",
"permission_storage_later": "Zeptejte se mě později",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet potřebuje vaše oprávnění k přístupu k vašemu úložišti, aby mohl tento soubor uložit.",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet nemůže tento soubor uložit. Otevřete nastavení zařízení a povolte oprávnění úložiště.",
"permission_storage_title": "Povolení k přístupu do úložiště",
"problem_with_psbt": "Problém s PSBT",
"psbt_clipboard": "Zkopírovat do schránky",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "Toto je částečně podepsaná bitcoinová transakce (PSBT). Dokončete podepisování pomocí hardwarové peněženky.",
"psbt_tx_export": "Export do souboru",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "Neprobíhá žádné podepisování transakcí",
"psbt_tx_open": "Otevřít podepsanou transakci",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Skenovat podepsanou transakci",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "Vybraný obrázek neobsahuje QR kód.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "Vybraný soubor neobsahuje peněženku, kterou lze importovat.",
"success_done": "Hotovo",
"txSaved": "Transakční soubor ({filePath}) byl uložen do složky Soubory ke stažení.",
"problem_with_psbt": "Problém s PSBT"
"txSaved": "Transakční soubor ({filePath}) byl uložen do složky Soubory ke stažení."
"settings": {
"about": "O BlueWallet",
@ -282,22 +360,17 @@
"passwords_do_not_match": "Hesla se neshodují",
"plausible_deniability": "Věrohodná popiratelnost",
"privacy": "Soukromí",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Pokud se ve vaší schránce nachází adresa nebo faktura, zadejte zástupce.",
"privacy_quickactions": "Zástupci peněženky",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Dlouhý stisk ikony BlueWallet na vaší výchozí obrazovce zobrazí váš zůstatek.",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Kopírovat ze schránky",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet zobrazí zástupce pro zpracování faktury nebo adresy nalezené ve vaší schránce.",
"privacy_system_settings": "Systémová nastavení",
"privacy_quickactions": "Zástupci peněženky",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Dlouhý stisk ikony BlueWallet na vaší výchozí obrazovce zobrazí váš zůstatek.",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Pokud se ve vaší schránce nachází adresa nebo faktura, zadejte zástupce.",
"push_notifications": "Push notifikace",
"retype_password": "Zadejte heslo znovu",
"save": "Uložit",
"saved": "Uloženo"
"notifications": {
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Chcete dostávat oznámení o příchozích platbách?",
"no_and_dont_ask": "Ne, a už se mě znovu neptejte",
"ask_me_later": "Zeptejte se mě později"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "Tuto transakci nahradíme transakcí, která vám platí a má vyšší poplatky. Tím se transakce účinně zruší. Tomu se říká RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"cancel_no": "Tato transakce není vyměnitelná",
@ -314,19 +387,19 @@
"details_inputs": "Vstupy",
"details_outputs": "Výstupy",
"details_received": "Přijato",
"transaction_note_saved":"Transakční poznámka byla úspěšně uložena.",
"details_show_in_block_explorer": "Ukázat v block exploreru",
"details_title": "Transakce",
"details_to": "Výstup",
"details_transaction_details": "Detaily transakce",
"enable_hw": "Tato peněženka se nepoužívá ve spojení s hardwarovou peněženkou. Chcete povolit použití hardwarové peněženky?",
"list_conf": "potvrz: {number}",
"pending": "Čekající",
"list_title": "transakce",
"pending": "Čekající",
"rbf_explain": "Tuto transakci nahradíme transakcí s vyšším poplatkem, takže by měla být těžena rychleji. Tomu se říká RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"rbf_title": "Poplatek za popostrčení (CPFP)",
"status_bump": "Poplatek za popostrčení",
"status_cancel": "Zrušit transakci",
"transaction_note_saved": "Transakční poznámka byla úspěšně uložena.",
"transactions_count": "počet transakcí"
"wallets": {
@ -397,81 +470,14 @@
"list_title": "peněženky",
"list_tryagain": "Zkuste to znovu",
"looks_like_bip38": "Tohle vypadá jako soukromý klíč chráněný heslem (BIP38)",
"pull_to_refresh": "zatáhněte pro obnovení",
"reorder_title": "Seřadit peěženky",
"select_no_bitcoin": "V současné době nejsou k dispozici žádné bitcoinové peněženky.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "Bitcoinová peněženka je vyžadována pro doplnění Lightning peněženky. Vytvořte nebo importujte jednu.",
"select_wallet": "Vyberte peněženku",
"take_photo": "Vyfotit",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Zkopírováno do schránky.",
"pull_to_refresh": "zatáhněte pro obnovení",
"warning_do_not_disclose": "Varování! Nezveřejňujte",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Zkopírováno do schránky.",
"xpub_title": "XPUB peněženky"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "Uložiště",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Nejlepší zabezpečení pro velké částky",
"provide_signature": "Poskytnout podpis",
"vault_key": "Klíč úložiště {number}",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Požadované klíče z celkového počtu",
"fee": "Poplatek: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "Potvrdit",
"header": "Odeslat",
"share": "Sdílet",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "kolik podpisů může bluewallet udělat",
"scan_or_import_file": "Naskenujte nebo importujte soubor",
"export_coordination_setup": "nastavení koordinace exportu",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Spolupodepsat transakci?",
"lets_start": "Začněme",
"create": "Vytvořit",
"provide_key": "Poskytněte klíč",
"native_segwit_title": "Nejlepší praxe",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Nejlepší kompatibilita",
"legacy_title": "Starší",
"co_sign_transaction": "Podepsat transakci",
"what_is_vault": "Uložiště je",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-z-{n} multisig ",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "peněženka",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Nastavení úložiště...",
"needs": "Potřebuje",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": " {m} klíčů uložiště",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "k utracení a třetí můžete\npoužít jako zálohu.",
"quorum": "{m} z {n} kvorum",
"quorum_header": "Kvorum",
"of": "z",
"wallet_type": "Typ peněženky",
"view_key": "Podívat se",
"invalid_mnemonics": "Zdá se, že tato mnemotechnická fráze není platná",
"invalid_cosigner": "Nejsou platná data spolupodepsaného",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Nesprávný spolupodepsaný: toto není spolupodepsaný pro {format} formát",
"create_new_key": "Vytvořit novou",
"scan_or_open_file": "Naskenujte nebo otevřete soubor",
"i_have_mnemonics": "Mám seed pro tento klíč...",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Napište tuto mnemotechnickou frázi na papír. Nebojte se, můžete si ji zapsat i později.",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Dobře, napsal jsem ji",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Vložte seed k importu stávajícího klíče uložiště",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "Toto je xpub spolupodepisujícího připravený k importu do jiné peněženky. Je bezpečné ho sdílet.",
"wallet_key_created": "Klíč k uložišti byl vytvořen. Udělejte si chvíli a bezpečně zálohujte svůj mnemotechnický seed",
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Jsi si jistý(á)? Vaš mnemotechnický seed budou ztracen, pokud nemáte zálohu",
"forget_this_seed": "Zapomeňte na toto seed a použijte místo něj xpub",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Otisk pro tento seed neodpovídá tomuto otisku spolupodepisujícího",
"view_edit_cosigners": "Zobrazit/upravit spolupodepisující",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "Tento spolupodepisující je již importován",
"export_signed_psbt": "Exportovat podepsanou PSBT",
"input_fp": "Zadejte otisk prstu",
"input_fp_explain": "přeskočit a použít výchozí (00000000)",
"input_path": "Vložit derivační cestu",
"input_path_explain": "přeskočit a použít výchozí ({default})",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Upravit spolupodepisující"
"cc": {
"change": "změnit",
"coins_selected": "Vybrané mince ({number})",
"empty": "Tato peněženka nemá v tuto chvíli žádné mince",
"freeze": "zmrazit",
"freezeLabel": "Zmrazit",
"header": "Kontrola mincí",
"use_coin": "Použít minci",
"tip": "Umožňuje zobrazit, označit, zmrazit nebo vybrat mince pro lepší správu peněženky."
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
"_": {
"bad_password": "Incorrect password, please try again.",
"cancel": "Canslo",
"continue": "Parhau",
"enter_password": "Cyfrinair",
@ -8,28 +7,13 @@
"of": "{nifer} o {gyfanswm}",
"ok": "Iawn",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Mae'r storfa wedi encryptio. Mae angen Cyfrinair i'w ddad-gryptio. ",
"allow": "Allow",
"dont_allow": "Don't Allow",
"yes": "Ie",
"no": "No",
"save": "Save",
"seed": "Seed",
"wallet_key": "Wallet key",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Invalid animated QRCode fragment, please try again",
"file_saved": "File ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder ."
"yes": "Ie"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "Your voucher code is",
"errorBeforeRefeem": "Before redeeming you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.",
"errorSomething": "Something went wrong. Is this voucher still valid?",
"redeem": "Redeem to wallet",
"redeemButton": "Redeem",
"success": "Llwyddiant",
"title": "Redeem Azte.co voucher"
"success": "Llwyddiant"
"entropy": {
"save": "Safio",
"title": "Entropy",
"undo": "Dad-wneud"
"errors": {
@ -37,65 +21,9 @@
"error": "Camgymeriad",
"network": "Camgymeriad rhwydwaith"
"hodl": {
"are_you_sure_you_want_to_logout": "Are you sure you want to logout from HodlHodl?",
"cont_address_escrow": "Escrow",
"cont_address_to": "To",
"cont_buying": "buying",
"cont_cancel": "Cancel contract",
"cont_cancel_q": "Are you sure you want to cancel this contract?",
"cont_cancel_y": "Yes, cancel contract",
"cont_chat": "Open chat with counterparty",
"cont_how": "How to pay",
"cont_no": "You don't have any contracts in progress",
"cont_paid": "Mark contract as Paid",
"cont_paid_e": "Do this only if you sent funds to the seller via agreed payment method",
"cont_paid_q": "Are you sure you want to mark this contract as paid?",
"cont_selling": "selling",
"cont_st_completed": "All done!",
"cont_st_in_progress_buyer": "Coins are in escrow, please pay seller",
"cont_st_paid_enought": "Bitcoins are in escrow! Please pay seller\nvia agreed payment method",
"cont_st_paid_waiting": "Waiting for seller to release coins from escrow",
"cont_st_waiting": "Waiting for seller to deposit bitcoins to escrow...",
"cont_title": "My contracts",
"filter_any": "Any",
"filter_buying": "Buying",
"filter_country_global": "Global offers",
"filter_country_near": "Near me",
"filter_currency": "Currency",
"filter_detail": "Detail",
"filter_filters": "Filters",
"filter_iambuying": "I'm buying bitcoin",
"filter_iamselling": "I'm selling bitcoin",
"filter_method": "Payment method",
"filter_search": "Search",
"filter_selling": "Selling",
"item_minmax": "Min/Max",
"item_nooffers": "No offers. Try to change \"Near me\" to Global offers!",
"item_rating": "{rating} trades",
"item_rating_no": "No rating",
"login": "Login",
"mycont": "My contracts",
"offer_accept": "Accept offer",
"offer_account_finish": "Looks like you didn't finish setting up account on HodlHodl, would you like to finish setup now?",
"offer_choosemethod": "Choose payment method",
"offer_confirmations": "confirmations",
"offer_minmax": "min / max",
"offer_minutes": "min",
"offer_promt_fiat": "How much {currency} do you want to buy?",
"offer_promt_fiat_e": "For example 100",
"offer_window": "window",
"p2p": "A p2p exchange"
"lnd": {
"errorInvoiceExpired": "Invoice expired",
"exchange": "Exchange",
"expired": "Expired",
"expiredLow": "expired",
"expiresIn": "Expires: {time}",
"payButton": "Talu",
"placeholder": "Anfoneb",
"potentialFee": "Potential fee: {fee}",
"refill": "Ail-lenwi",
"refill_card": "Ail-lenwi efo cerdyn banc",
"refill_create": "Er mwyn parhau, ffurfia waled Bitcoin i'w ail-lenwi. ",
@ -109,366 +37,11 @@
"for": "Ar Gyfer:",
"has_been_paid": "Mae'r anfoneb yma wedi cael ei dalu",
"open_direct_channel": "Agor sianel uniongyrchol efo'r nodyn hwn:",
"please_pay": "Talu",
"preimage": "Preimage",
"sats": "sats",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "Ni gafodd yr anfoneb ei dalu, ag mae wedi darfod"
"please_pay": "Talu"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "Creu storfa wedi encryptio",
"create_password": "Creu cyfrinair",
"create_password_explanation": "Ni ddyliai'r cyfrinair ar gyfer y storfa ffug fod yr un cyfrinair ag ar gyfer y brif storfa",
"help": "Under certain circumstances, you might be forced to disclose a password. To keep your coins safe, BlueWallet can create another encrypted storage, with a different password. Under pressure, you can disclose this password to a 3rd party. If entered in BlueWallet, it will unlock a new 'fake' storage. This will seem legit to a 3rd party, but it will secretly keep your main storage with coins safe.",
"help2": "The new storage will be fully functional, and you can store some minimum amounts there so it looks more believable.",
"password_should_not_match": "Password is currently in use. Please, try a different password.",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Passwords do not match, please try again.",
"retype_password": "Retype password",
"success": "Success",
"title": "Plausible Deniability"
"pleasebackup": {
"ask": "Have you saved your wallet's backup phrase? This backup phrase is required to access your funds in case you lose this device. Without the backup phrase, your funds will be permanently lost.",
"ask_no": "No, I have not",
"ask_yes": "Yes, I have",
"ok": "OK, I wrote this down!",
"ok_lnd": "OK, I have saved it.",
"text": "Please take a moment to write down this mnemonic phrase on a piece of paper. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.",
"text_lnd": "Please take a moment to save this LNDHub authentication. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.",
"title": "Your wallet is created..."
"receive": {
"details_create": "Create",
"details_label": "Description",
"details_setAmount": "Receive with amount",
"details_share": "share",
"header": "Receive"
"send": {
"broadcastButton": "BROADCAST",
"broadcastError": "error",
"broadcastNone": "Input transaction hash",
"broadcastPending": "pending",
"broadcastSuccess": "success",
"confirm_header": "Confirm",
"confirm_sendNow": "Send now",
"create_amount": "Amount",
"create_broadcast": "Broadcast",
"create_copy": "Copy and broadcast later",
"create_details": "Details",
"create_fee": "Fee",
"create_memo": "Memo",
"create_satoshi_per_byte": "Satoshi per byte",
"create_this_is_hex": "This is your transaction's hex, signed and ready to be broadcasted to the network.",
"create_to": "To",
"create_tx_size": "TX size",
"create_verify": "Verify on coinb.in",
"details_add_rec_add": "Add Recipient",
"details_add_rec_rem": "Remove Recipient",
"details_address": "address",
"details_address_field_is_not_valid": "Address field is not valid",
"details_adv_fee_bump": "Allow Fee Bump",
"details_adv_full": "Use Full Balance",
"details_adv_full_remove": "Your other recipients will be removed from this transaction.",
"details_adv_full_sure": "Are you sure you want to use your wallet's full balance for this transaction?",
"details_adv_import": "Import Transaction",
"details_amount_field_is_not_valid": "Amount field is not valid",
"details_create": "Create Invoice",
"details_error_decode": "Error: Unable to decode Bitcoin address",
"details_fee_field_is_not_valid": "Fee field is not valid",
"details_next": "Next",
"details_no_maximum": "The selected wallet does not support automatic maximum balance calculation. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_multiple": "The selected wallet does not support sending Bitcoin to multiple recipients. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_signed_tx": "The selected file does not contain a transaction that can be imported.",
"details_note_placeholder": "note to self",
"details_scan": "Scan",
"details_total_exceeds_balance": "The sending amount exceeds the available balance.",
"details_wallet_before_tx": "Before creating a transaction, you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.",
"details_wallet_selection": "Wallet Selection",
"dynamic_init": "Initializing",
"dynamic_next": "Next",
"dynamic_prev": "Previous",
"dynamic_start": "Start",
"dynamic_stop": "Stop",
"fee_10m": "10m",
"fee_1d": "1d",
"fee_3h": "3h",
"fee_custom": "Custom",
"fee_fast": "Fast",
"fee_medium": "Medium",
"fee_replace_min": "The total fee rate (satoshi per byte) you want to pay should be higher than {min} sat/byte",
"fee_satbyte": "in sat/byte",
"fee_slow": "Slow",
"header": "Send",
"input_clear": "Clear",
"input_done": "Done",
"input_paste": "Paste",
"input_total": "Total:",
"permission_camera_message": "We need your permission to use your camera",
"permission_camera_title": "Permission to use camera",
"open_settings": "Open Settings",
"permission_storage_later": "Ask Me Later",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet needs your permission to access your storage to save this file.",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet is unable save this file. Please, open your device settings and enable Storage Permission.",
"permission_storage_title": "Storage Access Permission",
"psbt_clipboard": "Copy to Clipboard",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "This is a partially signed bitcoin transaction (PSBT). Please finish signing it with your hardware wallet.",
"psbt_tx_export": "Export to file",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "There is no transaction signing in progress",
"psbt_tx_open": "Open Signed Transaction",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Scan Signed Transaction",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "The selected image does not contain a QR Code.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "The selected file does not contain a wallet that can be imported.",
"success_done": "Done",
"txSaved": "The transaction file ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder .",
"problem_with_psbt": "Problem with PSBT"
"settings": {
"about": "About",
"about_awesome": "Built with the awesome",
"about_backup": "Always backup your keys!",
"about_free": "BlueWallet is a free and open source project. Crafted by Bitcoin users.",
"about_release_notes": "Release notes",
"about_review": "Leave us a review",
"about_selftest": "Run self test",
"about_sm_github": "GitHub",
"about_sm_telegram": "Telegram chat",
"about_sm_twitter": "Follow us on Twitter",
"advanced_options": "Advanced Options",
"currency": "Currency",
"currency_source": "Prices are obtained from",
"default_desc": "When disabled, BlueWallet will immediately open the selected wallet at launch.",
"default_info": "Default info",
"default_title": "On Launch",
"default_wallets": "View All Wallets",
"electrum_connected": "Connected",
"electrum_connected_not": "Not Connected",
"electrum_error_connect": "Can't connect to provided Electrum server",
"electrum_host": "host, for example {example}",
"electrum_port": "TCP port, usually {example}",
"electrum_port_ssl": "SSL port, usually {example}",
"electrum_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully. Restart may be required for changes to take effect.",
"electrum_settings": "Electrum Settings",
"electrum_settings_explain": "Set to blank to use default",
"electrum_status": "Status",
"encrypt_decrypt": "Decrypt Storage",
"encrypt_decrypt_q": "Are you sure you want to decrypt your storage? This will allow your wallets to be accessed without a password.",
"encrypt_del_uninstall": "Delete if BlueWallet is uninstalled",
"encrypt_enc_and_pass": "Encrypted and Password protected",
"encrypt_title": "Security",
"encrypt_tstorage": "storage",
"encrypt_use": "Use {type}",
"encrypt_use_expl": "{type} will be used to confirm your identity prior to making a transaction, unlocking, exporting or deleting a wallet. {type} will not be used to unlock an encrypted storage.",
"general": "General",
"general_adv_mode": "Advanced mode",
"general_adv_mode_e": "When enabled, you will see advanced options such as different wallet types, the ability to specify the LNDHub instance you wish to connect to and custom entropy during wallet creation.",
"general_continuity": "Continuity",
"general_continuity_e": "When enabled, you will be able to view selected wallets, and transactions, using your other Apple iCloud connected devices.",
"groundcontrol_explanation": "GroundControl is a free opensource push notifications server for bitcoin wallets. You can install your own GroundControl server and put its URL here to not rely on BlueWallet's infrastructure. Leave blank to use default",
"header": "settings",
"language": "Language",
"language_restart": "When selecting a new language, restarting BlueWallet may be required for the change to take effect.",
"lightning_error_lndhub_uri": "Not a valid LndHub URI",
"lightning_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully",
"lightning_settings": "Lightning Settings",
"lightning_settings_explain": "To connect to your own LND node please install LndHub and put its URL here in settings. Leave blank to use BlueWallet's LNDHub (lndhub.io). Wallets created after saving changes will connect to the specified LNDHub.",
"network": "Network",
"network_broadcast": "Broadcast transaction",
"network_electrum": "Electrum server",
"not_a_valid_uri": "Not a valid URI",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"password": "Password",
"password_explain": "Create the password you will use to decrypt the storage",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Passwords do not match",
"plausible_deniability": "Plausible deniability",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Read Clipboard",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet will display shortcuts for handling an invoice or address found in your clipboard.",
"privacy_system_settings": "System Settings",
"privacy_quickactions": "Wallet Shortcuts",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Touch and hold the BlueWallet app icon on your Home Screen to quickly view your wallet's balance.",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Provide shortcuts if an address, or invoice, is found in your clipboard.",
"push_notifications": "Push notifications",
"retype_password": "Re-type password",
"save": "Save",
"saved": "Saved"
"notifications": {
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Would you like to receive notifications when you get incoming payments?",
"no_and_dont_ask": "No, and Don't Ask Me Again",
"ask_me_later": "Ask Me Later"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one that pays you and has higher fees. This effectively cancels transaction. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"cancel_no": "This transaction is not replaceable",
"cancel_title": "Cancel this transaction (RBF)",
"cpfp_create": "Create",
"cpfp_exp": "We will create another transaction that spends your unconfirmed transaction. The total fee will be higher than the original transaction fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called CPFP - Child Pays For Parent.",
"cpfp_no_bump": "This transaction is not bumpable",
"cpfp_title": "Bump fee (CPFP)",
"details_balance_hide": "Hide Balance",
"details_balance_show": "Show Balance",
"details_block": "Block Height",
"details_copy": "Copy",
"details_from": "Input",
"details_inputs": "Inputs",
"details_outputs": "Outputs",
"details_received": "Received",
"details_show_in_block_explorer": "View in block explorer",
"details_title": "Transaction",
"details_to": "Output",
"details_transaction_details": "Transaction details",
"enable_hw": "This wallet is not being used in conjunction with a hardware wallet. Would you like to enable hardware wallet use?",
"list_conf": "conf: {number}",
"pending": "Pending",
"list_title": "transactions",
"rbf_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one with a higher fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"rbf_title": "Bump fee (RBF)",
"status_bump": "Bump Fee",
"status_cancel": "Cancel Transaction",
"transactions_count": "transactions count"
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_create": "Create",
"add_entropy_generated": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy",
"add_entropy_provide": "Provide entropy via dice rolls",
"add_entropy_remain": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy. Remaining {rem} bytes will be obtained from the System random number generator.",
"add_import_wallet": "Import wallet",
"add_lightning": "Lightning",
"add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions",
"add_lndhub": "Connect to your LNDHub",
"add_lndhub_error": "The provided node address is not valid LNDHub node.",
"add_lndhub_placeholder": "your node address",
"add_or": "or",
"add_title": "add wallet",
"add_wallet_name": "name",
"add_wallet_type": "type",
"clipboard_bitcoin": "You have a Bitcoin address on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?",
"clipboard_lightning": "You have a Lightning Invoice on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?",
"details_address": "Address",
"details_advanced": "Advanced",
"details_are_you_sure": "Are you sure?",
"details_connected_to": "Connected to",
"details_del_wb": "Wallet Balance",
"details_del_wb_err": "The provided balance amount does not match this wallet's balance. Please, try again",
"details_del_wb_q": "This wallet has a balance. Before proceeding, please be aware that you will not be able to recover the funds without this wallet's seed phrase. In order to avoid accidental removal this wallet, please enter your wallet's balance of {balance} satoshis.",
"details_delete": "Delete",
"details_delete_wallet": "Delete wallet",
"details_display": "display in wallets list",
"details_export_backup": "Export / backup",
"details_marketplace": "Marketplace",
"details_master_fingerprint": "Master fingerprint",
"details_no_cancel": "No, cancel",
"details_save": "Save",
"details_show_xpub": "Show wallet XPUB",
"details_title": "Wallet",
"details_type": "Type",
"details_use_with_hardware_wallet": "Use with hardware wallet",
"details_wallet_updated": "Wallet updated",
"details_yes_delete": "Yes, delete",
"enter_bip38_password": "Enter password to decrypt",
"export_title": "wallet export",
"import_do_import": "Import",
"import_error": "Failed to import. Please, make sure that the provided data is valid.",
"import_explanation": "Write here your mnemonic, private key, WIF, or anything you've got. BlueWallet will do its best to guess the correct format and import your wallet",
"import_file": "Import File",
"import_imported": "Imported",
"import_scan_qr": "Scan or import a file",
"import_success": "Your wallet has been successfully imported.",
"import_title": "import",
"list_create_a_button": "Add now",
"list_create_a_wallet": "Add a wallet",
"list_create_a_wallet_text": "It's free and you can create \nas many as you like",
"list_empty_txs1": "Your transactions will appear here",
"list_empty_txs1_lightning": "Lightning wallet should be used for your daily transactions. Fees are unfairly cheap and speed is blazing fast.",
"list_empty_txs2": "Start with your wallet",
"list_empty_txs2_lightning": "\nTo start using it tap on \"manage funds\" and topup your balance.",
"list_header": "A wallet represents a pair of keys, one private and one you can share to receive coins.",
"list_import_error": "An error was encountered when attempting to import this wallet.",
"list_import_problem": "There was a problem importing this wallet",
"list_latest_transaction": "latest transaction",
"list_long_choose": "Choose Photo",
"list_long_clipboard": "Copy from Clipboard",
"list_long_scan": "Scan QR Code",
"list_tap_here_to_buy": "Buy Bitcoin",
"list_title": "wallets",
"list_tryagain": "Try Again",
"looks_like_bip38": "This looks like password-protected private key (BIP38)",
"reorder_title": "Reorder Wallets",
"select_no_bitcoin": "There are currently no Bitcoin wallets available.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "A Bitcoin wallet is required to refill Lightning wallets. Please, create or import one.",
"select_wallet": "Select Wallet",
"take_photo": "Take Photo",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard.",
"pull_to_refresh": "pull to refresh",
"xpub_title": "wallet XPUB"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "Vault",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Best security for large amounts",
"provide_signature": "Provide signature",
"vault_key": "Vault key {number}",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Required keys out of the total",
"fee": "Fee: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"header": "Send",
"share": "Share",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "how many signatures can bluewallet make",
"scan_or_import_file": "Scan or import file",
"export_coordination_setup": "export coordination setup",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Co-sign this transaction?",
"lets_start": "Let's start",
"create": "Create",
"provide_key": "Provide key",
"native_segwit_title": "Best practice",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Best compatibility",
"legacy_title": "Legacy",
"co_sign_transaction": "Sign a transaction",
"what_is_vault": "A Vault is a",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-of-{n} multisig ",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "wallet",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Vault Settings...",
"needs": "Needs",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": " {m} vault keys ",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "to spend and a 3rd one you \ncan use as backup.",
"quorum": "{m} of {n} quorum",
"quorum_header": "Quorum",
"of": "of",
"wallet_type": "Wallet type",
"view_key": "view",
"invalid_mnemonics": "This mnemonic phrase doesnt seem to be valid",
"invalid_cosigner": "Not a valid cosigner data",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Incorrect cosigner: this is not a cosigner for {format} format",
"create_new_key": "Create New",
"scan_or_open_file": "Scan or open file",
"i_have_mnemonics": "I have a seed for this key...",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Please write down this mnemonic phrase on paper. Don't worry, you can write it down later.",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Ok, I wrote it down",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Insert a seed to import your existing vault key",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "This is the cosigner's xpub, ready to be imported into another wallet. It is safe to share it.",
"wallet_key_created": "Your vault key was created. Take a moment to safely backup your mnemonic seed",
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Are you sure? Your mnemonic seed will be lost if you dont have a backup",
"forget_this_seed": "Forget this seed and use xpub instead",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Fingerprint for this seed doesnt match this cosigners fingerprint",
"view_edit_cosigners": "View/edit cosigners",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "This cosigner is already imported",
"export_signed_psbt": "Export Signed PSBT",
"input_fp": "Enter fingerprint",
"input_fp_explain": "skip to use default one (00000000)",
"input_path": "Input derivation path",
"input_path_explain": "skip to use default one ({default})",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Edit Cosigners"
"cc": {
"change": "change",
"coins_selected": "Coins selected ({number})",
"empty": "This wallet doesn't have any coins at the moment",
"freeze": "freeze",
"freezeLabel": "Freeze",
"header": "Coin control",
"use_coin": "Use coin",
"tip": "Allows you to see, label, freeze or select coins for improved wallet management."
"create_password_explanation": "Ni ddyliai'r cyfrinair ar gyfer y storfa ffug fod yr un cyfrinair ag ar gyfer y brif storfa"
@ -99,8 +99,6 @@
"import_title": "importer",
"list_create_a_button": "Tilføj nu",
"list_create_a_wallet": "Tilføj en tegnebog",
"list_create_a_wallet1": "Det er helt gratis og du kan oprette",
"list_create_a_wallet2": "lige så mange du vil",
"list_empty_txs1": "Dine transaktioner vil blive vist her,",
"list_empty_txs2": "ingen endnu",
"list_latest_transaction": "seneste transaktion",
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
"_": {
"allow": "Zulassen",
"bad_password": "Falsches Passwort. Bitte erneut versuchen.",
"cancel": "Abbrechen",
"continue": "Weiter",
"dont_allow": "Ablehnen",
"enter_password": "Passwort eingeben",
"file_saved": "Die Datei ({filePath}) wurde deinen Downloadfolder gespeichert.",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment": "Ungültig animiertes QR-Code-Fragment. Bitte erneut versuchen",
"never": "nie",
"no": "Nein",
"of": "{number} von {total}",
"ok": "OK",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Dein Speicher ist verschlüsselt. Zum Entschlüsseln wird ein Passwort benötigt.",
"allow": "Zulassen",
"dont_allow": "Ablehnen",
"yes": "Ja",
"no": "Nein",
"save": "Speichern",
"seed": "Seed",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Dein Speicher ist verschlüsselt. Zum Entschlüsseln wird ein Passwort benötigt.",
"wallet_key": "Wallet Schlüssel",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Ungültig animiertes QR-Code-Fragment. Bitte erneut versuchen",
"file_saved": "Die Datei ({filePath}) wurde deinen Downloadfolder gespeichert."
"yes": "Ja"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "Dein Gutscheincode lautet",
@ -27,6 +27,16 @@
"success": "Erfolg",
"title": "Azte.co Gutschein einlösen"
"cc": {
"change": "Ändern",
"coins_selected": "Anz. gewählte Münzen ({number})",
"empty": "Dieses Wallet hat aktuell keine Münzen",
"freeze": "einfrieren",
"freezeLabel": "Einfrieren",
"header": "Münzenauswahl 'Coin control'",
"tip": "Wallet Verwaltung zum Anzeigen, Beschriften, Einfrieren oder Auswählen von Münzen.",
"use_coin": "Münzen benutzen"
"entropy": {
"save": "Speichern",
"title": "Entropie",
@ -87,6 +97,12 @@
"offer_window": "Fenster",
"p2p": "Eine Peer2Peer Börse"
"is_it_my_address": {
"check_address": "Adresse prüfen",
"enter_address": "Adresse eingeben:",
"owns": "{label} besitzt {address}",
"title": "Ist dies Deine Adresse?"
"lnd": {
"errorInvoiceExpired": "Rechnung verfallen",
"exchange": "Börse",
@ -107,14 +123,75 @@
"lndViewInvoice": {
"additional_info": "Weiterführende Informationen",
"for": "Für:",
"lightning_invoice": "Lightning Rechnung",
"has_been_paid": "Diese Rechnung wurde bezahlt.",
"lightning_invoice": "Lightning Rechnung",
"open_direct_channel": "Direkten Kanal zu diesem Knoten eröffnen:",
"please_pay": "Bitte zahle",
"preimage": "Urbild",
"sats": "sats",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "Diese Rechnung wurde nicht bezahlt und ist abgelaufen."
"multisig": {
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Bist Du sicher? Dein mnemonischer Seed ist ohne Backup verloren!",
"co_sign_transaction": "Eine Transaktion signieren",
"confirm": "Bestätigen",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Diese Transaktion teilsignieren?",
"create": "Erstellen",
"create_new_key": "Neuerstellen",
"export_coordination_setup": "Koordinations-Setup exportieren",
"export_signed_psbt": "Signierte PSBT exportieren",
"fee": "Gebhür: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"forget_this_seed": "Seed aus Speicher löschen",
"header": "Senden",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "Erlaubte Anzahl an BlueWallet Signaturen",
"i_have_mnemonics": "Seed des Schlüssels importieren",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Ok, ich habe sie notiert.",
"input_fp": "Fingerabdruck eingeben",
"input_fp_explain": "Überspringen, um den Standard zu verwenden (00000000)",
"input_path": "Ableitungspfad eingeben",
"input_path_explain": "Überspringen, um den Standard zu verwenden ({default})",
"invalid_cosigner": "Keine gültigen Daten des Mitsignierers",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Falscher Mitsignierer: Dies ist kein Mitsignierer für das Format {format} ",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Der Fingerabdruck dieses Seeds stimmt nicht mit dem Fingerabdruck des Mitsignierers überein",
"invalid_mnemonics": "Ungültige mnemonische Phrase",
"legacy_title": "Altformat",
"lets_start": "Erstellung beginnen",
"multisig_vault": "Tresor",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Höchste Sicherheit für große Beträge",
"native_segwit_title": "Bewährte Praxis",
"needs": "Zum Senden werden",
"of": "von",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Bitte schreibe diese mnemonische Phrase auf einen Blatt Papier. Keine Sorge, dies ist auch später noch möglich.",
"provide_key": "Schlüssel eingeben",
"provide_signature": "Stell die Signatur bereit",
"quorum": "{m} von {n} sind signaturfähig",
"quorum_header": "Signaturfähigkeit",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Erforderliche Schlüssel aus dem Total",
"scan_or_import_file": "Datei scannen oder importieren",
"scan_or_open_file": "Datei scannen oder öffnen",
"share": "Teilen",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "Dieser Mitsignierer ist schon vorhanden",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "Dies ist der xpub für Mitsigierer zum Import in ein anderes Wallet. Er kann sicher mit anderen geteilt werden.",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Seed zum Import deines Tresorschlüssels eingeben",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Tresor Einstellungen",
"vault_key": "Tresor-Schlüssel: {number}",
"view_edit_cosigners": "Mitsignierer anzeigen/bearbeiten",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Mitsignierer bearbeiten",
"wallet_key_created": "Dein Tresorschlüssel wurde erstellt. Nimm dir Zeit ein sicheres Backup des mnemonischen Seeds herzustellen. ",
"wallet_type": "Art des Wallets",
"what_is_vault": "Ein Tresor ist ein",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": "{m} Tresorschlüssel",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "benötigt. Ein 3ter dient \nals Backup",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": "{m}-von-{n} Multisignatur",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "wallet",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Größte Kompatibilität"
"notifications": {
"ask_me_later": "Später erneut fragen",
"no_and_dont_ask": "Nein und nicht erneut fragen",
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Möchten Sie bei Zahlungseingängen eine Benachrichtigung erhalten?"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "Erstelle verschlüsselten Speicher zur Täuschung",
"create_password": "Erstelle ein Passwort",
@ -204,24 +281,24 @@
"input_done": "Fertig",
"input_paste": "Einfügen",
"input_total": "Gesamt:",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "Keine Transaktionsignierung in Arbeit",
"open_settings": "Einstellungen Öffnen",
"permission_camera_message": "Wir brauchen Deine Erlaubnis um die Kamera zu nutzen.",
"permission_camera_title": "Erlaubnis die Kamera zu benutzen",
"open_settings": "Einstellungen Öffnen",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet kann die Datei nicht speichern. Bitte öffne die Systemeinstellungen und erteile der App BlueWallt das Recht den internen Speicher zu verwenden.",
"permission_storage_later": "Später beantworten",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet braucht zur Speicherung dieser Datei die Erlaubnis auf den internen Speicher zuzugreifen.",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet kann die Datei nicht speichern. Bitte öffne die Systemeinstellungen und erteile der App BlueWallt das Recht den internen Speicher zu verwenden.",
"permission_storage_title": "Speicherzugriffsrecht",
"problem_with_psbt": "PSBT Problem",
"psbt_clipboard": "In die Zwischenablage kopieren",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "Dies ist eine partiell signierte Bitcoin-Transaktion (PSBT). Bitte signiere sie mithilfe Deiner Hardware-Wallet.",
"psbt_tx_export": "In Datei exportieren",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "Keine Transaktionsignierung in Arbeit",
"psbt_tx_open": "Öffne signierte Transaktion.",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Signierte Transaktion scannen",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "Das gewählte Foto enthält keinen QR code",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "Die ausgewählte Datei enthält keine Wallet, die importiert werden kann.",
"success_done": "Fertig",
"txSaved": "Die Transaktionsdatei ({filePath}) wurde im Download-Ordner gespeichert.",
"problem_with_psbt": "PSBT Problem"
"txSaved": "Die Transaktionsdatei ({filePath}) wurde im Download-Ordner gespeichert."
"settings": {
"about": "Über",
@ -282,22 +359,17 @@
"passwords_do_not_match": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein",
"plausible_deniability": "Glaubhafte Täuschung",
"privacy": "Privatsphäre",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Stellt vorhandene Verknüpfungen der Zwischenablage für Rechnungen und Adressen bereit.",
"privacy_quickactions": "Walletverknüpfungen",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Halte auf dem Startbildschirm das BlueWallet App-Symbol gedrückt, um rasch deinen Saldo zu sehen.",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Zwischenablage lesen",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet wird die Einträge zur Rechnungs- oder Adressverwendung deiner Zwischenablage anzeigen.",
"privacy_system_settings": "Systemeinstellungen",
"privacy_quickactions": "Walletverknüpfungen",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Halte auf dem Startbildschirm das BlueWallet App-Symbol gedrückt, um rasch deinen Saldo zu sehen.",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Stellt vorhandene Verknüpfungen der Zwischenablage für Rechnungen und Adressen bereit.",
"push_notifications": "Push-Benachrichtigungen",
"retype_password": "Passwort wiederholen",
"save": "Speichern",
"saved": "Gespeichert"
"notifications": {
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Möchten Sie bei Zahlungseingängen eine Benachrichtigung erhalten?",
"no_and_dont_ask": "Nein und nicht erneut fragen",
"ask_me_later": "Später erneut fragen"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "Wir werden diese Transaktion mit derjenigen ersetzen, welche an dich überweist und höhere Transaktionskosten hat. Die Transaktion wird dadurch effektiv abgebrochen. Dies wird RBF genannt - Replace By Fee.",
"cancel_no": "Diese Transaktion ist nicht ersetzbar.",
@ -314,19 +386,19 @@
"details_inputs": "Eingänge",
"details_outputs": "Ausgänge",
"details_received": "Empfangen",
"transaction_note_saved":"Transaktionsbezeichnung erfolgreich gespeichert.",
"details_show_in_block_explorer": "Im Block-Explorer zeigen",
"details_title": "Transaktion",
"details_to": "Ausgehend",
"details_transaction_details": "Transaktionsdetails",
"enable_hw": "Diese Wallet wird ohne Hardware wallet verwendet. Möchtest Du eine Hardware-Wallet aktivieren?",
"list_conf": "Bestätigungen: {number}",
"pending": "Ausstehend",
"list_title": "Transaktionen",
"pending": "Ausstehend",
"rbf_explain": "BlueWallet ersetzt diese Transaktion zur Verringerung der Transaktionszeit durch eine mit höherer Gebühr. (RBF - Replace By Fee)",
"rbf_title": "TRX-Gebühr erhöhen (RBF)",
"status_bump": "TRX-Gebühr erhöhen",
"status_cancel": "Transaktion abbrechen",
"transaction_note_saved": "Transaktionsbezeichnung erfolgreich gespeichert.",
"transactions_count": "Anzahl Transaktionen"
"wallets": {
@ -397,81 +469,14 @@
"list_title": "Wallets",
"list_tryagain": "Nochmal versuchen",
"looks_like_bip38": "Passwortgeschützter Privatschlüssel (BIP38) erkannt.",
"pull_to_refresh": "Zum Aktualisieren ziehen",
"reorder_title": "Wallets neu ordnen",
"select_no_bitcoin": "Es sind momentan keine Bitcoin Wallets verfügbar.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "Eine Bitcoin Wallet ist Voraussetzung dafür, um eine Lightning Wallet zu befüllen. Bitte erstelle oder importiere eines.",
"select_wallet": "Wähle eine Wallet",
"take_photo": "Foto aufnehmen",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "In die Zwischenablage kopiert.",
"pull_to_refresh": "Zum Aktualisieren ziehen",
"warning_do_not_disclose": "Warnung! Nicht veröffentlichen",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "In die Zwischenablage kopiert.",
"xpub_title": "Wallet XPUB"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "Tresor",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Höchste Sicherheit für große Beträge",
"provide_signature": "Stell die Signatur bereit",
"vault_key": "Tresor-Schlüssel: {number}",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Erforderliche Schlüssel aus dem Total",
"fee": "Gebhür: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "Bestätigen",
"header": "Senden",
"share": "Teilen",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "Erlaubte Anzahl an BlueWallet Signaturen",
"scan_or_import_file": "Datei scannen oder importieren",
"export_coordination_setup": "Koordinations-Setup exportieren",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Diese Transaktion teilsignieren?",
"lets_start": "Erstellung beginnen",
"create": "Erstellen",
"provide_key": "Schlüssel eingeben",
"native_segwit_title": "Bewährte Praxis",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Größte Kompatibilität",
"legacy_title": "Altformat",
"co_sign_transaction": "Eine Transaktion signieren",
"what_is_vault": "Ein Tresor ist ein",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": "{m}-von-{n} Multisignatur",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "wallet",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Tresor Einstellungen",
"needs": "Zum Senden werden",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": "{m} Tresorschlüssel",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "benötigt. Ein 3ter dient \nals Backup",
"quorum": "{m} von {n} sind signaturfähig",
"quorum_header": "Signaturfähigkeit",
"of": "von",
"wallet_type": "Art des Wallets",
"view_key": "view",
"invalid_mnemonics": "Ungültige mnemonische Phrase",
"invalid_cosigner": "Keine gültigen Daten des Mitsignierers",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Falscher Mitsignierer: Dies ist kein Mitsignierer für das Format {format} ",
"create_new_key": "Neuerstellen",
"scan_or_open_file": "Datei scannen oder öffnen",
"i_have_mnemonics": "Seed des Schlüssels importieren",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Bitte schreibe diese mnemonische Phrase auf einen Blatt Papier. Keine Sorge, dies ist auch später noch möglich.",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Ok, ich habe sie notiert.",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Seed zum Import deines Tresorschlüssels eingeben",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "Dies ist der xpub für Mitsigierer zum Import in ein anderes Wallet. Er kann sicher mit anderen geteilt werden.",
"wallet_key_created": "Dein Tresorschlüssel wurde erstellt. Nimm dir Zeit ein sicheres Backup des mnemonischen Seeds herzustellen. ",
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Bist Du sicher? Dein mnemonischer Seed ist ohne Backup verloren!",
"forget_this_seed": "Seed aus Speicher löschen",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Der Fingerabdruck dieses Seeds stimmt nicht mit dem Fingerabdruck des Mitsignierers überein",
"view_edit_cosigners": "Mitsignierer anzeigen/bearbeiten",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "Dieser Mitsignierer ist schon vorhanden",
"export_signed_psbt": "Signierte PSBT exportieren",
"input_fp": "Fingerabdruck eingeben",
"input_fp_explain": "Überspringen, um den Standard zu verwenden (00000000)",
"input_path": "Ableitungspfad eingeben",
"input_path_explain": "Überspringen, um den Standard zu verwenden ({default})",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Mitsignierer bearbeiten"
"cc": {
"change": "Ändern",
"coins_selected": "Anz. gewählte Münzen ({number})",
"empty": "Dieses Wallet hat aktuell keine Münzen",
"freeze": "einfrieren",
"freezeLabel": "Einfrieren",
"header": "Münzenauswahl 'Coin control'",
"use_coin": "Münzen benutzen",
"tip": "Wallet Verwaltung zum Anzeigen, Beschriften, Einfrieren oder Auswählen von Münzen."
@ -83,7 +83,6 @@
"list_title": "συναλλαγές"
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_create": "Δημιούργησε",
"add_import_wallet": "Εισήγαγε πορτοφόλι",
"add_or": "ή",
@ -110,8 +109,6 @@
"import_title": "Εισαγωγή",
"list_create_a_button": "Προσθήκη τώρα",
"list_create_a_wallet": "Προσθέστε ένα πορτοφόλι",
"list_create_a_wallet1": "Είναι δωρεάν και μπορείς να",
"list_create_a_wallet2": "δημιουργήσεις όσα θέλεις",
"list_empty_txs1": "Οι συναλλαγές θα εμφανιστούν εδώ,",
"list_empty_txs2": "καμία συναλλαγή",
"list_latest_transaction": "τελευταία συναλλαγή",
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
"_": {
"allow": "Permitir",
"bad_password": "Password incorrecto, por favor inténtalo otra vez.",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"continue": "Continua",
"dont_allow": "No permitir",
"enter_password": "Introduce la contraseña",
"file_saved": "El archivo ({filePath}) se ha guardado en su carpeta de Descargas.",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment": "Fragmento de Codigo QR invalido, favor intentar de nuevo",
"never": "nunca",
"no": "No",
"of": "{number} de {total}",
"ok": "OK",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Tu almacenamiento está cifrado. Se requiere la contraseña para descifrarlo.",
"allow": "Permitir",
"dont_allow": "No permitir",
"yes": "Sí",
"no": "No",
"save": "Guardar",
"seed": "Semilla",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Tu almacenamiento está cifrado. Se requiere la contraseña para descifrarlo.",
"wallet_key": "Llave de la cartera",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Fragmento de Codigo QR invalido, favor intentar de nuevo",
"file_saved": "El archivo ({filePath}) se ha guardado en su carpeta de Descargas."
"yes": "Sí"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "El código de tu cupón es",
@ -27,6 +27,15 @@
"success": "Completado",
"title": "Canjear cupón Azte.co"
"cc": {
"coins_selected": "({number}) monedas (coins) seleccionadas",
"empty": "Esta cartera no tiene fondos en este momento",
"freeze": "congelar",
"freezeLabel": "Congelar",
"header": "Coin control",
"tip": "Te permite ver, etiquetar, congelar o seleccionar monedas para mejorar la organización de las carteras.",
"use_coin": "Usar moneda (coin)"
"entropy": {
"save": "Guardar",
"title": "Entropía ",
@ -87,6 +96,12 @@
"offer_window": "ventana",
"p2p": "Una casa de cambio p2p"
"is_it_my_address": {
"check_address": "Comprobar dirección",
"enter_address": "Introduce la dirección:",
"owns": "{address} es de {label}",
"title": "¿Es mi dirección?"
"lnd": {
"errorInvoiceExpired": "Factura expirada",
"exchange": "Casa de cambio",
@ -107,14 +122,76 @@
"lndViewInvoice": {
"additional_info": "Información adicional",
"for": "Para:",
"lightning_invoice": "Factura Lighting",
"has_been_paid": "Esta factura ha sido pagada para",
"lightning_invoice": "Factura Lighting",
"open_direct_channel": "Abrir un canal directo con este nodo:",
"please_pay": "Por favor, pague",
"preimage": "Preimage",
"sats": "sats",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "Esta factura no fue pagada y ha expirado."
"multisig": {
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Estás seguro? Tu semilla mnemotécnica se perderá si no tienes una copia de seguridad",
"co_sign_transaction": "Firmar una transacción",
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Co-firmar esta transacción?",
"create": "Crear",
"create_new_key": "Crear una nueva",
"export_coordination_setup": "exportar coordinacion",
"export_signed_psbt": "Exportar PSBT firmado",
"fee": "Tarifa: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"forget_this_seed": "Olvida esta semilla y usa xpub",
"header": "Enviar",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "Cuántas firmas puede hacer bluewallet",
"i_have_mnemonics": "Tengo una semilla para esta llave...",
"i_wrote_it_down": "OK, ya la he anotado",
"input_fp": "introduce la huella dactilar",
"input_fp_explain": "déjalo en blanco para usar el predeterminado (00000000)",
"input_path": "Input derivation path",
"input_path_explain": "Déjalo en blanco para usar el predeterminado ({default})",
"invalid_cosigner": "Los datos del co-firmante no son válidos",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Co-firmante incorrecto: no es un co-firmante de {format}",
"invalid_fingerprint": "La huella de esta semilla no encaja con la huella del co-firmante",
"invalid_mnemonics": "Esta frase mnemotécnica no es válida",
"legacy_title": "La versión antigua",
"lets_start": "Comencemos",
"multisig_vault": "Caja fuerte",
"multisig_vault_explain": "La mejor seguridad para grandes cantidades",
"native_segwit_title": "La mejor opción para la mayoría de usuarios",
"needs": "Needs",
"of": "de",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Por favor, anota esta frase mnemotécnica en un papel. No te preocupes, la puedes anotar más tarde.",
"provide_key": "Introduce una llave",
"provide_signature": "Proporcionar firma",
"quorum": "{m} de {n} quórum",
"quorum_header": "quórum",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Las llaves que se necesitarán del total de llaves creadas",
"scan_or_import_file": "Escanear o importar archivo",
"scan_or_open_file": "Escanear o abrir archivo",
"share": "Compartir",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "Este co-firmante ya ha sido importado",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "Esto es el xpub del co-firmante, lista para ser importada en otra cartera. Es seguro compartirla.",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Introduce una semilla para importar la llave de tu caja fuerte",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Opciones de la caja fuerte...",
"vault_key": "Clave de la bóveda {number}",
"view_edit_cosigners": "Ver/editar co-firmantes",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Editar co-firmantes",
"view_key": "Ver",
"wallet_key_created": "Caja fuerte creada. Tómate un momento para anotar la semilla mnemotécnica",
"wallet_type": "Tipo de cartera",
"what_is_vault": "Una caja fuerte es",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": " {m} llaves de la caja fuerte",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "para gastar y una tercera que\npuedes usar como copia de seguridad.",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-of-{n} multifirma ",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "Cartera",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Ofrece la mejor compatibilidad"
"notifications": {
"ask_me_later": "Pregúntame después",
"no_and_dont_ask": "No, y no vuelvas a preguntarme",
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "¿Quires recibir notificaciones cuando detectemos transferencias entrantes?"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "Crear un almacen cifrado falso",
"create_password": "Crear contraseña",
@ -204,24 +281,24 @@
"input_done": "Completado",
"input_paste": "Pegar",
"input_total": "Total:",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "No hay ninguna transacción siendo firmada en estos momentos",
"open_settings": "Abrir configuración",
"permission_camera_message": "Necesitamos permiso para usar la cámara",
"permission_camera_title": "Permiso para usar la cámara",
"open_settings": "Abrir configuración",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet no puede guardar este archivo. Por favor, abre los ajustes de tu dispositivo y permite el acceso al almacenamiento.",
"permission_storage_later": "Pregúntame luego",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet necesita permiso de acceso a tu almacenamiento para guardar este archivo.",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet no puede guardar este archivo. Por favor, abre los ajustes de tu dispositivo y permite el acceso al almacenamiento.",
"permission_storage_title": "Permiso de acceso al almacenamiento",
"problem_with_psbt": "Problema con PSBT",
"psbt_clipboard": "Copiar al portapapeles",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "Esta transacción está parcialmente firmada (PSBT). Por favor termina de firmarla con tu cartera de hardware.",
"psbt_tx_export": "Exportar a archivo",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "No hay ninguna transacción siendo firmada en estos momentos",
"psbt_tx_open": "Abrir transacción firmada",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Escanear transacción firmada",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "La imagen seleccionada no contiene un código QR.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "El archivo seleccionado no contiene una cartera que pueda ser importada.",
"success_done": "Completado",
"txSaved": "El archivo de la transacción ({filePath}) ha sido guardado en tu carpeta de descargas.",
"problem_with_psbt": "Problema con PSBT"
"txSaved": "El archivo de la transacción ({filePath}) ha sido guardado en tu carpeta de descargas."
"settings": {
"about": "Sobre nosotros",
@ -282,22 +359,17 @@
"passwords_do_not_match": "Contraseñas deben ser iguales",
"plausible_deniability": "Negación plausible",
"privacy": "Privacidad",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Muestra atajos si encuentra direcciones o facturas en tu portapapeles.",
"privacy_quickactions": "Atajos para tus carteras",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Toca y mantén pulsado el icono de BlueWallet en tu pantalla de inicio para ver rápidamente el balance de tu cartera.",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Leer portapapeles",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet usará facturas o direcciones encontradas en tu portapapeles para utilizarlas de forma más cómoda.",
"privacy_system_settings": "Configuración del sistema",
"privacy_quickactions": "Atajos para tus carteras",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Toca y mantén pulsado el icono de BlueWallet en tu pantalla de inicio para ver rápidamente el balance de tu cartera.",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Muestra atajos si encuentra direcciones o facturas en tu portapapeles.",
"push_notifications": "Notificaciones push",
"retype_password": "Introduce la contraseña otra vez",
"save": "Guardar",
"saved": "Guardado"
"notifications": {
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "¿Quires recibir notificaciones cuando detectemos transferencias entrantes?",
"no_and_dont_ask": "No, y no vuelvas a preguntarme",
"ask_me_later": "Pregúntame después"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "Reemplazaremos esta transacción con la que te paga y tiene tasas más altas, lo que cancelará la transacción. A esto se le llama RBF (Replace By Fee).",
"cancel_no": "Esta transacción no se puede reemplazar",
@ -314,19 +386,19 @@
"details_inputs": "Inputs",
"details_outputs": "Outputs",
"details_received": "Recibido",
"transaction_note_saved":"La nota de la transacción ha sido guardada.",
"details_show_in_block_explorer": "Mostrar en explorador de bloques",
"details_title": "Transaccion",
"details_to": "Destino",
"details_transaction_details": "Detalles de la transacción",
"enable_hw": "Esta cartera no está siendo usada junto a una cartera de hardware. ¿Quieres activar el uso con carteras de hardware?",
"list_conf": "conf: {number}",
"pending": "En espera",
"list_title": "Transacciones",
"pending": "En espera",
"rbf_explain": "Reemplazaremos esta transacción por la de mayor comisión, lo que debería hacer que sea minada en menos tiempo. A esto se le llama RBF (Replace By Fee).",
"rbf_title": "Incrementar comisión (RBF)",
"status_bump": "Aumentar comisón",
"status_cancel": "Cancelar transacción",
"transaction_note_saved": "La nota de la transacción ha sido guardada.",
"transactions_count": "Número de transacciones"
"wallets": {
@ -397,81 +469,14 @@
"list_title": "Carteras",
"list_tryagain": "Inténtalo otra vez",
"looks_like_bip38": "Parece que esto es una llave privada protegida con contraseña (BIP38)",
"pull_to_refresh": "Desliza el dedo de arriba a abajo para actualizar",
"reorder_title": "Reorganizar carteras",
"select_no_bitcoin": "No hay carteras de Bitcoin disponibles.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "Es necesaria una cartera de Bitcoin para recargar una Cartera de Lighting. Por favor, cree o importe una.",
"select_wallet": "Selecciona una cartera",
"take_photo": "Hacer una foto",
"warning_do_not_disclose": "¡Atención! No comparta esta información con otros.",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Copiado a portapapeles.",
"pull_to_refresh": "Desliza el dedo de arriba a abajo para actualizar",
"warning_do_not_disclose": "Warning! Do not disclose",
"xpub_title": "XPUB de la cartera"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "Caja fuerte",
"multisig_vault_explain": "La mejor seguridad para grandes cantidades",
"provide_signature": "Proporcionar firma",
"vault_key": "Clave de la bóveda {number}",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Las llaves que se necesitarán del total de llaves creadas",
"fee": "Tarifa: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"header": "Enviar",
"share": "Compartir",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "Cuántas firmas puede hacer bluewallet",
"scan_or_import_file": "Escanear o importar archivo",
"export_coordination_setup": "exportar coordinacion",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Co-firmar esta transacción?",
"lets_start": "Comencemos",
"create": "Crear",
"provide_key": "Introduce una llave",
"native_segwit_title": "La mejor opción para la mayoría de usuarios",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Ofrece la mejor compatibilidad",
"legacy_title": "La versión antigua",
"co_sign_transaction": "Firmar una transacción",
"what_is_vault": "Una caja fuerte es",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-of-{n} multifirma ",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "Cartera",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Opciones de la caja fuerte...",
"needs": "Needs",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": " {m} llaves de la caja fuerte",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "para gastar y una tercera que\npuedes usar como copia de seguridad.",
"quorum": "{m} de {n} quórum",
"quorum_header": "quórum",
"of": "de",
"wallet_type": "Tipo de cartera",
"view_key": "Ver",
"invalid_mnemonics": "Esta frase mnemotécnica no es válida",
"invalid_cosigner": "Los datos del co-firmante no son válidos",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Co-firmante incorrecto: no es un co-firmante de {format}",
"create_new_key": "Crear una nueva",
"scan_or_open_file": "Escanear o abrir archivo",
"i_have_mnemonics": "Tengo una semilla para esta llave...",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Por favor, anota esta frase mnemotécnica en un papel. No te preocupes, la puedes anotar más tarde.",
"i_wrote_it_down": "OK, ya la he anotado",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Introduce una semilla para importar la llave de tu caja fuerte",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "Esto es el xpub del co-firmante, lista para ser importada en otra cartera. Es seguro compartirla.",
"wallet_key_created": "Caja fuerte creada. Tómate un momento para anotar la semilla mnemotécnica",
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Estás seguro? Tu semilla mnemotécnica se perderá si no tienes una copia de seguridad",
"forget_this_seed": "Olvida esta semilla y usa xpub",
"invalid_fingerprint": "La huella de esta semilla no encaja con la huella del co-firmante",
"view_edit_cosigners": "Ver/editar co-firmantes",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "Este co-firmante ya ha sido importado",
"export_signed_psbt": "Exportar PSBT firmado",
"input_fp": "introduce la huella dactilar",
"input_fp_explain": "déjalo en blanco para usar el predeterminado (00000000)",
"input_path": "Input derivation path",
"input_path_explain": "Déjalo en blanco para usar el predeterminado ({default})",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Editar co-firmantes"
"cc": {
"change": "change",
"coins_selected": "({number}) monedas (coins) seleccionadas",
"empty": "Esta cartera no tiene fondos en este momento",
"freeze": "congelar",
"freezeLabel": "Congelar",
"header": "Coin control",
"use_coin": "Usar moneda (coin)",
"tip": "Te permite ver, etiquetar, congelar o seleccionar monedas para mejorar la organización de las carteras."
@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"continue": "Continua",
"enter_password": "Inserte contraseña",
"file_saved": "El archivo ({filePath}) se ha guardado en su carpeta de Descargas.",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment": "Fragmento de Codigo QR invalido, favor intentar de nuevo",
"never": "nunca",
"of": "{number} de {total}",
"ok": "OK",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Su almacenamiento está cifrado. Se requiere contraseña para descifrarla.",
"yes": "Sí",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Fragmento de Codigo QR invalido, favor intentar de nuevo",
"file_saved": "El archivo ({filePath}) se ha guardado en su carpeta de Descargas."
"yes": "Sí"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "Tu Código de Boleto es",
@ -108,6 +108,18 @@
"sats": "sats",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "Esta factura no se pagó y ha caducado"
"multisig": {
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"export_coordination_setup": "exportacion de coordinacion",
"fee": "Tarifa: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"header": "Enviar",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "Cuántas firmas puede hacer bluewallet",
"provide_signature": "Proporcionar firma",
"scan_or_import_file": "Escanear o importar archivo",
"share": "Compartir",
"vault_key": "Clave de la bóveda {number}"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "Crear un almacen cifrado falso",
"create_password": "Crear una contraseña",
@ -197,12 +209,13 @@
"input_done": "Hecho",
"input_paste": "Pegar",
"input_total": "Total:",
"open_settings": "Abrir configuraciones",
"permission_camera_message": "Necesitamos su permiso para usar su cámara",
"permission_camera_title": "Permiso para usar la cámara",
"open_settings": "Abrir configuraciones",
"permission_storage_later": "Pregúntame Luego",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet necesita tu permiso para acceder al almacenamiento para guardar esta transacción",
"permission_storage_title": "Permiso de acceso al almacen de BlueWallet",
"problem_with_psbt": "Problema con PSBT",
"psbt_clipboard": "Copiar al portapapeles",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "Esta es una transacción bitcoin parcialmente firmada (PSBT). Para finalizar por favor firmarla con tú hardware wallet",
"psbt_tx_export": "Exportar a archivo",
@ -211,8 +224,7 @@
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "La imagen seleccionada no contiene un código QR.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "El archivo seleccionado no contiene una billetera que se pueda importar.",
"success_done": "Hecho",
"txSaved": "El archivo ({filePath}) se ha guardado en su carpeta de Descargas.",
"problem_with_psbt": "Problema con PSBT"
"txSaved": "El archivo ({filePath}) se ha guardado en su carpeta de Descargas."
"settings": {
"about": "Sobre nosotros",
@ -305,16 +317,13 @@
"transactions_count": "Número de transacciones"
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"add_create": "Crear",
"add_entropy_generated": "{gen} bytes de entropía generada",
"add_entropy_provide": "Entropía mediante el lanzamiento de dados",
"add_entropy_remain": "{gen} bytes of entropía generada. Los {rem} bytes restantes serán obtenidos del generador de números aleatorios.",
"add_import_wallet": "Importar billetera",
"import_file": "Imortar Archivo",
"add_lightning": "Lightning",
"add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions",
"add_lndhub": "Conectar a tu LNDHub",
"add_lndhub_error": "La dirección del nodo, no es un nodo LNDHub válido.",
"add_lndhub_placeholder": "Su dirección de nodo",
@ -347,14 +356,13 @@
"import_do_import": "Importar",
"import_error": "No se pudo importar. ¿Es valido?",
"import_explanation": "Escriba aquí mnemotécnica, clave privada, WIF o cualquier cosa que tenga. BlueWallet hará todo lo posible para adivinar el formato correcto e importar su billetera.",
"import_file": "Imortar Archivo",
"import_imported": "Importado",
"import_scan_qr": "o escanear codigo QR?",
"import_success": "Exito",
"import_title": "importar",
"list_create_a_button": "Agrega ahora",
"list_create_a_wallet": "Agrega una billetera",
"list_create_a_wallet1": "Es gratis y puedes crear",
"list_create_a_wallet2": "cuantas usted quiera",
"list_empty_txs1": "Sus transacciones aparecerán aquí,",
"list_empty_txs1_lightning": "La billetera Lightning debe usarse para sus transacciones diarias. Las tarifas son injustamente baratas y la velocidad es increíblemente rápida.",
"list_empty_txs2": "ninguno por el momento.",
@ -366,7 +374,6 @@
"list_long_choose": "Escoge una foto",
"list_long_clipboard": "Copiar desde el raton",
"list_long_scan": "Escanear código QR",
"take_photo": "Sacar foto",
"list_tap_here_to_buy": "Tap here to buy Bitcoin",
"list_title": "billeteras",
"list_tryagain": "Intentar nuevamente",
@ -374,21 +381,8 @@
"select_no_bitcoin": "Actualmente no hay billeteras Bitcoin disponibles.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "Se requiere una billetera Bitcoin para recargar las billeteras Lightning. Por favor, cree o importe una.",
"select_wallet": "Selecciona billetera",
"take_photo": "Sacar foto",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Copiado a portapapeles.",
"xpub_title": "XPUB de la billetera"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "Vault",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Best security for large amounts",
"provide_signature": "Proporcionar firma",
"vault_key": "Clave de la bóveda {number}",
"fee": "Tarifa: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"header": "Enviar",
"share": "Compartir",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "Cuántas firmas puede hacer bluewallet",
"scan_or_import_file": "Escanear o importar archivo",
"export_coordination_setup": "exportacion de coordinacion"
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
"offer_minmax": "حداقل/حداکثر",
"offer_minutes": "حداقل",
"offer_promt_fiat": "چه مقدار {currency} میخواهید بخرید؟",
"offer_promt_fiat_e": "برای مثال ۱۰۰",
"offer_promt_fiat_e": "بهعنوان مثال، ۱۰۰",
"offer_window": "بازه",
"p2p": "تبادل همتابههمتا"
@ -110,9 +110,9 @@
"lightning_invoice": "فاکتور لایتنینگ",
"has_been_paid": "این فاکتور پرداخت شده است",
"open_direct_channel": "کانال مستقیمی با این گره باز کن:",
"please_pay": "لطفاً بپردازید",
"please_pay": "لطفاً",
"preimage": "پیشنگاره",
"sats": "ساتوشی",
"sats": "ساتوشی بپردازید",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "این فاکتور پرداخت نشده و منقضی شده است."
"plausibledeniability": {
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
"send": {
"broadcastButton": "انتشار",
"broadcastError": "خطا",
"broadcastNone": "هگزادسیمال تراکنش ورودی",
"broadcastNone": "هگزادسیمال تراکنش را وارد کنید",
"broadcastPending": "در انتظار ثبت",
"broadcastSuccess": "موفقیتآمیز بود",
"confirm_header": "تأیید",
@ -244,9 +244,9 @@
"electrum_connected": "متصل",
"electrum_connected_not": "عدم اتصال",
"electrum_error_connect": "نمیتوان به سرور الکترام ارائهشده متصل شد",
"electrum_host": "میزبان، بهعنوان مثال {example}",
"electrum_port": "پورت TCP، بهطورمعمول {example}",
"electrum_port_ssl": "پورت SSL، بهطورمعمول {example}",
"electrum_host": "میزبان، بهعنوان مثال، {example}",
"electrum_port": "درگاه TCP، بهطورمعمول {example}",
"electrum_port_ssl": "درگاه SSL، بهطورمعمول {example}",
"electrum_saved": "تغییرات شما با موفقیت ذخیره شدند. ممکن است برای اعمال تغییرات به راهاندازی مجدد برنامه نیاز داشته باشید.",
"electrum_settings": "تنظیمات الکترام",
"electrum_settings_explain": "برای استفاده از تنظیمات پیشفرض خالی بگذارید",
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
"encrypt_use_expl": "از {type} برای تأیید هویت شما قبل از انجام تراکنش، بازکردن قفل، صادرکردن، یا حذف کیف پول استفاده خواهد شد. از {type} برای بازکردن فضای ذخیرهسازی رمزگذاریشده استفاده نخواهد شد.",
"general": "عمومی",
"general_adv_mode": "حالت پیشرفته",
"general_adv_mode_e": "درصورت فعالبودن، گزینههای پیشرفتهای مانند انواع مختلف کیف پول، امکان تعیین سرور LNDHub موردنظر شما جهت اتصال، و آنتروپی سفارشی در هنگام ایجاد کیف پول را مشاهده خواهید کرد.",
"general_adv_mode_e": "درصورت فعالبودن، گزینههای پیشرفتهای مانند انواع مختلف کیف پول، امکان تعیین سرور LNDHub جهت اتصال، و آنتروپی سفارشی را در هنگام ایجاد کیف پول مشاهده خواهید کرد.",
"general_continuity": "پیوستگی",
"general_continuity_e": "درصورت فعالبودن، میتوانید کیف پولهای انتخابشده و تراکنشها را با استفاده از سایر دستگاههای متصل به Apple iCloud خود مشاهده کنید.",
"groundcontrol_explanation": "سرویس GroundControl یک سرور اعلانات متنباز و رایگان برای کیف پولهای بیتکوین است. شما میتوانید سرور GroundControl خود را نصب کرده و آدرس آن را اینجا قرار دهید تا به زیرساختهای BlueWallet متکی نباشید. برای استفاده از تنظیمات پیشفرض خالی بگذارید.",
@ -460,13 +460,13 @@
"export_signed_psbt": "صادرکردن PSBT امضاشده",
"input_fp": "اثر انگشت را وارد کنید",
"input_fp_explain": "جهت استفاده از تنظیمات پیشفرض (۰۰۰۰۰۰۰۰) رد کنید",
"input_path": "مسیر اشتقاق ورودی",
"input_path": "مسیر اشتقاق را وارد کنید",
"input_path_explain": "جهت استفاده از تنظیمات پیشفرض ({default}) رد کنید",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "ویرایش امضاکنندگان مشترک"
"is_it_my_address": {
"title": "آیا آدرس من است؟",
"owns": "آدرس {address} متعلق به {label} است.",
"owns": "آدرس {address} متعلق به «{label}» است.",
"enter_address": "آدرس را وارد کنید:",
"check_address": "بررسی آدرس"
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
"_": {
"allow": "Salli",
"bad_password": "Väärä salasana, yritä uudelleen.",
"cancel": "Peruuta",
"continue": "Jatka",
"dont_allow": "Älä salli",
"enter_password": "Anna salasana",
"file_saved": "Tiedosto ({filePath}) on tallennettu Lataukset-kansioon.",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment": "Virheellinen animoitu QRCode-fragmentti, yritä uudelleen",
"never": "ei koskaan",
"no": "Ei",
"of": "{number} / {total}",
"ok": "OK",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Tallennustilasi on salattu. Sen purkamiseksi vaaditaan salasana",
"allow": "Salli",
"dont_allow": "Älä salli",
"yes": "Kyllä",
"no": "Ei",
"save": "Tallenna",
"seed": "Siemen",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Tallennustilasi on salattu. Sen purkamiseksi vaaditaan salasana",
"wallet_key": "Lompakkoavain",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Virheellinen animoitu QRCode-fragmentti, yritä uudelleen",
"file_saved": "Tiedosto ({filePath}) on tallennettu Lataukset-kansioon."
"yes": "Kyllä"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "Kuponkikoodisi on",
@ -27,6 +27,16 @@
"success": "Onnistui",
"title": "Lunasta Azte.co kuponki"
"cc": {
"change": "vaihto",
"coins_selected": "Kolikot valittu ({number})",
"empty": "Tässä lompakossa ei ole tällä hetkellä kolikoita",
"freeze": "jäädytä",
"freezeLabel": "Jäädytä",
"header": "Kolikoiden hallinta",
"tip": "Antaa sinun nähdä, merkitä, jäädyttää tai valita kolikoita parempaan lompakon hallintaan.",
"use_coin": "Käytä kolikko"
"entropy": {
"save": "Tallenna",
"title": "Entropia",
@ -87,6 +97,12 @@
"offer_window": "ikkuna",
"p2p": "P2p-vaihto"
"is_it_my_address": {
"check_address": "Tarkista osoite",
"enter_address": "Syötä osoite:",
"owns": "{label} omistaa {address}",
"title": "Onko se osoitteeni?"
"lnd": {
"errorInvoiceExpired": "Lasku vanheni",
"exchange": "Vaihto",
@ -107,14 +123,76 @@
"lndViewInvoice": {
"additional_info": "Lisäinformaatio",
"for": "Kenelle:",
"lightning_invoice": "Lightning-lasku",
"has_been_paid": "Tämä lasku on maksettu",
"lightning_invoice": "Lightning-lasku",
"open_direct_channel": "Avaa suora kanava tällä solmulla:",
"please_pay": "Ole hyvä ja maksa",
"preimage": "Alkukuva",
"sats": "sats",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "Tätä laskua ei maksettu, ja se on vanhentunut."
"multisig": {
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Oletko varma? Muistisiemenesi menetetään, jos sinulla ei ole varmuuskopiota",
"co_sign_transaction": "Allekirjoita siirtotapahtuma",
"confirm": "Vahvista",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Allekirjoitetaanko tämä siirtotapahtuma?",
"create": "Luo",
"create_new_key": "Luo Uusi",
"export_coordination_setup": "vie koordinoinnin asetukset",
"export_signed_psbt": "Vie Allekirjoitettu PSBT",
"fee": "Siirtokulu: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"forget_this_seed": "Unohda tämä siemen ja käytä sen sijaan xpubia",
"header": "Lähetä",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "kuinka monta allekirjoitusta bluewallet voi tehdä",
"i_have_mnemonics": "Minulla on siemen tälle avaimelle...",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Ok, kirjoitin sen ylös",
"input_fp": "Syötä sormenjälki",
"input_fp_explain": "ohita käyttääksesi oletusarvoa (00000000)",
"input_path": "Syöte johtamisen polku",
"input_path_explain": "ohita käyttääksesi oletusarvoa ({default})",
"invalid_cosigner": "Ei kelvollisia allekirjoitustietoja",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Virheellinen allekirjoittaja: tämä ei ole muodon {format} allekirjoittaja",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Tämän siemenen sormenjälki ei vastaa tämän allekirjoittajan sormenjälkeä",
"invalid_mnemonics": "Tämä muistilauseke ei näytä olevan pätevä",
"legacy_title": "Perintö",
"lets_start": "Aloitetaan",
"multisig_vault": "Holvi",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Paras turvallisuus suurille summille",
"native_segwit_title": "Paras harjoitus",
"needs": "Tarpeet",
"of": "n",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Kirjoita tämä muistilauseke paperille. Älä huoli, voit kirjoittaa sen myöhemmin.",
"provide_key": "Toimita avain",
"provide_signature": "Toimita allekirjoitus",
"quorum": "{m} {n} quorum",
"quorum_header": "Quorum",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Vaaditut avaimet kokonaismäärästä",
"scan_or_import_file": "Skannaa tai tuo tiedosto",
"scan_or_open_file": "Skannaa tai avaa tiedosto",
"share": "Jaa",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "Tämä allekirjoittaja on jo tuotu.",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "Tämä on allekirjoittajan xpub, joka on valmis tuotavaksi toiseen lompakkoon. On turvallista jakaa se.",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Lisää siemen tuodaksesi nykyisen holviavaimesi",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Holvin Asetukset...",
"vault_key": "Holvi avain {number}",
"view_edit_cosigners": "Tarkastele/muokkaa allekirjoittajia",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Muokkaa Allekirjoittajia",
"view_key": "näkymä",
"wallet_key_created": "Holviavaimesi luotiin. Käytä hetki muistisiemenesi turvalliseen varmuuskopioimiseen",
"wallet_type": "Lompakon tyyppi",
"what_is_vault": "Holvi on a",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": "{m} holvin avaimet",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "kuluttaa ja kolmas sinulle\nvoidaan käyttää varmuuskopiona.",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": "{m} {n} multisig",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "lompakko",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Paras yhteensopivuus"
"notifications": {
"ask_me_later": "Kysy Minulta Myöhemmin",
"no_and_dont_ask": "En, ja Älä Kysy Minulta Uudelleen",
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Haluatko saada ilmoituksia, kun saat saapuvia maksuja?"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "Luo Salattu tallennustila",
"create_password": "Luo salasana",
@ -204,24 +282,24 @@
"input_done": "Valmis",
"input_paste": "Liitä",
"input_total": "Yhteensä:",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "Siirtotapahtuman allekirjoittamista ei ole käynnissä",
"open_settings": "Avaa Asetukset",
"permission_camera_message": "Tarvitsemme lupasi kameran käyttöön",
"permission_camera_title": "Kameran käyttölupa",
"open_settings": "Avaa Asetukset",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet ei voi tallentaa tätä tiedostoa. Avaa laitteen asetukset ja ota Tallennusoikeus käyttöön.",
"permission_storage_later": "Kysy Minulta Myöhemmin",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet tarvitsee lupasi käyttääkseen tallennustilaasi tämän tiedoston tallentamiseksi.",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet ei voi tallentaa tätä tiedostoa. Avaa laitteen asetukset ja ota Tallennusoikeus käyttöön.",
"permission_storage_title": "Tallennustilan käyttöoikeus",
"problem_with_psbt": "Ongelma PSBT:n kanssa",
"psbt_clipboard": "Kopioi Leikepöydälle",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "Tämä on osittain allekirjoitettu bitcoin-siirtotapahtuma (PSBT). Ole hyvä ja allekirjoita se hardware-lompakolla.",
"psbt_tx_export": "Vie tiedostoon",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "Siirtotapahtuman allekirjoittamista ei ole käynnissä",
"psbt_tx_open": "Avaa Allekirjoitettu Siirtotapahtuma",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Skannaa Allekirjoitettu Siirtotapahtuma",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "Valittu kuva ei sisällä QR-koodia.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "Valittu tiedosto ei sisällä tuotavaa lompakkoa.",
"success_done": "Valmis",
"txSaved": "Siirtotapahtumatiedosto ({filePath}) on tallennettu Lataukset-kansioon.",
"problem_with_psbt": "Ongelma PSBT:n kanssa"
"txSaved": "Siirtotapahtumatiedosto ({filePath}) on tallennettu Lataukset-kansioon."
"settings": {
"about": "Tietoa",
@ -282,22 +360,17 @@
"passwords_do_not_match": "Salasanat eivät täsmää",
"plausible_deniability": "Uskottava kiistettävyys",
"privacy": "Yksityisyys",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Toimita pikakuvakkeet, jos leikepöydältä löytyy osoite tai lasku.",
"privacy_quickactions": "Lompakon Pikanäppäimet",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Kosketa ja pidä Aloitusnäytön BlueWallet-sovelluskuvaketta nähdäksesi nopeasti lompakon saldon.",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Lue Leikepöytä",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet näyttää pikakuvakkeet leikepöydältä löytyvän laskun tai osoitteen käsittelemiseksi.",
"privacy_system_settings": "Järjestelmäasetukset",
"privacy_quickactions": "Lompakon Pikanäppäimet",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Kosketa ja pidä Aloitusnäytön BlueWallet-sovelluskuvaketta nähdäksesi nopeasti lompakon saldon.",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Toimita pikakuvakkeet, jos leikepöydältä löytyy osoite tai lasku.",
"push_notifications": "Push-ilmoitukset",
"retype_password": "Salasana uudelleen",
"save": "Tallenna",
"saved": "Tallennettu"
"notifications": {
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Haluatko saada ilmoituksia, kun saat saapuvia maksuja?",
"no_and_dont_ask": "En, ja Älä Kysy Minulta Uudelleen",
"ask_me_later": "Kysy Minulta Myöhemmin"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "Korvaamme tämän siirtotapahtuman sillä, joka maksaa sinulle ja on korkeammat siirtokulut. Tämä peruuttaa siirtotapahtuman tehokkaasti. Tätä kutsutaan RBF - Replace By Fee - Korvaa korkeammilla kuluilla.",
"cancel_no": "Tämä siirtotapahtuma ei ole vaihdettavissa",
@ -314,19 +387,19 @@
"details_inputs": "Syötteet",
"details_outputs": "Ulostulot",
"details_received": "Vastaanotettu",
"transaction_note_saved":"Siirtotapahtumailmoitus on tallennettu.",
"details_show_in_block_explorer": "Näytä lohkoketjuselaimessa",
"details_title": "Siirtotapahtuma",
"details_to": "Ulostulo",
"details_transaction_details": "Siirtotapahtuman tiedot",
"enable_hw": "Tätä lompakkoa ei käytetä yhdessä hardware-lompakon kanssa. Haluatko ottaa käyttöön hardware-lompakon?",
"list_conf": "conf: {number}",
"pending": "Odottaa",
"list_title": "siirtotapahtumat",
"pending": "Odottaa",
"rbf_explain": "Korvaamme tämän siirtotapahtuman toisella jossa on korkeammat siirtokulut, joten se pitäisi olla louhittu nopeammin. Tätä kutsutaan RBF - Replace By Fee - Korvattavissa korkeammilla kuluilla.",
"rbf_title": "Nosta siirtokuluja (RBF)",
"status_bump": "Nosta siirtokuluja",
"status_cancel": "Peruuta Siirtotapahtuma",
"transaction_note_saved": "Siirtotapahtumailmoitus on tallennettu.",
"transactions_count": "siirtotapahtumien määrä"
"wallets": {
@ -397,80 +470,14 @@
"list_title": "lompakot",
"list_tryagain": "Yritä uudelleen",
"looks_like_bip38": "Tämä näyttää salasanalla suojatulta yksityiseltä avaimelta (BIP38)",
"pull_to_refresh": "vedä päivittääksesi",
"reorder_title": "Järjestele Lompakot",
"select_no_bitcoin": "Bitcoin-lompakkoa ei tällä hetkellä ole saatavana.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "Bitcoin-lompakkoa vaaditaan Lightning-lompakkojen täyttämiseksi. Luo tai tuo yksi.",
"select_wallet": "Valitse Lompakko",
"take_photo": "Ota Kuva",
"warning_do_not_disclose": "Varoitus! Älä paljasta",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Kopioitu leikepöydälle.",
"pull_to_refresh": "vedä päivittääksesi",
"xpub_title": "lompakon XPUB"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "Holvi",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Paras turvallisuus suurille summille",
"provide_signature": "Toimita allekirjoitus",
"vault_key": "Holvi avain {number}",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Vaaditut avaimet kokonaismäärästä",
"fee": "Siirtokulu: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "Vahvista",
"header": "Lähetä",
"share": "Jaa",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "kuinka monta allekirjoitusta bluewallet voi tehdä",
"scan_or_import_file": "Skannaa tai tuo tiedosto",
"export_coordination_setup": "vie koordinoinnin asetukset",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Allekirjoitetaanko tämä siirtotapahtuma?",
"lets_start": "Aloitetaan",
"create": "Luo",
"provide_key": "Toimita avain",
"native_segwit_title": "Paras harjoitus",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Paras yhteensopivuus",
"legacy_title": "Perintö",
"co_sign_transaction": "Allekirjoita siirtotapahtuma",
"what_is_vault": "Holvi on a",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": "{m} {n} multisig",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "lompakko",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Holvin Asetukset...",
"needs": "Tarpeet",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": "{m} holvin avaimet",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "kuluttaa ja kolmas sinulle\nvoidaan käyttää varmuuskopiona.",
"quorum": "{m} {n} quorum",
"quorum_header": "Quorum",
"of": "n",
"wallet_type": "Lompakon tyyppi",
"view_key": "näkymä",
"invalid_mnemonics": "Tämä muistilauseke ei näytä olevan pätevä",
"invalid_cosigner": "Ei kelvollisia allekirjoitustietoja",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Virheellinen allekirjoittaja: tämä ei ole muodon {format} allekirjoittaja",
"create_new_key": "Luo Uusi",
"scan_or_open_file": "Skannaa tai avaa tiedosto",
"i_have_mnemonics": "Minulla on siemen tälle avaimelle...",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Kirjoita tämä muistilauseke paperille. Älä huoli, voit kirjoittaa sen myöhemmin.",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Ok, kirjoitin sen ylös",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Lisää siemen tuodaksesi nykyisen holviavaimesi",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "Tämä on allekirjoittajan xpub, joka on valmis tuotavaksi toiseen lompakkoon. On turvallista jakaa se.",
"wallet_key_created": "Holviavaimesi luotiin. Käytä hetki muistisiemenesi turvalliseen varmuuskopioimiseen",
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Oletko varma? Muistisiemenesi menetetään, jos sinulla ei ole varmuuskopiota",
"forget_this_seed": "Unohda tämä siemen ja käytä sen sijaan xpubia",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Tämän siemenen sormenjälki ei vastaa tämän allekirjoittajan sormenjälkeä",
"view_edit_cosigners": "Tarkastele/muokkaa allekirjoittajia",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "Tämä allekirjoittaja on jo tuotu.",
"export_signed_psbt": "Vie Allekirjoitettu PSBT",
"input_fp": "Syötä sormenjälki",
"input_fp_explain": "ohita käyttääksesi oletusarvoa (00000000)",
"input_path": "Syöte johtamisen polku",
"input_path_explain": "ohita käyttääksesi oletusarvoa ({default})",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Muokkaa Allekirjoittajia"
"cc": {
"change": "vaihto",
"coins_selected": "Kolikot valittu ({number})",
"empty": "Tässä lompakossa ei ole tällä hetkellä kolikoita",
"freeze": "jäädytä",
"freezeLabel": "Jäädytä",
"header": "Kolikoiden hallinta",
"use_coin": "Käytä kolikko",
"tip": "Antaa sinun nähdä, merkitä, jäädyttää tai valita kolikoita parempaan lompakon hallintaan."
@ -8,12 +8,7 @@
"of": "{number} sur {total}",
"ok": "OK",
"storage_is_encrypted": "L'espace de stockage est chiffré. le mot de passe requis pour le déchiffrer.",
"allow": "Allow",
"dont_allow": "Don't Allow",
"yes": "Oui",
"no": "No",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Invalid animated QRCode fragment, please try again",
"file_saved": "File ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder ."
"yes": "Oui"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "Votre code promo est",
@ -175,36 +170,24 @@
"details_next": "Suivant",
"details_no_maximum": "Le portefeuille sélectionné ne supporte pas le calcul automatique du solde maximum. Etes-vous sûr de vouloir utiliser ce portefeuille ?",
"details_no_multiple": "Le portefeuille sélectionné ne permet pas d'envoyer du Bitcoin à plusieurs destinataires. Etes-vous sûr de vouloir sélectionner ce portefeuille ?",
"details_no_signed_tx": "The selected file does not contain a transaction that can be imported.",
"details_note_placeholder": "note (optionnelle)",
"details_scan": "Scanner",
"details_total_exceeds_balance": "Le montant à envoyer excède le montant disponible.",
"details_wallet_before_tx": "Avant de créer une transaction, vous devez d'abord importer un ajouter un portefeuille Bitcoin.",
"details_wallet_selection": "Sélection du portefeuille",
"dynamic_init": "Initializing",
"dynamic_next": "Suivant",
"dynamic_prev": "Précédent",
"dynamic_start": "Commencer",
"dynamic_stop": "Arrêter",
"fee_10m": "10m",
"fee_1d": "1d",
"fee_3h": "3h",
"fee_custom": "Custom",
"fee_fast": "Fast",
"fee_medium": "Medium",
"fee_replace_min": "The total fee rate (satoshi per byte) you want to pay should be higher than {min} sat/byte",
"fee_satbyte": "in sat/byte",
"fee_slow": "Slow",
"header": "Envoyer",
"input_clear": "Tout effacer",
"input_done": "Terminé",
"input_paste": "Coller",
"input_total": "Total :",
"open_settings": "Ouvrir les paramètres",
"permission_camera_message": "Nous avons besoin de votre permission pour utiliser l'appareil photo",
"permission_camera_title": "Permission d'utiliser l'appareil photo",
"open_settings": "Ouvrir les paramètres",
"permission_storage_later": "Redemander Plus Tard",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet a besoin de votre permission pour accéder au stockage de l'appareil et y enregistrer cette transaction.",
"permission_storage_title": "Permission d'accès au stockage pour BlueWallet",
"psbt_clipboard": "Copier dans le presse-papier",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "Ceci est une Transaction Bitcoin Partiellement Signée (PSBT). Veuillez la compléter avec votre portefeuille matériel.",
@ -214,8 +197,7 @@
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "L'image sélectionnée ne contient pas de QR Code",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "Le fichier sélectionné ne contient pas de portefeuille à importer.",
"success_done": "Terminé",
"txSaved": "Le fichier de transaction ({filePath}) a été enregistré dans votre dossier Téléchargements.",
"problem_with_psbt": "Problem with PSBT"
"txSaved": "Le fichier de transaction ({filePath}) a été enregistré dans votre dossier Téléchargements."
"settings": {
"about": "À propos",
@ -275,13 +257,6 @@
"password_explain": "Créer le mot de passe utilisé pour déchiffrer l'espace de stockage principal",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas",
"plausible_deniability": "Déni plausible...",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Read Clipboard",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet will display shortcuts for handling an invoice or address found in your clipboard.",
"privacy_system_settings": "System Settings",
"privacy_quickactions": "Wallet Shortcuts",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Touch and hold the BlueWallet app icon on your Home Screen to quickly view your wallet's balance.",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Provide shortcuts if an address, or invoice, is found in your clipboard.",
"push_notifications": "Notifications push",
"retype_password": "Re-saisir votre mot de passe",
"save": "save",
@ -306,7 +281,6 @@
"details_to": "À",
"details_transaction_details": "Détails de la transaction",
"enable_hw": "Ce portefeuille n'est pas utilisé en conjonction avec un portefeuille matériel. Voulez-vous permettre l'utilisation de portefeuilles matériels ?",
"list_conf": "conf: {number}",
"list_title": "transactions",
"rbf_explain": "Nous allons remplacer cette transaction par celle avec des frais plus élevés. Elle devrait donc être minée plus vite. On parle de RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"rbf_title": "Frais de propulsion (RBF)",
@ -315,16 +289,13 @@
"transactions_count": "Nombre de transactions"
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"add_create": "Créer",
"add_entropy_generated": "{gen} octets d'entropie générée",
"add_entropy_provide": "Créer de l'entropie par des jets de dé",
"add_entropy_remain": "{gen} octets d'entropie générée. Les {rem} octets restants seront obtenus auprès du générateur de nombres aléatoires du système.",
"add_import_wallet": "Importer un portefeuille",
"import_file": "Importer le fichier",
"add_lightning": "Lightning",
"add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions",
"add_lndhub": "Connexion à votre LNDHub",
"add_lndhub_error": "L'adresse de noeud fournie n'est pas un noeud LNDHub valide.",
"add_lndhub_placeholder": "l'adresse de votre noeud",
@ -357,15 +328,13 @@
"import_do_import": "Importer",
"import_error": "Échec de l'import. Merci, de vérifier que les données saisies sont valides.",
"import_explanation": "Entrez ici votre mnémonique, clé privée, WIF, ou quoi que ce soit que vous ayez. BlueWallet fera de son mieux pour deviner le bon format et importer votre portefeuille",
"import_file": "Importer le fichier",
"import_imported": "Importé",
"import_scan_qr": "ou scaner un QR code",
"import_success": "Succès",
"looks_like_bip38": "This looks like password-protected private key (BIP38)",
"enter_bip38_password": "Enter password to decrypt",
"import_title": "importer",
"list_create_a_button": "Ajouter maintenant",
"list_create_a_wallet": "Ajouter un portefeuille",
"list_create_a_wallet_text": "It's free and you can create \nas many as you like",
"list_empty_txs1": "Vos transactions apparaîtront ici,",
"list_empty_txs1_lightning": "Un portefeuille Lightning devrait être utilisé pour les transactions quotidiennes. Les frais sont très bas et la vitesse est étourdissante.",
"list_empty_txs2": "Aucune pour le moment",
@ -377,7 +346,6 @@
"list_long_choose": "Choisir une photo",
"list_long_clipboard": "Copier depuis le presse-papier",
"list_long_scan": "Scanner le QR Code",
"take_photo": "Prendre une photo",
"list_tap_here_to_buy": "Cliquez ici pour acheter du Bitcoin",
"list_title": "portefeuilles",
"list_tryagain": "Réessayer",
@ -385,23 +353,8 @@
"select_no_bitcoin": "Il n'y a aucun portefeuille Bitcoin disponible pour le moment.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "Un portefeuille Bitcoin est nécessaire pour approvisionner les portefeuilles Lightning. Veuillez en créer ou en importer un.",
"select_wallet": "Choix du portefeuille",
"take_photo": "Prendre une photo",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Copié dans le presse-papiers.",
"xpub_title": "XPUB portefeuille"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "Vault",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Best security for large amounts",
"provide_signature": "Provide signature",
"vault_key": "Vault key {number}",
"fee": "Fee: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"header": "Send",
"share": "Share",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "how many signatures can bluewallet make",
"scan_or_import_file": "Scan or import file",
"export_coordination_setup": "export coordination setup",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Co-sign this transaction?",
"co_sign_transaction": "Co-sign QR-airgapped transaction"
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
"_": {
"allow": "אפשר",
"bad_password": "סיסמה שגויה, אנא נסו שוב.",
"cancel": "ביטול",
"continue": "המשך",
"dont_allow": "אל תאפשר",
"enter_password": "הכניסו סיסמה",
"file_saved": "הקובץ ({filePath}) נשמר לתיקיית ההורדות שלך.",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment": "קטע קוד QR מונפש לא תקין, אנא נסו שוב",
"never": "אף פעם",
"no": "לא",
"of": "{number} מתוך {total}",
"ok": "אישור",
"storage_is_encrypted": "האחסון שלך מוצפן, נדרשת סיסמה לפתיחה",
"allow": "אפשר",
"dont_allow": "אל תאפשר",
"yes": "כן",
"no": "לא",
"save": "שמירה",
"seed": "גרעין",
"storage_is_encrypted": "האחסון שלך מוצפן, נדרשת סיסמה לפתיחה",
"wallet_key": "מפתח ארנק",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "קטע קוד QR מונפש לא תקין, אנא נסו שוב",
"file_saved": "הקובץ ({filePath}) נשמר לתיקיית ההורדות שלך."
"yes": "כן"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "קוד השובר שלך הוא",
@ -27,6 +27,15 @@
"success": "הצלחה",
"title": "מימוש שובר Azte.co"
"cc": {
"coins_selected": "מטבעות נבחרו ({number})",
"empty": "בארנק זה אין מטבעות כרגע",
"freeze": "הקפאה",
"freezeLabel": "הקפאה",
"header": "שליטת מטבעות",
"tip": "מאפשר לך לראות, לתייג, להקפיא או לבחור מטבעות למען ניהול טוב יותר של הארנק.",
"use_coin": "שימוש במטבע"
"entropy": {
"save": "שמירה",
"title": "אנטרופיה",
@ -114,6 +123,62 @@
"sats": "סאטושים",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "חשבונית זו לא שולמה ופגה"
"multisig": {
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "האם אתם בטוחים? הגרעין המנמוני שלכם יאבד אם אין ברשותכם גיבוי",
"co_sign_transaction": "חתימה על העברה",
"confirm": "אישור",
"cosign_this_transaction": "חתום במשותף על העברה זו?",
"create": "יצירה",
"create_new_key": "צרו חדש",
"export_coordination_setup": "יצוא מערך תאום",
"export_signed_psbt": "יצוא PSBT חתום",
"fee": "עמלה: {number}",
"forget_this_seed": "שכח את גרעין זה והשתמש במפתח צפייה במקום",
"header": "שליחה",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "כמה חתימות ארנק BlueWallet יכול ליצור",
"i_have_mnemonics": "יש לי גרעין למפתח זה...",
"i_wrote_it_down": "אוקיי, רשמתי את זה",
"input_fp_explain": "דלגו כדי להשתמש בברירת מחדל (00000000)",
"input_path": "נתיב גזירת קלט",
"input_path_explain": "דלגו כדי להשתמש בברירת מחדל ({default})",
"invalid_cosigner": "נתוני חותם שותף לא תקינים",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "חותם שותף שגוי: זה אינו חותם שותף לפורמט {format}",
"invalid_fingerprint": "מזהה לגרעין זה לא מתאים למזהה של השותף החותם",
"invalid_mnemonics": "צירוף מנמוני זה לא נראה תקין",
"lets_start": "בואו נתחיל",
"multisig_vault": "כספת",
"multisig_vault_explain": "ההגנה הטובה היותר לסכומים גדולים",
"native_segwit_title": "נוהג מומלץ",
"needs": "דרישות",
"of": "מתוך",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "אנא רשמו על דף צרוף מנמוני זה. אל דאגה, תוכלו לרשום אותו גם אחר כך.",
"quorum": "קוורום {m} מתוך {n}",
"quorum_header": "קוורום",
"required_keys_out_of_total": " מפתחות נדרשים מתוך הסך הכולל",
"scan_or_import_file": "סריקה או יבוא קובץ",
"scan_or_open_file": "סריקה או פתיחת קובץ",
"share": "שיתוף",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "שותף חותם זה כבר יובא",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "זה מפתח הצפייה של החותם השותף, מוכן ליבוא בארנק אחר. זה בטוח לשתף אותו.",
"type_your_mnemonics": "הכניסו גרעין כדי לייבא את מפתח הכספת הקיימת שלכם",
"vault_advanced_customize": "הגדרות כספת...",
"vault_key": "מפתח כספת {number}",
"view_edit_cosigners": "הצגת/עריכת שותפים חותמים",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "עריכת שותפים חותמים",
"view_key": "הצגה",
"wallet_key_created": "מפתח הכספת שלכם נוצר. קחו רגע לגבות את הגרעין המנמוני שלכם בבטחה. ",
"wallet_type": "סוג ארנק",
"what_is_vault": "כספת היא",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": "{m} מפתחות כספת",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": "{m}-מתוך-{n} רב-חתימות",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "ארנק",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "תאימות גבוהה"
"notifications": {
"ask_me_later": "שאל אותי מאוחר יותר",
"no_and_dont_ask": "לא, ואל תשאל אותי שוב",
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "האם ברצונך לקבל התראות כאשר מתקבלים תשלומים נכנסים?"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "צרו אחסון מוצפן",
"create_password": "צרו סיסמה",
@ -203,24 +268,24 @@
"input_done": "בוצע",
"input_paste": "הדבק",
"input_total": "סך הכל:",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "אין חתימת העברה בתהליך",
"open_settings": "פתח הגדרות",
"permission_camera_message": "אנחנו צריכים את הרשאתך לשימוש במצלמה שלך",
"permission_camera_title": "הרשאה לשימוש במצלמה",
"open_settings": "פתח הגדרות",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "ארנק BlueWallet אינו יכול לשמור קובץ זה. אנא פתחו את הגדרות המכשיר שלכם ואפשרו הרשאת אחסון.",
"permission_storage_later": "שאל אותי מאוחר יותר",
"permission_storage_message": "ארנק BlueWallet צריך את הרשאתך לגשת לאחסון שלך כדי לשמור את קובץ זה.",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "ארנק BlueWallet אינו יכול לשמור קובץ זה. אנא פתחו את הגדרות המכשיר שלכם ואפשרו הרשאת אחסון.",
"permission_storage_title": "הרשאת גישת אחסון",
"problem_with_psbt": "בעיה עם PBST",
"psbt_clipboard": "העתקה ללוח",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "זוהי העברת ביטקוין חתומה חלקית (PSBT). אנא סיימו את תהליך החתימה בארנק החומרה שלכם.",
"psbt_tx_export": "יצא לקובץ",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "אין חתימת העברה בתהליך",
"psbt_tx_open": "פתחו העברה חתומה",
"psbt_tx_scan": "סרקו העברה חתומה",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "התמונה אינה מכילה קוד QR.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "הקובץ הנבחר אינו מכיל ארנק שניתן לייבא.",
"success_done": "בוצע",
"txSaved": "קובץ ההעברה ({filePath}) נשמר בספריית ההורדות שלך.",
"problem_with_psbt": "בעיה עם PBST"
"txSaved": "קובץ ההעברה ({filePath}) נשמר בספריית ההורדות שלך."
"settings": {
"about": "אודות",
@ -243,9 +308,6 @@
"electrum_connected": "מחובר",
"electrum_connected_not": "לא מחובר",
"electrum_error_connect": "לא ניתן להתחבר לשרת אלקטרום",
"electrum_host": "host, for example {example}",
"electrum_port": "TCP port, usually {example}",
"electrum_port_ssl": "SSL port, usually {example}",
"electrum_saved": "השינויים נשמרו בהצלחה. ייתכן ותדרש הפעלה מחדש כדי שהשינויים ייכנסו לתוקף.",
"electrum_settings": "הגדרות אלקטרום",
"electrum_settings_explain": "השאירו ריק כדי להשתמש בברירת מחדל",
@ -281,22 +343,17 @@
"passwords_do_not_match": "סיסמאות לא תואמות",
"plausible_deniability": "הכחשה סבירה",
"privacy": "פרטיות",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "מספק קיצורי דרך במקרה שכתובת, או חשבונית, נמצאות בקליפבורד שלך.",
"privacy_quickactions": "קיצורי דרך ארנק",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "לצפייה מהירה במאזן הארנק שלכם לחצו והחזיקו את סמליל אפליקציית BlueWallet במסך הבית.",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "קריאה מקליפבורד",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "ארנק BlueWallet יציג קיצורי דרך לטיפול בחשבונית או כתובת אשר נמצאות בקליפבורד שלך.",
"privacy_system_settings": "הגדרות מערכת",
"privacy_quickactions": "קיצורי דרך ארנק",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "לצפייה מהירה במאזן הארנק שלכם לחצו והחזיקו את סמליל אפליקציית BlueWallet במסך הבית.",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "מספק קיצורי דרך במקרה שכתובת, או חשבונית, נמצאות בקליפבורד שלך.",
"push_notifications": "התראות",
"retype_password": "הכניסו שוב סיסמה",
"save": "שמירה",
"saved": "נשמר"
"notifications": {
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "האם ברצונך לקבל התראות כאשר מתקבלים תשלומים נכנסים?",
"no_and_dont_ask": "לא, ואל תשאל אותי שוב",
"ask_me_later": "שאל אותי מאוחר יותר"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "אנו נחליף את ההעברה הזאת באחת עם עמלה גבוהה יותר. פעולה זאת למעשה מבטלת את העברה. פעולה זאת נקראת RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"cancel_no": "העברה זאת אינה ניתנת להחלפה",
@ -319,8 +376,8 @@
"details_transaction_details": "פרטי העברה",
"enable_hw": "ארנק זה אינו בשימוש בצירוף ארנק חומרה. האם ברצונך לאפשר שימוש בארנק חומרה?",
"list_conf": "אישורים: {number}",
"pending": "ממתין",
"list_title": "תנועות",
"pending": "ממתין",
"rbf_explain": "אנו נחליף את העברה זו בהעברה עם עמלה גבוהה יותר, כך שמהירות קבלת האישור אמורה לעלות. פעולה זאת נקראת CPFP - Child Pays For Parent.",
"rbf_title": "העלאת עמלה (RBF)",
"status_bump": "העלאת עמלה",
@ -344,7 +401,6 @@
"add_title": "הוספת ארנק",
"add_wallet_name": "שם",
"add_wallet_type": "סוג",
"clipboard_bitcoin": "You have a Bitcoin address on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?",
"clipboard_lightning": "ישנה חשבונית ברק בלוח שלך. האם להשתמש בה להעברה?",
"details_address": "כתובת",
"details_advanced": "מתקדם",
@ -395,80 +451,13 @@
"list_title": "ארנקים",
"list_tryagain": "נסו שוב",
"looks_like_bip38": "זה נראה כמו מפתח פרטי מוגן בסיסמה (BIP38)",
"pull_to_refresh": "משכו כדי לרענן",
"reorder_title": "ארגון ארנקים מחדש ",
"select_no_bitcoin": "אין ארנקי ביטקוין זמינים.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "דרוש ארנק ביטקוין בכדי לטעון את ארנקי הברק. צרו או יבאו אחד.",
"select_wallet": "בחירת ארנק",
"take_photo": "צילום תמונה",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "הועתק ללוח.",
"pull_to_refresh": "משכו כדי לרענן",
"xpub_title": "מפתח צפייה של הארנק"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "כספת",
"multisig_vault_explain": "ההגנה הטובה היותר לסכומים גדולים",
"provide_signature": "Provide signature",
"vault_key": "מפתח כספת {number}",
"required_keys_out_of_total": " מפתחות נדרשים מתוך הסך הכולל",
"fee": "עמלה: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "אישור",
"header": "שליחה",
"share": "שיתוף",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "כמה חתימות ארנק BlueWallet יכול ליצור",
"scan_or_import_file": "סריקה או יבוא קובץ",
"export_coordination_setup": "יצוא מערך תאום",
"cosign_this_transaction": "חתום במשותף על העברה זו?",
"lets_start": "בואו נתחיל",
"create": "יצירה",
"provide_key": "Provide key",
"native_segwit_title": "נוהג מומלץ",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "תאימות גבוהה",
"legacy_title": "Legacy",
"co_sign_transaction": "חתימה על העברה",
"what_is_vault": "כספת היא",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": "{m}-מתוך-{n} רב-חתימות",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "ארנק",
"vault_advanced_customize": "הגדרות כספת...",
"needs": "דרישות",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": "{m} מפתחות כספת",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "to spend and a 3rd one you \ncan use as backup.",
"quorum": "קוורום {m} מתוך {n}",
"quorum_header": "קוורום",
"of": "מתוך",
"wallet_type": "סוג ארנק",
"view_key": "הצגה",
"invalid_mnemonics": "צירוף מנמוני זה לא נראה תקין",
"invalid_cosigner": "נתוני חותם שותף לא תקינים",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "חותם שותף שגוי: זה אינו חותם שותף לפורמט {format}",
"create_new_key": "צרו חדש",
"scan_or_open_file": "סריקה או פתיחת קובץ",
"i_have_mnemonics": "יש לי גרעין למפתח זה...",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "אנא רשמו על דף צרוף מנמוני זה. אל דאגה, תוכלו לרשום אותו גם אחר כך.",
"i_wrote_it_down": "אוקיי, רשמתי את זה",
"type_your_mnemonics": "הכניסו גרעין כדי לייבא את מפתח הכספת הקיימת שלכם",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "זה מפתח הצפייה של החותם השותף, מוכן ליבוא בארנק אחר. זה בטוח לשתף אותו.",
"wallet_key_created": "מפתח הכספת שלכם נוצר. קחו רגע לגבות את הגרעין המנמוני שלכם בבטחה. ",
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "האם אתם בטוחים? הגרעין המנמוני שלכם יאבד אם אין ברשותכם גיבוי",
"forget_this_seed": "שכח את גרעין זה והשתמש במפתח צפייה במקום",
"invalid_fingerprint": "מזהה לגרעין זה לא מתאים למזהה של השותף החותם",
"view_edit_cosigners": "הצגת/עריכת שותפים חותמים",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "שותף חותם זה כבר יובא",
"export_signed_psbt": "יצוא PSBT חתום",
"input_fp": "Enter fingerprint",
"input_fp_explain": "דלגו כדי להשתמש בברירת מחדל (00000000)",
"input_path": "נתיב גזירת קלט",
"input_path_explain": "דלגו כדי להשתמש בברירת מחדל ({default})",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "עריכת שותפים חותמים"
"cc": {
"change": "change",
"coins_selected": "מטבעות נבחרו ({number})",
"empty": "בארנק זה אין מטבעות כרגע",
"freeze": "הקפאה",
"freezeLabel": "הקפאה",
"header": "שליטת מטבעות",
"use_coin": "שימוש במטבע",
"tip": "מאפשר לך לראות, לתייג, להקפיא או לבחור מטבעות למען ניהול טוב יותר של הארנק."
@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
"_": {
"allow": "Dozvoli",
"bad_password": "Kriva lozinka, pokušaj ponovo",
"cancel": "Otkaži",
"continue": "Nastavi",
"dont_allow": "Nemoj dozvoliti",
"enter_password": "Unesi lozinku",
"never": "nikad",
"no": "Ne",
"ok": "U redu",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Vaš spremnik je kriptiran. Za dekripcoju je potrebna lozinka."
"save": "Spremi",
"seed": "Izvor",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Vaš spremnik je kriptiran. Za dekripcoju je potrebna lozinka.",
"yes": "Da"
"lnd": {
"expired": "Isteklo",
@ -82,7 +88,6 @@
"list_title": "transakcije"
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_create": "Stvori",
"add_import_wallet": "Unesi vanjski volet",
"add_or": "ili",
@ -109,8 +114,6 @@
"import_title": "unesi",
"list_create_a_button": "dodaj sada",
"list_create_a_wallet": "Stvori novi volet",
"list_create_a_wallet1": "Ne košta ništa i možete",
"list_create_a_wallet2": "ih stvoriti moliko želite",
"list_empty_txs1": "Vaše transakcije će se pojaviti ovdje",
"list_empty_txs2": "trenutno nema nijedne",
"list_latest_transaction": "posljednja transakcija",
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
"_": {
"allow": "Engedélyezés",
"bad_password": "Hibás jelszó, próbáld újra",
"cancel": "Mégse",
"continue": "Folytatás",
"dont_allow": "Nem engedélyezem",
"enter_password": "Írd be a jelszót",
"file_saved": "({filePath}) fájl elmentve a Download (letöltések) könyvtárba.",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment": "Érvénytelen animált QR kód részlet, próbáld újra!",
"never": "soha",
"no": "Nem",
"of": "{number} / {total}",
"ok": "OK",
"storage_is_encrypted": "A Tárhely titkosítva. Jelszó szükséges a dekódoláshoz",
"allow": "Engedélyezés",
"dont_allow": "Nem engedélyezem",
"yes": "Igen",
"no": "Nem",
"save": "Mentés",
"seed": "jelszó sorozat",
"storage_is_encrypted": "A Tárhely titkosítva. Jelszó szükséges a dekódoláshoz",
"wallet_key": "Tárca kulcs",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Érvénytelen animált QR kód részlet, próbáld újra!",
"file_saved": "({filePath}) fájl elmentve a Download (letöltések) könyvtárba."
"yes": "Igen"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "A kuponkódod ",
@ -27,6 +27,12 @@
"success": "Sikeres",
"title": "Azte.co kupon jóváírása"
"cc": {
"change": "váltás",
"coins_selected": "Kriptopénz kiválasztva ({number})",
"empty": "Ez a tárca jelenleg üres.",
"use_coin": "Cryptovaluta használata "
"entropy": {
"save": "Mentés",
"title": "Entrópia",
@ -114,6 +120,50 @@
"sats": "satoshi",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "Ezt a számlát nem fizették ki és lejárt"
"multisig": {
"co_sign_transaction": "Egy tranzakció aláírása",
"confirm": "Megerősítés",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Aláírod ezt a tranzakciót?",
"create": "Létrehoz",
"create_new_key": "Készíts újat",
"export_coordination_setup": "koordinációs beállítások exportálása",
"fee": "Tranzakciós díj: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"header": "Küldés",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "BlueWallet aláírás kapacitása",
"i_have_mnemonics": "Megvan a jelszó sorozatom ehhez a kulcshoz...",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Rendben, leírtam!",
"input_fp": "Ujjlenyomat megadása",
"invalid_cosigner": "Helytelen társ aláíró adat",
"legacy_title": "Hagyomány",
"lets_start": "Kezdjük",
"multisig_vault": "Trezor",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Legnagyobb biztonság nagy összegekhez",
"native_segwit_title": "Bevált gyakorlat",
"needs": "szükséges",
"of": "/",
"provide_key": "Kulcs megadása",
"provide_signature": "Aláírás végrehajtása ",
"scan_or_import_file": "Szkennelés vagy fájl importálása",
"scan_or_open_file": "Szkennelés vagy fájl megnyitása",
"share": "Megosztás",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Jelszó sorozat megadása egy létező trezor-kulcs megadásához",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Trezor beállítások",
"vault_key": "Trezor kulcs {number}",
"view_edit_cosigners": "Társ aláírok megtekintése/szerkesztése ",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Társ aláírók szerkesztése",
"view_key": "megnéz",
"wallet_type": "Tárca típusa",
"what_is_vault": "A Trezor egy",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": "{m} trezor kulcsok",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "tárca",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Legjobb kompatibilitás "
"notifications": {
"ask_me_later": "Később",
"no_and_dont_ask": "Nem és ne kérdezd újra",
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Szeretnél értesítést a bejövő utalásokról? "
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "Hamis tárhely létrehozása",
"create_password": "Jelszó létrehozása",
@ -203,24 +253,24 @@
"input_done": "Kész",
"input_paste": "beillesztés",
"input_total": "Összesen:",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "Tranzakció aláírás nincs folyamatban",
"open_settings": "Beállítások megnyitása",
"permission_camera_message": "Kamera használat engedélyezése",
"permission_camera_title": "Kamera használatának engedélyezése",
"open_settings": "Beállítások megnyitása",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "A BlueWallet nem mentette el ezt a fájlt. Engedélyezd a háttértár hozzáférést az eszköz beállításában. ",
"permission_storage_later": "Később",
"permission_storage_message": "A fájl elmentéséhez engedélyezned kell a BlueWallet hozzáférését a háttértárhoz.",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "A BlueWallet nem mentette el ezt a fájlt. Engedélyezd a háttértár hozzáférést az eszköz beállításában. ",
"permission_storage_title": "Háttértár hozzáférés engedélyezés",
"problem_with_psbt": "Hiba a PSBT aláírásban.",
"psbt_clipboard": "Másolás vágólapra",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "Ez egy részlegesen aláírt Bitcoin tranzakció (PSBT). Befejezheted a hardver tárcád aláírásával. ",
"psbt_tx_export": "Exportálás fájlba",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "Tranzakció aláírás nincs folyamatban",
"psbt_tx_open": "Aláírt tranzakció megnyitása",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Aláírt tranzakció szkennelése",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "A kiválasztott kép nem tartalmaz QR kódot.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "A kiválasztott fájl nem tartalmaz importálható tárcát.",
"success_done": "Kész!",
"txSaved": "A tranzakciós fájl ({filePath}) elmentve a Letöltések (Downloads) mappába.",
"problem_with_psbt": "Hiba a PSBT aláírásban."
"txSaved": "A tranzakciós fájl ({filePath}) elmentve a Letöltések (Downloads) mappába."
"settings": {
"about": "Egyéb",
@ -281,22 +331,15 @@
"passwords_do_not_match": "A megadott jelszavak különböznek!",
"plausible_deniability": "Elfogadható tagadhatóság...",
"privacy": "Személyes adatok",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Vágólap olvasása",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet will display shortcuts for handling an invoice or address found in your clipboard.",
"privacy_system_settings": "Rendszer beállítások",
"privacy_quickactions": "tárca gyorsbillentyűk",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Érintsd meg és tartsd nyomva a BlueWallet alkalmazás ikont a képernyőn a tárca egyenleg gyors megtekintéséhez.",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Provide shortcuts if an address, or invoice, is found in your clipboard.",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Vágólap olvasása",
"privacy_system_settings": "Rendszer beállítások",
"push_notifications": "Push üzenet",
"retype_password": "Jelszó megerősítése",
"save": "Ment",
"saved": "Elmentve"
"notifications": {
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Szeretnél értesítést a bejövő utalásokról? ",
"no_and_dont_ask": "Nem és ne kérdezd újra",
"ask_me_later": "Később"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "Kiváltjuk ezt a tranzakciót egy magasabb tranzakciós díjjal járó, teljesülő tranzakcióval. Egyúttal töröljük az eredeti tranzakciót. Ezt a megoldást Tranzakciós Díj Pótlásnak hívjuk, angolul RBF - Replace by Fee.",
"cancel_no": "Ez a tranzakció nem helyettesíthető",
@ -317,10 +360,9 @@
"details_title": "Tranzakció",
"details_to": "Kimenő utalás",
"details_transaction_details": "Tranzakció részletei",
"enable_hw": "This wallet is not being used in conjunction with a hardware wallet. Would you like to enable hardware wallet use?",
"list_conf": "megerősítés: {number}",
"pending": "függőben",
"list_title": "tranzakciók",
"pending": "függőben",
"rbf_explain": "Kiváltjuk ezt a tranzakciót egy magasabb tranzakciós díjjal járó tranzakcióval, így hamarabb teljesül. Ezt a megoldást Tranzakciós Díj Pótlásnak hívjuk, angolul RBF - Replace by Fee.",
"rbf_title": "Kiváltási díj (RBF)",
"status_bump": "Kiváltási díj",
@ -401,74 +443,6 @@
"select_wallet": "Válassz tárcát",
"take_photo": "Fénykép készítése",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Vágólapra másolva",
"pull_to_refresh": "pull to refresh",
"xpub_title": "a tárca XPUB kulcsa"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "Trezor",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Legnagyobb biztonság nagy összegekhez",
"provide_signature": "Aláírás végrehajtása ",
"vault_key": "Trezor kulcs {number}",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Required keys out of the total",
"fee": "Tranzakciós díj: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "Megerősítés",
"header": "Küldés",
"share": "Megosztás",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "BlueWallet aláírás kapacitása",
"scan_or_import_file": "Szkennelés vagy fájl importálása",
"export_coordination_setup": "koordinációs beállítások exportálása",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Aláírod ezt a tranzakciót?",
"lets_start": "Kezdjük",
"create": "Létrehoz",
"provide_key": "Kulcs megadása",
"native_segwit_title": "Bevált gyakorlat",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Legjobb kompatibilitás ",
"legacy_title": "Hagyomány",
"co_sign_transaction": "Egy tranzakció aláírása",
"what_is_vault": "A Trezor egy",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-of-{n} multisig ",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "tárca",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Trezor beállítások",
"needs": "szükséges",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": "{m} trezor kulcsok",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "to spend and a 3rd one you \ncan use as backup.",
"quorum": "{m} of {n} quorum",
"quorum_header": "Quorum",
"of": "/",
"wallet_type": "Tárca típusa",
"view_key": "megnéz",
"invalid_mnemonics": "This mnemonic phrase doesnt seem to be valid",
"invalid_cosigner": "Helytelen társ aláíró adat",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Incorrect cosigner: this is not a cosigner for {format} format",
"create_new_key": "Készíts újat",
"scan_or_open_file": "Szkennelés vagy fájl megnyitása",
"i_have_mnemonics": "Megvan a jelszó sorozatom ehhez a kulcshoz...",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Please write down this mnemonic phrase on paper. Don't worry, you can write it down later.",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Rendben, leírtam!",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Jelszó sorozat megadása egy létező trezor-kulcs megadásához",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "This is the cosigner's xpub, ready to be imported into another wallet. It is safe to share it.",
"wallet_key_created": "Your vault key was created. Take a moment to safely backup your mnemonic seed",
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Are you sure? Your mnemonic seed will be lost if you dont have a backup",
"forget_this_seed": "Forget this seed and use xpub instead",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Fingerprint for this seed doesnt match this cosigners fingerprint",
"view_edit_cosigners": "Társ aláírok megtekintése/szerkesztése ",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "This cosigner is already imported",
"export_signed_psbt": "Export Signed PSBT",
"input_fp": "Ujjlenyomat megadása",
"input_fp_explain": "skip to use default one (00000000)",
"input_path": "Input derivation path",
"input_path_explain": "skip to use default one ({default})",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Társ aláírók szerkesztése"
"cc": {
"change": "váltás",
"coins_selected": "Kriptopénz kiválasztva ({number})",
"empty": "Ez a tárca jelenleg üres.",
"freeze": "freeze",
"freezeLabel": "Freeze",
"header": "Coin control",
"use_coin": "Cryptovaluta használata ",
"tip": "Allows you to see, label, freeze or select coins for improved wallet management."
@ -165,179 +165,51 @@
"details_adv_import": "Impor transaksi",
"details_amount_field_is_not_valid": "Jumlah tidak valid",
"details_create": "Buat",
"details_error_decode": "Error: Unable to decode Bitcoin address",
"details_fee_field_is_not_valid": "Tarif tidak valid",
"details_next": "Next",
"details_no_maximum": "The selected wallet does not support automatic maximum balance calculation. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_multiple": "The selected wallet does not support sending Bitcoin to multiple recipients. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_signed_tx": "The selected file does not contain a transaction that can be imported.",
"details_note_placeholder": "catatan pribadi",
"details_scan": "Pindai",
"details_total_exceeds_balance": "Jumlah yang dikirim melebihi saldo.",
"details_wallet_before_tx": "Before creating a transaction, you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.",
"details_wallet_selection": "Wallet Selection",
"dynamic_init": "Initializing",
"dynamic_next": "Next",
"dynamic_prev": "Previous",
"dynamic_start": "Start",
"dynamic_stop": "Stop",
"fee_10m": "10m",
"fee_1d": "1d",
"fee_3h": "3h",
"fee_custom": "Custom",
"fee_fast": "Fast",
"fee_medium": "Medium",
"fee_replace_min": "The total fee rate (satoshi per byte) you want to pay should be higher than {min} sat/byte",
"fee_satbyte": "in sat/byte",
"fee_slow": "Slow",
"header": "Kirim",
"input_clear": "Clear",
"input_done": "Done",
"input_paste": "Paste",
"input_total": "Total:",
"permission_camera_message": "We need your permission to use your camera",
"permission_camera_title": "Permission to use camera",
"open_settings": "Open Settings",
"permission_storage_later": "Ask Me Later",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet needs your permission to access your storage to save this transaction.",
"permission_storage_title": "BlueWallet Storage Access Permission",
"psbt_clipboard": "Copy to Clipboard",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "This is a partially signed bitcoin transaction (PSBT). Please finish signing it with your hardware wallet.",
"psbt_tx_export": "Export to file",
"psbt_tx_open": "Open Signed Transaction",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Scan Signed Transaction",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "The selected image does not contain a QR Code.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "The selected file does not contain a wallet that can be imported.",
"success_done": "Selesai",
"txSaved": "The transaction file ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder ."
"success_done": "Selesai"
"settings": {
"about": "Tentang",
"about_awesome": "Built with the awesome",
"about_backup": "Always backup your keys!",
"about_free": "BlueWallet is a free and open source project. Crafted by Bitcoin users.",
"about_release_notes": "Release notes",
"about_review": "Leave us a review",
"about_selftest": "Run self test",
"about_sm_github": "GitHub",
"about_sm_telegram": "Telegram chat",
"about_sm_twitter": "Follow us on Twitter",
"advanced_options": "Advanced Options",
"currency": "Mata Uang",
"currency_source": "Prices are obtained from",
"default_desc": "When disabled, BlueWallet will immediately open the selected wallet at launch.",
"default_info": "Default info",
"default_title": "On Launch",
"default_wallets": "View All Wallets",
"electrum_connected": "Connected",
"electrum_connected_not": "Not Connected",
"electrum_error_connect": "Can't connect to provided Electrum server",
"electrum_host": "host, for example {example}",
"electrum_port": "TCP port, usually {example}",
"electrum_port_ssl": "SSL port, usually {example}",
"electrum_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully. Restart may be required for changes to take effect.",
"electrum_settings": "Electrum Settings",
"electrum_settings_explain": "Set to blank to use default",
"electrum_status": "Status",
"encrypt_decrypt": "Decrypt Storage",
"encrypt_decrypt_q": "Are you sure you want to decrypt your storage? This will allow your wallets to be accessed without a password.",
"encrypt_del_uninstall": "Delete if BlueWallet is uninstalled",
"encrypt_enc_and_pass": "Encrypted and Password protected",
"encrypt_title": "Security",
"encrypt_tstorage": "storage",
"encrypt_use": "Use {type}",
"encrypt_use_expl": "{type} will be used to confirm your identity prior to making a transaction, unlocking, exporting or deleting a wallet. {type} will not be used to unlock an encrypted storage.",
"general": "General",
"general_adv_mode": "Enable advanced mode",
"general_adv_mode_e": "When enabled, you will see advanced options such as different wallet types, the ability to specify the LNDHub instance you wish to connect to and custom entropy during wallet creation.",
"general_continuity": "Continuity",
"general_continuity_e": "When enabled, you will be able to view selected wallets, and transactions, using your other Apple iCloud connected devices.",
"groundcontrol_explanation": "GroundControl is a free opensource push notifications server for bitcoin wallets. You can install your own GroundControl server and put its URL here to not rely on BlueWallet's infrastructure. Leave blank to use default",
"header": "setting",
"language": "Bahasa",
"language_restart": "When selecting a new language, restarting BlueWallet may be required for the change to take effect.",
"lightning_error_lndhub_uri": "Not a valid LndHub URI",
"lightning_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully",
"lightning_settings": "Pengaturan Lightning",
"lightning_settings_explain": "Pasang LndHub untuk menghubungkan ke node LND kamu dan masukkan URL di sini. Biarkan kosong untuk menghubungkan ke LndHub standar (lndhub.io)",
"network": "Network",
"network_broadcast": "Broadcast transaction",
"network_electrum": "Electrum server",
"not_a_valid_uri": "Not a valid URI",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"password": "kata sandi",
"password_explain": "Buat kata sandi untuk dekripsi penyimpanan",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Kata sandi tidak cocok",
"plausible_deniability": "Plausible deniability...",
"push_notifications": "Push notifications",
"retype_password": "Ulangi kata sandi",
"save": "simpan",
"saved": "Saved"
"save": "simpan"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one that pays you and has higher fees. This effectively cancels transaction. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"cancel_no": "This transaction is not replaceable",
"cancel_title": "Cancel this transaction (RBF)",
"cpfp_create": "Create",
"cpfp_exp": "We will create another transaction that spends your unconfirmed transaction. The total fee will be higher than the original transaction fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called CPFP - Child Pays For Parent.",
"cpfp_no_bump": "This transaction is not bumpable",
"cpfp_title": "Bump fee (CPFP)",
"details_block": "Block Height",
"details_copy": "Salin",
"details_from": "Input",
"details_inputs": "Inputs",
"details_outputs": "Outputs",
"details_received": "Received",
"details_show_in_block_explorer": "Tampilkan di block explorer",
"details_title": "Transaksi",
"details_to": "Output",
"details_transaction_details": "Detail transaksi",
"enable_hw": "This wallet is not being used in conjunction with a hardwarde wallet. Would you like to enable hardware wallet use?",
"list_title": "transaksi",
"rbf_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one with a higher fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"rbf_title": "Bump fee (RBF)",
"status_bump": "Bump Fee",
"status_cancel": "Cancel Transaction",
"transactions_count": "transactions count"
"list_title": "transaksi"
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"add_create": "Buat",
"add_entropy_generated": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy",
"add_entropy_provide": "Provide entropy via dice rolls",
"add_entropy_remain": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy. Remaining {rem} bytes will be obtained from the System random number generator.",
"add_import_wallet": "Impor dompet",
"import_file": "Import File",
"add_lightning": "Lightning",
"add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions",
"add_lndhub": "Connect to your LNDHub",
"add_lndhub_error": "The provided node address is not valid LNDHub node.",
"add_lndhub_placeholder": "your node address",
"add_or": "atau",
"add_title": "tambah dompet",
"add_wallet_name": "nama dompet",
"add_wallet_type": "tipe",
"details_address": "Alamat",
"details_advanced": "Advanced",
"details_are_you_sure": "Yakin?",
"details_connected_to": "Connected to",
"details_del_wb": "Wallet Balance",
"details_del_wb_err": "The provided balance amount does not match this wallet's balance. Please, try again",
"details_del_wb_q": "This wallet has a balance. Before proceeding, please be aware that you will not be able to recover the funds without this wallet's seed phrase. In order to avoid accidental removal this wallet, please enter your wallet's balance of {balance} satoshis.",
"details_delete": "Hapus",
"details_delete_wallet": "Delete wallet",
"details_display": "display in wallets list",
"details_export_backup": "Ekspor / backup",
"details_marketplace": "Marketplace",
"details_master_fingerprint": "Master fingerprint",
"details_no_cancel": "Tidak, batalkan",
"details_save": "Simpan",
"details_show_xpub": "Tampilkan XPUB dompet",
"details_title": "Dompet",
"details_type": "Tipe",
"details_use_with_hardware_wallet": "Use with hardware wallet",
"details_wallet_updated": "Wallet updated",
"details_yes_delete": "Ya, hapus",
"export_title": "ekspor dompet",
"import_do_import": "Impor",
@ -349,26 +221,12 @@
"import_title": "impor",
"list_create_a_button": "tambah sekarang",
"list_create_a_wallet": "Tambah dompet",
"list_create_a_wallet1": "Gratis dan bisa buat",
"list_create_a_wallet2": "sebanyak yang kamu mau",
"list_empty_txs1": "Transaksimu akan muncul di sini,",
"list_empty_txs1_lightning": "Lightning wallet should be used for your daily transactions. Fees are unfairly cheap and speed is blazing fast.",
"list_empty_txs2": "saat ini tidak ada transaksi",
"list_empty_txs2_lightning": "\nTo start using it tap on \"manage funds\" and topup your balance.",
"list_header": "A wallet represents a pair of keys, one private and one you can share to receive coins.",
"list_import_error": "An error was encountered when attempting to import this wallet.",
"list_import_problem": "There was a problem importing this wallet",
"list_latest_transaction": "transaksi terbaru",
"list_long_choose": "Choose Photo",
"list_long_clipboard": "Copy from Clipboard",
"list_long_scan": "Scan QR Code",
"take_photo": "Take Photo",
"list_tap_here_to_buy": "Tap di sini untuk membeli bitcoin",
"list_title": "Dompet",
"list_tryagain": "Try Again",
"reorder_title": "Susun Dompet",
"select_no_bitcoin": "There are currently no Bitcoin wallets available.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "A Bitcoin wallet is required to refill Lightning wallets. Please, create or import one.",
"select_wallet": "Pilih dompet",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Disalin ke clipboard.",
"xpub_title": "XPUB dompet"
@ -5,27 +5,16 @@
"continue": "Continua",
"enter_password": "Inserisci password",
"never": "mai",
"no": "No",
"of": "{number} su {total}",
"ok": "OK",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Il tuo archivio è criptato. È necessaria una password per decriptarlo",
"allow": "Allow",
"dont_allow": "Don't Allow",
"yes": "Sì",
"no": "No",
"save": "Salva",
"seed": "Seed",
"wallet_key": "Wallet key",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Invalid animated QRCode fragment, please try again",
"file_saved": "File ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder ."
"storage_is_encrypted": "Il tuo archivio è criptato. È necessaria una password per decriptarlo",
"yes": "Sì"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "Your voucher code is",
"errorBeforeRefeem": "Before redeeming you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.",
"errorSomething": "Something went wrong. Is this voucher still valid?",
"redeem": "Redeem to wallet",
"redeemButton": "Riscattare",
"success": "Fatto",
"title": "Redeem Azte.co voucher"
"success": "Fatto"
"entropy": {
"save": "Salva",
@ -38,29 +27,13 @@
"network": "Errore di rete"
"hodl": {
"are_you_sure_you_want_to_logout": "Are you sure you want to logout from HodlHodl?",
"cont_address_escrow": "Escrow",
"cont_address_to": "A",
"cont_buying": "buying",
"cont_cancel": "Cancella contratto",
"cont_cancel_q": "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questo contratto?",
"cont_cancel_y": "Sì, cancella il contratto",
"cont_chat": "Open chat with counterparty",
"cont_how": "Come pagare",
"cont_no": "You don't have any contracts in progress",
"cont_paid": "Mark contract as Paid",
"cont_paid_e": "Do this only if you sent funds to the seller via agreed payment method",
"cont_paid_q": "Are you sure you want to mark this contract as paid?",
"cont_selling": "selling",
"cont_st_completed": "Fatto!",
"cont_st_in_progress_buyer": "Coins are in escrow, please pay seller",
"cont_st_paid_enought": "Bitcoins are in escrow! Please pay seller\nvia agreed payment method",
"cont_st_paid_waiting": "Waiting for seller to release coins from escrow",
"cont_st_waiting": "Waiting for seller to deposit bitcoins to escrow...",
"cont_title": "I miei contratti",
"filter_any": "Any",
"filter_buying": "Buying",
"filter_country_global": "Global offers",
"filter_country_near": "Vicino a me",
"filter_currency": "Valuta",
"filter_detail": "Dettaglio",
@ -69,51 +42,26 @@
"filter_iamselling": "Sto vendendo bitcoin",
"filter_method": "Metodo di pagamento",
"filter_search": "Cerca",
"filter_selling": "Selling",
"item_minmax": "Min/Max",
"item_nooffers": "No offers. Try to change \"Near me\" to Global offers!",
"item_rating": "{rating} trades",
"item_rating_no": "Nessuna recensione",
"login": "Login",
"mycont": "I miei contratti",
"offer_accept": "Accetta l'offerta",
"offer_account_finish": "Looks like you didn't finish setting up account on HodlHodl, would you like to finish setup now?",
"offer_choosemethod": "Scegli il metodo di pagamento",
"offer_confirmations": "Conferme",
"offer_minmax": "min / max",
"offer_minutes": "min",
"offer_promt_fiat": "How much {currency} do you want to buy?",
"offer_promt_fiat_e": "For example 100",
"offer_window": "window",
"p2p": "A p2p exchange"
"offer_confirmations": "Conferme"
"lnd": {
"errorInvoiceExpired": "Invoice expired",
"exchange": "Exchange",
"expired": "Scaduto",
"expiredLow": "expired",
"expiresIn": "Expires: {time}",
"payButton": "Paga",
"placeholder": "Fattura",
"potentialFee": "Commissioni potenziali: {fee}",
"refill": "Ricarica",
"refill_card": "Ricarica con una carta",
"refill_create": "In order to proceed, please create a Bitcoin wallet to refill with.",
"refill_external": "Refill with External Wallet",
"refill_lnd_balance": "Ricarica saldo del portafoglio Lightning",
"sameWalletAsInvoiceError": "Non puoi pagare una fattura con lo stesso portafoglio utilizzato per crearla.",
"title": "Gestisci fondi"
"lndViewInvoice": {
"additional_info": "Ulteriori Informazioni",
"for": "For:",
"lightning_invoice": "Lightning Invoice",
"has_been_paid": "This invoice has been paid for",
"open_direct_channel": "Open direct channel with this node:",
"please_pay": "Please pay",
"preimage": "Preimage",
"sats": "sats",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "This invoice was not paid for and has expired."
"additional_info": "Ulteriori Informazioni"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "Crea archivio falso criptato",
@ -127,16 +75,6 @@
"success": "Fatto",
"title": "Negazione Plausibile"
"pleasebackup": {
"ask": "Have you saved your wallet's backup phrase? This backup phrase is required to access your funds in case you lose this device. Without the backup phrase, your funds will be permanently lost.",
"ask_no": "No, I have not",
"ask_yes": "Yes, I have",
"ok": "OK, I wrote this down!",
"ok_lnd": "OK, I have saved it.",
"text": "Please take a moment to write down this mnemonic phrase on a piece of paper. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.",
"text_lnd": "Please take a moment to save this LNDHub authentication. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.",
"title": "Your wallet is created..."
"receive": {
"details_create": "Crea",
"details_label": "Descrizione",
@ -145,333 +83,89 @@
"header": "Ricevi"
"send": {
"broadcastButton": "BROADCAST",
"broadcastError": "error",
"broadcastNone": "Input transaction hash",
"broadcastPending": "pending",
"broadcastSuccess": "success",
"confirm_header": "Conferma",
"confirm_sendNow": "Invia ora",
"create_amount": "Importo",
"create_broadcast": "Trasmetti",
"create_copy": "Copy and broadcast later",
"create_details": "Dettagli",
"create_fee": "Commissione",
"create_memo": "Memo",
"create_satoshi_per_byte": "Satoshi per byte",
"create_this_is_hex": "Questo è l'hex della transazione, firmato e pronto per essere trasmesso sulla rete.",
"create_to": "A",
"create_tx_size": "Grandezza TX",
"create_verify": "Verify on coinb.in",
"details_add_rec_add": "Aggiungi Destinatario",
"details_add_rec_rem": "Rimuovi Destinatario",
"details_address": "Indirizzo",
"details_address_field_is_not_valid": "Indirizzo non valido",
"details_adv_fee_bump": "Allow Fee Bump",
"details_adv_full": "Use Full Balance",
"details_adv_full_remove": "Your other recipients will be removed from this transaction.",
"details_adv_full_sure": "Are you sure you want to use your wallet's full balance for this transaction?",
"details_adv_import": "Importa Transazione",
"details_amount_field_is_not_valid": "Importo non valido",
"details_create": "Crea",
"details_error_decode": "Error: Unable to decode Bitcoin address",
"details_fee_field_is_not_valid": "Commissione non valida",
"details_next": "Avanti",
"details_no_maximum": "The selected wallet does not support automatic maximum balance calculation. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_multiple": "The selected wallet does not support sending Bitcoin to multiple recipients. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_signed_tx": "The selected file does not contain a transaction that can be imported.",
"details_note_placeholder": "Nota",
"details_scan": "Scansiona",
"details_total_exceeds_balance": "L'importo da inviare eccede i fondi disponibili.",
"details_wallet_before_tx": "Before creating a transaction, you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.",
"details_wallet_selection": "Wallet Selection",
"dynamic_init": "Initializing",
"dynamic_next": "Next",
"dynamic_prev": "Previous",
"dynamic_start": "Start",
"dynamic_stop": "Stop",
"fee_10m": "10m",
"fee_1d": "1d",
"fee_3h": "3h",
"fee_custom": "Custom",
"fee_fast": "Fast",
"fee_medium": "Medium",
"fee_replace_min": "The total fee rate (satoshi per byte) you want to pay should be higher than {min} sat/byte",
"fee_satbyte": "in sat/byte",
"fee_slow": "Slow",
"header": "Invia",
"input_clear": "Clear",
"input_done": "Done",
"input_paste": "Incolla",
"input_total": "Total:",
"permission_camera_message": "We need your permission to use your camera",
"permission_camera_title": "Permission to use camera",
"open_settings": "Open Settings",
"permission_storage_later": "Ask Me Later",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet needs your permission to access your storage to save this file.",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet is unable save this file. Please, open your device settings and enable Storage Permission.",
"permission_storage_title": "Storage Access Permission",
"psbt_clipboard": "Copy to Clipboard",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "This is a partially signed bitcoin transaction (PSBT). Please finish signing it with your hardware wallet.",
"psbt_tx_export": "Export to file",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "There is no transaction signing in progress",
"psbt_tx_open": "Open Signed Transaction",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Scan Signed Transaction",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "The selected image does not contain a QR Code.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "The selected file does not contain a wallet that can be imported.",
"success_done": "Fatto",
"txSaved": "The transaction file ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder .",
"problem_with_psbt": "Problem with PSBT"
"success_done": "Fatto"
"settings": {
"about": "Informazioni",
"about_awesome": "Built with the awesome",
"about_backup": "Always backup your keys!",
"about_free": "BlueWallet is a free and open source project. Crafted by Bitcoin users.",
"about_release_notes": "Release notes",
"about_review": "Leave us a review",
"about_selftest": "Run self test",
"about_sm_github": "GitHub",
"about_sm_telegram": "Telegram chat",
"about_sm_twitter": "Follow us on Twitter",
"advanced_options": "Advanced Options",
"currency": "Valuta",
"currency_source": "Prices are obtained from",
"default_desc": "When disabled, BlueWallet will immediately open the selected wallet at launch.",
"default_info": "Default info",
"default_title": "On Launch",
"default_wallets": "View All Wallets",
"electrum_connected": "Connected",
"electrum_connected_not": "Not Connected",
"electrum_error_connect": "Can't connect to provided Electrum server",
"electrum_host": "host, for example {example}",
"electrum_port": "TCP port, usually {example}",
"electrum_port_ssl": "SSL port, usually {example}",
"electrum_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully. Restart may be required for changes to take effect.",
"electrum_settings": "Electrum Settings",
"electrum_settings_explain": "Set to blank to use default",
"electrum_status": "Status",
"encrypt_decrypt": "Decrypt Storage",
"encrypt_decrypt_q": "Are you sure you want to decrypt your storage? This will allow your wallets to be accessed without a password.",
"encrypt_del_uninstall": "Delete if BlueWallet is uninstalled",
"encrypt_enc_and_pass": "Encrypted and Password protected",
"encrypt_title": "Security",
"encrypt_tstorage": "storage",
"encrypt_use": "Use {type}",
"encrypt_use_expl": "{type} will be used to confirm your identity prior to making a transaction, unlocking, exporting or deleting a wallet. {type} will not be used to unlock an encrypted storage.",
"general": "General",
"general_adv_mode": "Enable advanced mode",
"general_adv_mode_e": "When enabled, you will see advanced options such as different wallet types, the ability to specify the LNDHub instance you wish to connect to and custom entropy during wallet creation.",
"general_continuity": "Continuity",
"general_continuity_e": "When enabled, you will be able to view selected wallets, and transactions, using your other Apple iCloud connected devices.",
"groundcontrol_explanation": "GroundControl is a free opensource push notifications server for bitcoin wallets. You can install your own GroundControl server and put its URL here to not rely on BlueWallet's infrastructure. Leave blank to use default",
"header": "Impostazioni",
"language": "Lingua",
"language_restart": "When selecting a new language, restarting BlueWallet may be required for the change to take effect.",
"lightning_error_lndhub_uri": "Not a valid LndHub URI",
"lightning_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully",
"lightning_settings": "Impostazioni Lightning",
"lightning_settings_explain": "Per connetterti al tuo nodo LND personale installa LndHub e inserisci il suo URL qui nelle impostazioni. Lascialo vuoto per utilizzare il nodo LndHub di default (lndhub.io)",
"network": "Network",
"network_broadcast": "Broadcast transaction",
"network_electrum": "Electrum server",
"not_a_valid_uri": "Not a valid URI",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"password": "Password",
"password_explain": "Crea la password che userai per decriptare l'archivio",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Le password non corrispondono",
"plausible_deniability": "Negazione plausibile...",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Read Clipboard",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet will display shortcuts for handling an invoice or address found in your clipboard.",
"privacy_system_settings": "System Settings",
"privacy_quickactions": "Wallet Shortcuts",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Touch and hold the BlueWallet app icon on your Home Screen to quickly view your wallet's balance.",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Provide shortcuts if an address, or invoice, is found in your clipboard.",
"push_notifications": "Push notifications",
"retype_password": "Reinserisci password",
"save": "Salva",
"saved": "Saved"
"notifications": {
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Would you like to receive notifications when you get incoming payments?",
"no_and_dont_ask": "No, and Don't Ask Me Again",
"ask_me_later": "Ask Me Later"
"save": "Salva"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one that pays you and has higher fees. This effectively cancels transaction. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"cancel_no": "This transaction is not replaceable",
"cancel_title": "Cancel this transaction (RBF)",
"cpfp_create": "Create",
"cpfp_exp": "We will create another transaction that spends your unconfirmed transaction. The total fee will be higher than the original transaction fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called CPFP - Child Pays For Parent.",
"cpfp_no_bump": "This transaction is not bumpable",
"cpfp_title": "Bump fee (CPFP)",
"details_balance_hide": "Hide Balance",
"details_balance_show": "Show Balance",
"details_block": "Block Height",
"details_copy": "Copia",
"details_from": "Da",
"details_inputs": "Inputs",
"details_outputs": "Outputs",
"details_received": "Received",
"transaction_note_saved":"Transaction note has been successfully saved.",
"details_show_in_block_explorer": "Mostra sul block explorer",
"details_title": "Transazione",
"details_to": "A",
"details_transaction_details": "Dettagli transazione",
"enable_hw": "This wallet is not being used in conjunction with a hardware wallet. Would you like to enable hardware wallet use?",
"list_conf": "conf: {number}",
"pending": "Pending",
"list_title": "Transazioni",
"rbf_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one with a higher fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"rbf_title": "Bump fee (RBF)",
"status_bump": "Bump Fee",
"status_cancel": "Cancel Transaction",
"transactions_count": "transactions count"
"list_title": "Transazioni"
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_create": "Crea",
"add_entropy_generated": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy",
"add_entropy_provide": "Provide entropy via dice rolls",
"add_entropy_remain": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy. Remaining {rem} bytes will be obtained from the System random number generator.",
"add_import_wallet": "Importa Portafoglio",
"add_lightning": "Lightning",
"add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions",
"add_lndhub": "Connect to your LNDHub",
"add_lndhub_error": "The provided node address is not valid LNDHub node.",
"add_lndhub_placeholder": "your node address",
"add_or": "o",
"add_title": "Aggiungi Portafoglio",
"add_wallet_name": "Nome Portafoglio",
"add_wallet_type": "Tipo",
"clipboard_bitcoin": "You have a Bitcoin address on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?",
"clipboard_lightning": "You have a Lightning Invoice on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?",
"details_address": "Indirizzo",
"details_advanced": "Advanced",
"details_are_you_sure": "Sei sicuro?",
"details_connected_to": "Connected to",
"details_del_wb": "Wallet Balance",
"details_del_wb_err": "The provided balance amount does not match this wallet's balance. Please, try again",
"details_del_wb_q": "This wallet has a balance. Before proceeding, please be aware that you will not be able to recover the funds without this wallet's seed phrase. In order to avoid accidental removal this wallet, please enter your wallet's balance of {balance} satoshis.",
"details_delete": "Elimina",
"details_delete_wallet": "Delete wallet",
"details_display": "display in wallets list",
"details_export_backup": "Esporta / Backup",
"details_marketplace": "Marketplace",
"details_master_fingerprint": "Master fingerprint",
"details_no_cancel": "No, annulla",
"details_save": "Salva",
"details_show_xpub": "Mostra XPUB del portafoglio",
"details_title": "Portafoglio",
"details_type": "Tipo",
"details_use_with_hardware_wallet": "Use with hardware wallet",
"details_wallet_updated": "Wallet updated",
"details_yes_delete": "Si, elimina",
"enter_bip38_password": "Enter password to decrypt",
"export_title": "Esporta portafoglio",
"import_do_import": "Importa",
"import_error": "Importazione fallita. Assicurati che le informazioni fornite siano valide.",
"import_explanation": "Scrivi qui la tua frase mnemonica, chiave privata, WIF, o qualunque altra cosa tu abbia. BlueWallet tenterà di indovinare il formato corretto e importerà il tuo portafoglio",
"import_file": "Import File",
"import_imported": "Importato",
"import_scan_qr": "o scansionare un codice QR?",
"import_success": "Fatto",
"import_title": "Importa",
"list_create_a_button": "Aggiungi ora",
"list_create_a_wallet": "Aggiungi un portafoglio",
"list_create_a_wallet_text": "It's free and you can create \nas many as you like",
"list_empty_txs1": "Le tue transazioni appariranno qui,",
"list_empty_txs1_lightning": "Lightning wallet should be used for your daily transactions. Fees are unfairly cheap and speed is blazing fast.",
"list_empty_txs2": "Nessuna transazione",
"list_empty_txs2_lightning": "\nTo start using it tap on \"manage funds\" and topup your balance.",
"list_header": "A wallet represents a pair of keys, one private and one you can share to receive coins.",
"list_import_error": "An error was encountered when attempting to import this wallet.",
"list_import_problem": "There was a problem importing this wallet",
"list_latest_transaction": "Transazioni recenti",
"list_long_choose": "Choose Photo",
"list_long_clipboard": "Copy from Clipboard",
"list_long_scan": "Scan QR Code",
"list_tap_here_to_buy": "Clicca qui per comprare Bitcoin",
"list_title": "Portafogli",
"list_tryagain": "Try Again",
"looks_like_bip38": "This looks like password-protected private key (BIP38)",
"reorder_title": "Riordina Portafogli",
"select_no_bitcoin": "There are currently no Bitcoin wallets available.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "A Bitcoin wallet is required to refill Lightning wallets. Please, create or import one.",
"select_wallet": "Seleziona Portafoglio",
"take_photo": "Take Photo",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Copiata negli appunti.",
"pull_to_refresh": "pull to refresh",
"warning_do_not_disclose": "Warning! Do not disclose",
"xpub_title": "XPUB del Portafoglio"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "Vault",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Best security for large amounts",
"provide_signature": "Provide signature",
"vault_key": "Vault key {number}",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Required keys out of the total",
"fee": "Fee: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"header": "Send",
"share": "Share",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "how many signatures can bluewallet make",
"scan_or_import_file": "Scan or import file",
"export_coordination_setup": "export coordination setup",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Co-sign this transaction?",
"lets_start": "Let's start",
"create": "Create",
"provide_key": "Provide key",
"native_segwit_title": "Best practice",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Best compatibility",
"legacy_title": "Legacy",
"co_sign_transaction": "Sign a transaction",
"what_is_vault": "A Vault is a",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-of-{n} multisig ",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "wallet",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Vault Settings...",
"needs": "Needs",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": " {m} vault keys ",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "to spend and a 3rd one you \ncan use as backup.",
"quorum": "{m} of {n} quorum",
"quorum_header": "Quorum",
"of": "of",
"wallet_type": "Wallet type",
"view_key": "view",
"invalid_mnemonics": "This mnemonic phrase doesnt seem to be valid",
"invalid_cosigner": "Not a valid cosigner data",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Incorrect cosigner: this is not a cosigner for {format} format",
"create_new_key": "Create New",
"scan_or_open_file": "Scan or open file",
"i_have_mnemonics": "I have a seed for this key...",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Please write down this mnemonic phrase on paper. Don't worry, you can write it down later.",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Ok, I wrote it down",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Insert a seed to import your existing vault key",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "This is the cosigner's xpub, ready to be imported into another wallet. It is safe to share it.",
"wallet_key_created": "Your vault key was created. Take a moment to safely backup your mnemonic seed",
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Are you sure? Your mnemonic seed will be lost if you dont have a backup",
"forget_this_seed": "Forget this seed and use xpub instead",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Fingerprint for this seed doesnt match this cosigners fingerprint",
"view_edit_cosigners": "View/edit cosigners",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "This cosigner is already imported",
"export_signed_psbt": "Export Signed PSBT",
"input_fp": "Enter fingerprint",
"input_fp_explain": "skip to use default one (00000000)",
"input_path": "Input derivation path",
"input_path_explain": "skip to use default one ({default})",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Edit Cosigners"
"cc": {
"change": "change",
"coins_selected": "Coins selected ({number})",
"empty": "This wallet doesn't have any coins at the moment",
"freeze": "freeze",
"freezeLabel": "Freeze",
"header": "Coin control",
"use_coin": "Use coin",
"tip": "Allows you to see, label, freeze or select coins for improved wallet management."
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
"_": {
"allow": "許可",
"bad_password": "パスワードが正しくありません。もう一度試してください。",
"cancel": "中止",
"continue": "続行",
"dont_allow": "許可しない",
"enter_password": "パスワードを入力",
"file_saved": "ファイル ({filePath}) はダウンロードフォルダに保存されました。",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment": "無効なアニメーションQRCodeフラグメントです。再度お試しください。",
"never": "データなし",
"no": "いいえ",
"of": "{number} / {total}",
"ok": "OK",
"storage_is_encrypted": "ウォレットは暗号化されています。復号にはパスワードが必要です。",
"allow": "許可",
"dont_allow": "許可しない",
"yes": "はい",
"no": "いいえ",
"save": "保存",
"seed": "シード",
"storage_is_encrypted": "ウォレットは暗号化されています。復号にはパスワードが必要です。",
"wallet_key": "ウォレットキー",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "無効なアニメーションQRCodeフラグメントです。再度お試しください。",
"file_saved": "ファイル ({filePath}) はダウンロードフォルダに保存されました。"
"yes": "はい"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "あなたのバウチャーコードは",
@ -27,6 +27,13 @@
"success": "成功",
"title": "Azte.co バウチャーを交換"
"cc": {
"change": "チェンジ",
"freeze": "フリーズ",
"freezeLabel": "フリーズ",
"header": "コイン管理",
"use_coin": "コインを利用"
"entropy": {
"save": "保存",
"title": "エントロピー",
@ -114,6 +121,39 @@
"sats": "sats",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "この請求書は支払いが行われなかったため無効になりました"
"multisig": {
"co_sign_transaction": "トランザクションに署名",
"confirm": "承認",
"cosign_this_transaction": "このトランザクションに共同署名しますか?",
"create": "作成",
"create_new_key": "新規作成",
"export_coordination_setup": "エクスポート調整設定",
"fee": "費用: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"forget_this_seed": "このシードではなくxpubを代わりに利用する",
"header": "送る",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "Bluewalletが何人分の署名を作ることができるか",
"i_have_mnemonics": "この鍵のシードを持っています...",
"i_wrote_it_down": "はい、書き取りました",
"legacy_title": "レガシー",
"lets_start": "さあ、始めましょう",
"multisig_vault": "金庫",
"native_segwit_title": "ベストプラクティス",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "このニーモニック・フレーズを紙に書き取ってください。大丈夫、あとで行うこともできます。",
"provide_key": "プロバイドキー",
"provide_signature": "署名を提供",
"scan_or_import_file": "スキャンまたはファイルインポート",
"scan_or_open_file": "スキャンまたはファイルを開く",
"share": "共有",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "共同署名者がすでにインポートされています",
"vault_key": "ヴォールトキー {number}",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "ウォレット"
"notifications": {
"ask_me_later": "あとで",
"no_and_dont_ask": "いいえ。もう聞かないでください。",
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "支払いを受けた際に通知を受け取りますか?"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "ダミーの暗号化ウォレットの作成",
"create_password": "パスワードの作成",
@ -203,24 +243,22 @@
"input_done": "完了",
"input_paste": "ペースト",
"input_total": "合計:",
"open_settings": "設定を開く",
"permission_camera_message": "カメラを使用するのに許可が必要です",
"permission_camera_title": "カメラの使用許可",
"open_settings": "設定を開く",
"permission_storage_later": "後で聞く",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWalletがこのファイルを保存するためストレージへのアクセス権を求めています。",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet is unable save this file. Please, open your device settings and enable Storage Permission.",
"permission_storage_title": "ストレージアクセス許可",
"problem_with_psbt": "PSBTに問題",
"psbt_clipboard": "クリップボードにコピー",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "これは部分的に署名されたビットコイントランザクション(PSBT)です。ハードウェアウォレットで署名を完了させてください。",
"psbt_tx_export": "ファイルにエクスポート",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "There is no transaction signing in progress",
"psbt_tx_open": "署名トランザクションを開く",
"psbt_tx_scan": "署名トランザクションをスキャン",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "選択された画像はQRコードを含んでいません。",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "選択されたファイルにはインポートできるウォレットが含まれていません。",
"success_done": "完了",
"txSaved": "トランザクションファイル ({filePath}) はダウンロードフォルダに保存されました。",
"problem_with_psbt": "PSBTに問題"
"txSaved": "トランザクションファイル ({filePath}) はダウンロードフォルダに保存されました。"
"settings": {
"about": "BlueWallet について",
@ -281,22 +319,17 @@
"passwords_do_not_match": "パスワードが一致しません",
"plausible_deniability": "隠匿設定...",
"privacy": "プライバシー",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "アドレスやインボイスがクリップボードにあった場合、ショートカットを提供する。",
"privacy_quickactions": "ウォレットショートカット",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "ホーム画面でBlueWalletアプリのアイコンをタッチして長押しすると、ウォレットの残高を素早く確認することができます。",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "クリップボードを読む",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "クリップボードからインボイスまたはアドレスが見つかりました。",
"privacy_system_settings": "システム設定",
"privacy_quickactions": "ウォレットショートカット",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "ホーム画面でBlueWalletアプリのアイコンをタッチして長押しすると、ウォレットの残高を素早く確認することができます。",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "アドレスやインボイスがクリップボードにあった場合、ショートカットを提供する。",
"push_notifications": "プッシュ通知",
"retype_password": "パスワードの再入力",
"save": "保存",
"saved": "保存済"
"notifications": {
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "支払いを受けた際に通知を受け取りますか?",
"no_and_dont_ask": "いいえ。もう聞かないでください。",
"ask_me_later": "あとで"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "このトランザクションを、最初の支払い時より高い手数料を持つものに置き換えます。これは事実上、最初のトランザクションをキャンセルします。これはReplace By Fee - RBFと呼ばれています。",
"cancel_no": "このトランザクションは交換可能ではありません",
@ -317,10 +350,9 @@
"details_title": "取引",
"details_to": "送り先",
"details_transaction_details": "取引詳細",
"enable_hw": "This wallet is not being used in conjunction with a hardware wallet. Would you like to enable hardware wallet use?",
"list_conf": "コンファメーション: {number}",
"pending": "保留中",
"list_title": "取引",
"pending": "保留中",
"rbf_explain": "このトランザクションを手数料の高いものに置き換えるので、マイニングが早くなるはずです。これをRBF - Replace By Feeといいます。",
"rbf_title": "手数料をバンプ (RBF)",
"status_bump": "手数料をバンプ",
@ -344,8 +376,6 @@
"add_title": "ウォレットの追加",
"add_wallet_name": "ウォレット名",
"add_wallet_type": "タイプ",
"clipboard_bitcoin": "You have a Bitcoin address on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?",
"clipboard_lightning": "You have a Lightning Invoice on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?",
"details_address": "アドレス",
"details_advanced": "上級設定",
"details_are_you_sure": "実行しますか?",
@ -401,74 +431,6 @@
"select_wallet": "ウォレット選択",
"take_photo": "写真撮影",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "クリップボードにコピーしました。",
"pull_to_refresh": "pull to refresh",
"xpub_title": "ウォレット XPUB"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "金庫",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Best security for large amounts",
"provide_signature": "署名を提供",
"vault_key": "ヴォールトキー {number}",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Required keys out of the total",
"fee": "費用: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "承認",
"header": "送る",
"share": "共有",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "Bluewalletが何人分の署名を作ることができるか",
"scan_or_import_file": "スキャンまたはファイルインポート",
"export_coordination_setup": "エクスポート調整設定",
"cosign_this_transaction": "このトランザクションに共同署名しますか?",
"lets_start": "さあ、始めましょう",
"create": "作成",
"provide_key": "プロバイドキー",
"native_segwit_title": "ベストプラクティス",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Best compatibility",
"legacy_title": "レガシー",
"co_sign_transaction": "トランザクションに署名",
"what_is_vault": "A Vault is a",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-of-{n} multisig ",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "ウォレット",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Vault Settings...",
"needs": "Needs",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": " {m} vault keys ",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "to spend and a 3rd one you \ncan use as backup.",
"quorum": "{m} of {n} quorum",
"quorum_header": "Quorum",
"of": "of",
"wallet_type": "Wallet type",
"view_key": "view",
"invalid_mnemonics": "This mnemonic phrase doesnt seem to be valid",
"invalid_cosigner": "Not a valid cosigner data",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Incorrect cosigner: this is not a cosigner for {format} format",
"create_new_key": "新規作成",
"scan_or_open_file": "スキャンまたはファイルを開く",
"i_have_mnemonics": "この鍵のシードを持っています...",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "このニーモニック・フレーズを紙に書き取ってください。大丈夫、あとで行うこともできます。",
"i_wrote_it_down": "はい、書き取りました",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Insert a seed to import your existing vault key",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "This is the cosigner's xpub, ready to be imported into another wallet. It is safe to share it.",
"wallet_key_created": "Your vault key was created. Take a moment to safely backup your mnemonic seed",
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Are you sure? Your mnemonic seed will be lost if you dont have a backup",
"forget_this_seed": "このシードではなくxpubを代わりに利用する",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Fingerprint for this seed doesnt match this cosigners fingerprint",
"view_edit_cosigners": "View/edit cosigners",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "共同署名者がすでにインポートされています",
"export_signed_psbt": "Export Signed PSBT",
"input_fp": "Enter fingerprint",
"input_fp_explain": "skip to use default one (00000000)",
"input_path": "Input derivation path",
"input_path_explain": "skip to use default one ({default})",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Edit Cosigners"
"cc": {
"change": "チェンジ",
"coins_selected": "Coins selected ({number})",
"empty": "This wallet doesn't have any coins at the moment",
"freeze": "フリーズ",
"freezeLabel": "フリーズ",
"header": "コイン管理",
"use_coin": "コインを利用",
"tip": "Allows you to see, label, freeze or select coins for improved wallet management."
@ -105,8 +105,6 @@
"import_title": "importer",
"list_create_a_button": "Legg til nå",
"list_create_a_wallet": "Legg til en lommebok",
"list_create_a_wallet1": "Det er gratis, og du kan lage",
"list_create_a_wallet2": "så mange du vil",
"list_empty_txs1": "Dine transaksjoner vil vises her,",
"list_empty_txs2": "ingen for øyeblikket",
"list_latest_transaction": "siste transaksjonen",
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
"_": {
"allow": "Toestaan",
"bad_password": "Onjuist wachtwoord, probeer het opnieuw",
"cancel": "Annuleren",
"continue": "Doorgaan",
"dont_allow": "Niet toestaan",
"enter_password": "Voer wachtwoord in",
"file_saved": "Bestand ({filePath}) is opgeslagen in uw gedownloade bestanden.",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment": "Ongeldig geanimeerde QRCode, probeer het opnieuw",
"never": "nooit",
"no": "Nee",
"of": "{number} van {total}",
"ok": "Oké",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Uw opslag is versleuteld. Wachtwoord is vereist om het te ontcijferen",
"allow": "Toestaan",
"dont_allow": "Niet toestaan",
"yes": "Ja",
"no": "Nee",
"save": "Opslaan",
"seed": "Seed",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Uw opslag is versleuteld. Wachtwoord is vereist om het te ontcijferen",
"wallet_key": "Wallet key",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Ongeldig geanimeerde QRCode, probeer het opnieuw",
"file_saved": "Bestand ({filePath}) is opgeslagen in uw gedownloade bestanden."
"yes": "Ja"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "De code van uw tegoedbon is",
@ -114,6 +114,64 @@
"sats": "sats",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "Deze factuur is niet betaald en is verlopen"
"multisig": {
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Weet u het zeker? Uw mnemonic seed zal verloren gaan als u geen back-up heeft",
"co_sign_transaction": "Signeer een transactie",
"confirm": "Bevestig",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Deze transactie medeondertekenen?",
"create": "Maken",
"create_new_key": "Maak een nieuwe",
"export_coordination_setup": "export coördinatie setup",
"export_signed_psbt": "Ondertekende PSBT exporteren",
"fee": "Fee: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"forget_this_seed": "Vergeet deze seed en gebruik xpub",
"header": "Verzenden",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "hoeveel handtekeningen kan BlueWallet maken",
"i_have_mnemonics": "Ik heb een seed voor deze key...",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Ok, ik heb het opgeschreven",
"invalid_cosigner": "Geen geldige mede-ondertekenaar gegevens",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Onjuiste mede-ondertekenaar: dit is geen mede-ondertekenaar voor het {format} formaat",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Vingerafdruk voor dit seed komt niet overeen met de vingerafdruk van deze mede-ondertekenaar",
"invalid_mnemonics": "Deze mnemonic phrase lijkt niet te kloppen",
"legacy_title": "Legacy",
"lets_start": "Laten we beginnen",
"multisig_vault": "Kluis",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Beste beveiliging voor grote bedragen",
"native_segwit_title": "Beste oefening",
"needs": "Behoeften",
"of": "van",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Schrijf dit mnemonic phrase op papier. Maak je geen zorgen, je kunt het later opschrijven.",
"provide_key": "Geef de key op",
"provide_signature": "Geef een handtekening",
"quorum": "{m} van {n} quorum",
"quorum_header": "Quorum",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Vereiste sleutels uit het totaal",
"scan_or_import_file": "Scan of importeer bestand",
"scan_or_open_file": "Scan of open bestand",
"share": "Delen",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "Deze mede-ondertekenaar is al geïmporteerd",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "Dit is de xpub van mede-ondertekenaar, klaar om in een andere wallet te worden geïmporteerd. Het is veilig om het te delen.",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Voeg een seed in om uw bestaande kluissleutel te importeren",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Kluis-instellingen...",
"vault_key": "Kluisnummer {number}",
"view_edit_cosigners": "Bekijk/bewerk mede-ondertekenaars",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Bewerk mede-ontertekenaars",
"view_key": "bekijk",
"wallet_key_created": "Uw kluissleutel is gemaakt. Neem even de tijd om een veilige back-up van uw mnemonic seed te maken",
"wallet_type": "Wallettype",
"what_is_vault": "Een kluis is een",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": "{m} kluissleutels",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "te besteden en een 3e die u \nals back-up kunt gebruiken.",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": "{m}-van-{n} multisig",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "wallet",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Beste compatibiliteit"
"notifications": {
"ask_me_later": "Vraag het mij later",
"no_and_dont_ask": "Nee, en vraag het me niet nog een keer",
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Wil je meldingen ontvangen als je binnenkomende betalingen ontvangt?"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "Creëer versleutelde opslag",
"create_password": "Wachtwoord aanmaken",
@ -203,23 +261,23 @@
"input_done": "Klaar",
"input_paste": "Plak",
"input_total": "Totaal:",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "Er is geen ondertekening van een transactie bezig",
"open_settings": "Open instellingen",
"permission_camera_message": "We hebben toestemming nodig om uw camera te gebruiken",
"permission_camera_title": "Toestemming om camera te gebruiken",
"open_settings": "Open instellingen",
"permission_storage_later": "Vraag mij later",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet heeft u toestemming nodig om toegang te krijgen tot uw opslag om deze transactie op te slaan.",
"permission_storage_title": "BlueWallet opslag toegang toestemming",
"problem_with_psbt": "Probleem met PSBT",
"psbt_clipboard": "Gekopieerd naar Plakbord",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "Dit is een gedeeltelijk ondertekende bitcoin-transactie (PSBT). Voltooi het door te ondertekenen met uw hardware wallet. ",
"psbt_tx_export": "Exporteer naar bestand",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "Er is geen ondertekening van een transactie bezig",
"psbt_tx_open": "Open ondertekende transactie",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Scan ondertekende transactie",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "De geselecteerde afbeelding bevat geen QR-code.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "Het geselecteerde bestand bevat geen wallet die geïmporteerd kan worden.",
"success_done": "Klaar",
"txSaved": "Het transactiebestand ({filePath}) is opgeslagen in uw map Downloads.",
"problem_with_psbt": "Probleem met PSBT"
"txSaved": "Het transactiebestand ({filePath}) is opgeslagen in uw map Downloads."
"settings": {
"about": "Over",
@ -280,22 +338,17 @@
"passwords_do_not_match": "Wachtwoorden komen niet overeen",
"plausible_deniability": "Plausibele ontkenning",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Bied snelkoppelingen aan als een adres of factuur op uw klembord staat.",
"privacy_quickactions": "Wallet snelkoppelingen",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Houd het BlueWallet-app-pictogram op uw startscherm ingedrukt om snel het saldo van uw wallet te bekijken.",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Lees klembord",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet geeft snelkoppelingen weer voor het afhandelen van een factuur of adres op uw klembord.",
"privacy_system_settings": "Systeeminstellingen",
"privacy_quickactions": "Wallet snelkoppelingen",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Houd het BlueWallet-app-pictogram op uw startscherm ingedrukt om snel het saldo van uw wallet te bekijken.",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Bied snelkoppelingen aan als een adres of factuur op uw klembord staat.",
"push_notifications": "Push notificaties",
"retype_password": "Geef nogmaals het wachtwoord op",
"save": "Opslaan",
"saved": "Opgeslagen"
"notifications": {
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Wil je meldingen ontvangen als je binnenkomende betalingen ontvangt?",
"no_and_dont_ask": "Nee, en vraag het me niet nog een keer",
"ask_me_later": "Vraag het mij later"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "We zullen deze transactie vervangen door degene die u betaalt en hogere fees heeft. Dit annuleert effectief de transactie. Dit heet RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"cancel_no": "Deze transactie is niet vervangbaar",
@ -318,8 +371,8 @@
"details_transaction_details": "Transactie details",
"enable_hw": "Deze wallet wordt niet gebruikt in combinatie met een hardware wallet. Wilt u het gebruik van een hardware wallet inschakelen?",
"list_conf": "conf: {number}",
"pending": "In afwachting",
"list_title": "transacties",
"pending": "In afwachting",
"rbf_explain": "We zullen deze transactie vervangen door degene met een hogere fee, dus het zou sneller moeten worden gemined. Dit heet RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"rbf_title": "Bumb fee (RBF)",
"status_bump": "Bumb fee",
@ -401,58 +454,5 @@
"take_photo": "Maak foto",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Gekopieerd naar het klembord.",
"xpub_title": "wallet XPUB"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "Kluis",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Beste beveiliging voor grote bedragen",
"provide_signature": "Geef een handtekening",
"vault_key": "Kluisnummer {number}",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Vereiste sleutels uit het totaal",
"fee": "Fee: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "Bevestig",
"header": "Verzenden",
"share": "Delen",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "hoeveel handtekeningen kan BlueWallet maken",
"scan_or_import_file": "Scan of importeer bestand",
"export_coordination_setup": "export coördinatie setup",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Deze transactie medeondertekenen?",
"lets_start": "Laten we beginnen",
"create": "Maken",
"provide_key": "Geef de key op",
"native_segwit_title": "Beste oefening",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Beste compatibiliteit",
"legacy_title": "Legacy",
"co_sign_transaction": "Signeer een transactie",
"what_is_vault": "Een kluis is een",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": "{m}-van-{n} multisig",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "wallet",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Kluis-instellingen...",
"needs": "Behoeften",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": "{m} kluissleutels",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "te besteden en een 3e die u \nals back-up kunt gebruiken.",
"quorum": "{m} van {n} quorum",
"quorum_header": "Quorum",
"of": "van",
"wallet_type": "Wallettype",
"view_key": "bekijk",
"invalid_mnemonics": "Deze mnemonic phrase lijkt niet te kloppen",
"invalid_cosigner": "Geen geldige mede-ondertekenaar gegevens",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Onjuiste mede-ondertekenaar: dit is geen mede-ondertekenaar voor het {format} formaat",
"create_new_key": "Maak een nieuwe",
"scan_or_open_file": "Scan of open bestand",
"i_have_mnemonics": "Ik heb een seed voor deze key...",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Schrijf dit mnemonic phrase op papier. Maak je geen zorgen, je kunt het later opschrijven.",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Ok, ik heb het opgeschreven",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Voeg een seed in om uw bestaande kluissleutel te importeren",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "Dit is de xpub van mede-ondertekenaar, klaar om in een andere wallet te worden geïmporteerd. Het is veilig om het te delen.",
"wallet_key_created": "Uw kluissleutel is gemaakt. Neem even de tijd om een veilige back-up van uw mnemonic seed te maken",
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Weet u het zeker? Uw mnemonic seed zal verloren gaan als u geen back-up heeft",
"forget_this_seed": "Vergeet deze seed en gebruik xpub",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Vingerafdruk voor dit seed komt niet overeen met de vingerafdruk van deze mede-ondertekenaar",
"view_edit_cosigners": "Bekijk/bewerk mede-ondertekenaars",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "Deze mede-ondertekenaar is al geïmporteerd",
"export_signed_psbt": "Ondertekende PSBT exporteren",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Bewerk mede-ontertekenaars"
@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
"_": {
"bad_password": "Incorrect password, please try again.",
"allow": "Zezwól",
"bad_password": "Nieprawidłowe hasło, spróbuj ponownie.",
"cancel": "Anuluj",
"continue": "Kontynuuj",
"dont_allow": "Nie zezwalaj",
"enter_password": "Wprowadź hasło",
"file_saved": "Plik ({filePath}) został zapisany w twoim katalogu Pobrane.",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment": "Nieprawidłowy fragment animowanego kodu QR, spróbuj ponownie",
"never": "nigdy",
"no": "Nie",
"of": "{number} z {total}",
"ok": "OK",
"save": "Zapisz",
"seed": "Źródło",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Twoje dane są zaszyfrowane. Hasło jest wymagane do ich rozszyfrowania",
"allow": "Allow",
"dont_allow": "Don't Allow",
"yes": "Tak",
"no": "No",
"save": "Save",
"seed": "Seed",
"wallet_key": "Wallet key",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Nieprawidłowy fragment animowanego kodu QR, spróbuj ponownie",
"file_saved": "Plik ({filePath}) został zapisany w twoim katalogu Pobrane."
"wallet_key": "Klucz Portfela",
"yes": "Tak"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "Twój kod vouchera to",
"errorBeforeRefeem": "Zanim wykorzystasz kod rabatowy, musisz dodać najpierw portfel Bitcoinowy",
"errorSomething": "Coś poszło nie tak. Czy kod vouchera jest ciągle ważny?",
"redeem": "Redeem to wallet",
"redeemButton": "Redeem",
"redeem": "Odbirze do portfela",
"redeemButton": "Odbierz",
"success": "Sukces",
"title": "Odbierz voucher Azte.co"
@ -41,25 +41,25 @@
"are_you_sure_you_want_to_logout": "Czy na pewno chcesz się wylogować z HodlHodl? ",
"cont_address_escrow": "Escrow",
"cont_address_to": "Do",
"cont_buying": "buying",
"cont_buying": "kupno",
"cont_cancel": "Anuluj kontrakt",
"cont_cancel_q": "Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz anulować ten kontrakt? ",
"cont_cancel_y": "Tak, anuluj kontrakt",
"cont_chat": "Open chat with counterparty",
"cont_chat": "Otwórz czat ze stroną przeciwną",
"cont_how": "Jak zapłacić",
"cont_no": "Nie masz żadnych uruchomionych kontraktów",
"cont_paid": "Zaznacz kontrakt jako opłacony",
"cont_paid_e": "Do this only if you sent funds to the seller via agreed payment method",
"cont_paid_q": "Are you sure you want to mark this contract as paid?",
"cont_selling": "selling",
"cont_paid_e": "Zrób to tylko gdy wysyłasz fundusze sprzedającemu w uzgodniony z nim sposób",
"cont_paid_q": "Czy jesteś pewien że chcesz oznaczyć ten kontrakt jako opłacony?",
"cont_selling": "sprzedaż",
"cont_st_completed": "Wszystko wykonane!",
"cont_st_in_progress_buyer": "Coins are in escrow, please pay seller",
"cont_st_paid_enought": "Bitcoins are in escrow! Please pay seller\nvia agreed payment method",
"cont_st_in_progress_buyer": "Środki są w escrow, zapłać sprzedającemu",
"cont_st_paid_enought": "Środki są w escrow, zapłać sprzedającemu w uzgodniony z nim sposób",
"cont_st_paid_waiting": "Czekanie aż sprzedawca wypuści Bitcoiny z systemu escrow ...",
"cont_st_waiting": "Czekanie aż sprzedawca zdeponuje Bitcoiny do systemu escrow ...",
"cont_title": "Moje kontrakty",
"filter_any": "Any",
"filter_buying": "Buying",
"filter_any": "Każdy",
"filter_buying": "Kupno",
"filter_country_global": "Oferty globalne",
"filter_country_near": "Blisko mnie",
"filter_currency": "Waluta",
@ -68,407 +68,274 @@
"filter_iambuying": "Kupuję bitcoiny",
"filter_iamselling": "Sprzedaję bitcoiny",
"filter_method": "Metoda płatności",
"filter_search": "Search",
"filter_selling": "Selling",
"filter_search": "Szukaj",
"filter_selling": "Sprzedaż",
"item_minmax": "Min/Maks",
"item_nooffers": "No offers. Try to change \"Near me\" to Global offers!",
"item_rating": "{rating} trades",
"item_rating_no": "No rating",
"item_nooffers": "Brak ofert. Spróbój zmienić \"w mojej okolicy\" na Oferty Globalne",
"item_rating": "{transakcje} Ocena",
"item_rating_no": "Brak oceny",
"login": "Login",
"mycont": "Moje kontrakty",
"offer_accept": "Akceptuj ofertę",
"offer_account_finish": "Looks like you didn't finish setting up account on HodlHodl, would you like to finish setup now?",
"offer_account_finish": "Wygląda na to że nie ukończyłeś zakładania konta HodlHodl, czy dokończyć teraz?",
"offer_choosemethod": "Wybierz metodę płatności",
"offer_confirmations": "potwierdzenia",
"offer_minmax": "min/maks",
"offer_minutes": "min",
"offer_minutes": "minuty",
"offer_promt_fiat": "Ile {waluta} chcesz kupić? ",
"offer_promt_fiat_e": "Na przykład: 100",
"offer_window": "okno",
"p2p": "Giełda p2p"
"is_it_my_address": {
"title": "sprawdź czy to mój adres?"
"lnd": {
"errorInvoiceExpired": "Faktura utraciła ważność",
"exchange": "Exchange",
"expired": "Expired",
"expiredLow": "expired",
"exchange": "Kantor",
"expired": "Wygasł",
"expiredLow": "wygasł",
"expiresIn": "Wygasa za: {time}",
"payButton": "Pay",
"payButton": "Zapłać",
"placeholder": "Faktura",
"potentialFee": "Potencjalna opłata transakcyjna: {fee}",
"refill": "Refill",
"refill_card": "Refill with bank card",
"refill_create": "In order to proceed, please create a Bitcoin wallet to refill with.",
"refill_external": "Refill with External Wallet",
"refill_lnd_balance": "Refill Lightning wallet balance",
"sameWalletAsInvoiceError": "You can not pay an invoice with the same wallet used to create it.",
"refill": "Doładuj",
"refill_card": "Doładuj kartą bankową",
"refill_create": "Aby kontynuować, utwórz portfel Bitcoin który potem doładujesz.",
"refill_external": "Doładuj z zewnętrznego portfela",
"refill_lnd_balance": "Doładuj stan portfela Lightning",
"sameWalletAsInvoiceError": "Nie możesz zapłacić wezwania z tego samego portfela, który stworzyłeś.",
"title": "zarządzaj środkami"
"lndViewInvoice": {
"additional_info": "Dodatkowa informacja",
"for": "For:",
"has_been_paid": "This invoice has been paid for",
"open_direct_channel": "Open direct channel with this node:",
"please_pay": "Please pay",
"preimage": "Preimage",
"for": "Do:",
"has_been_paid": "Wezwanie zostało opłacone",
"lightning_invoice": "Wezwanie Lightning",
"open_direct_channel": "Otwórz kanał bezpośredni z tym nodem:",
"please_pay": "Stwórz wezwanie",
"preimage": "Wyświetl kod wezwania",
"sats": "sat",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "To polecenie zapłaty nie zostało opłacone i wygasło"
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "To wezwanie nie zostało opłacone i wygasło."
"notifications": {
"ask_me_later": "Zapytaj później",
"no_and_dont_ask": "Nie. I nie pytaj ponownie.",
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Czy chcesz otrzymywać powiadomienia o nadchodzących płatnościach?"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "Utwórz szyfrowany schowek",
"create_password": "Utwórz hasło",
"create_password_explanation": "Password for fake storage should not match the password for your main storage",
"help": "Under certain circumstances, you might be forced to disclose a password. To keep your coins safe, BlueWallet can create another encrypted storage, with a different password. Under pressure, you can disclose this password to a 3rd party. If entered in BlueWallet, it will unlock a new 'fake' storage. This will seem legit to a 3rd party, but it will secretly keep your main storage with coins safe.",
"help2": "The new storage will be fully functional, and you can store some minimum amounts there so it looks more believable.",
"create_password_explanation": "Hasło portfela widmo, powinno różnić się od głównego hasła.",
"help": "W pewnych okolicznościach możesz być zmuszony do podania hasła. Aby chronić swoje środki w portfelu głównym, BlueWallet może stworzyć, dodatkową szyfrowaną przestrzeń z innym hasłem. Będąc do tego zmuszony przez 3-cią stronę, możesz je ujawnić. Po jego wpisaniu BlueWallet odblokuje nowy portfel \"widmo\". Będzie on wyglądał na prawdziwy i pozwoli nie ujawniać zawartości głównego.",
"help2": "Nowa przestrzeń będzie w pełni funkcjonalna i możesz przechowywać w niej minimalne ilości, aby wyglądało to wiarygodnie.",
"password_should_not_match": "Hasło jest aktualnie w użyciu. Spróbuj z innym hasłem.",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Passwords do not match, please try again.",
"retype_password": "Retype password",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Hasła do siebie nie pasują, spróbuj ponownie.",
"retype_password": "Wpisz ponownie hasło",
"success": "Sukces",
"title": "Plausible Deniability"
"title": "Wiarygodne Zaprzeczenie"
"pleasebackup": {
"ask": "Have you saved your wallet's backup phrase? This backup phrase is required to access your funds in case you lose this device. Without the backup phrase, your funds will be permanently lost.",
"ask": "Czy zapisałeś już słowa klucze? Są one niezbędne, by dysponować środkami, w przypadku zgubienia tego urządzenia. Bez słów kluczy, twoje środki przepadną na zawsze,",
"ask_no": "Nie mam",
"ask_yes": "Mam",
"ok": "OK, I wrote this down!",
"ok_lnd": "OK, I have saved it.",
"text": "Please take a moment to write down this mnemonic phrase on a piece of paper. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.",
"text_lnd": "Please take a moment to save this LNDHub authentication. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.",
"ok": "OK, zanotowałem!",
"ok_lnd": "OK, zachowałem.",
"text": "Proszę poświęć chwilę, żeby zapisać te słowa na kartce papieru, To twoja kopia zapasowa, możesz użyć jej, aby odtworzyć portfel na innym urządzeniu.",
"text_lnd": "Proszę, poświęć chwilę, żeby zapisać to uwierzytelnienie LNDHub. To twoja kopia zapasowa, możesz użyć jej, aby odtworzyć portfel na innym urządzeniu.",
"title": "Twój portfel został utworzony ..."
"receive": {
"details_create": "Create",
"details_create": "Stwórz",
"details_label": "Opis",
"details_setAmount": "Receive with amount",
"details_share": "share",
"header": "Receive"
"details_setAmount": "Otrzymaj kwotę",
"details_share": "udostępnij",
"header": "Otrzymaj"
"send": {
"broadcastButton": "BROADCAST",
"broadcastButton": "Rozgłoś",
"broadcastError": "błąd",
"broadcastNone": "Input transaction hash",
"broadcastPending": "pending",
"broadcastSuccess": "success",
"confirm_header": "Confirm",
"broadcastNone": "Hash transakcji wsadowej",
"broadcastPending": "oczekująca",
"broadcastSuccess": "sukces",
"confirm_header": "Potwierdź",
"confirm_sendNow": "Wyślij teraz",
"create_amount": "Amount",
"create_broadcast": "Broadcast",
"create_copy": "Copy and broadcast later",
"create_amount": "Kwota",
"create_broadcast": "Rozgłoś",
"create_copy": "Skopiuj i rozgłoś później",
"create_details": "Szczegóły",
"create_fee": "Opłata",
"create_memo": "Memo",
"create_memo": "notatka",
"create_satoshi_per_byte": "Satoshi za bajt",
"create_this_is_hex": "This is your transaction's hex, signed and ready to be broadcasted to the network.",
"create_to": "To",
"create_tx_size": "TX size",
"create_verify": "Verify on coinb.in",
"details_add_rec_add": "Add Recipient",
"details_add_rec_rem": "Remove Recipient",
"details_address": "address",
"details_address_field_is_not_valid": "Address field is not valid",
"details_adv_fee_bump": "Allow Fee Bump",
"details_adv_full": "Use Full Balance",
"details_adv_full_remove": "Your other recipients will be removed from this transaction.",
"create_this_is_hex": "To jest hex twojej transakcji, podpisany i gotowy żeby rozgłosić go w sieci",
"create_to": "Do",
"create_tx_size": "Rozmiar TX",
"create_verify": "Zweryfikuj na coinb.in",
"details_add_rec_add": "Dodaj Adresata",
"details_add_rec_rem": "Usuń Adresata",
"details_address": "adres",
"details_address_field_is_not_valid": "Adres niepoprawny",
"details_adv_fee_bump": "Pozwól na podbicie prowizji",
"details_adv_full": "Użyj wszystkich środków",
"details_adv_full_remove": "Twoi adresaci będą usunięci z tej transakcji",
"details_adv_full_sure": "Czy jesteś pewien/-a, że chcesz użyć wszystkich środków z Twojego portfela w tej transakcji? ",
"details_adv_import": "Importuj transakcje",
"details_amount_field_is_not_valid": "Amount field is not valid",
"details_amount_field_is_not_valid": "Kwota w polu jest niepoprawna",
"details_create": "Stwórz polecenie zapłaty",
"details_error_decode": "Błąd: Nie potrafię zdekodować adresu Bitcoin",
"details_fee_field_is_not_valid": "Fee field is not valid",
"details_fee_field_is_not_valid": "Błędnie wypełnione pole z opłatą",
"details_next": "Następny",
"details_no_maximum": "The selected wallet does not support automatic maximum balance calculation. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_multiple": "The selected wallet does not support sending Bitcoin to multiple recipients. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_signed_tx": "The selected file does not contain a transaction that can be imported.",
"details_note_placeholder": "note to self",
"details_no_maximum": "Wybrany portfel nie wspiera automatycznego podliczania salda. Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz użyć tego portfela?",
"details_no_multiple": "Wybrany portfel nie wspiera wysyłania Bitcoinów do wielu odbiorców, Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz użyć tego portfela?",
"details_no_signed_tx": "Wskazany plik nie zawiera transakcji, która może zostać zaimportowana.",
"details_note_placeholder": "opis transakcji",
"details_scan": "Skanuj",
"details_total_exceeds_balance": "The sending amount exceeds the available balance.",
"details_wallet_before_tx": "Before creating a transaction, you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.",
"details_wallet_selection": "Wallet Selection",
"details_total_exceeds_balance": "Wysłanie tej ilości przekracza dostępne saldo.",
"details_wallet_before_tx": "Przed stworzeniem transakcji, najpierw utwórz portfel Bitcoin.",
"details_wallet_selection": "Wybór typu portfela",
"dynamic_init": "Inicjalizuję",
"dynamic_next": "Następny",
"dynamic_prev": "Poprzedni",
"dynamic_start": "Start",
"dynamic_stop": "Stop",
"fee_10m": "10m",
"fee_1d": "1d",
"fee_3h": "3h",
"fee_custom": "Custom",
"fee_fast": "Fast",
"fee_medium": "Medium",
"fee_replace_min": "The total fee rate (satoshi per byte) you want to pay should be higher than {min} sat/byte",
"fee_satbyte": "in sat/byte",
"fee_slow": "Slow",
"header": "Send",
"input_clear": "Clear",
"input_done": "Done",
"input_paste": "Paste",
"input_total": "Total:",
"fee_10m": "10 min.",
"fee_1d": "1 dzień",
"fee_3h": "3 godz.",
"fee_custom": "Niestandardowe",
"fee_fast": "Szybkie",
"fee_medium": "Średnie",
"fee_replace_min": "Wysokość łącznej opłaty (satoshi za byte) powinna być wyższa niż {min} sat/byte",
"fee_satbyte": "w sat/byte",
"fee_slow": "Wolne",
"header": "Wyślij",
"input_clear": "Wyczyść",
"input_done": "Gotowe",
"input_paste": "Wklej",
"input_total": "Łącznie:",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "Żadna transakcja nie jest obecnie podpisywana.",
"open_settings": "Otwórz ustawienia",
"permission_camera_message": "Potrzebujemy twojej zgody na wykorzystanie kamery",
"permission_camera_title": "Zgoda na wykorzystanie kamery",
"open_settings": "Otwórz ustawienia",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet nie mół zapisać tego pliku. Otwórz ustawienia urządzenia i zezwól na Dostęp do Pamieci Masowej.",
"permission_storage_later": "Zapytaj mnie później",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet needs your permission to access your storage to save this file.",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet is unable save this file. Please, open your device settings and enable Storage Permission.",
"permission_storage_title": "Storage Access Permission",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet potrzebuje twojej zgody żeby zachować ten plik.",
"permission_storage_title": "Dostęp do Pamięci Masowej",
"problem_with_psbt": "Problem z PSBT",
"psbt_clipboard": "Skopiuj do schowka",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "This is a partially signed bitcoin transaction (PSBT). Please finish signing it with your hardware wallet.",
"psbt_tx_export": "Export to file",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "There is no transaction signing in progress",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "To jest częściowo podpisana transakcja Bitcoin (PSBT). Podpisz ją w swoim portfelu sprzętowym.",
"psbt_tx_export": "Eksportuj do pliku.",
"psbt_tx_open": "Otwórz podpisaną transakcję",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Scan Signed Transaction",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "The selected image does not contain a QR Code.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "The selected file does not contain a wallet that can be imported.",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Skanuj Podpisane Transakcje",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "Ten obraz nie zawiera kodu QR.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "Wybrany plik nie zawiera portfela, który może być zaimportowany.",
"success_done": "Wykonane",
"txSaved": "The transaction file ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder .",
"problem_with_psbt": "Problem z PSBT"
"txSaved": "Ścieżka pliku ({filaPath}) została zapisana w twoim folderze Pobrane."
"settings": {
"about": "O",
"about_awesome": "Built with the awesome",
"about_awesome": "Przeczytaj o awesome",
"about_backup": "Zawsze rób kopie zapasowe swoich kluczy!",
"about_free": "BlueWallet is a free and open source project. Crafted by Bitcoin users.",
"about_release_notes": "Release notes",
"about_review": "Leave us a review",
"about_selftest": "Run self test",
"about_free": "BlueWallet jest projektem open source. Stworzonym przez i dla użytkowników Bitcoina.",
"about_release_notes": "Informacje o wydaniu",
"about_review": "Wystaw nam opinię",
"about_selftest": "wykonaj self test",
"about_sm_github": "GitHub",
"about_sm_telegram": "Telegram chat",
"about_sm_telegram": "Chat Telegram",
"about_sm_twitter": "Obserwuj nas na Twitterze",
"advanced_options": "Advanced Options",
"advanced_options": "Opcje Zaawansowane",
"currency": "Waluta",
"currency_source": "Prices are obtained from",
"default_desc": "When disabled, BlueWallet will immediately open the selected wallet at launch.",
"default_info": "Default info",
"default_title": "On Launch",
"default_wallets": "View All Wallets",
"currency_source": "Kurs jest pozyskiwany z",
"default_desc": "Po uruchomieniu BlueWallet natychmiast otworzy wcześniej wybrany domyślny portfel.",
"default_info": "Informacje domyślne",
"default_title": "Po uruchomieniu",
"default_wallets": "Wyświetl wszystkie portfele",
"electrum_connected": "Połączony",
"electrum_connected_not": "Not Connected",
"electrum_connected_not": "Nie Podłączony",
"electrum_error_connect": "Nie można się połączyć z wybranym serwerem Electrum",
"electrum_host": "host, for example {example}",
"electrum_port": "TCP port, usually {example}",
"electrum_port_ssl": "SSL port, usually {example}",
"electrum_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully. Restart may be required for changes to take effect.",
"electrum_host": "host, na przykład {przykład}",
"electrum_port": "port TCP, zazwyczaj {przykład}",
"electrum_port_ssl": "port SSL, zazwyczaj {przykład}",
"electrum_saved": "Zmiany zostały zachowane pomyślnie. Żeby je zobaczyć zrestartuj aplikację.",
"electrum_settings": "Ustawienia Electrum",
"electrum_settings_explain": "Set to blank to use default",
"electrum_settings_explain": "zostaw puste aby użyć domyślnej wartości",
"electrum_status": "Status",
"encrypt_decrypt": "Decrypt Storage",
"encrypt_decrypt_q": "Are you sure you want to decrypt your storage? This will allow your wallets to be accessed without a password.",
"encrypt_del_uninstall": "Delete if BlueWallet is uninstalled",
"encrypt_enc_and_pass": "Encrypted and Password protected",
"encrypt_title": "Security",
"encrypt_tstorage": "storage",
"encrypt_use": "Use {type}",
"encrypt_use_expl": "{type} will be used to confirm your identity prior to making a transaction, unlocking, exporting or deleting a wallet. {type} will not be used to unlock an encrypted storage.",
"general": "General",
"encrypt_decrypt": "Odszyfruj Schowek",
"encrypt_decrypt_q": "Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz odszyfrować schowek? To pozwoli na dostęp do twoich portfeli bez hasła.",
"encrypt_del_uninstall": "Usuń, jeżeli BlueWallet jest odinstalowany.",
"encrypt_enc_and_pass": "Szyfrowany i Chroniony hasłem",
"encrypt_title": "Zabezpieczenia",
"encrypt_tstorage": "schowek",
"encrypt_use": "Użyj {typ}",
"encrypt_use_expl": "{typ} będzie użyty do potwierdzenia twojej tożsamości przed wykonaniem transakcji, odblokowania, eksportowania lub usunięcia portfela. {typ} nie będzie używany do odblokowania zaszyfrowanej przestrzeni.",
"general": "Ogólne",
"general_adv_mode": "Tryb zaawansowany",
"general_adv_mode_e": "When enabled, you will see advanced options such as different wallet types, the ability to specify the LNDHub instance you wish to connect to and custom entropy during wallet creation.",
"general_continuity": "Continuity",
"general_continuity_e": "When enabled, you will be able to view selected wallets, and transactions, using your other Apple iCloud connected devices.",
"groundcontrol_explanation": "GroundControl is a free opensource push notifications server for bitcoin wallets. You can install your own GroundControl server and put its URL here to not rely on BlueWallet's infrastructure. Leave blank to use default",
"header": "settings",
"general_adv_mode_e": "Gdy włączone, zobaczysz zaawansowane ustawienia takie jak np. różne typy portfeli, zdolność do określenia instancji LNDHub, z którą chcesz się połączyć oraz niestandardowej entropii w trakcie tworzenia portfela.",
"general_continuity": "Ciągłość",
"general_continuity_e": "Gdy włączone, będziesz miał podgląd do wybranych portfeli i transakcji przy użyciu swoich urządzeń zalogowanych do Apple iCloud. ",
"groundcontrol_explanation": "GroundControl jest darmową opcją serwera powiadamień push dla portfeli bitcoin. Możesz zainstalować swój własny serwer GroundControl i podać jego URL tutaj, tak aby nie polegać na infrastrukturze BlueWallet. Zostaw puste by użyć domyślnej wartości.",
"header": "ustawienia",
"language": "Język",
"language_restart": "When selecting a new language, restarting BlueWallet may be required for the change to take effect.",
"language_restart": "Przy wyborze nowego języka, konieczne może być ponowne uruchomienie BlueWallet aby zobaczyć zmianę.",
"lightning_error_lndhub_uri": "Niepoprawny LndHub URI",
"lightning_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully",
"lightning_saved": "Wprowadzone przez ciebie zmiany zostały pomyślnie zachowane.",
"lightning_settings": "Ustawienia Lightning",
"lightning_settings_explain": "To connect to your own LND node please install LndHub and put its URL here in settings. Leave blank to use BlueWallet's LNDHub (lndhub.io). Wallets created after saving changes will connect to the specified LNDHub.",
"lightning_settings_explain": "Aby podłączyć się do własnego node LND, zainstaluj najperw LndHub i wklej jego URL tutaj w ustawieniach. Zostaw puste by użyć LNDHub'a należącego do BlueWallet (lndhub.io). Portfele stworzone po zapisaniu zmian połączą się ze wskazanym LNDHub.",
"network": "Sieć",
"network_broadcast": "Rozgłoś transakcje",
"network_electrum": "Serwer Electrum",
"not_a_valid_uri": "Not a valid URI",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"not_a_valid_uri": "Nieprawidłowy URL",
"notifications": "Powiadomienia",
"password": "Hasło",
"password_explain": "Create the password you will use to decrypt the storage",
"password_explain": "Stwórz hasło które odszyfruje schowek",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Hasła się nie zgadzają",
"plausible_deniability": "Plausible deniability",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Read Clipboard",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet will display shortcuts for handling an invoice or address found in your clipboard.",
"privacy_system_settings": "System Settings",
"privacy_quickactions": "Wallet Shortcuts",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Touch and hold the BlueWallet app icon on your Home Screen to quickly view your wallet's balance.",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Provide shortcuts if an address, or invoice, is found in your clipboard.",
"push_notifications": "Push notifications",
"retype_password": "Re-type password",
"save": "Save",
"saved": "Saved"
"notifications": {
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Would you like to receive notifications when you get incoming payments?",
"no_and_dont_ask": "No, and Don't Ask Me Again",
"ask_me_later": "Ask Me Later"
"plausible_deniability": "Wiarygodne zaprzeczenie",
"privacy": "Prywatność",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Udostępnij jeżeli adres lub wezwanie są znalezione w schowku.",
"privacy_quickactions": "Skróty Portfeli",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Dotknij i przytrzymaj ikonę aplikacji BlueWallet na swoim ekranie głównym aby szybko wyświetlić stan portfela.",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Czytaj Schowek",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet wyświetli adresy znalezione i skopiowane z twojego schowka.",
"privacy_system_settings": "Ustawienia Systemowe",
"push_notifications": "Powiadomienia Push",
"retype_password": "Wprowadź Ponownie hasło",
"save": "Zapisz",
"saved": "Zapisano"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one that pays you and has higher fees. This effectively cancels transaction. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"cancel_no": "This transaction is not replaceable",
"cancel_explain": "Zastąpimy tą transakcję taką, która ma wyższe opłaty. To efektywnie anuluje transakcję. Nazywa się to RBF - Replace By Fee, Zastąp Opłatą.",
"cancel_no": "Ta transakcja jest nie do zastąpienia",
"cancel_title": "Anuluj tę transakcję (RBF)",
"cpfp_create": "Utwórz",
"cpfp_exp": "We will create another transaction that spends your unconfirmed transaction. The total fee will be higher than the original transaction fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called CPFP - Child Pays For Parent.",
"cpfp_exp": "Stworzymy kolejną transakcję, która wydaje twoją niepotwierdzoną transakcję. Całkowita opłata będzie wyższa niż z transakcji pierwotnej, więc powinna zostać wykopana szybciej. To się nazywa CPFP - Child Pays For Parent, Dziecko Płaci Za Rodzica.",
"cpfp_no_bump": "Dla tej transakcji nie można zwiększyć opłat",
"cpfp_title": "Zwiększ opłatę transakcji (CPFP)",
"details_balance_hide": "Hide Balance",
"details_balance_show": "Show Balance",
"details_block": "Block Height",
"details_copy": "Copy",
"details_from": "Input",
"details_inputs": "Inputs",
"details_outputs": "Outputs",
"details_received": "Received",
"details_show_in_block_explorer": "View in block explorer",
"details_title": "Transaction",
"details_to": "Output",
"details_transaction_details": "Transaction details",
"enable_hw": "This wallet is not being used in conjunction with a hardware wallet. Would you like to enable hardware wallet use?",
"list_conf": "conf: {number}",
"pending": "Pending",
"details_balance_hide": "Ukryj Saldo",
"details_balance_show": "Pokaż Saldo",
"details_block": "Położenie Bloku",
"details_copy": "Kopiuj",
"details_from": "Wejście",
"details_inputs": "Wejścia",
"details_outputs": "Wyjścia",
"details_received": "Otrzymane",
"details_show_in_block_explorer": "Zobacz w przeglądarce bloków",
"details_title": "Transakcja",
"details_to": "Wyjście",
"details_transaction_details": "Szczegóły Transakcji",
"enable_hw": "Ten portfel nie jest używany w połączeniu z portfelem sprzętowym. Czy chcesz włączyć obsługę portfela sprzętowego?",
"list_conf": "potwierdzenia: {numer}",
"list_title": "transakcje",
"rbf_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one with a higher fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"rbf_title": "Bump fee (RBF)",
"status_bump": "Bump Fee",
"pending": "Oczekuje",
"rbf_explain": "Zastąpimy tą transakcję taką, która ma wyższe opłaty, tak że powinna zostać szybciej wykopana. Nazywa się to RBF - Replace By Fee, Zastąp Opłatą.",
"rbf_title": "podbij opłatę (RBF)",
"status_bump": "Podbij Opłatę",
"status_cancel": "Anuluj transakcje",
"transactions_count": "transactions count"
"transaction_note_saved": "Transakcja została pomyślnie zapisana."
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_create": "Utwórz",
"add_entropy_generated": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy",
"add_entropy_provide": "Provide entropy via dice rolls",
"add_entropy_remain": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy. Remaining {rem} bytes will be obtained from the System random number generator.",
"add_import_wallet": "Import wallet",
"add_lightning": "Lightning",
"add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions",
"add_lndhub": "Connect to your LNDHub",
"add_lndhub_error": "The provided node address is not valid LNDHub node.",
"add_lndhub_placeholder": "your node address",
"add_or": "or",
"add_title": "add wallet",
"add_wallet_name": "name",
"add_wallet_type": "type",
"clipboard_bitcoin": "You have a Bitcoin address on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?",
"clipboard_lightning": "You have a Lightning Invoice on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?",
"details_address": "Address",
"details_advanced": "Advanced",
"details_are_you_sure": "Jesteś pewny?",
"details_connected_to": "Connected to",
"details_del_wb": "Wallet Balance",
"details_del_wb_err": "The provided balance amount does not match this wallet's balance. Please, try again",
"details_del_wb_q": "This wallet has a balance. Before proceeding, please be aware that you will not be able to recover the funds without this wallet's seed phrase. In order to avoid accidental removal this wallet, please enter your wallet's balance of {balance} satoshis.",
"details_delete": "Delete",
"details_delete_wallet": "Delete wallet",
"details_display": "display in wallets list",
"details_export_backup": "Export / backup",
"details_marketplace": "Marketplace",
"details_master_fingerprint": "Master fingerprint",
"details_no_cancel": "No, cancel",
"details_save": "Save",
"details_show_xpub": "Show wallet XPUB",
"details_title": "Wallet",
"details_type": "Type",
"details_use_with_hardware_wallet": "Use with hardware wallet",
"details_wallet_updated": "Wallet updated",
"details_yes_delete": "Yes, delete",
"enter_bip38_password": "Enter password to decrypt",
"export_title": "wallet export",
"import_do_import": "Import",
"import_error": "Failed to import. Please, make sure that the provided data is valid.",
"import_explanation": "Write here your mnemonic, private key, WIF, or anything you've got. BlueWallet will do its best to guess the correct format and import your wallet",
"import_file": "Import File",
"import_imported": "Imported",
"import_scan_qr": "Scan or import a file",
"import_success": "Twój portfel został pomyślnie zaimportowany.",
"import_title": "import",
"list_create_a_button": "Add now",
"list_create_a_wallet": "Add a wallet",
"list_create_a_wallet_text": "It's free and you can create \nas many as you like",
"list_empty_txs1": "Your transactions will appear here",
"list_empty_txs1_lightning": "Lightning wallet should be used for your daily transactions. Fees are unfairly cheap and speed is blazing fast.",
"list_empty_txs2": "Start with your wallet",
"list_empty_txs2_lightning": "\nTo start using it tap on \"manage funds\" and topup your balance.",
"list_header": "A wallet represents a pair of keys, one private and one you can share to receive coins.",
"list_import_error": "An error was encountered when attempting to import this wallet.",
"list_import_problem": "There was a problem importing this wallet",
"list_latest_transaction": "latest transaction",
"list_long_choose": "Choose Photo",
"list_long_clipboard": "Copy from Clipboard",
"list_long_scan": "Zeskanuj kod QR",
"list_tap_here_to_buy": "Buy Bitcoin",
"list_title": "wallets",
"list_tryagain": "Try Again",
"looks_like_bip38": "This looks like password-protected private key (BIP38)",
"reorder_title": "Reorder Wallets",
"select_no_bitcoin": "There are currently no Bitcoin wallets available.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "A Bitcoin wallet is required to refill Lightning wallets. Please, create or import one.",
"select_wallet": "Select Wallet",
"take_photo": "Take Photo",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard.",
"pull_to_refresh": "pull to refresh",
"xpub_title": "wallet XPUB"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "Vault",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Best security for large amounts",
"provide_signature": "Provide signature",
"vault_key": "Vault key {number}",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Required keys out of the total",
"fee": "Fee: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"header": "Send",
"share": "Share",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "how many signatures can bluewallet make",
"scan_or_import_file": "Scan or import file",
"export_coordination_setup": "export coordination setup",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Co-sign this transaction?",
"lets_start": "Let's start",
"create": "Create",
"provide_key": "Provide key",
"native_segwit_title": "Best practice",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Best compatibility",
"legacy_title": "Legacy",
"co_sign_transaction": "Sign a transaction",
"what_is_vault": "A Vault is a",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-of-{n} multisig ",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "wallet",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Vault Settings...",
"needs": "Needs",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": " {m} vault keys ",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "to spend and a 3rd one you \ncan use as backup.",
"quorum": "{m} of {n} quorum",
"quorum_header": "Quorum",
"of": "of",
"wallet_type": "Wallet type",
"view_key": "view",
"invalid_mnemonics": "This mnemonic phrase doesnt seem to be valid",
"invalid_cosigner": "Not a valid cosigner data",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Incorrect cosigner: this is not a cosigner for {format} format",
"create_new_key": "Create New",
"scan_or_open_file": "Scan or open file",
"i_have_mnemonics": "I have a seed for this key...",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Please write down this mnemonic phrase on paper. Don't worry, you can write it down later.",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Ok, I wrote it down",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Insert a seed to import your existing vault key",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "This is the cosigner's xpub, ready to be imported into another wallet. It is safe to share it.",
"wallet_key_created": "Your vault key was created. Take a moment to safely backup your mnemonic seed",
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Are you sure? Your mnemonic seed will be lost if you dont have a backup",
"forget_this_seed": "Forget this seed and use xpub instead",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Fingerprint for this seed doesnt match this cosigners fingerprint",
"view_edit_cosigners": "View/edit cosigners",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "This cosigner is already imported",
"export_signed_psbt": "Export Signed PSBT",
"input_fp": "Enter fingerprint",
"input_fp_explain": "skip to use default one (00000000)",
"input_path": "Input derivation path",
"input_path_explain": "skip to use default one ({default})",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Edit Cosigners"
"cc": {
"change": "change",
"coins_selected": "Coins selected ({number})",
"empty": "This wallet doesn't have any coins at the moment",
"freeze": "freeze",
"freezeLabel": "Freeze",
"header": "Coin control",
"use_coin": "Use coin",
"tip": "Allows you to see, label, freeze or select coins for improved wallet management."
"list_long_scan": "Zeskanuj kod QR"
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
"_": {
"allow": "Permitir",
"bad_password": "Senha incorreta, tente outra vez.",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"continue": "Continuar",
"dont_allow": "Não Permitir",
"enter_password": "Insira a senha",
"file_saved": "O arquivo ({filePath}) foi salvo na pasta Downloads.",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment": "Código QR animado inválido, tente novamente",
"never": "nunca",
"no": "Não",
"of": "{number} de {total}",
"ok": "OK",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Os arquivos estão criptografados, uma senha é necessária para descriptografá-los",
"allow": "Permitir",
"dont_allow": "Não Permitir",
"yes": "Sim",
"no": "Não",
"save": "Salvar",
"seed": "Seed",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Os arquivos estão criptografados, uma senha é necessária para descriptografá-los",
"wallet_key": "Wallet key",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Código QR animado inválido, tente novamente",
"file_saved": "O arquivo ({filePath}) foi salvo na pasta Downloads."
"yes": "Sim"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "Seu código voucher é",
@ -27,6 +27,16 @@
"success": "Sucesso",
"title": "Resgatar voucher Azte.co"
"cc": {
"change": "troco",
"coins_selected": "Moedas selecionadas ({number})",
"empty": "Esta carteira ainda não tem nenhuma moeda",
"freeze": "congelar",
"freezeLabel": "Congelar",
"header": "Controle de moedas",
"tip": "Permite que você veja, marque, congele ou selecione moedas para gerenciar melhor sua carteira.",
"use_coin": "Usar moeda"
"entropy": {
"save": "Salvar",
"title": "Entropia",
@ -114,6 +124,68 @@
"sats": "sats",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "Este boleto não foi pago e expirou"
"multisig": {
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Você tem certeza? Sua seed mnemônica será perdida se você não tiver um backup",
"co_sign_transaction": "Assinar uma transação",
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Assinar esta transação?",
"create": "Criar",
"create_new_key": "Criar nova",
"export_coordination_setup": "exportação de \"apenas assistir\"",
"export_signed_psbt": "Exportar PSBT assinado",
"fee": "Taxa: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"forget_this_seed": "Remover seed e use a chave (xpub)",
"header": "Enviar",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "quantas assinaturas o bluewallet pode fazer",
"i_have_mnemonics": "Eu tenho uma seed para esta chave...",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Ok, eu anotei",
"input_fp": "Inserir fingerprint",
"input_fp_explain": "pule para usar a padrão (00000000)",
"input_path": "Inserir path de derivação",
"input_path_explain": "pule para usar o padrão ({default})",
"invalid_cosigner": "Dados não válidos de assinante",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Signatário incorreto: este não é um signatário para o formato {format}",
"invalid_fingerprint": "A \"fingerprint\" desta seed não corresponde à \"fingerprint\" do co-signatário ",
"invalid_mnemonics": "Esta frase mnemônica não parece ser válida",
"legacy_title": "Antigo",
"lets_start": "Vamos começar",
"multisig_vault": "Cofre",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Segurança para grandes quantidades",
"native_segwit_title": "Melhor prática",
"needs": "Necessita",
"of": "de",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Escreva esta frase mnemônica no papel. Não se preocupe, você pode escrever mais tarde.",
"provide_key": "Forneça a chave",
"provide_signature": "Fornece assinatura",
"quorum": "{m} de {n} quorum",
"quorum_header": "Quorum",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Chaves obrigatórias do total",
"scan_or_import_file": "Scan ou importar arquivo",
"scan_or_open_file": "Scan ou abrir arquivo",
"share": "Ver",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "Este co-signatário já foi importado",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "Esta é a chave da carteira do co-signatário, pronta para ser importada para outra carteira. É seguro compartilhá-lo.",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Insira uma seed para importar a sua chave do cofre",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Configurações do Cofre...",
"vault_key": "Chave do cofre {número}",
"view_edit_cosigners": "Ver/editar chaves do cofre",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Editar co-signatários",
"view_key": "ver",
"wallet_key_created": "Sua chave do cofre foi criada. Reserve um momento para fazer backup com segurança de sua seed.",
"wallet_type": "Tipo de carteira",
"what_is_vault": "Um Cofre é um",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": "{m} chaves do cofre",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "para gastar e um terceiro você\npode usar como backup.",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": "{m}-de-{n} multisig",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "wallet",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Melhor compatibilidade"
"notifications": {
"ask_me_later": "Me pergunte mais tarde",
"no_and_dont_ask": "Não e não me pergunte de novo",
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Gostaria de receber notificações quando receber pagamentos?"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "Criar armazenamento criptografada falsa",
"create_password": "Criar senha",
@ -203,24 +275,24 @@
"input_done": "Feito",
"input_paste": "Colar",
"input_total": "Total:",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "Não há assinatura de transação em andamento",
"open_settings": "Abrir configurações",
"permission_camera_message": "Precisamos de sua permissão para usar sua câmera",
"permission_camera_title": "Permissão para usar a câmera",
"open_settings": "Abrir configurações",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "A BlueWallet não conseguiu salvar o arquivo. Abra as configurações do seu dispositivo e ative a permissão de armazenamento.",
"permission_storage_later": "Me pergunte mais tarde",
"permission_storage_message": "A BlueWallet precisa da sua permissão para acessar seu armazenamento e salvar o arquivo.",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "A BlueWallet não conseguiu salvar o arquivo. Abra as configurações do seu dispositivo e ative a permissão de armazenamento.",
"permission_storage_title": "Permissão de acesso ao armazenamento",
"problem_with_psbt": "Problema com a PSBT",
"psbt_clipboard": "Copiar para área de transferência",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "Esta é uma transação bitcoin parcialmente assinada (PSBT). Por favor, termine de assiná-la com sua carteira de hardware.",
"psbt_tx_export": "Exportar para arquivo",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "Não há assinatura de transação em andamento",
"psbt_tx_open": "Abrir transação assinada",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Scanear transação assinada",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "A imagem selecionada não contém um Código QR",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "O arquivo selecionado não contém uma carteira que possa ser importada.",
"success_done": "Enviado",
"txSaved": "O arquivo de transação ({filePath}) foi salvo na pasta Downloads.",
"problem_with_psbt": "Problema com a PSBT"
"txSaved": "O arquivo de transação ({filePath}) foi salvo na pasta Downloads."
"settings": {
"about": "Sobre",
@ -281,22 +353,17 @@
"passwords_do_not_match": "Senhas não conferem",
"plausible_deniability": "Negação plausível...",
"privacy": "Privacidade",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Fornece atalhos se um endereço ou boleto for encontrado em sua área de transferência.",
"privacy_quickactions": "Atalhos da carteira",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Toque e segure o ícone do aplicativo BlueWallet em sua tela inicial para visualizar rapidamente o saldo de sua carteira.",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Leia a área de transferência",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "A BlueWallet exibirá atalhos para lidar com um boleto ou endereço encontrado em sua área de transferência.",
"privacy_system_settings": "Configurações do sistema",
"privacy_quickactions": "Atalhos da carteira",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Toque e segure o ícone do aplicativo BlueWallet em sua tela inicial para visualizar rapidamente o saldo de sua carteira.",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Fornece atalhos se um endereço ou boleto for encontrado em sua área de transferência.",
"push_notifications": "Notificações via push",
"retype_password": "Inserir senha novamente",
"save": "Salvar",
"saved": "Salvo"
"notifications": {
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Gostaria de receber notificações quando receber pagamentos?",
"no_and_dont_ask": "Não e não me pergunte de novo",
"ask_me_later": "Me pergunte mais tarde"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "Substituiremos esta transação por aquela que lhe paga e tem taxas mais altas. Isso efetivamente cancela a transação. Isso é chamado de RBF - Substituir por Taxa.",
"cancel_no": "Esta transação não é substituível",
@ -319,8 +386,8 @@
"details_transaction_details": "Detalhes",
"enable_hw": "Esta carteira não está sendo usada em conjunto com uma carteira de hardware. Gostaria de habilitar o uso da carteira de hardware?",
"list_conf": "conf: {number}",
"pending": "Pendente",
"list_title": "Transações",
"pending": "Pendente",
"rbf_explain": "Substituiremos essa transação por outra com uma taxa mais alta, portanto, ela deve ser confirmada mais rapidamente. Isso é chamado de RBF - Substituir por Taxa.",
"rbf_title": "Aumento de taxa (RBF)",
"status_bump": "Aumento de taxa",
@ -395,80 +462,13 @@
"list_title": "carteiras",
"list_tryagain": "Tente Novamente",
"looks_like_bip38": "Parece uma chave privada protegida por senha (BIP38)",
"pull_to_refresh": "puxe para atualizar",
"reorder_title": "Reordenar carteiras",
"select_no_bitcoin": "No momento, não há carteiras Bitcoin disponíveis.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "Uma carteira Bitcoin é necessária para recarregar as carteiras Lightning. Por favor, crie ou importe um.",
"select_wallet": "Escolher carteira",
"take_photo": "Registrar Foto",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Copiado para a área de transferência",
"pull_to_refresh": "puxe para atualizar",
"xpub_title": "XPUB"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "Cofre",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Segurança para grandes quantidades",
"provide_signature": "Fornece assinatura",
"vault_key": "Chave do cofre {número}",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Chaves obrigatórias do total",
"fee": "Taxa: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"header": "Enviar",
"share": "Ver",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "quantas assinaturas o bluewallet pode fazer",
"scan_or_import_file": "Scan ou importar arquivo",
"export_coordination_setup": "exportação de \"apenas assistir\"",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Assinar esta transação?",
"lets_start": "Vamos começar",
"create": "Criar",
"provide_key": "Forneça a chave",
"native_segwit_title": "Melhor prática",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Melhor compatibilidade",
"legacy_title": "Antigo",
"co_sign_transaction": "Assinar uma transação",
"what_is_vault": "Um Cofre é um",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": "{m}-de-{n} multisig",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "wallet",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Configurações do Cofre...",
"needs": "Necessita",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": "{m} chaves do cofre",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "para gastar e um terceiro você\npode usar como backup.",
"quorum": "{m} de {n} quorum",
"quorum_header": "Quorum",
"of": "de",
"wallet_type": "Tipo de carteira",
"view_key": "ver",
"invalid_mnemonics": "Esta frase mnemônica não parece ser válida",
"invalid_cosigner": "Dados não válidos de assinante",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Signatário incorreto: este não é um signatário para o formato {format}",
"create_new_key": "Criar nova",
"scan_or_open_file": "Scan ou abrir arquivo",
"i_have_mnemonics": "Eu tenho uma seed para esta chave...",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Escreva esta frase mnemônica no papel. Não se preocupe, você pode escrever mais tarde.",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Ok, eu anotei",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Insira uma seed para importar a sua chave do cofre",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "Esta é a chave da carteira do co-signatário, pronta para ser importada para outra carteira. É seguro compartilhá-lo.",
"wallet_key_created": "Sua chave do cofre foi criada. Reserve um momento para fazer backup com segurança de sua seed.",
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Você tem certeza? Sua seed mnemônica será perdida se você não tiver um backup",
"forget_this_seed": "Remover seed e use a chave (xpub)",
"invalid_fingerprint": "A \"fingerprint\" desta seed não corresponde à \"fingerprint\" do co-signatário ",
"view_edit_cosigners": "Ver/editar chaves do cofre",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "Este co-signatário já foi importado",
"export_signed_psbt": "Exportar PSBT assinado",
"input_fp": "Inserir fingerprint",
"input_fp_explain": "pule para usar a padrão (00000000)",
"input_path": "Inserir path de derivação",
"input_path_explain": "pule para usar o padrão ({default})",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Editar co-signatários"
"cc": {
"change": "troco",
"coins_selected": "Moedas selecionadas ({number})",
"empty": "Esta carteira ainda não tem nenhuma moeda",
"freeze": "congelar",
"freezeLabel": "Congelar",
"header": "Controle de moedas",
"use_coin": "Usar moeda",
"tip": "Permite que você veja, marque, congele ou selecione moedas para gerenciar melhor sua carteira."
@ -195,9 +195,9 @@
"input_done": "Feito",
"input_paste": "Colar",
"input_total": "Total:",
"open_settings": "Abrir configurações",
"permission_camera_message": "Precisamos da sua permissão para usar sua câmera",
"permission_camera_title": "Permissão para usar a câmera",
"open_settings": "Abrir configurações",
"permission_storage_later": "Perguntar mais tarde",
"permission_storage_message": "A BlueWallet precisa da sua permissão para aceder ao seu armazenamento para guardar esta transação.",
"permission_storage_title": "Permissão de acesso ao armazenamento",
@ -301,16 +301,13 @@
"transactions_count": "contagem de transações"
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"add_create": "Adicionar",
"add_entropy_generated": "{gen} bytes de entropia gerada",
"add_entropy_provide": "Entropia através de dados",
"add_entropy_remain": "{gen} bytes de entropia gerada. Os bytes {rem} restantes serão obtidos do gerador de números aleatórios do sistema.",
"add_import_wallet": "Importar wallet",
"import_file": "Importar ficheiro",
"add_lightning": "Lightning",
"add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions",
"add_lndhub": "Conecte-se ao seu LNDHub",
"add_lndhub_error": "O endereço de nó fornecido não é um nó LNDHub válido.",
"add_lndhub_placeholder": "seu endereço de nó",
@ -343,14 +340,13 @@
"import_do_import": "Importar",
"import_error": "Falhou. É um dado válido?",
"import_explanation": "Escreva a sua frase mnemónica, chave privada, WIF, ou qualquer informação que disponha. Vamos tentar interpretar o formato e importar a sua wallet",
"import_file": "Importar ficheiro",
"import_imported": "Importada",
"import_scan_qr": "ou scan o QR code?",
"import_success": "Sucesso",
"import_title": "importar",
"list_create_a_button": "Adicionar agora",
"list_create_a_wallet": "Adicionar uma wallet",
"list_create_a_wallet1": "É gratuito e pode",
"list_create_a_wallet2": "adicionar quantas quiser",
"list_empty_txs1": "As suas transacções aparecerão aqui,",
"list_empty_txs1_lightning": "A wallet Lightning deve ser usada para as suas transações diárias. As taxas são muito baixas e a velocidade muito elevada",
"list_empty_txs2": "nenhuma de momento",
@ -362,7 +358,6 @@
"list_long_choose": "Escolher Foto",
"list_long_clipboard": "Copiar da área de transferência",
"list_long_scan": "Leia o código QR",
"take_photo": "Tirar foto",
"list_tap_here_to_buy": "Adquirir Bitcoin",
"list_title": "carteiras",
"list_tryagain": "Tente novamente",
@ -370,6 +365,7 @@
"select_no_bitcoin": "No momento, não há carteiras Bitcoin disponíveis.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "Uma carteira Bitcoin é necessária para recarregar as carteiras Lightning. Por favor, crie ou importe uma.",
"select_wallet": "Seleccione uma Wallet",
"take_photo": "Tirar foto",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "copiado para o clipboard",
"xpub_title": "XPUB da wallet"
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
"_": {
"allow": "Разрешить",
"bad_password": "Неверный пароль, попробуй еще раз.",
"cancel": "Отмена",
"continue": "Продолжить",
"dont_allow": "Запретить",
"enter_password": "Введи пароль",
"file_saved": "Файл ({filePath}) сохранён в папке Загрузки.",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment": "Ошибочный фрагмент QRCode, попробуйте снова",
"never": "Никогда",
"no": "Нет",
"of": "{number} из {total}",
"ok": "OK",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Твоё хранилище зашифровано. Введи пароль для расшифровки",
"allow": "Разрешить",
"dont_allow": "Запретить",
"yes": "Да",
"no": "Нет",
"save": "Сохранить",
"seed": "Сид-фраза",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Твоё хранилище зашифровано. Введи пароль для расшифровки",
"wallet_key": "Ключ кошелька",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Ошибочный фрагмент QRCode, попробуйте снова",
"file_saved": "Файл ({filePath}) сохранён в папке Загрузки."
"yes": "Да"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "Код вашего ваучера",
@ -27,6 +27,16 @@
"success": "Успех",
"title": "Активировать ваучер Azte.co"
"cc": {
"change": "сдача",
"coins_selected": "Выбрано монет ({number})",
"empty": "В этом кошельке пока нет монет",
"freeze": "заморозить",
"freezeLabel": "Заморозить",
"header": "Управление Монетами",
"tip": "Позволяет просматривать, помечать, замораживать или использовать Монеты для гибкого управления кошельком.",
"use_coin": "Использовать Монету"
"entropy": {
"save": "Сохранить",
"title": "Энтропия",
@ -107,7 +117,6 @@
"lndViewInvoice": {
"additional_info": "Дополнительная информация",
"for": "Для:",
"lightning_invoice": "Lightning Invoice",
"has_been_paid": "Этот инвойс оплачен",
"open_direct_channel": "Открыть канал с этой нодой:",
"please_pay": "Пожалуйста оплатите",
@ -115,6 +124,67 @@
"sats": "sats",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "Этот инвойс не оплачен и просрочен"
"multisig": {
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Вы уверены? Ваша сид-фраза будет утеряна если нет резервной копии",
"co_sign_transaction": "Подписать транзакцию",
"confirm": "Поддтвердить",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Участвовать в совместном подписании транзакции?",
"create": "Создать",
"create_new_key": "Создать Новый",
"export_coordination_setup": "экспортировать настройки координатора",
"export_signed_psbt": "Экспортировать PSBT с подписью",
"fee": "Коммисия: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"forget_this_seed": "Забыть сид-фразу и использовать xpub вместо неё",
"header": "Отправить",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "сколько подписей может сделать bluewallet",
"i_have_mnemonics": "У меня есть сид-фраза для этого ключа...",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Я всё записал!",
"input_fp": "Введите отпечаток (finderprint)",
"input_fp_explain": "пропустить и использовать значение по умолчанию (00000000)",
"input_path_explain": "пропустить и использовать значение по умолчанию ({default})",
"invalid_cosigner": "Не действительные данные cosigner",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Не верный cosigner: он не подходит для {format} формата",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Отпечаток этой сид-фразы не соответствует отпечатку фразы cosigner'a ",
"invalid_mnemonics": "Сид-фраза не верна",
"legacy_title": "Устаревший",
"lets_start": "Давайте начнем",
"multisig_vault": "Хранилище",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Лучшая безопасность для больших сумм",
"native_segwit_title": "Лучшая практика",
"needs": "Нужно",
"of": "из",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Пожалуйста, запишите эту мнемоническую фразу на листе бумаги. Не волнуйтесь, это можно сделать и потом.",
"provide_key": "Предоставить ключ",
"provide_signature": "Предоставить подпись",
"quorum": "{m} из {n} кворум",
"quorum_header": "Кворум",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Требуемое количество ключей",
"scan_or_import_file": "Сканировать или импортировать файл",
"scan_or_open_file": "Сканировать или открыть файл",
"share": "Отправить",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "Этот cosigner уже импортирован",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "Это xpub cosigner'а готов к импорту в другой кошелёк. Делится им безопасно.",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Вставьте сид-фразу для импорта вашего ключа хранилища",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Настройки Хранилища...",
"vault_key": "Ключ хранилища {number}",
"view_edit_cosigners": "Просмотр/редактирование cosigner'ов",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Редактировать Cosigner'ов",
"view_key": "посмотреть",
"wallet_key_created": "Ваш ключ Хранилища был создан. Обязательно сделайте резервную копию вашей сид-фразы",
"wallet_type": "Тип кошелька",
"what_is_vault": "Хранилище — это",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": "{m} ключа хранилища",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "чтобы потратить и третий мы можете \nиспользовать как резервный",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": "{m} из {n} мультисиг",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "кошелёк",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Лучшая совместимость"
"notifications": {
"ask_me_later": "Спроси меня позже",
"no_and_dont_ask": "Нет, и больше не спрашивать",
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Хотите получать уведомления при входящих платежах?"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "Создать фальшивое хранилище",
"create_password": "Придумай пароль",
@ -204,24 +274,24 @@
"input_done": "Готово",
"input_paste": "Вставить",
"input_total": "Всего:",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "Нет транзакции в процессе подписания",
"open_settings": "Открыть настройки",
"permission_camera_message": "Нужно ваше разрешение на использование камеры",
"permission_camera_title": "Разрешите пользоваться камерой",
"open_settings": "Открыть настройки",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet не может сохранить этот файл. Пожалуйста, откройте настройки устройства и разрешите использование Хранилища.",
"permission_storage_later": "Спроси меня позже",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet нужно ваше разрешение для доступа к хранилищу, чтобы сохранить этот файл.",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet не может сохранить этот файл. Пожалуйста, откройте настройки устройства и разрешите использование Хранилища.",
"permission_storage_title": "Разрешение на доступ к Хранилищу",
"problem_with_psbt": "Проблема с PSBT",
"psbt_clipboard": "Скопировать в буфер обмена",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "Это частично подписаная транзакция (PSBT). Пожалуйста, завершите подпись в вашем аппаратном кошельке.",
"psbt_tx_export": "Экспортировать в файл",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "Нет транзакции в процессе подписания",
"psbt_tx_open": "Открыть Подписаную Транзакцию",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Сканировать Подписаную Транзакцию",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "Выбранная картинка не содержит QR Code.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "Выбранный файл не содержит кошелька который можно было бы импортировать.",
"success_done": "Готово",
"txSaved": "Файл с транзакцией ({filePath}) сохранён в папке Загрузки.",
"problem_with_psbt": "Проблема с PSBT"
"txSaved": "Файл с транзакцией ({filePath}) сохранён в папке Загрузки."
"settings": {
"about": "О программе",
@ -282,22 +352,17 @@
"passwords_do_not_match": "Пароли не совпадают",
"plausible_deniability": "Двойное дно",
"privacy": "Приватность",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Показать меню с действием, если в Буфере обмена есть адрес или инвойс.",
"privacy_quickactions": "Быстрые команды",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Нажмите и удерживайте значок приложения BlueWallet на главном экране, чтобы быстро просмотреть баланс своего кошелька.",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Чтение Буфера обмена",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet позволит быстро отправить Биткоины, если обнаружит адрес в Буфера обмена.",
"privacy_system_settings": "Настройки системы",
"privacy_quickactions": "Быстрые команды",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Нажмите и удерживайте значок приложения BlueWallet на главном экране, чтобы быстро просмотреть баланс своего кошелька.",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Показать меню с действием, если в Буфере обмена есть адрес или инвойс.",
"push_notifications": "Push-уведомления",
"retype_password": "Набери пароль повторно",
"save": "Сохранить",
"saved": "Сохранено"
"notifications": {
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Хотите получать уведомления при входящих платежах?",
"no_and_dont_ask": "Нет, и больше не спрашивать",
"ask_me_later": "Спроси меня позже"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "Мы заменим эту транзакцию другой, которая платит вам и имеет более высокую комиссию. Это отменит предыдущую транзакцию. Это называется RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"cancel_no": "Эту транзакцию не отменить",
@ -314,19 +379,19 @@
"details_inputs": "Входы",
"details_outputs": "Выходы",
"details_received": "Получена",
"transaction_note_saved":"Заметка о транзакции успешно сохранена.",
"details_show_in_block_explorer": "Показать транзакцию в блокчейне",
"details_title": "Детали транзакци",
"details_to": "Кому",
"details_transaction_details": "Детали транзакции",
"enable_hw": "Кошелек не используется вместе с аппаратным. Вы хотите включить поддержку аппаратного кошелека?",
"list_conf": "{number} подтв.",
"pending": "В процессе",
"list_title": "Мои транзакции",
"pending": "В процессе",
"rbf_explain": "Мы заменим эту транзакцию другой с более высокой комиссией, поэтому будет обработана быстрее. Это называется RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"rbf_title": "Повысить комиссию (RBF)",
"status_bump": "Повысить комиссию",
"status_cancel": "Отменить транзакцию",
"transaction_note_saved": "Заметка о транзакции успешно сохранена.",
"transactions_count": "кол-во транзакций"
"wallets": {
@ -397,81 +462,14 @@
"list_title": "Кошельки",
"list_tryagain": "Попробовать еще раз",
"looks_like_bip38": "Это похоже на закрытый ключ, защищенный паролем (BIP38)",
"pull_to_refresh": "потяните, чтобы обновить",
"reorder_title": "Отсортировать кошельки",
"select_no_bitcoin": "В настоящее время нет доступных биткойн-кошельков.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "Биткойн-кошелек необходим для пополнения Lightning кошельков. Пожалуйста, создайте или импортируйте его.",
"select_wallet": "Выбрать кошелек",
"take_photo": "Сфотографировать",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Скопировано",
"pull_to_refresh": "потяните, чтобы обновить",
"warning_do_not_disclose": "Внимание! Не разглашать",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Скопировано",
"xpub_title": "XPUB кошелька"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "Хранилище",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Лучшая безопасность для больших сумм",
"provide_signature": "Предоставить подпись",
"vault_key": "Ключ хранилища {number}",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Требуемое количество ключей",
"fee": "Коммисия: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "Поддтвердить",
"header": "Отправить",
"share": "Отправить",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "сколько подписей может сделать bluewallet",
"scan_or_import_file": "Сканировать или импортировать файл",
"export_coordination_setup": "экспортировать настройки координатора",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Участвовать в совместном подписании транзакции?",
"lets_start": "Давайте начнем",
"create": "Создать",
"provide_key": "Предоставить ключ",
"native_segwit_title": "Лучшая практика",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Лучшая совместимость",
"legacy_title": "Устаревший",
"co_sign_transaction": "Подписать транзакцию",
"what_is_vault": "Хранилище — это",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": "{m} из {n} мультисиг",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "кошелёк",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Настройки Хранилища...",
"needs": "Нужно",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": "{m} ключа хранилища",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "чтобы потратить и третий мы можете \nиспользовать как резервный",
"quorum": "{m} из {n} кворум",
"quorum_header": "Кворум",
"of": "из",
"wallet_type": "Тип кошелька",
"view_key": "посмотреть",
"invalid_mnemonics": "Сид-фраза не верна",
"invalid_cosigner": "Не действительные данные cosigner",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Не верный cosigner: он не подходит для {format} формата",
"create_new_key": "Создать Новый",
"scan_or_open_file": "Сканировать или открыть файл",
"i_have_mnemonics": "У меня есть сид-фраза для этого ключа...",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Пожалуйста, запишите эту мнемоническую фразу на листе бумаги. Не волнуйтесь, это можно сделать и потом.",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Я всё записал!",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Вставьте сид-фразу для импорта вашего ключа хранилища",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "Это xpub cosigner'а готов к импорту в другой кошелёк. Делится им безопасно.",
"wallet_key_created": "Ваш ключ Хранилища был создан. Обязательно сделайте резервную копию вашей сид-фразы",
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Вы уверены? Ваша сид-фраза будет утеряна если нет резервной копии",
"forget_this_seed": "Забыть сид-фразу и использовать xpub вместо неё",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Отпечаток этой сид-фразы не соответствует отпечатку фразы cosigner'a ",
"view_edit_cosigners": "Просмотр/редактирование cosigner'ов",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "Этот cosigner уже импортирован",
"export_signed_psbt": "Экспортировать PSBT с подписью",
"input_fp": "Введите отпечаток (finderprint)",
"input_fp_explain": "пропустить и использовать значение по умолчанию (00000000)",
"input_path": "Input derivation path",
"input_path_explain": "пропустить и использовать значение по умолчанию ({default})",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Редактировать Cosigner'ов"
"cc": {
"change": "сдача",
"coins_selected": "Выбрано монет ({number})",
"empty": "В этом кошельке пока нет монет",
"freeze": "заморозить",
"freezeLabel": "Заморозить",
"header": "Управление Монетами",
"use_coin": "Использовать Монету",
"tip": "Позволяет просматривать, помечать, замораживать или использовать Монеты для гибкого управления кошельком."
@ -1,28 +1,18 @@
"_": {
"allow": "Povoliť",
"bad_password": "Zlé heslo, prosím skúste to znovu",
"cancel": "Zrušiť",
"continue": "Pokračovať",
"dont_allow": "Nepovoliť",
"enter_password": "Zadajte heslo",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment": "Neplatný animovaný fragment QR kódu. Skúste to znovu, prosím.",
"never": "nikdy",
"no": "Nie",
"of": "{number} z {total}",
"ok": "OK",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Vaše úložisko je zašifrované. Zadajte heslo k odomknutiu",
"allow": "Povoliť",
"dont_allow": "Nepovoliť",
"yes": "Áno",
"no": "Nie",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Neplatný animovaný fragment QR kódu. Skúste to znovu, prosím.",
"file_saved": "File ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder ."
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "Your voucher code is",
"errorBeforeRefeem": "Before redeeming you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.",
"errorSomething": "Something went wrong. Is this voucher still valid?",
"redeem": "Redeem to wallet",
"redeemButton": "Redeem",
"success": "Success",
"title": "Redeem Azte.co voucher"
"yes": "Áno"
"entropy": {
"save": "Uložiť",
@ -30,15 +20,11 @@
"undo": "Späť"
"errors": {
"broadcast": "Broadcast failed",
"error": "Chyba",
"network": "Sieťová chyba"
"hodl": {
"are_you_sure_you_want_to_logout": "Naozaj sa chcete odhlásiť z HodlHodl?",
"cont_address_escrow": "Escrow",
"cont_address_to": "To",
"cont_buying": "buying",
"cont_cancel": "Zrušiť kontrakt",
"cont_cancel_q": "Naozaj chcete zrušiť tento kontrakt?",
"cont_cancel_y": "Áno, zrušiť kontrakt",
@ -48,16 +34,8 @@
"cont_paid": "Označiť kontrakt ako zaplatený",
"cont_paid_e": "Spravte to len, ak ste už odoslali úhradu pomocou dohodnutej platobnej metódy",
"cont_paid_q": "Naozaj chcete označiť tento kontrakt ako zaplatený?",
"cont_selling": "selling",
"cont_st_completed": "Hotovo!",
"cont_st_in_progress_buyer": "Coins are in escrow, please pay seller",
"cont_st_paid_enought": "Bitcoins are in escrow! Please pay seller\nvia agreed payment method",
"cont_st_paid_waiting": "Waiting for seller to release coins from escrow",
"cont_st_waiting": "Waiting for seller to deposit bitcoins to escrow...",
"cont_title": "Moje kontrakty",
"filter_any": "Any",
"filter_buying": "Buying",
"filter_country_global": "Global offers",
"filter_country_near": "Blízko mňa",
"filter_currency": "Mena",
"filter_detail": "Detail",
@ -66,11 +44,7 @@
"filter_iamselling": "Chcem predať bitcoin",
"filter_method": "Platobná metóda",
"filter_search": "Hľadať",
"filter_selling": "Selling",
"item_minmax": "Min/Max",
"item_nooffers": "No offers. Try to change \"Near me\" to Global offers!",
"item_rating": "{rating} trades",
"item_rating_no": "No rating",
"login": "Prihlásiť sa",
"mycont": "Moje kontrakty",
"offer_accept": "Akceptovať ponuku",
@ -92,7 +66,6 @@
"expiresIn": "Expiruje: {time}",
"payButton": "Zaplatiť",
"placeholder": "Faktúra",
"potentialFee": "Potential fee: {fee}",
"refill": "Doplniť",
"refill_card": "Doplniť bankovou kartou",
"refill_create": "Pre pokračovanie, prosím, vytvorte si Bitcoinovú peňaženku",
@ -107,9 +80,7 @@
"has_been_paid": "Táto faktúra bola uhradená",
"open_direct_channel": "Otvoriť priamy kanál s týmto uzlom:",
"please_pay": "Prosím zaplaťte",
"preimage": "Preimage",
"sats": "sats",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "Táto faktúra nebola uhradená a expirovala"
"sats": "sats"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "Vytvoriť falošné zašifrované úložisko",
@ -118,10 +89,8 @@
"help": "Za určitých okolností môžete byť donútení k prezradeniu hesla. K zaisteniu bezpečnosti vaších prostriedkov, BlueWallet môže vytvořiť ďalšie zašifrované úložiská s rozdielným heslom. V prípade potreby môžete toto heslo dať tretej strane. Pokiaľ bude zadané do BlueWallet, odomkne nové \"falošné\" úložisko. Toto bude vyzerať hodnoverne, ale udrží vaše pravé hlavné úložisko v bezpečí.",
"help2": "Nové úložisko bude plne funkčné, môžete naň uložiť minimálnu čiastku, aby vyzeralo uveriteľnejšie.",
"password_should_not_match": "Heslo k falošnému úložisku nesmie byť rovnaké ako heslo k hlavnému úložisku",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Hesla se nezhodujú, skúste znovu",
"retype_password": "Heslo znovu",
"success": "Úspech",
"title": "Plausible Deniability"
"success": "Úspech"
"pleasebackup": {
"ask": "Zapísali ste si svoju zálohovaciu frázu? Táto fráza je nutná pre prístup k vašim prostriedkom v prípade straty či poruchy prístroja. Bez zálohovacej frázy by ste trvale prišli o svoje prostriedky.",
@ -130,7 +99,6 @@
"ok": "OK, zapísané!",
"ok_lnd": "OK, uložené.",
"text": "Prosím zapíšte si túto mnemonic frázu na papier. Slúži ako záloha na obnovu peňaženky na inom zariadení.",
"text_lnd": "Please take a moment to save this LNDHub authentication. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.",
"title": "Vaša peňaženka je vytvorená..."
"receive": {
@ -141,16 +109,11 @@
"header": "Prijať"
"send": {
"broadcastButton": "BROADCAST",
"broadcastError": "chyba",
"broadcastNone": "Input transaction hash",
"broadcastPending": "pending",
"broadcastSuccess": "success",
"confirm_header": "Potvrdiť",
"confirm_sendNow": "Poslať teraz",
"create_amount": "Čiastka",
"create_broadcast": "Odoslať",
"create_copy": "Copy and broadcast later",
"create_details": "Detaily",
"create_fee": "Poplatok",
"create_memo": "Popis",
@ -165,80 +128,41 @@
"details_address_field_is_not_valid": "Adresa nie je správne vyplnená",
"details_adv_fee_bump": "Umožniť navýšenie poplatku",
"details_adv_full": "Použiť celý zostatok",
"details_adv_full_remove": "Your other recipients will be removed from this transaction.",
"details_adv_full_sure": "Are you sure you want to use your wallet's full balance for this transaction?",
"details_adv_import": "Importovať transakciu",
"details_amount_field_is_not_valid": "Čiastka nie je správne vyplnená",
"details_create": "Vytvoriť",
"details_error_decode": "Chyba: Nepodarilo sa dekódovať Bitcoinovú adresu",
"details_fee_field_is_not_valid": "Poplatok nie je správne vyplnený",
"details_next": "Ďalej",
"details_no_maximum": "The selected wallet does not support automatic maximum balance calculation. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_multiple": "The selected wallet does not support sending Bitcoin to multiple recipients. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_signed_tx": "The selected file does not contain a transaction that can be imported.",
"details_note_placeholder": "poznámka pre seba",
"details_scan": "Skenovať",
"details_total_exceeds_balance": "Čiastka, ktorú chcete poslať, presahuje dostupný zostatok.",
"details_wallet_before_tx": "Pred vytvorením transakcie potrebujete najprv pridať Bitcoinovú peňaženku.",
"details_wallet_selection": "Výber peňaženky",
"dynamic_init": "Initializing",
"dynamic_next": "Next",
"dynamic_prev": "Previous",
"dynamic_start": "Start",
"dynamic_stop": "Stop",
"fee_10m": "10m",
"fee_1d": "1d",
"fee_3h": "3h",
"fee_custom": "Custom",
"fee_fast": "Fast",
"fee_medium": "Medium",
"fee_replace_min": "The total fee rate (satoshi per byte) you want to pay should be higher than {min} sat/byte",
"fee_satbyte": "v sat/byte",
"fee_slow": "Slow",
"header": "Poslať",
"input_clear": "Clear",
"input_done": "Done",
"input_paste": "Paste",
"input_total": "Total:",
"permission_camera_message": "Potrebujeme povolenie na použitie kamery",
"permission_camera_title": "Povolenie na použitie kamery",
"open_settings": "Open Settings",
"permission_storage_later": "Požiadať neskôr",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet potrebuje Vaše povolenie na prístup k úložisku, aby sa mohla uložiť transakcia.",
"permission_storage_title": "BlueWallet povolenie na prístup k úložisku",
"psbt_clipboard": "Copy to Clipboard",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "This is a partially signed bitcoin transaction (PSBT). Please finish signing it with your hardware wallet.",
"psbt_tx_export": "Exportovať do súboru",
"psbt_tx_open": "Otvoriť podpísanú transakciu",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Skenovať podpísanú transakciu",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "Vybraný obrázok neobsahuje QR kód.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "Vybraný súbor neobsahuje peňaženku, ktorá by mohla byť importovaná.",
"success_done": "Hotovo",
"txSaved": "Transakcia bola uložená do {filePath}",
"problem_with_psbt": "Problem with PSBT"
"txSaved": "Transakcia bola uložená do {filePath}"
"settings": {
"about": "O BlueWallet",
"about_awesome": "Built with the awesome",
"about_backup": "Vždy si zálohujte kľúče!",
"about_free": "BlueWallet je projekt, ktorý je zdarma a s otvorenými zdrojovými kódmi. Vytvorený používateľmi Bitcoinu.",
"about_release_notes": "Release notes",
"about_review": "Napíšte nám recenziu",
"about_selftest": "Run self test",
"about_sm_github": "GitHub",
"about_sm_telegram": "Telegram chat",
"about_sm_twitter": "Sledujte nás na Twitteri",
"advanced_options": "Pokročilé nastavenia",
"currency": "Mena",
"currency_source": "Prices are obtained from",
"default_desc": "When disabled, BlueWallet will immediately open the selected wallet at launch.",
"default_info": "Default info",
"default_title": "On Launch",
"default_wallets": "Zobraziť všetky peňaženky",
"electrum_connected": "Connected",
"electrum_connected_not": "Not Connected",
"electrum_error_connect": "Can't connect to provided Electrum server",
"electrum_host": "host, for example {example}",
"electrum_port": "TCP port, obvykle {example}",
"electrum_port_ssl": "SSL port, obvykle {example}",
"electrum_saved": "Vaše zmeny boli úspešne uložené. Aby sa zmeny prejavili, môže byť potrebný reštart.",
@ -252,22 +176,15 @@
"encrypt_title": "Bezpečnosť",
"encrypt_tstorage": "úložisko",
"encrypt_use": "Použiť {type}",
"encrypt_use_expl": "{type} will be used to confirm your identity prior to making a transaction, unlocking, exporting or deleting a wallet. {type} will not be used to unlock an encrypted storage.",
"general": "Všeobecné",
"general_adv_mode": "Povoliť rozšírené nastavenia",
"general_adv_mode_e": "When enabled, you will see advanced options such as different wallet types, the ability to specify the LNDHub instance you wish to connect to and custom entropy during wallet creation.",
"general_continuity": "Continuity",
"general_continuity_e": "When enabled, you will be able to view selected wallets, and transactions, using your other Apple iCloud connected devices.",
"groundcontrol_explanation": "GroundControl is a free opensource push notifications server for bitcoin wallets. You can install your own GroundControl server and put its URL here to not rely on BlueWallet's infrastructure. Leave blank to use default",
"header": "Nastavenia",
"language": "Jazyk",
"language_restart": "When selecting a new language, restarting BlueWallet may be required for the change to take effect.",
"lightning_error_lndhub_uri": "Nesprávna LndHub URI",
"lightning_saved": "Vaše zmeny boli úspešne uložené.",
"lightning_settings": "Lightning nastavenia",
"lightning_settings_explain": "Na pripojenie vlastného LND node prosím nainštalujte LndHub a vložte jeho URL tu v nastaveniach. Prázdna hodnota znamená defaultný LndHub\n (lndhub.io)",
"network": "Sieť",
"network_broadcast": "Broadcast transaction",
"network_electrum": "Electrum server",
"not_a_valid_uri": "Nesprávna URI",
"notifications": "Notifikácie",
@ -275,13 +192,7 @@
"password_explain": "Vytvorte si heslo k zašifrovanému úložisku.",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Hesla se nezhodujú",
"plausible_deniability": "Plausible deniability...",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Read Clipboard",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet will display shortcuts for handling an invoice or address found in your clipboard.",
"privacy_system_settings": "Systémové nastavenia",
"privacy_quickactions": "Wallet Shortcuts",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Touch and hold the BlueWallet app icon on your Home Screen to quickly view your wallet's balance.",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Provide shortcuts if an address, or invoice, is found in your clipboard.",
"push_notifications": "Push notifikácie",
"retype_password": "Heslo znovu",
"save": "Uložiť",
@ -305,8 +216,6 @@
"details_title": "Transakcia",
"details_to": "Výstup",
"details_transaction_details": "Detaily transakcie",
"enable_hw": "Táto peňaženka sa nepoužíva v spojení s hardvérovou peňaženkou. Chcete umožniť použitie s hardvérovou peňaženkou?",
"list_conf": "conf: {number}",
"list_title": "transakcie",
"rbf_explain": "Transakciu nahradíme s novou, ktorá má vyšší poplatok, takže bude skôr overená. Tento postup sa volá RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"rbf_title": "Navýšiť poplatok za transakciu (RBF)",
@ -315,16 +224,13 @@
"transactions_count": "počet transakcií"
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"add_create": "Vytvoriť",
"add_entropy_generated": "{gen} bytov vygenerovanej entropie",
"add_entropy_provide": "Vytvoriť entropiu pomocou hodov kockou",
"add_entropy_remain": "{gen} bytov vygenerovanej entropie. Zvyšných {rem} bytov sa získa zo systémového generátora náhodných čísel.",
"add_import_wallet": "Importovať peňaženku",
"import_file": "Import File",
"add_lightning": "Lightning",
"add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions",
"add_lndhub": "Pripojiť sa na LNDHub",
"add_lndhub_error": "Nesprávna adresa uzla LNDHub.",
"add_lndhub_placeholder": "adresa uzla",
@ -343,7 +249,6 @@
"details_delete_wallet": "Zmazať peňaženku",
"details_display": "zobraziť v zozname peňaženiek",
"details_export_backup": "Exportovať / zálohovať",
"details_marketplace": "Marketplace",
"details_master_fingerprint": "Hlavný odtlačok prsta",
"details_no_cancel": "Nie, zrušiť",
"details_save": "Uložiť",
@ -351,7 +256,6 @@
"details_title": "Peňaženka",
"details_type": "Typ",
"details_use_with_hardware_wallet": "Použiť s hardwarovou peňaženkou",
"details_wallet_updated": "Wallet updated",
"details_yes_delete": "Ano, zmazať",
"export_title": "exportovať peňaženku",
"import_do_import": "Importovať",
@ -360,48 +264,26 @@
"import_imported": "Importovaná",
"import_scan_qr": "alebo radšej naskenovať QR kód?",
"import_success": "Úspech",
"looks_like_bip38": "This looks like password-protected private key (BIP38)",
"enter_bip38_password": "Enter password to decrypt",
"import_title": "importovať",
"list_create_a_button": "pridať teraz",
"list_create_a_wallet": "pridať peňaženku",
"list_create_a_wallet_text": "It's free and you can create \nas many as you like",
"list_empty_txs1": "Tu sa zobrazia vaše transakcie,",
"list_empty_txs1_lightning": "Lightning peňaženka by sa mala používať na denné transakcie. Sú bleskovo rýchle a poplatky sú neporovnateľne nižšie/žiadne.",
"list_empty_txs2": "zatiaľ žiadne",
"list_empty_txs2_lightning": "\nKliknite na \"spravovať zostatok\" a naplňte si peňaženku.",
"list_header": "A wallet represents a pair of keys, one private and one you can share to receive coins.",
"list_import_error": "Nastala chyba pri pokuse o import peňaženky.",
"list_import_problem": "Nepodarilo sa importovať peňaženku",
"list_latest_transaction": "posledná transakcia",
"list_long_choose": "Vyberte fotku",
"list_long_clipboard": "Skopírovať zo schránky",
"list_long_scan": "Skenovať QR kód",
"take_photo": "Take Photo",
"list_tap_here_to_buy": "Kliknite sem pre nákup Bitcoinov",
"list_title": "peňaženky",
"list_tryagain": "Skúste znovu",
"reorder_title": "Zoradiť peňaženky",
"select_no_bitcoin": "Žiadne Bitcoinové peňaženky nie sú k dispozícii.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "A Bitcoin wallet is required to refill Lightning wallets. Please, create or import one.",
"select_wallet": "Vyberte peňaženku",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Skopírované do schránky.",
"xpub_title": "XPUB peňaženku"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "Vault",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Best security for large amounts",
"provide_signature": "Provide signature",
"vault_key": "Vault key {number}",
"fee": "Fee: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"header": "Send",
"share": "Share",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "how many signatures can bluewallet make",
"scan_or_import_file": "Scan or import file",
"export_coordination_setup": "export coordination setup",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Co-sign this transaction?",
"co_sign_transaction": "Co-sign QR-airgapped transaction"
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
"_": {
"allow": "Dovoli",
"bad_password": "Napačno geslo, prosimo poskusite ponovno.",
"cancel": "Prekliči",
"continue": "Nadaljuj",
"dont_allow": "Ne dovoli",
"enter_password": "Vnesite geslo",
"file_saved": "Datoteka ({filePath}) je bila shranjena v mapo Prenosi.",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment": "Neveljaven del animirane QR kode, prosimo poskusite ponovno",
"never": "nikoli",
"no": "Ne",
"of": "{number} od {total}",
"ok": "OK",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Shramba je šifrirana. Za dešifriranje je potrebno geslo",
"allow": "Dovoli",
"dont_allow": "Ne dovoli",
"yes": "Da",
"no": "Ne",
"save": "Shrani",
"seed": "Seme",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Shramba je šifrirana. Za dešifriranje je potrebno geslo",
"wallet_key": "Ključ denarnice",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Neveljaven del animirane QR kode, prosimo poskusite ponovno",
"file_saved": "Datoteka ({filePath}) je bila shranjena v mapo Prenosi."
"yes": "Da"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "Koda vašega bona je",
@ -27,6 +27,16 @@
"success": "Uspešno",
"title": "Unovčite Azte.co bon"
"cc": {
"change": "vračilo",
"coins_selected": "Izbrani kovanci ({number})",
"empty": "Ta denarnica trenutno nima kovancev",
"freeze": "zamrznjen",
"freezeLabel": "Zamrznitev",
"header": "Nadzor nad kovanci",
"tip": "Omogoča ogled, označevanje, zamrznitev ali izbiro kovancev za boljše upravljanje denarnice.",
"use_coin": "Uporabi kovanec"
"entropy": {
"save": "Shrani",
"title": "Entropija",
@ -87,6 +97,12 @@
"offer_window": "okno",
"p2p": "P2P menjalnica"
"is_it_my_address": {
"check_address": "Preveri naslov",
"enter_address": "Vnesite naslov:",
"owns": "{label} ima v lasti {address}",
"title": "Je to moj naslov?"
"lnd": {
"errorInvoiceExpired": "Račun je potekel",
"exchange": "Menjalnica",
@ -107,14 +123,76 @@
"lndViewInvoice": {
"additional_info": "Dodatne Informacije",
"for": "Za:",
"lightning_invoice": "Lightning Račun",
"has_been_paid": "Ta račun je bil plačan",
"lightning_invoice": "Lightning Račun",
"open_direct_channel": "Odpri neposreden kanal s tem vozliščem:",
"please_pay": "Prosim plačajte",
"preimage": "Preimage",
"sats": "sats",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "Ta račun ni bil plačan in je potekel."
"multisig": {
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Ali ste prepričani? Če nimate varnostne kopije, bo vaše mnemonično seme izgubljeno",
"co_sign_transaction": "Podpiši transakcijo",
"confirm": "Potrditev",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Sopodpis te transakcije?",
"create": "Ustvari",
"create_new_key": "Ustvari novega",
"export_coordination_setup": "izvoz koordinacijskih nastavitev",
"export_signed_psbt": "Izvozi podpisano PSBT",
"fee": "Omrežnina: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"forget_this_seed": "Pozabi to seme in uporabi xpub",
"header": "Pošlji",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "koliko podpisov lahko naredi bluewallet",
"i_have_mnemonics": "Za ta ključ imam seme...",
"i_wrote_it_down": "V redu, sem si zapisal",
"input_fp": "Vnesite xfp (master key fingerprint)",
"input_fp_explain": "preskoči in uporabi privzetega (00000000)",
"input_path": "Vnesite pot izpeljave (derivation path)",
"input_path_explain": "preskoči in uporabi privzeto ({default})",
"invalid_cosigner": "Neveljavni podatki sopodpisnika",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Nepravilen sopodpisnik: to ni sopodpisnik za {format} obliko",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Prstni odtis (fingerprint) tega semena se ne ujema s sopodpisnikovim",
"invalid_mnemonics": "Zdi se, da to mnemonično seme ni veljavno",
"legacy_title": "Zastarelo",
"lets_start": "Začnimo",
"multisig_vault": "Trezor",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Največja varnost za višje zneske",
"native_segwit_title": "Najb. praksa",
"needs": "Zahtevana sta",
"of": "od",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Prosimo, zapišite si seznam besed (mnemonično seme) na list papirja. Lahko si zapišete tudi pozneje.",
"provide_key": "Vnesite ključ",
"provide_signature": "Vnesite podpis",
"quorum": "{m} od {n} kvorum",
"quorum_header": "Kvorum",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Zahtevani ključi od vseh",
"scan_or_import_file": "Skenirajte ali uvozite datoteko",
"scan_or_open_file": "Skenirajte ali odprite datoteko",
"share": "Deli",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "Ta sopodpisnik je že uvožen",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "To je xpub sopodpisnika, pripravljen za uvoz v drugo denarnico. Varno ga lahko delite.",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Vnesite seme za uvoz obstoječega ključa trezorja",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Nastavitve trezorja...",
"vault_key": "Ključ trezorja {number}",
"view_edit_cosigners": "Prikaži/uredi sopodpisnike",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Urejanje sopodpisnikov",
"view_key": "prikaži",
"wallet_key_created": "Ključ trezorja je bil ustvarjen. Vzemite si trenutek, ter zapišite seznam besed (mnemonično seme) na list papirja.",
"wallet_type": "Tip denarnice",
"what_is_vault": "Trezor je",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": " {m} ključa trezorja, ",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "tretji pa\npredstavlja rezervo.",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-od-{n} multisig ",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "denarnica",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Najb. združljivost"
"notifications": {
"ask_me_later": "Vprašaj me kasneje",
"no_and_dont_ask": "Ne in ne sprašuj več",
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Želite prikaz obvestil ob prejemu plačila?"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "Ustvari Šifrirano shrambo",
"create_password": "Ustvarite geslo",
@ -204,24 +282,24 @@
"input_done": "Končano",
"input_paste": "Prilepi",
"input_total": "Skupaj:",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "Trenutno ne poteka podpisovanje transakcije",
"open_settings": "Odpri Nastavitve",
"permission_camera_message": "Za uporabo kamere potrebujemo dovoljenje",
"permission_camera_title": "Dovoljenje za uporabo kamere",
"open_settings": "Odpri Nastavitve",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet ne more shraniti te datoteke. Odprite nastavitve naprave in omogočite dovoljenje za shranjevanje.",
"permission_storage_later": "Vprašaj me kasneje",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet potrebuje dovoljenje za dostop do vaše shrambe, da shrani to datoteko.",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet ne more shraniti te datoteke. Odprite nastavitve naprave in omogočite dovoljenje za shranjevanje.",
"permission_storage_title": "Dovoljenje za dostop do shrambe",
"problem_with_psbt": "Težava s PSBT",
"psbt_clipboard": "Kopiraj v odložišče",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "To je delno podpisana bitcoin transakcija (PSBT). Dokončajte podpis s svojo strojno denarnico.",
"psbt_tx_export": "Izvozi v datoteko",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "Trenutno ne poteka podpisovanje transakcije",
"psbt_tx_open": "Odpri podpisano transakcijo",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Skeniraj podpisano transakcijo",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "Izbrana slika ne vsebuje QR kode.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "Izbrana datoteka ne vsebuje denarnice, ki jo je mogoče uvoziti.",
"success_done": "Končano",
"txSaved": "Transakcijska datoteka ({filePath}) je bila shranjena v mapo Prenosi.",
"problem_with_psbt": "Težava s PSBT"
"txSaved": "Transakcijska datoteka ({filePath}) je bila shranjena v mapo Prenosi."
"settings": {
"about": "O aplikaciji",
@ -282,22 +360,17 @@
"passwords_do_not_match": "Gesli se ne ujemata",
"plausible_deniability": "Verodostojno zanikanje",
"privacy": "Zasebnost",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Prikaži bližnjice, če je v odložišču najden naslov ali račun.",
"privacy_quickactions": "Bližnjice",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Za ogled stanja denarnice se dotaknite in pridržite ikono aplikacije BlueWallet na domačem zaslonu.",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Branje odložišča",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet bo prikazal bližnjice za obdelavo računa ali naslova, najdenega v odložišču.",
"privacy_system_settings": "Sistemske nastavitve",
"privacy_quickactions": "Bližnjice",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Za ogled stanja denarnice se dotaknite in pridržite ikono aplikacije BlueWallet na domačem zaslonu.",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Prikaži bližnjice, če je v odložišču najden naslov ali račun.",
"push_notifications": "Potisna obvestila",
"retype_password": "Ponovno vpišite geslo",
"save": "Shrani",
"saved": "Shranjeno"
"notifications": {
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Želite prikaz obvestil ob prejemu plačila?",
"no_and_dont_ask": "Ne in ne sprašuj več",
"ask_me_later": "Vprašaj me kasneje"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "To transakcijo bomo nadomestili z novo, ki plača višjo omrežnino. To prekliče prejšnjo transakcijo. To se imenuje RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"cancel_no": "Ta transakcija ni zamenljiva",
@ -314,19 +387,19 @@
"details_inputs": "Vhodi",
"details_outputs": "Izhodi",
"details_received": "Prejeto",
"transaction_note_saved":"Opomba transakcije je bila uspešno shranjena.",
"details_show_in_block_explorer": "Prikaži v raziskovalcu blokov",
"details_title": "Transakcija",
"details_to": "Izhod",
"details_transaction_details": "Podrobnosti transakcije",
"enable_hw": "Ta denarnica se ne uporablja skupaj s strojno denarnico. Ali želite omogočiti uporabo strojne denarnice?",
"list_conf": "potrd: {number}",
"pending": "V teku",
"list_title": "transakcije",
"pending": "V teku",
"rbf_explain": "To transakcijo bomo nadomestili z novo, ki plača višjo omrežnino, zato bi morala biti potrditev hitrejša. To se imenuje RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"rbf_title": "Povečaj omrežnino (RBF)",
"status_bump": "Povečaj omrežnino",
"status_cancel": "Prekliči transakcijo",
"transaction_note_saved": "Opomba transakcije je bila uspešno shranjena.",
"transactions_count": "število transakcij"
"wallets": {
@ -397,87 +470,14 @@
"list_title": "denarnice",
"list_tryagain": "Poskusi ponovno",
"looks_like_bip38": "Zasebni ključ je verjetno zaščiten z geslom (BIP38)",
"pull_to_refresh": "povlecite za osvežitev",
"reorder_title": "Preureditev Denarnic",
"select_no_bitcoin": "Trenutno ni na voljo nobena Bitcoin denarnica.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "Za napolnitev Lightning denarnic je potrebna Bitcoin denarnica. Ustvarite ali uvozite denarnico.",
"select_wallet": "Izberite Denarnico",
"take_photo": "Fotografiraj",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Kopirano v odložišče.",
"pull_to_refresh": "povlecite za osvežitev",
"warning_do_not_disclose": "Opozorilo! Ne razkrivajte",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Kopirano v odložišče.",
"xpub_title": "XPUB denarnice"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "Trezor",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Največja varnost za višje zneske",
"provide_signature": "Vnesite podpis",
"vault_key": "Ključ trezorja {number}",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Zahtevani ključi od vseh",
"fee": "Omrežnina: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "Potrditev",
"header": "Pošlji",
"share": "Deli",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "koliko podpisov lahko naredi bluewallet",
"scan_or_import_file": "Skenirajte ali uvozite datoteko",
"export_coordination_setup": "izvoz koordinacijskih nastavitev",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Sopodpis te transakcije?",
"lets_start": "Začnimo",
"create": "Ustvari",
"provide_key": "Vnesite ključ",
"native_segwit_title": "Najb. praksa",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Najb. združljivost",
"legacy_title": "Zastarelo",
"co_sign_transaction": "Podpiši transakcijo",
"what_is_vault": "Trezor je",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-od-{n} multisig ",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "denarnica",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Nastavitve trezorja...",
"needs": "Zahtevana sta",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": " {m} ključa trezorja, ",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "tretji pa\npredstavlja rezervo.",
"quorum": "{m} od {n} kvorum",
"quorum_header": "Kvorum",
"of": "od",
"wallet_type": "Tip denarnice",
"view_key": "prikaži",
"invalid_mnemonics": "Zdi se, da to mnemonično seme ni veljavno",
"invalid_cosigner": "Neveljavni podatki sopodpisnika",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Nepravilen sopodpisnik: to ni sopodpisnik za {format} obliko",
"create_new_key": "Ustvari novega",
"scan_or_open_file": "Skenirajte ali odprite datoteko",
"i_have_mnemonics": "Za ta ključ imam seme...",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Prosimo, zapišite si seznam besed (mnemonično seme) na list papirja. Lahko si zapišete tudi pozneje.",
"i_wrote_it_down": "V redu, sem si zapisal",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Vnesite seme za uvoz obstoječega ključa trezorja",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "To je xpub sopodpisnika, pripravljen za uvoz v drugo denarnico. Varno ga lahko delite.",
"wallet_key_created": "Ključ trezorja je bil ustvarjen. Vzemite si trenutek, ter zapišite seznam besed (mnemonično seme) na list papirja.",
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Ali ste prepričani? Če nimate varnostne kopije, bo vaše mnemonično seme izgubljeno",
"forget_this_seed": "Pozabi to seme in uporabi xpub",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Prstni odtis (fingerprint) tega semena se ne ujema s sopodpisnikovim",
"view_edit_cosigners": "Prikaži/uredi sopodpisnike",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "Ta sopodpisnik je že uvožen",
"export_signed_psbt": "Izvozi podpisano PSBT",
"input_fp": "Vnesite xfp (master key fingerprint)",
"input_fp_explain": "preskoči in uporabi privzetega (00000000)",
"input_path": "Vnesite pot izpeljave (derivation path)",
"input_path_explain": "preskoči in uporabi privzeto ({default})",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Urejanje sopodpisnikov"
"is_it_my_address": {
"title": "Je to moj naslov?",
"owns": "{label} ima v lasti {address}",
"enter_address": "Vnesite naslov:",
"check_address": "Preveri naslov"
"cc": {
"change": "vračilo",
"coins_selected": "Izbrani kovanci ({number})",
"empty": "Ta denarnica trenutno nima kovancev",
"freeze": "zamrznjen",
"freezeLabel": "Zamrznitev",
"header": "Nadzor nad kovanci",
"use_coin": "Uporabi kovanec",
"tip": "Omogoča ogled, označevanje, zamrznitev ali izbiro kovancev za boljše upravljanje denarnice."
@ -1,32 +1,29 @@
"_": {
"allow": "Tillåt",
"bad_password": "Felaktigt lösenord, försök igen.",
"cancel": "Avbryt",
"continue": "Fortsätt",
"dont_allow": "Tillåt inte",
"enter_password": "Ange lösenord",
"never": "aldrig",
"no": "Nej",
"of": "{number} av {total}",
"ok": "OK",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Lagringen är krypterad. Lösenords krävs för att dekryptera",
"allow": "Tillåt",
"dont_allow": "Tillåt inte",
"yes": "Ja",
"no": "Nej",
"save": "Spara",
"seed": "Seed",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Lagringen är krypterad. Lösenords krävs för att dekryptera",
"wallet_key": "Nyckel till plånbok",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Invalid animated QRCode fragment, please try again",
"file_saved": "File ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder ."
"yes": "Ja"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "Din kupong är",
"errorBeforeRefeem": "Before redeeming you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.",
"errorSomething": "Något gick fel. Är din kupong fortfarande giltig?",
"redeem": "Redeem to wallet",
"redeemButton": "Lös in",
"success": "Success",
"title": "Lös in Azte.co kupong"
"cc": {
"change": "ändra"
"entropy": {
"save": "Spara",
"title": "Entropi",
@ -46,21 +43,12 @@
"cont_cancel_q": "Är du säker på att du vill avbryta detta kontraktet?",
"cont_cancel_y": "Ja, avbryt kontrakt",
"cont_chat": "Öppna chatt med motpart",
"cont_how": "How to pay",
"cont_no": "You don't have any contracts in progress",
"cont_paid": "Markera kontrakt som betalad",
"cont_paid_e": "Do this only if you sent funds to the seller via agreed payment method",
"cont_paid_q": "Är du säker att du vill markera detta kontrakt som betalt?",
"cont_selling": "Säljer",
"cont_st_completed": "Klart!",
"cont_st_in_progress_buyer": "Coins are in escrow, please pay seller",
"cont_st_paid_enought": "Bitcoin hålls som säkerhet! Betala säljaren\nvia överenskommen betalmetod.",
"cont_st_paid_waiting": "Waiting for seller to release coins from escrow",
"cont_st_waiting": "Waiting for seller to deposit bitcoins to escrow...",
"cont_title": "Mina kontrakt",
"filter_any": "Any",
"filter_buying": "Buying",
"filter_country_global": "Global offers",
"filter_country_near": "Nära mig",
"filter_currency": "Valuta",
"filter_detail": "Detaljer",
@ -69,12 +57,7 @@
"filter_iamselling": "Jag säljer bitcoin",
"filter_method": "Betalnings metod",
"filter_search": "Sök",
"filter_selling": "Selling",
"item_minmax": "Min/Max",
"item_nooffers": "No offers. Try to change \"Near me\" to Global offers!",
"item_rating": "{rating} trades",
"item_rating_no": "No rating",
"login": "Login",
"mycont": "Mina kontrakt",
"offer_accept": "Acceptera bud",
"offer_account_finish": "Det verkar som om du inte är klar med att skapa ett HodlHodl konto. Vill du fortsätta med att skapa ditt konto nu?",
@ -89,7 +72,6 @@
"lnd": {
"errorInvoiceExpired": "Fakturan har förfallit",
"exchange": "Exchange",
"expired": "Förfallen",
"expiredLow": "förfallen",
"expiresIn": "Förfaller om: {tid}",
@ -110,9 +92,14 @@
"has_been_paid": "Denna faktura är betald",
"open_direct_channel": "Öppna en direkt kanal med denna nod:",
"please_pay": "Var god betala",
"preimage": "Preimage",
"sats": "sats",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "Denna faktura har ej betalats och är nu utgången"
"sats": "sats"
"multisig": {
"create": "Skapa"
"notifications": {
"ask_me_later": "Fråga mig senare",
"no_and_dont_ask": "Nej och fråga mig inte igen"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "Skapa fejkad lagringsyta",
@ -133,7 +120,6 @@
"ok": "OK, jag har skrivit ned orden!",
"ok_lnd": "Ok, jag har sparat det",
"text": "Innan du går vidare, var snäll och skriv ned dessa ord på ett papper och förvara på ett säkert ställe. De är din backup och säkerställer att du kan återställa din plånbok igen om något händer.",
"text_lnd": "Please take a moment to save this LNDHub authentication. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.",
"title": "Din plånbok har skapats..."
"receive": {
@ -146,7 +132,6 @@
"send": {
"broadcastButton": "SÄND",
"broadcastError": "Fel",
"broadcastNone": "Input transaction hash",
"broadcastPending": "Pågående",
"broadcastSuccess": "Klart",
"confirm_header": "Bekräfta",
@ -166,36 +151,18 @@
"details_add_rec_rem": "Ta bort mottagare",
"details_address": "adress",
"details_address_field_is_not_valid": "Angiven adress är inte giltig",
"details_adv_fee_bump": "Allow Fee Bump",
"details_adv_full": "Use Full Balance",
"details_adv_full_remove": "Your other recipients will be removed from this transaction.",
"details_adv_full_sure": "Are you sure you want to use your wallet's full balance for this transaction?",
"details_adv_import": "Importera Transaction",
"details_amount_field_is_not_valid": "Angivet belopp är inte giltigt",
"details_create": "Skapa",
"details_error_decode": "Error: Unable to decode Bitcoin address",
"details_fee_field_is_not_valid": "Angiven avgift är inte giltig",
"details_next": "Nästa",
"details_no_maximum": "The selected wallet does not support automatic maximum balance calculation. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_multiple": "The selected wallet does not support sending Bitcoin to multiple recipients. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_signed_tx": "The selected file does not contain a transaction that can be imported.",
"details_note_placeholder": "egen notering",
"details_scan": "Skanna",
"details_total_exceeds_balance": "Beloppet överstiger plånbokens tillgängliga belopp",
"details_wallet_before_tx": "Before creating a transaction, you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.",
"details_wallet_selection": "Wallet Selection",
"dynamic_init": "Initializing",
"dynamic_next": "Nästa",
"dynamic_prev": "Föregående",
"dynamic_start": "Starta",
"dynamic_stop": "Stoppa",
"fee_10m": "10m",
"fee_1d": "1d",
"fee_3h": "3h",
"fee_custom": "Custom",
"fee_fast": "Fast",
"fee_medium": "Medium",
"fee_replace_min": "The total fee rate (satoshi per byte) you want to pay should be higher than {min} sat/byte",
"fee_satbyte": "i sat/byte",
"fee_slow": "Långsamt",
"header": "Skicka",
@ -203,169 +170,69 @@
"input_done": "Klart",
"input_paste": "Klistra in",
"input_total": "Totalt:",
"open_settings": "Öppna inställningar",
"permission_camera_message": "Vi behöver ditt godkännande för att använda kameran",
"permission_camera_title": "Tillåtelse för att använda kameran",
"open_settings": "Öppna inställningar",
"permission_storage_later": "Fråga mig senare",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet needs your permission to access your storage to save this file.",
"permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet is unable save this file. Please, open your device settings and enable Storage Permission.",
"permission_storage_title": "Storage Access Permission",
"psbt_clipboard": "Copy to Clipboard",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "This is a partially signed bitcoin transaction (PSBT). Please finish signing it with your hardware wallet.",
"psbt_tx_export": "Exportera till fil",
"no_tx_signing_in_progress": "There is no transaction signing in progress",
"psbt_tx_open": "Open Signed Transaction",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Scan Signed Transaction",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "Bilden innehåller inte en QR kod",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "The selected file does not contain a wallet that can be imported.",
"success_done": "Klart!",
"txSaved": "The transaction file ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder .",
"problem_with_psbt": "Problem with PSBT"
"success_done": "Klart!"
"settings": {
"about": "Om",
"about_awesome": "Built with the awesome",
"about_backup": "Always backup your keys!",
"about_free": "BlueWallet är ett fritt och öppen källkods projekt. Skapad av Bitcoin användare.",
"about_release_notes": "Release notes",
"about_review": "Leave us a review",
"about_selftest": "Run self test",
"about_sm_github": "GitHub",
"about_sm_telegram": "Telegram chatt",
"about_sm_twitter": "Följ oss på Twitter",
"advanced_options": "Advanced Options",
"currency": "Valuta",
"currency_source": "Priser hämtas från",
"default_desc": "When disabled, BlueWallet will immediately open the selected wallet at launch.",
"default_info": "Default info",
"default_title": "Vid uppstart",
"default_wallets": "View All Wallets",
"electrum_connected": "Connected",
"electrum_connected_not": "Not Connected",
"electrum_error_connect": "Can't connect to provided Electrum server",
"electrum_host": "host, for example {example}",
"electrum_port": "TCP port, usually {example}",
"electrum_port_ssl": "SSL port, usually {example}",
"electrum_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully. Restart may be required for changes to take effect.",
"electrum_settings": "Electrum Settings",
"electrum_settings_explain": "Set to blank to use default",
"electrum_status": "Status",
"encrypt_decrypt": "Decrypt Storage",
"encrypt_decrypt_q": "Are you sure you want to decrypt your storage? This will allow your wallets to be accessed without a password.",
"encrypt_del_uninstall": "Delete if BlueWallet is uninstalled",
"encrypt_enc_and_pass": "Encrypted and Password protected",
"encrypt_title": "Security",
"encrypt_tstorage": "storage",
"encrypt_use": "Använd {type}",
"encrypt_use_expl": "{type} will be used to confirm your identity prior to making a transaction, unlocking, exporting or deleting a wallet. {type} will not be used to unlock an encrypted storage.",
"general": "General",
"general_adv_mode": "Enable advanced mode",
"general_adv_mode_e": "When enabled, you will see advanced options such as different wallet types, the ability to specify the LNDHub instance you wish to connect to and custom entropy during wallet creation.",
"general_continuity": "Continuity",
"general_continuity_e": "When enabled, you will be able to view selected wallets, and transactions, using your other Apple iCloud connected devices.",
"groundcontrol_explanation": "GroundControl is a free opensource push notifications server for bitcoin wallets. You can install your own GroundControl server and put its URL here to not rely on BlueWallet's infrastructure. Leave blank to use default",
"header": "inställningar",
"language": "Språk",
"language_restart": "When selecting a new language, restarting BlueWallet may be required for the change to take effect.",
"lightning_error_lndhub_uri": "Not a valid LndHub URI",
"lightning_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully",
"lightning_settings": "Lightning Network",
"lightning_settings_explain": "För att ansluta till din egen LND-nod, installera LndHub och mata in dess URL nedan. Lämna blankt för att använda BlueWallet's LNDHub (lndhub.io). Plånböcker skapade efter att inställningarna sparats kommer att använda den angivna LNDHub:en",
"network": "Nätverk",
"network_broadcast": "Broadcast transaction",
"network_electrum": "Electrum server",
"not_a_valid_uri": "Not a valid URI",
"notifications": "Notifikationer",
"password": "Lösenord",
"password_explain": "Skapa ett lösenord som du kommer att använda vid dekryptering",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Lösenorden är olika!",
"plausible_deniability": "Trovärdigt förnekande...",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Read Clipboard",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet will display shortcuts for handling an invoice or address found in your clipboard.",
"privacy_system_settings": "Systeminställningar",
"privacy_quickactions": "Wallet Shortcuts",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Touch and hold the BlueWallet app icon on your Home Screen to quickly view your wallet's balance.",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Provide shortcuts if an address, or invoice, is found in your clipboard.",
"push_notifications": "Push notifications",
"retype_password": "Ange lösenord igen",
"save": "Spara",
"saved": "Saved"
"notifications": {
"would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Would you like to receive notifications when you get incoming payments?",
"no_and_dont_ask": "Nej och fråga mig inte igen",
"ask_me_later": "Fråga mig senare"
"save": "Spara"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one that pays you and has higher fees. This effectively cancels transaction. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"cancel_no": "This transaction is not replaceable",
"cancel_title": "Cancel this transaction (RBF)",
"cpfp_create": "Skapa",
"cpfp_exp": "We will create another transaction that spends your unconfirmed transaction. The total fee will be higher than the original transaction fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called CPFP - Child Pays For Parent.",
"cpfp_no_bump": "This transaction is not bumpable",
"cpfp_title": "Bump fee (CPFP)",
"details_balance_hide": "Göm saldo",
"details_balance_show": "Visa saldo",
"details_block": "Block Height",
"details_copy": "Kopiera",
"details_from": "Input",
"details_inputs": "Inputs",
"details_outputs": "Outputs",
"details_received": "Received",
"details_show_in_block_explorer": "Visa i block explorer",
"details_title": "Transaktion",
"details_to": "Output",
"details_transaction_details": "Transaktionsdetaljer",
"enable_hw": "This wallet is not being used in conjunction with a hardware wallet. Would you like to enable hardware wallet use?",
"list_conf": "conf: {number}",
"pending": "Pending",
"list_title": "transaktioner",
"rbf_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one with a higher fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"rbf_title": "Bump fee (RBF)",
"status_bump": "Bump Fee",
"status_cancel": "Avbryt transaction",
"transactions_count": "transactions count"
"status_cancel": "Avbryt transaction"
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_create": "Skapa",
"add_entropy_generated": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy",
"add_entropy_provide": "Provide entropy via dice rolls",
"add_entropy_remain": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy. Remaining {rem} bytes will be obtained from the System random number generator.",
"add_import_wallet": "Importera plånbok",
"add_lightning": "Lightning",
"add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions",
"add_lndhub": "Connect to your LNDHub",
"add_lndhub_error": "The provided node address is not valid LNDHub node.",
"add_lndhub_placeholder": "your node address",
"add_or": "eller",
"add_title": "ny plånbok",
"add_wallet_name": "namn",
"add_wallet_type": "typ",
"clipboard_bitcoin": "You have a Bitcoin address on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?",
"clipboard_lightning": "You have a Lightning Invoice on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?",
"details_address": "Adress",
"details_advanced": "Advanced",
"details_are_you_sure": "Är du säker?",
"details_connected_to": "Connected to",
"details_del_wb": "Wallet Balance",
"details_del_wb_err": "The provided balance amount does not match this wallet's balance. Please, try again",
"details_del_wb_q": "This wallet has a balance. Before proceeding, please be aware that you will not be able to recover the funds without this wallet's seed phrase. In order to avoid accidental removal this wallet, please enter your wallet's balance of {balance} satoshis.",
"details_delete": "Radera",
"details_delete_wallet": "Radera plånbok",
"details_display": "visa i listan med plånböcker",
"details_export_backup": "Exportera / ta backup",
"details_marketplace": "Marketplace",
"details_master_fingerprint": "Master fingerprint",
"details_no_cancel": "Nej, avbryt",
"details_save": "Spara",
"details_show_xpub": "Visa plånbokens XPUB",
"details_title": "Plånbok",
"details_type": "Typ",
"details_use_with_hardware_wallet": "Use with hardware wallet",
"details_wallet_updated": "Wallet updated",
"details_yes_delete": "Ja, ta bort",
"enter_bip38_password": "Ange lösenord för att dekryptera",
"export_title": "exportera plånbok",
@ -376,99 +243,19 @@
"import_imported": "Importerad",
"import_scan_qr": "eller skanna QR-kod istället?",
"import_success": "Import lyckad!",
"import_title": "import",
"list_create_a_button": "Ny plånbok",
"list_create_a_wallet": "Ny plånbok",
"list_create_a_wallet_text": "It's free and you can create \nas many as you like",
"list_empty_txs1": "Dina transaktioner kommer att visas här",
"list_empty_txs1_lightning": "Lightningplånboken ska användas för dagliga småtransaktioner. Avgifterna är minimala och transaktioner sker direkt.",
"list_empty_txs2": "men än så länge finns inga!",
"list_empty_txs2_lightning": "\nFör att komma igång klicka på \"sätt in / ta ut\" ovan och sätt in dina första bitcoin.",
"list_header": "A wallet represents a pair of keys, one private and one you can share to receive coins.",
"list_import_error": "An error was encountered when attempting to import this wallet.",
"list_import_problem": "There was a problem importing this wallet",
"list_latest_transaction": "senaste transaktion",
"list_long_choose": "Choose Photo",
"list_long_clipboard": "Copy from Clipboard",
"list_long_scan": "Scan QR Code",
"list_tap_here_to_buy": "Tryck här för att köpa bitcoin",
"list_title": "plånböcker",
"list_tryagain": "Försök igen",
"looks_like_bip38": "This looks like password-protected private key (BIP38)",
"reorder_title": "Sortera plånböcker",
"select_no_bitcoin": "There are currently no Bitcoin wallets available.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "A Bitcoin wallet is required to refill Lightning wallets. Please, create or import one.",
"select_wallet": "Välj plånbok",
"take_photo": "Take Photo",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Kopierad till urklipp",
"pull_to_refresh": "pull to refresh",
"xpub_title": "plånbokens XPUB"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "Vault",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Best security for large amounts",
"provide_signature": "Provide signature",
"vault_key": "Vault key {number}",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Required keys out of the total",
"fee": "Fee: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"header": "Send",
"share": "Share",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "how many signatures can bluewallet make",
"scan_or_import_file": "Scan or import file",
"export_coordination_setup": "export coordination setup",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Co-sign this transaction?",
"lets_start": "Let's start",
"create": "Skapa",
"provide_key": "Provide key",
"native_segwit_title": "Best practice",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Best compatibility",
"legacy_title": "Legacy",
"co_sign_transaction": "Sign a transaction",
"what_is_vault": "A Vault is a",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-of-{n} multisig ",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "wallet",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Vault Settings...",
"needs": "Needs",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": " {m} vault keys ",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "to spend and a 3rd one you \ncan use as backup.",
"quorum": "{m} of {n} quorum",
"quorum_header": "Quorum",
"of": "of",
"wallet_type": "Wallet type",
"view_key": "view",
"invalid_mnemonics": "This mnemonic phrase doesnt seem to be valid",
"invalid_cosigner": "Not a valid cosigner data",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Incorrect cosigner: this is not a cosigner for {format} format",
"create_new_key": "Create New",
"scan_or_open_file": "Scan or open file",
"i_have_mnemonics": "I have a seed for this key...",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Please write down this mnemonic phrase on paper. Don't worry, you can write it down later.",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Ok, I wrote it down",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Insert a seed to import your existing vault key",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "This is the cosigner's xpub, ready to be imported into another wallet. It is safe to share it.",
"wallet_key_created": "Your vault key was created. Take a moment to safely backup your mnemonic seed",
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Are you sure? Your mnemonic seed will be lost if you dont have a backup",
"forget_this_seed": "Forget this seed and use xpub instead",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Fingerprint for this seed doesnt match this cosigners fingerprint",
"view_edit_cosigners": "View/edit cosigners",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "This cosigner is already imported",
"export_signed_psbt": "Export Signed PSBT",
"input_fp": "Enter fingerprint",
"input_fp_explain": "skip to use default one (00000000)",
"input_path": "Input derivation path",
"input_path_explain": "skip to use default one ({default})",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Edit Cosigners"
"cc": {
"change": "ändra",
"coins_selected": "Coins selected ({number})",
"empty": "This wallet doesn't have any coins at the moment",
"freeze": "freeze",
"freezeLabel": "Freeze",
"header": "Coin control",
"use_coin": "Use coin",
"tip": "Allows you to see, label, freeze or select coins for improved wallet management."
@ -47,8 +47,6 @@
"cont_st_completed": "สำเร็จทั้งหมด!",
"cont_st_in_progress_buyer": "เหรียญอยู่ในบัญชีเอสโครว์ กรุณาจ่ายผู้ขาย",
"cont_st_paid_enought": "บิตคอยน์อยู่ในบัญชีเอสโครว์! กรุณาจ่ายผู้ขาย\nโดยวิธีการจ่ายที่ได้ตกลงไว้",
"cont_st_paid_waiting": "Waiting for seller to release coins from escrow",
"cont_st_waiting": "Waiting for seller to deposit bitcoins to escrow...",
"cont_title": "สัญญาของฉัน",
"filter_any": "ใดๆ",
"filter_buying": "กำลังซื้อ",
@ -69,7 +67,6 @@
"login": "เข้าระบบ",
"mycont": "สัญญาของฉัน",
"offer_accept": "ยอมรับข้อเสนอ",
"offer_account_finish": "Looks like you didn't finish setting up account on HodlHodl, would you like to finish setup now?",
"offer_choosemethod": "เลือกวิธีการจ่าย",
"offer_confirmations": "ยืนยัน",
"offer_minmax": "น้อยสุด / มากสุด",
@ -125,7 +122,6 @@
"ok": "ฉันได้เขียนบันทึกไว้แล้ว",
"ok_lnd": "ฉันได้บันทึกไว้แล้ว",
"text": "กรุณาเขียน mnemonic phrase นี้ลงบนกระดาษ ท่านจำเป็นต้องใช้ mnemonic phrase นี้ เพื่อสร้างกระเป๋าสตางค์นี้ในอุปกรณ์อื่น",
"text_lnd": "Please take a moment to save this LNDHub authentication. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.",
"title": "ได้สร้างกระเป๋าสตางค์ของท่านแล้ว"
"receive": {
@ -168,9 +164,6 @@
"details_error_decode": "ผิดพลาด: ไม่สามารถถอดรหัสบิตคอยน์แอ๊ดเดรสได้",
"details_fee_field_is_not_valid": "ค่าธรรมเนียมไม่ถูกต้อง",
"details_next": "ถัดไป",
"details_no_maximum": "The selected wallet does not support automatic maximum balance calculation. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_multiple": "The selected wallet does not support sending Bitcoin to multiple recipients. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_signed_tx": "The selected file does not contain a transaction that can be imported.",
"details_note_placeholder": "หมายเหตุถึงตัวท่านเอง",
"details_scan": "สแกน",
"details_total_exceeds_balance": "จำนวนเงินที่จะส่งเกินเงินที่มี.",
@ -181,28 +174,16 @@
"dynamic_prev": "ก่อนหน้า",
"dynamic_start": "เริ่ม",
"dynamic_stop": "หยุด",
"fee_10m": "10m",
"fee_1d": "1d",
"fee_3h": "3h",
"fee_custom": "Custom",
"fee_fast": "Fast",
"fee_medium": "Medium",
"fee_replace_min": "The total fee rate (satoshi per byte) you want to pay should be higher than {min} sat/byte",
"fee_satbyte": "in sat/byte",
"fee_slow": "Slow",
"header": "ส่ง",
"input_clear": "ลบ",
"input_done": "เสร็จแล้ว",
"input_paste": "วาง",
"input_total": "ยอดรวม:",
"open_settings": "เปิดการตั้งค่า",
"permission_camera_message": "ต้องการคำอนุญาตในการใช้กล้อง",
"permission_camera_title": "อนุญาตในการใช้กล้อง",
"open_settings": "เปิดการตั้งค่า",
"permission_storage_later": "ถามฉันภายหลัง",
"permission_storage_message": " บูลวอลเล็ทต้องการการอนุญาติจากท่านเพื่อบันทึกธุรกรรมนี้",
"permission_storage_title": "ตั้งค่าอนุณาติการใช้ข้อมูลของบูลวอลเล็ท",
"psbt_clipboard": "คัดลอกไปที่คลิ๊ปบอร์ด",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "This is a partially signed bitcoin transaction (PSBT). Please finish signing it with your hardware wallet.",
"psbt_tx_export": "ส่งไปที่ไฟล์",
"psbt_tx_open": "เปิดธุรกรรมที่ลงนามไว้แล้ว",
"psbt_tx_scan": "สแกนธุรกรรมที่ลงนามไว้แล้ว",
@ -213,7 +194,6 @@
"settings": {
"about": "เกี่ยวกับ",
"about_awesome": "Built with the awesome",
"about_backup": "ท่านควรบันทึกคีย์ของท่านเสมอ",
"about_free": "BlueWallet คือโปรเจ็คโอเพนซอร์ส ไม่มีการคิดค่าใช้จ่าย สร้างโดยผู้ใช้บิตคอยน์",
"about_release_notes": "บันทึกของโปรแกรมนี้",
@ -224,9 +204,7 @@
"about_sm_twitter": "ติดตามเราในทวิตเตอร์",
"advanced_options": "ตัวเลือกขั้นสูง",
"currency": "สกุลเงิน",
"currency_source": "ราคาได้มาจาก CoinDesk",
"default_desc": "เมื่อปิดการใช้งาน บูลวอลเล็ทจะเปิดกระเป๋าสตางค์ที่เลือกเมื่อท่านเปิดแอ๊พ",
"default_info": "Default info",
"default_title": "เมื่อเปิดตัว",
"default_wallets": "ดูกระเป๋าสตางค์ทุกอัน",
"electrum_connected": "เชื่อมต่อแล้ว",
@ -240,23 +218,16 @@
"electrum_settings_explain": "ปล่อยว่างไว้เพื่อใช้ค่าเริ่มต้น",
"electrum_status": "สถานะ",
"encrypt_decrypt": "เข้ารหัสที่เก็บข้อมูล",
"encrypt_decrypt_q": "Are you sure you want to decrypt your storage? This will allow your wallets to be accessed without a password.",
"encrypt_del_uninstall": "ลบเมื่อถอนการติดตั้งบูลวอลเล็ท",
"encrypt_enc_and_pass": "Encrypted and Password protected",
"encrypt_title": "ความปลอดภัย",
"encrypt_tstorage": "ที่เก็บข้อมูล",
"encrypt_use": "ใช้ {type}",
"encrypt_use_expl": "{type} will be used to confirm your identity prior to making a transaction, unlocking, exporting or deleting a wallet. {type} will not be used to unlock an encrypted storage.",
"general": "ทั่วไป",
"general_adv_mode": "โหมดขั้นสูง",
"general_adv_mode_e": "When enabled, you will see advanced options such as different wallet types, the ability to specify the LNDHub instance you wish to connect to and custom entropy during wallet creation.",
"general_continuity": "ความต่อเนื่อง",
"general_continuity_e": "When enabled, you will be able to view selected wallets, and transactions, using your other Apple iCloud connected devices.",
"groundcontrol_explanation": "GroundControl is a free opensource push notifications server for bitcoin wallets. You can install your own GroundControl server and put its URL here to not rely on BlueWallet's infrastructure. Leave blank to use default",
"header": "ตั้งค่า",
"language": "ภาษา",
"language_restart": "เมื่อเปลี่ยนภาษา ท่านอาจจำเป็นต้องรีสตาร์ท",
"lightning_error_lndhub_uri": "Not a valid LndHub URI",
"lightning_saved": "บันทึกสำเร็จ",
"lightning_settings": "การตั้งค่าไลท์นิง",
"lightning_settings_explain": "กรณีที่ต้องการต่อเชื่อมไปยังไลท์นิงโนดของท่านเอง กรุณาติดตั้ง LndHub ของท่าน และไส่ URL ที่นี่. ระบบจะใช้ LndHub ของ lndhub.io ในกรณืที่ท่าน ไม่ตั้งค่าใดๆ",
@ -275,11 +246,9 @@
"saved": "บันทึกแล้ว"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one that pays you and has higher fees. This effectively cancels transaction. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"cancel_no": "ธุรกรรมนี้ไม่สามารทเปลี่ยนแทนได้",
"cancel_title": "ยกเลิกธุรกรรม (RBF)",
"cpfp_create": "สร้าง",
"cpfp_exp": "We will create another transaction that spends your unconfirmed transaction. The total fee will be higher than the original transaction fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called CPFP - Child Pays For Parent.",
"cpfp_no_bump": "ธุรกรรมนี้ไม่สามารทเพิ่มค่าธรรมเนียมได้",
"cpfp_title": "เพิ่มค่าธรรมเนียม (CPFP)",
"details_block": "บล็อกไฮต์",
@ -292,25 +261,17 @@
"details_title": "ธุรกรรม",
"details_to": "เอ้าพุท",
"details_transaction_details": "รายละเอียดธุรกรรม",
"enable_hw": "This wallet is not being used in conjunction with a hardwarde wallet. Would you like to enable hardware wallet use?",
"list_title": "ธุรกรรม",
"rbf_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one with a higher fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"rbf_title": "เพิ่มค่าธรรมเนียม (RBF)",
"status_bump": "เพิ่มค่าธรรมเนียม",
"status_cancel": "ยกเลิกธุรกรรม",
"transactions_count": "จำนวนธุรกรรม"
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_bitcoin": "บิตคอยน์",
"add_create": "สร้าง",
"add_entropy_generated": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy",
"add_entropy_provide": "Provide entropy via dice rolls",
"add_entropy_remain": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy. Remaining {rem} bytes will be obtained from the System random number generator.",
"add_import_wallet": "นำเข้ากระเป๋าสตางค์",
"import_file": "นำเข้าไฟล์",
"add_lightning": "ไลท์นิง",
"add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions",
"add_lndhub": "เชื่อมต่ปไปที่ LNDHub ของท่าน",
"add_lndhub_error": "แอดเดรสของโหนดLNDHub ไม่ถูกต้อง",
"add_lndhub_placeholder": "แอดเดรสของโหนดของท่าน",
@ -324,7 +285,6 @@
"details_connected_to": "เชื่อมไปที่",
"details_del_wb": "ยอดรวมของกระเป๋าสตางค์",
"details_del_wb_err": "จำนวนเงินไม่ตรงกับยอดเงินในกระเป๋าสตางค์",
"details_del_wb_q": "This wallet has a balance. Before proceeding, please be aware that you will not be able to recover the funds without this wallet's seed phrase. In order to avoid accidental removal this wallet, please enter your wallet's balance of {balance} satoshis.",
"details_delete": "ลบ",
"details_delete_wallet": "ลบกระเป๋าสตางค์",
"details_display": "แสดงในรายการกระเป๋าสตางค์",
@ -343,26 +303,23 @@
"import_do_import": "นำเข้า",
"import_error": "ไม่สามารถนำเข้าได้. กรุณาตรวจสอบข้อมูลให้ถูกต้อง.",
"import_explanation": "บันทึกนีโมนิค(สิ่งที่ช่วยให้จำได้), ไพร์เวทคีย์, WIF, และทุกๆอย่าง. บูลวอลเล็ทจะพยายามนำเข้ากระเป๋าสตางค์ของคุณ",
"import_file": "นำเข้าไฟล์",
"import_imported": "นำเข้าแล้ว",
"import_scan_qr": "หรือสแกนรหัสคิวอาร์แทน?",
"import_success": "สำเร็จ",
"import_title": "นำเข้า",
"list_create_a_button": "เพิ่มตอนนี้",
"list_create_a_wallet": "สร้างกระเป๋าสตางค์",
"list_create_a_wallet1": "ไม่มีค่าใช้จ่าย และคุณสามารถสร้างกระเป๋าสตางค์",
"list_create_a_wallet2": "ได้มากเท่าที่ต้องการ",
"list_empty_txs1": "ธุรกรรมจะปรากฏที่นี่,",
"list_empty_txs1_lightning": "ควรใช้ไลท์นิงเน็ตเวิร์คสำหรับธุรกรรมประจำวันเท่านั้น ธุรกรรมทันใจและมีค่าธรรมเนียมน้อยมาก",
"list_empty_txs2": "ไม่มี ณ ขณะนี้",
"list_empty_txs2_lightning": "\nแตะที่ \"จัดการเงิน\" เพื่อเริ่มใช้งาน และเติมเงิน",
"list_header": "A wallet represents a pair of keys, one private and one you can share to receive coins.",
"list_import_error": "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการนำเข้ากระเป๋าสตางค์",
"list_import_problem": "มีปัญหาในการนำเข้ากระเป๋าสตางค์",
"list_latest_transaction": "ธุรกรรมล่าสุด",
"list_long_choose": "เลือกรูปภาพ",
"list_long_clipboard": "คัดลอกจากคลิปบอร์ด",
"list_long_scan": "สแกนคิวอาร์โค้ด",
"take_photo": "ถ่ายรูป",
"list_tap_here_to_buy": "กดที่นี่เพื่อซื้อบิตคอยน์",
"list_title": "กระเป๋าสตางค์",
"list_tryagain": "พยายามอีกครั้ง",
@ -370,6 +327,7 @@
"select_no_bitcoin": "ขณะนี้ไม่มีกระเป๋าสตางค์บิตคอยน์",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "ก่อนที่จะเติมเงินเข้ากระเป๋าสตางค์ไลท์นิง ท่านต้องมีกระเป๋าสตางค์บิตคอยน์",
"select_wallet": "เลือกกระเป๋าสตางค์",
"take_photo": "ถ่ายรูป",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "ก๊อปปี้ไปที่คลิปบอร์ดแล้ว.",
"xpub_title": "XPUB ของกระเป๋าสตางค์"
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
"continue": "Devam et",
"enter_password": "Şifre gir",
"never": "asla",
"of": "{number} of {total}",
"ok": "Tamam",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Depolama alani sifrelenmis. Kilidi acmak icin sifre gerekli.",
"yes": "Evet"
@ -15,97 +14,16 @@
"errorBeforeRefeem": "Hesabiniza yuklemeden once bir Bitcoin cuzdani olusturmalisiniz",
"errorSomething": "Birseyler yanlis gitti. Bu kod hala gecerli mi?",
"redeem": "Cüzdana yükle",
"redeemButton": "Yükle",
"success": "Success",
"title": "Redeem Azte.co voucher"
"entropy": {
"save": "Save",
"title": "Entropy",
"undo": "Undo"
"errors": {
"broadcast": "Broadcast failed",
"error": "Error",
"network": "Network error"
"hodl": {
"are_you_sure_you_want_to_logout": "Are you sure you want to logout from HodlHodl?",
"cont_address_escrow": "Escrow",
"cont_address_to": "To",
"cont_buying": "buying",
"cont_cancel": "Cancel contract",
"cont_cancel_q": "Are you sure you want to cancel this contract?",
"cont_cancel_y": "Yes, cancel contract",
"cont_chat": "Open chat with counterparty",
"cont_how": "How to pay",
"cont_no": "You don't have any contracts in progress",
"cont_paid": "Mark contract as Paid",
"cont_paid_e": "Do this only if you sent funds to the seller via agreed payment method",
"cont_paid_q": "Are you sure you want to mark this contract as paid?",
"cont_selling": "selling",
"cont_st_completed": "All done!",
"cont_st_in_progress_buyer": "Coins are in escrow, please pay seller",
"cont_st_paid_enought": "Bitcoins are in escrow! Please pay seller\nvia agreed payment method",
"cont_st_paid_waiting": "Waiting for seller to release coins from escrow",
"cont_st_waiting": "Waiting for seller to deposit bitcoins to escrow...",
"cont_title": "My contracts",
"filter_any": "Any",
"filter_buying": "Buying",
"filter_country_global": "Global offers",
"filter_country_near": "Near me",
"filter_currency": "Currency",
"filter_detail": "Detail",
"filter_filters": "Filters",
"filter_iambuying": "I'm buying bitcoin",
"filter_iamselling": "I'm selling bitcoin",
"filter_method": "Payment method",
"filter_search": "Search",
"filter_selling": "Selling",
"item_minmax": "Min/Max",
"item_nooffers": "No offers. Try to change \"Near me\" to Global offers!",
"item_rating": "{rating} trades",
"item_rating_no": "No rating",
"login": "Login",
"mycont": "My contracts",
"offer_accept": "Accept offer",
"offer_account_finish": "Looks like you didn't finish setting up account on HodlHodl, would you like to finish setup now?",
"offer_choosemethod": "Choose payment method",
"offer_confirmations": "confirmations",
"offer_minmax": "min / max",
"offer_minutes": "min",
"offer_promt_fiat": "How much {currency} do you want to buy?",
"offer_promt_fiat_e": "For example 100",
"offer_window": "window",
"p2p": "A p2p exchange"
"redeemButton": "Yükle"
"lnd": {
"errorInvoiceExpired": "Invoice expired",
"exchange": "Exchange",
"expired": "Süresi doldu",
"expiredLow": "expired",
"expiresIn": "Expires: {time}",
"payButton": "Pay",
"placeholder": "Fatura",
"potentialFee": "Potential fee: {fee}",
"refill": "Yükle",
"refill_card": "Refill with bank card",
"refill_create": "In order to proceed, please create a Bitcoin wallet to refill with.",
"refill_external": "Refill with External Wallet",
"refill_lnd_balance": "Lightning cüzdana bakiye yükle",
"sameWalletAsInvoiceError": "Bir faturayı, oluştururken kullandığınız cüzdan ile ödeyemezsiniz.",
"title": "paraları yönet"
"lndViewInvoice": {
"additional_info": "Additional Information",
"for": "For:",
"has_been_paid": "This invoice has been paid for",
"open_direct_channel": "Open direct channel with this node:",
"please_pay": "Please pay",
"preimage": "Preimage",
"sats": "sats",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "This invoice was not paid for and has expired."
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "Sahte şifreli depolama oluşturun",
"create_password": "Şifre oluştur",
@ -113,21 +31,10 @@
"help": "Bazı koşullar altında, şifrenizi açıklamanız gerekebilir. Paralarınızı güvende tutmak için, BlueWallet başka bir şifre ile şifreli depolama alanı yaratabilir. Baskı altında, Bu şifreyi 3. bir tarafa söyleyebilirsiniz. Girilirse BlueWallet, yeni 'sahte' bir depolamanın kilidini açacaktır. Bu 3. şahıslara normal görünecektir, ancak paraların olduğu ana depolama alanınızı gizlice saklamaya devam edecektir.",
"help2": "Yeni depolama alanı tamamen işlevsel olacak ve ufak bir miktar tutarsanız daha inanılır görünecektir.",
"password_should_not_match": "Sahte depolama şifreniz, ana depolama şifrenizle aynı olmamalıdır",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Şifreler eşleşmedi, tekrar dene",
"retype_password": "Şifrenizi yeniden yazın",
"success": "Başarılı",
"title": "Makul Ret"
"pleasebackup": {
"ask": "Have you saved your wallet's backup phrase? This backup phrase is required to access your funds in case you lose this device. Without the backup phrase, your funds will be permanently lost.",
"ask_no": "No, I have not",
"ask_yes": "Yes, I have",
"ok": "OK, I wrote this down!",
"ok_lnd": "OK, I have saved it.",
"text": "Please take a moment to write down this mnemonic phrase on a piece of paper. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.",
"text_lnd": "Please take a moment to save this LNDHub authentication. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.",
"title": "Your wallet is created..."
"receive": {
"details_create": "Oluştur",
"details_label": "Açıklama",
@ -136,16 +43,10 @@
"header": "Al"
"send": {
"broadcastButton": "BROADCAST",
"broadcastError": "error",
"broadcastNone": "Input transaction hash",
"broadcastPending": "pending",
"broadcastSuccess": "success",
"confirm_header": "Onayla",
"confirm_sendNow": "Şimdi gönder",
"create_amount": "Miktar",
"create_broadcast": "Yayınla",
"create_copy": "Copy and broadcast later",
"create_details": "Detaylar",
"create_fee": "Ücret",
"create_memo": "Not",
@ -153,191 +54,57 @@
"create_this_is_hex": "Bu işlemin hexi, imzalanmış ve ağa yayınlanmaya hazır.",
"create_to": "Kime",
"create_tx_size": "TX boyutu",
"create_verify": "Verify on coinb.in",
"details_add_rec_add": "Add Recipient",
"details_add_rec_rem": "Remove Recipient",
"details_address": "adres",
"details_address_field_is_not_valid": "Adres alanı geçerli değil",
"details_adv_fee_bump": "Allow Fee Bump",
"details_adv_full": "Use Full Balance",
"details_adv_full_remove": "Your other recipients will be removed from this transaction.",
"details_adv_full_sure": "Are you sure you want to use your wallet's full balance for this transaction?",
"details_adv_import": "Import Transaction",
"details_amount_field_is_not_valid": "Miktar alanı geçerli değil",
"details_create": "Oluştur",
"details_error_decode": "Error: Unable to decode Bitcoin address",
"details_fee_field_is_not_valid": "Ücret alanı geçerli değil",
"details_next": "Next",
"details_no_maximum": "The selected wallet does not support automatic maximum balance calculation. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_multiple": "The selected wallet does not support sending Bitcoin to multiple recipients. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_signed_tx": "The selected file does not contain a transaction that can be imported.",
"details_note_placeholder": "kendime not",
"details_scan": "Tara",
"details_total_exceeds_balance": "Gönderme miktarı mevcut bakiyeyi aşıyor.",
"details_wallet_before_tx": "Before creating a transaction, you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.",
"details_wallet_selection": "Wallet Selection",
"dynamic_init": "Initializing",
"dynamic_next": "Next",
"dynamic_prev": "Previous",
"dynamic_start": "Start",
"dynamic_stop": "Stop",
"fee_10m": "10m",
"fee_1d": "1d",
"fee_3h": "3h",
"fee_custom": "Custom",
"fee_fast": "Fast",
"fee_medium": "Medium",
"fee_replace_min": "The total fee rate (satoshi per byte) you want to pay should be higher than {min} sat/byte",
"fee_satbyte": "in sat/byte",
"fee_slow": "Slow",
"header": "Gönder",
"input_clear": "Clear",
"input_done": "Done",
"input_paste": "Paste",
"input_total": "Total:",
"permission_camera_message": "We need your permission to use your camera",
"permission_camera_title": "Permission to use camera",
"open_settings": "Open Settings",
"permission_storage_later": "Ask Me Later",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet needs your permission to access your storage to save this transaction.",
"permission_storage_title": "BlueWallet Storage Access Permission",
"psbt_clipboard": "Copy to Clipboard",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "This is a partially signed bitcoin transaction (PSBT). Please finish signing it with your hardware wallet.",
"psbt_tx_export": "Export to file",
"psbt_tx_open": "Open Signed Transaction",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Scan Signed Transaction",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "The selected image does not contain a QR Code.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "The selected file does not contain a wallet that can be imported.",
"success_done": "Tamam",
"txSaved": "The transaction file ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder ."
"success_done": "Tamam"
"settings": {
"about": "Hakkında",
"about_awesome": "Built with the awesome",
"about_backup": "Always backup your keys!",
"about_free": "BlueWallet is a free and open source project. Crafted by Bitcoin users.",
"about_release_notes": "Release notes",
"about_review": "Leave us a review",
"about_selftest": "Run self test",
"about_sm_github": "GitHub",
"about_sm_telegram": "Telegram chat",
"about_sm_twitter": "Follow us on Twitter",
"advanced_options": "Advanced Options",
"currency": "Para Birimi",
"currency_source": "Prices are obtained from",
"default_desc": "When disabled, BlueWallet will immediately open the selected wallet at launch.",
"default_info": "Default info",
"default_title": "On Launch",
"default_wallets": "View All Wallets",
"electrum_connected": "Connected",
"electrum_connected_not": "Not Connected",
"electrum_error_connect": "Can't connect to provided Electrum server",
"electrum_host": "host, for example {example}",
"electrum_port": "TCP port, usually {example}",
"electrum_port_ssl": "SSL port, usually {example}",
"electrum_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully. Restart may be required for changes to take effect.",
"electrum_settings": "Electrum Settings",
"electrum_settings_explain": "Set to blank to use default",
"electrum_status": "Status",
"encrypt_decrypt": "Decrypt Storage",
"encrypt_decrypt_q": "Are you sure you want to decrypt your storage? This will allow your wallets to be accessed without a password.",
"encrypt_del_uninstall": "Delete if BlueWallet is uninstalled",
"encrypt_enc_and_pass": "Encrypted and Password protected",
"encrypt_title": "Security",
"encrypt_tstorage": "storage",
"encrypt_use": "Use {type}",
"encrypt_use_expl": "{type} will be used to confirm your identity prior to making a transaction, unlocking, exporting or deleting a wallet. {type} will not be used to unlock an encrypted storage.",
"general": "General",
"general_adv_mode": "Enable advanced mode",
"general_adv_mode_e": "When enabled, you will see advanced options such as different wallet types, the ability to specify the LNDHub instance you wish to connect to and custom entropy during wallet creation.",
"general_continuity": "Continuity",
"general_continuity_e": "When enabled, you will be able to view selected wallets, and transactions, using your other Apple iCloud connected devices.",
"groundcontrol_explanation": "GroundControl is a free opensource push notifications server for bitcoin wallets. You can install your own GroundControl server and put its URL here to not rely on BlueWallet's infrastructure. Leave blank to use default",
"header": "ayarlar",
"language": "Dil",
"language_restart": "When selecting a new language, restarting BlueWallet may be required for the change to take effect.",
"lightning_error_lndhub_uri": "Not a valid LndHub URI",
"lightning_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully",
"lightning_settings": "Lightning Ayarları",
"lightning_settings_explain": "Kendi LND düğümünüze bağlanmak için lütfen LndHubı yükleyin. ve URL’sini buraya, ayarlara yazın. BlueWallet'in LNDHub (lndhub.io) programını kullanmak için boş bırakın. Değişiklikleri kaydettikten sonra oluşturulan cüzdanlar belirtilen LNDHub'a bağlanacaktır.",
"network": "Network",
"network_broadcast": "Broadcast transaction",
"network_electrum": "Electrum server",
"not_a_valid_uri": "Not a valid URI",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"password": "Şifre",
"password_explain": "Depolamanın şifresini çözmek için kullanacağınız şifreyi oluşturun",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Şifreler eşleşmedi",
"plausible_deniability": "Makul ret...",
"push_notifications": "Push notifications",
"retype_password": "Şifrenizi yeniden girin",
"save": "Kaydet",
"saved": "Saved"
"save": "Kaydet"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one that pays you and has higher fees. This effectively cancels transaction. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"cancel_no": "This transaction is not replaceable",
"cancel_title": "Cancel this transaction (RBF)",
"cpfp_create": "Create",
"cpfp_exp": "We will create another transaction that spends your unconfirmed transaction. The total fee will be higher than the original transaction fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called CPFP - Child Pays For Parent.",
"cpfp_no_bump": "This transaction is not bumpable",
"cpfp_title": "Bump fee (CPFP)",
"details_block": "Block Height",
"details_copy": "Kopya",
"details_from": "Girdi",
"details_inputs": "Inputs",
"details_outputs": "Outputs",
"details_received": "Received",
"details_show_in_block_explorer": "Blok gezgininde göster",
"details_title": "İşlem",
"details_to": "Çıktı",
"details_transaction_details": "İşlem detayları",
"enable_hw": "This wallet is not being used in conjunction with a hardwarde wallet. Would you like to enable hardware wallet use?",
"list_title": "işlemler",
"rbf_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one with a higher fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"rbf_title": "Bump fee (RBF)",
"status_bump": "Bump Fee",
"status_cancel": "Cancel Transaction",
"transactions_count": "transactions count"
"list_title": "işlemler"
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"add_create": "Oluştur",
"add_entropy_generated": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy",
"add_entropy_provide": "Provide entropy via dice rolls",
"add_entropy_remain": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy. Remaining {rem} bytes will be obtained from the System random number generator.",
"add_import_wallet": "Cüzdan İçeri Yükle",
"import_file": "Import File",
"add_lightning": "Lightning",
"add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions",
"add_lndhub": "Connect to your LNDHub",
"add_lndhub_error": "The provided node address is not valid LNDHub node.",
"add_lndhub_placeholder": "your node address",
"add_or": "veya",
"add_title": "cüzdan ekle",
"add_wallet_name": "isim",
"add_wallet_type": "tip",
"details_address": "Adres",
"details_advanced": "Advanced",
"details_are_you_sure": "Emin misiniz?",
"details_connected_to": "Connected to",
"details_del_wb": "Wallet Balance",
"details_del_wb_err": "The provided balance amount does not match this wallet's balance. Please, try again",
"details_del_wb_q": "This wallet has a balance. Before proceeding, please be aware that you will not be able to recover the funds without this wallet's seed phrase. In order to avoid accidental removal this wallet, please enter your wallet's balance of {balance} satoshis.",
"details_delete": "Sil",
"details_delete_wallet": "Delete wallet",
"details_display": "display in wallets list",
"details_export_backup": "Dışa yükle / yedekle",
"details_marketplace": "Marketplace",
"details_master_fingerprint": "Master fingerprint",
"details_no_cancel": "Hayır, vazgeç",
"details_save": "Kaydet",
"details_show_xpub": "Cüzdan XPUB göster",
"details_title": "Cüzdan",
"details_type": "Tip",
"details_use_with_hardware_wallet": "Use with hardware wallet",
"details_wallet_updated": "Wallet updated",
"details_yes_delete": "Evet, sil",
"export_title": "cüzdan yedekle",
"import_do_import": "İçe Aktar",
@ -349,26 +116,12 @@
"import_title": "içeri yükle",
"list_create_a_button": "şimdi ekle",
"list_create_a_wallet": "Cüzdan oluştur",
"list_create_a_wallet1": "Oluşturması bedava ve",
"list_create_a_wallet2": "istediğiniz kadar oluşturabilirsiniz",
"list_empty_txs1": "İşlemleriniz burada görünür,",
"list_empty_txs1_lightning": "Lightning wallet should be used for your daily transactions. Fees are unfairly cheap and speed is blazing fast.",
"list_empty_txs2": "şu anda hiç yok",
"list_empty_txs2_lightning": "\nTo start using it tap on \"manage funds\" and topup your balance.",
"list_header": "A wallet represents a pair of keys, one private and one you can share to receive coins.",
"list_import_error": "An error was encountered when attempting to import this wallet.",
"list_import_problem": "There was a problem importing this wallet",
"list_latest_transaction": "en son işlem",
"list_long_choose": "Choose Photo",
"list_long_clipboard": "Copy from Clipboard",
"list_long_scan": "Scan QR Code",
"take_photo": "Take Photo",
"list_tap_here_to_buy": "Bitcoin almak için buraya dokunun",
"list_title": "cüzdanlar",
"list_tryagain": "Try Again",
"reorder_title": "Cüzdanları Sırala",
"select_no_bitcoin": "There are currently no Bitcoin wallets available.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "A Bitcoin wallet is required to refill Lightning wallets. Please, create or import one.",
"select_wallet": "Cüzdan Seç",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Panoya kopyalandı",
"xpub_title": "cüzdan XPUB"
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
"details_create": "Створити",
"details_fee_field_is_not_valid": "Поле `комісія` не валідно",
"details_note_placeholder": "примітка платежу",
"details_scan": "Скан QR",
"details_scan": "Скан",
"details_total_exceeds_balance": "total_exceeds_balance",
"header": "Переказ"
@ -95,8 +95,6 @@
"import_title": "імпорт",
"list_create_a_button": "додати зараз",
"list_create_a_wallet": "додати гаманець",
"list_create_a_wallet1": "Це безкоштовно і можно",
"list_create_a_wallet2": "створювати безліч",
"list_empty_txs1": "Транзакціі з'являться тут,",
"list_empty_txs2": "поки що жодноі",
"list_latest_transaction": "остання транзакція",
@ -1,30 +1,5 @@
"_": {
"bad_password": "Bad password, try again",
"ok": "OK",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Lưu trữ của bạn được mã hoá. Mật khẩu được yêu cầu để giải mã"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "Create fake encrypted storage",
"create_password_explanation": "Password for fake storage should not match password for your main storage",
"help": "Under certain circumstances, you might be forced to disclose a password. To keep your coins safe, BlueWallet can create another encrypted storage, with a different password. Under pressure, you can disclose this password to a 3rd party. If entered in BlueWallet, it will unlock new 'fake' storage. This will seem legit to a 3rd party, but will secretly keep your main storage with coins safe.",
"help2": "New storage will be fully functional, and you can store some minimum amounts there so it looks more believable.",
"password_should_not_match": "Password for fake storage should not match password for your main storage"
"send": {
"details_create": "Create"
"settings": {
"general_adv_mode": "Enable advanced mode",
"plausible_deniability": "Plausible deniability..."
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"import_scan_qr": "or scan QR code instead?",
"import_success": "Success",
"list_empty_txs1": "Your transactions will appear here,",
"list_empty_txs2": "none at the moment",
"list_tap_here_to_buy": "Tap here to buy Bitcoin"
@ -81,7 +81,6 @@
"list_title": "transaksies"
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"add_create": "Skep",
"add_import_wallet": "Beursie Invoer",
@ -108,8 +107,6 @@
"import_success": "Suksesvol",
"import_title": "Invoer",
"list_create_a_wallet": "Skep ‘n beursie",
"list_create_a_wallet1": "Dit is gratis so skep",
"list_create_a_wallet2": "soveel as wat u benodig",
"list_empty_txs1": "U transaksies is hier beskikbaar,",
"list_empty_txs2": "huidiglik geen transaksies",
"list_latest_transaction": "laaste transaksie",
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
"add_create": "Yakha",
"add_import_wallet": "Ukungenisa ingxowa",
"add_lightning": "Umbane",
"add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions",
"add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions",
"add_or": "okanye",
"add_title": "yongeza ingxowa",
"add_wallet_name": "igama lengxowa",
@ -110,8 +110,6 @@
"import_success": "Iphumelele",
"import_title": "ukungenisa",
"list_create_a_wallet": "Yenza ingxowa",
"list_create_a_wallet1": "Ayihlawulelwa kwaye ungayenza",
"list_create_a_wallet2": "Ungenza zibeninzi indlela zokuhlawula",
"list_empty_txs1": "Intengiso yakho iya kubonakala apha,",
"list_empty_txs2": "akuho nanye okwangoku",
"list_latest_transaction": "Utshintsho olutsha",
@ -1,31 +1,21 @@
"_": {
"allow": "允许",
"bad_password": "密码无效,请重试",
"cancel": "取消",
"continue": "继续",
"enter_password": "输入密码",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment": "无效的动态二维码,请重试",
"never": "不",
"of": "{number} of {total}",
"ok": "好的",
"storage_is_encrypted": "你的信息已经被加密, 请输入密码解密",
"allow": "允许",
"dont_allow": "Don't Allow",
"yes": "是的",
"no": "No",
"save": "保存",
"seed": "种子",
"wallet_key": "Wallet key",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "无效的动态二维码,请重试",
"file_saved": "File ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder ."
"storage_is_encrypted": "你的信息已经被加密, 请输入密码解密",
"yes": "是的"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "Your voucher code is",
"errorBeforeRefeem": "你需先添加一个Bitcoin钱包",
"errorSomething": "Something went wrong. Is this voucher still valid?",
"redeem": "Redeem to wallet",
"redeemButton": "Redeem",
"success": "成功",
"title": "Redeem Azte.co voucher"
"success": "成功"
"entropy": {
"save": "保存",
@ -39,29 +29,11 @@
"hodl": {
"are_you_sure_you_want_to_logout": "您确定要注销HodlHodl吗?",
"cont_address_escrow": "Escrow",
"cont_address_to": "发给\n",
"cont_buying": "购买",
"cont_cancel": "Cancel contract",
"cont_cancel_q": "Are you sure you want to cancel this contract?",
"cont_cancel_y": "Yes, cancel contract",
"cont_chat": "Open chat with counterparty",
"cont_how": "如何支付",
"cont_no": "You don't have any contracts in progress",
"cont_paid": "Mark contract as Paid",
"cont_paid_e": "Do this only if you sent funds to the seller via agreed payment method",
"cont_paid_q": "Are you sure you want to mark this contract as paid?",
"cont_selling": "selling",
"cont_st_completed": "全部完成",
"cont_st_in_progress_buyer": "Coins are in escrow, please pay seller",
"cont_st_paid_enought": "Bitcoins are in escrow! Please pay seller\nvia agreed payment method",
"cont_st_paid_waiting": "Waiting for seller to release coins from escrow",
"cont_st_waiting": "Waiting for seller to deposit bitcoins to escrow...",
"cont_title": "我的联系人",
"filter_any": "Any",
"filter_buying": "Buying",
"filter_country_global": "Global offers",
"filter_country_near": "Near me",
"filter_currency": "币种",
"filter_detail": "详细信息",
"filter_filters": "过滤器",
@ -69,50 +41,28 @@
"filter_iamselling": "我要卖比特币",
"filter_method": "支付方式",
"filter_search": "搜索",
"filter_selling": "Selling",
"item_minmax": "最小/最大",
"item_nooffers": "No offers. Try to change \"Near me\" to Global offers!",
"item_rating": "{rating} trades",
"item_rating_no": "No rating",
"login": "登录",
"mycont": "My contracts",
"offer_accept": "Accept offer",
"offer_account_finish": "Looks like you didn't finish setting up account on HodlHodl, would you like to finish setup now?",
"offer_choosemethod": "Choose payment method",
"offer_confirmations": "confirmations",
"offer_minmax": "最小 / 最大",
"offer_minutes": "最小",
"offer_promt_fiat": "How much {currency} do you want to buy?",
"offer_promt_fiat_e": "例如100",
"offer_window": "窗口",
"p2p": "一种点对点交易"
"lnd": {
"errorInvoiceExpired": "凭证已过期",
"exchange": "Exchange",
"expired": "超时",
"expiredLow": "已过期",
"expiresIn": "Expires: {time}",
"payButton": "支付",
"placeholder": "凭证",
"potentialFee": "Potential fee: {fee}",
"refill": "充值",
"refill_card": "Refill with bank card",
"refill_create": "In order to proceed, please create a Bitcoin wallet to refill with.",
"refill_external": "Refill with External Wallet",
"refill_lnd_balance": "给闪电钱包充值",
"sameWalletAsInvoiceError": "你不能用创建账单的钱包去支付该账单",
"title": "配置资金支持"
"lndViewInvoice": {
"additional_info": "Additional Information",
"for": "For:",
"has_been_paid": "This invoice has been paid for",
"open_direct_channel": "Open direct channel with this node:",
"please_pay": "请支付",
"preimage": "Preimage",
"sats": "sats",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "凭证未完成支付,已过期"
"sats": "sats"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "创建虚拟加密存储",
@ -121,13 +71,11 @@
"help": "在某些情况下, 你不得不暴露 密码. 为了让你的比特币更加安全, BlueWallet可以创建一些 加密空间, 用不同的密码. 在压力之下, 你可以暴露这个钱包密码. 再次进入 BlueWallet, 我们会解锁一些虚拟空间. 对第三方来说看上去是合理的, 但会偷偷的帮你保证主钱包的安全 币也就安全了.",
"help2": "新的空间具备完整的功能,你可以存在 少量的金额在里面.",
"password_should_not_match": "虚拟存储空间密码不能和主存储空间密码相同",
"passwords_do_not_match": "两次输入密码不同,请重新输入",
"retype_password": "重输密码",
"success": "成功",
"title": "可否认性"
"pleasebackup": {
"ask": "Have you saved your wallet's backup phrase? This backup phrase is required to access your funds in case you lose this device. Without the backup phrase, your funds will be permanently lost.",
"ask_no": "不,我还没有",
"ask_yes": "是的,已完成",
"ok": "OK!我已抄下来!",
@ -147,13 +95,11 @@
"broadcastButton": "广播",
"broadcastError": "错误",
"broadcastNone": "交易输入的哈希",
"broadcastPending": "pending",
"broadcastSuccess": "成功",
"confirm_header": "确认",
"confirm_sendNow": "现在发送",
"create_amount": "金额",
"create_broadcast": "广播",
"create_copy": "Copy and broadcast later",
"create_details": "详情",
"create_fee": "手续费",
"create_memo": "消息",
@ -161,202 +107,60 @@
"create_this_is_hex": "这个是交易的十六进制数据, 签名并广播到全网络.",
"create_to": "到",
"create_tx_size": "交易大小",
"create_verify": "Verify on coinb.in",
"details_add_rec_add": "Add Recipient",
"details_add_rec_rem": "Remove Recipient",
"details_address": "地址",
"details_address_field_is_not_valid": "地址内容无效",
"details_adv_fee_bump": "Allow Fee Bump",
"details_adv_full": "Use Full Balance",
"details_adv_full_remove": "Your other recipients will be removed from this transaction.",
"details_adv_full_sure": "Are you sure you want to use your wallet's full balance for this transaction?",
"details_adv_import": "Import Transaction",
"details_amount_field_is_not_valid": "金额格式无效",
"details_create": "创建",
"details_error_decode": "Error: Unable to decode Bitcoin address",
"details_fee_field_is_not_valid": "费用格式无效",
"details_next": "Next",
"details_no_maximum": "The selected wallet does not support automatic maximum balance calculation. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_multiple": "The selected wallet does not support sending Bitcoin to multiple recipients. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_signed_tx": "The selected file does not contain a transaction that can be imported.",
"details_note_placeholder": "消息",
"details_scan": "扫描",
"details_total_exceeds_balance": "余额不足",
"details_wallet_before_tx": "Before creating a transaction, you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.",
"details_wallet_selection": "选择钱包",
"dynamic_init": "Initializing",
"dynamic_next": "Next",
"dynamic_prev": "Previous",
"dynamic_start": "Start",
"dynamic_stop": "Stop",
"fee_10m": "10m",
"fee_1d": "1d",
"fee_3h": "3h",
"fee_custom": "Custom",
"fee_fast": "Fast",
"fee_medium": "Medium",
"fee_replace_min": "The total fee rate (satoshi per byte) you want to pay should be higher than {min} sat/byte",
"fee_satbyte": "in sat/byte",
"fee_slow": "Slow",
"header": "发送",
"input_clear": "Clear",
"input_done": "Done",
"input_paste": "Paste",
"input_total": "Total:",
"permission_camera_message": "We need your permission to use your camera",
"permission_camera_title": "Permission to use camera",
"open_settings": "Open Settings",
"permission_storage_later": "Ask Me Later",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet needs your permission to access your storage to save this transaction.",
"permission_storage_title": "BlueWallet Storage Access Permission",
"psbt_clipboard": "Copy to Clipboard",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "This is a partially signed bitcoin transaction (PSBT). Please finish signing it with your hardware wallet.",
"psbt_tx_export": "Export to file",
"psbt_tx_open": "Open Signed Transaction",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Scan Signed Transaction",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "The selected image does not contain a QR Code.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "The selected file does not contain a wallet that can be imported.",
"success_done": "完成",
"txSaved": "The transaction file ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder .",
"problem_with_psbt": "Problem with PSBT"
"success_done": "完成"
"settings": {
"about": "关于",
"about_awesome": "Built with the awesome",
"about_backup": "Always backup your keys!",
"about_free": "BlueWallet is a free and open source project. Crafted by Bitcoin users.",
"about_release_notes": "Release notes",
"about_review": "Leave us a review",
"about_selftest": "Run self test",
"about_sm_github": "GitHub",
"about_sm_telegram": "Telegram chat",
"about_sm_twitter": "Follow us on Twitter",
"advanced_options": "Advanced Options",
"currency": "货币",
"currency_source": "Prices are obtained from",
"default_desc": "When disabled, BlueWallet will immediately open the selected wallet at launch.",
"default_info": "Default info",
"default_title": "On Launch",
"default_wallets": "View All Wallets",
"electrum_connected": "Connected",
"electrum_connected_not": "Not Connected",
"electrum_error_connect": "Can't connect to provided Electrum server",
"electrum_host": "host, for example {example}",
"electrum_port": "TCP port, usually {example}",
"electrum_port_ssl": "SSL port, usually {example}",
"electrum_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully. Restart may be required for changes to take effect.",
"electrum_settings": "Electrum Settings",
"electrum_settings_explain": "Set to blank to use default",
"electrum_status": "Status",
"encrypt_decrypt": "Decrypt Storage",
"encrypt_decrypt_q": "Are you sure you want to decrypt your storage? This will allow your wallets to be accessed without a password.",
"encrypt_del_uninstall": "Delete if BlueWallet is uninstalled",
"encrypt_enc_and_pass": "Encrypted and Password protected",
"encrypt_title": "Security",
"encrypt_tstorage": "storage",
"encrypt_use": "Use {type}",
"encrypt_use_expl": "{type} will be used to confirm your identity prior to making a transaction, unlocking, exporting or deleting a wallet. {type} will not be used to unlock an encrypted storage.",
"general": "General",
"general_adv_mode": "Enable advanced mode",
"general_adv_mode_e": "When enabled, you will see advanced options such as different wallet types, the ability to specify the LNDHub instance you wish to connect to and custom entropy during wallet creation.",
"general_continuity": "Continuity",
"general_continuity_e": "When enabled, you will be able to view selected wallets, and transactions, using your other Apple iCloud connected devices.",
"groundcontrol_explanation": "GroundControl is a free opensource push notifications server for bitcoin wallets. You can install your own GroundControl server and put its URL here to not rely on BlueWallet's infrastructure. Leave blank to use default",
"header": "设置",
"language": "语言",
"language_restart": "When selecting a new language, restarting BlueWallet may be required for the change to take effect.",
"lightning_error_lndhub_uri": "Not a valid LndHub URI",
"lightning_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully",
"lightning_settings": "闪电网络设置",
"lightning_settings_explain": "如要要连接你自己的闪电节点请安装LndHub 并把url地址输入到下面. 空白将使用默认的LndHub (lndhub.io)",
"network": "Network",
"network_broadcast": "Broadcast transaction",
"network_electrum": "Electrum server",
"not_a_valid_uri": "Not a valid URI",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"password": "密码",
"password_explain": "创建你的加密密码",
"passwords_do_not_match": "两次输入密码不同",
"plausible_deniability": "可否认性...",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Read Clipboard",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet will display shortcuts for handling an invoice or address found in your clipboard.",
"privacy_system_settings": "System Settings",
"privacy_quickactions": "Wallet Shortcuts",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Touch and hold the BlueWallet app icon on your Home Screen to quickly view your wallet's balance.",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Provide shortcuts if an address, or invoice, is found in your clipboard.",
"push_notifications": "Push notifications",
"retype_password": "再次输入密码",
"save": "保存",
"saved": "Saved"
"save": "保存"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one that pays you and has higher fees. This effectively cancels transaction. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"cancel_no": "This transaction is not replaceable",
"cancel_title": "Cancel this transaction (RBF)",
"cpfp_create": "Create",
"cpfp_exp": "We will create another transaction that spends your unconfirmed transaction. The total fee will be higher than the original transaction fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called CPFP - Child Pays For Parent.",
"cpfp_no_bump": "This transaction is not bumpable",
"cpfp_title": "Bump fee (CPFP)",
"details_balance_hide": "Hide Balance",
"details_balance_show": "Show Balance",
"details_block": "Block Height",
"details_copy": "复制",
"details_from": "输入",
"details_inputs": "Inputs",
"details_outputs": "Outputs",
"details_received": "Received",
"details_show_in_block_explorer": "区块浏览器展示",
"details_title": "转账",
"details_to": "输出",
"details_transaction_details": "转账详情",
"enable_hw": "This wallet is not being used in conjunction with a hardwarde wallet. Would you like to enable hardware wallet use?",
"list_conf": "conf: {number}",
"list_title": "转账",
"rbf_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one with a higher fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"rbf_title": "Bump fee (RBF)",
"status_bump": "Bump Fee",
"status_cancel": "Cancel Transaction",
"transactions_count": "transactions count"
"list_title": "转账"
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_bitcoin": "比特币",
"add_create": "创建",
"add_entropy_generated": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy",
"add_entropy_provide": "Provide entropy via dice rolls",
"add_entropy_remain": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy. Remaining {rem} bytes will be obtained from the System random number generator.",
"add_import_wallet": "导入钱包",
"import_file": "Import File",
"add_lightning": "闪电",
"add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions",
"add_lndhub": "Connect to your LNDHub",
"add_lndhub_error": "The provided node address is not valid LNDHub node.",
"add_lndhub_placeholder": "your node address",
"add_or": "或",
"add_title": "添加钱包",
"add_wallet_name": "钱包名称",
"add_wallet_type": "类型",
"details_address": "地址",
"details_advanced": "Advanced",
"details_are_you_sure": "你确认么?",
"details_connected_to": "Connected to",
"details_del_wb": "Wallet Balance",
"details_del_wb_err": "The provided balance amount does not match this wallet's balance. Please, try again",
"details_del_wb_q": "This wallet has a balance. Before proceeding, please be aware that you will not be able to recover the funds without this wallet's seed phrase. In order to avoid accidental removal this wallet, please enter your wallet's balance of {balance} satoshis.",
"details_delete": "删除",
"details_delete_wallet": "Delete wallet",
"details_display": "display in wallets list",
"details_export_backup": "导出备份",
"details_marketplace": "Marketplace",
"details_master_fingerprint": "Master fingerprint",
"details_no_cancel": "不,取消",
"details_save": "保存",
"details_show_xpub": "展示钱包 XPUB",
"details_title": "钱包",
"details_type": "类型",
"details_use_with_hardware_wallet": "Use with hardware wallet",
"details_wallet_updated": "Wallet updated",
"details_yes_delete": "是的,删除",
"export_title": "钱包导出",
"import_do_import": "导入",
@ -365,85 +169,17 @@
"import_imported": "已经导入",
"import_scan_qr": "或扫面二维码",
"import_success": "成功",
"looks_like_bip38": "This looks like password-protected private key (BIP38)",
"enter_bip38_password": "Enter password to decrypt",
"import_title": "导入",
"list_create_a_button": "现在添加",
"list_create_a_wallet": "添加钱包",
"list_create_a_wallet_text": "It's free and you can create \nas many as you like",
"list_empty_txs1": "你的转账信息将展示在这里",
"list_empty_txs1_lightning": "Lightning wallet should be used for your daily transactions. Fees are unfairly cheap and speed is blazing fast.",
"list_empty_txs2": "当前无信息",
"list_empty_txs2_lightning": "\nTo start using it tap on \"manage funds\" and topup your balance.",
"list_header": "A wallet represents a pair of keys, one private and one you can share to receive coins.",
"list_import_error": "An error was encountered when attempting to import this wallet.",
"list_import_problem": "There was a problem importing this wallet",
"list_latest_transaction": "最近的转账",
"list_long_choose": "Choose Photo",
"list_long_clipboard": "Copy from Clipboard",
"list_long_scan": "Scan QR Code",
"take_photo": "Take Photo",
"list_tap_here_to_buy": "点击购买比特币",
"list_title": "钱包",
"list_tryagain": "Try Again",
"reorder_title": "重新排列钱包",
"select_no_bitcoin": "There are currently no Bitcoin wallets available.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "A Bitcoin wallet is required to refill Lightning wallets. Please, create or import one.",
"select_wallet": "选择钱包",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "复制到粘贴板.",
"xpub_title": "钱包 XPUB"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "Vault",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Best security for large amounts",
"provide_signature": "Provide signature",
"vault_key": "Vault key {number}",
"required_keys_out_of_total": "Required keys out of the total",
"fee": "Fee: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"header": "Send",
"share": "Share",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "how many signatures can bluewallet make",
"scan_or_import_file": "Scan or import file",
"export_coordination_setup": "export coordination setup",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Co-sign this transaction?",
"lets_start": "Let's start",
"create": "Create",
"provide_key": "Provide key",
"native_segwit_title": "Best practice",
"wrapped_segwit_title": "Best compatibility",
"legacy_title": "Legacy",
"co_sign_transaction": "Co-sign QR-airgapped transaction",
"what_is_vault": "A Vault is a",
"what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-of-{n} multisig ",
"what_is_vault_wallet": "wallet",
"vault_advanced_customize": "Vault Settings...",
"needs": "Needs",
"what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": " {m} vault keys ",
"what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "to spend and a 3rd one you \ncan use as backup.",
"quorum": "{m} of {n} quorum",
"quorum_header": "Quorum",
"of": "of",
"wallet_type": "Wallet type",
"view_key": "view",
"invalid_mnemonics": "This mnemonic phrase doesnt seem to be valid",
"invalid_cosigner": "Not a valid cosigner data",
"invalid_cosigner_format": "Incorrect cosigner: this is not a cosigner for {format} format",
"create_new_key": "Create New",
"scan_or_open_file": "Scan or open file",
"i_have_mnemonics": "I have a seed for this key...",
"please_write_down_mnemonics": "Please write down this mnemonic phrase on paper. Don't worry, you can write it down later.",
"i_wrote_it_down": "Ok, I wrote it down",
"type_your_mnemonics": "Insert a seed to import your existing vault key",
"this_is_cosigners_xpub": "This is cosigner's xpub, ready to be imported in other wallet. It is safe to share it.",
"wallet_key_created": "Your vault key was created. Take a moment to safely backup your mnemonic seed",
"are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Are you sure? Your mnemonic seed will be lost if you dont have a backup",
"forget_this_seed": "Forget this seed and use xpub instead",
"invalid_fingerprint": "Fingerprint for this seed doesnt match this cosigners fingerprint",
"view_edit_cosigners": "View/edit cosigners",
"this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "This cosigner is already imported",
"export_signed_psbt": "Export Signed PSBT",
"view_edit_cosigners_title": "Edit Cosigners"
@ -1,28 +1,22 @@
"_": {
"allow": "允許",
"bad_password": "密碼無效,請重試",
"cancel": "取消",
"continue": "繼續",
"dont_allow": "不允許",
"enter_password": "輸入密碼",
"never": "不",
"of": "{number} of {total}",
"no": "否",
"ok": "好的",
"storage_is_encrypted": "你的資訊已經被加密, 請輸入密碼解密",
"allow": "允許",
"dont_allow": "不允許",
"yes": "是",
"no": "否",
"invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Invalid animated QRCode fragment, please try again",
"file_saved": "File ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder ."
"yes": "是"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "您的優惠碼為",
"errorBeforeRefeem": "Before redeeming you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.",
"errorSomething": "Something went wrong. Is this voucher still valid?",
"redeem": "贖回到錢包",
"redeemButton": "贖回",
"success": "成功",
"title": "Redeem Azte.co voucher"
"success": "成功"
"entropy": {
"save": "儲存",
@ -36,79 +30,39 @@
"hodl": {
"are_you_sure_you_want_to_logout": "您確定要從HodlHodl登出嗎?",
"cont_address_escrow": "Escrow",
"cont_address_to": "To",
"cont_buying": "購買",
"cont_cancel": "取消合約",
"cont_cancel_q": "你確定你要取消這個合約嗎?",
"cont_cancel_y": "是的。取消合約",
"cont_chat": "Open chat with counterparty",
"cont_how": "如何支付",
"cont_no": "You don't have any contracts in progress",
"cont_paid": "Mark contract as Paid",
"cont_paid_e": "Do this only if you sent funds to the seller via agreed payment method",
"cont_paid_q": "Are you sure you want to mark this contract as paid?",
"cont_selling": "selling",
"cont_st_completed": "全部完成!",
"cont_st_in_progress_buyer": "Coins are in escrow, please pay seller",
"cont_st_paid_enought": "Bitcoins are in escrow! Please pay seller\nvia agreed payment method",
"cont_st_paid_waiting": "Waiting for seller to release coins from escrow",
"cont_st_waiting": "Waiting for seller to deposit bitcoins to escrow...",
"cont_title": "我的合約",
"filter_any": "任何",
"filter_buying": "購買",
"filter_country_global": "Global offers",
"filter_country_near": "靠近我",
"filter_currency": "貨幣",
"filter_detail": "細節",
"filter_filters": "Filters",
"filter_iambuying": "我正在買比特幣",
"filter_iamselling": "我正在賣比特幣",
"filter_method": "支付方法",
"filter_search": "搜尋",
"filter_selling": "賣",
"item_minmax": "Min/Max",
"item_nooffers": "No offers. Try to change \"Near me\" to Global offers!",
"item_rating": "{rating} trades",
"item_rating_no": "No rating",
"login": "登入",
"mycont": "我的合約",
"offer_accept": "Accept offer",
"offer_account_finish": "Looks like you didn't finish setting up account on HodlHodl, would you like to finish setup now?",
"offer_choosemethod": "Choose payment method",
"offer_confirmations": "confirmations",
"offer_minmax": "min / max",
"offer_minutes": "min",
"offer_promt_fiat": "How much {currency} do you want to buy?",
"offer_promt_fiat_e": "For example 100",
"offer_window": "window",
"p2p": "A p2p exchange"
"mycont": "我的合約"
"lnd": {
"errorInvoiceExpired": "Invoice expired",
"exchange": "Exchange",
"expired": "超時",
"expiredLow": "expired",
"expiresIn": "Expires: {time}",
"payButton": "支付",
"placeholder": "收據",
"potentialFee": "Potential fee: {fee}",
"refill": "充值",
"refill_card": "用銀行卡加值",
"refill_create": "In order to proceed, please create a Bitcoin wallet to refill with.",
"refill_external": "Refill with External Wallet",
"refill_lnd_balance": "給閃電錢包充值",
"sameWalletAsInvoiceError": "你不能用建立賬單的錢包去支付該賬單",
"title": "配置資金支援"
"lndViewInvoice": {
"additional_info": "Additional Information",
"for": "For:",
"has_been_paid": " 該收據已支付",
"open_direct_channel": "Open direct channel with this node:",
"please_pay": "請支付",
"preimage": "Preimage",
"sats": "sats",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "該收據未付款且已過期"
"plausibledeniability": {
@ -124,13 +78,9 @@
"title": "可否認性"
"pleasebackup": {
"ask": "Have you saved your wallet's backup phrase? This backup phrase is required to access your funds in case you lose this device. Without the backup phrase, your funds will be permanently lost.",
"ask_no": "No, I have not",
"ask_yes": "是的 我有",
"ok": "是的 我已經寫下來了",
"ok_lnd": "好的 我已經儲存了",
"text": "Please take a moment to write down this mnemonic phrase on a piece of paper. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.",
"text_lnd": "Please take a moment to save this LNDHub authentication. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.",
"title": "你的錢包已經產生..."
"receive": {
@ -158,200 +108,65 @@
"create_this_is_hex": "這個是交易的十六進位制資料, 簽名並廣播到全網路.",
"create_to": "到",
"create_tx_size": "交易大小",
"create_verify": "Verify on coinb.in",
"details_add_rec_add": "Add Recipient",
"details_add_rec_rem": "Remove Recipient",
"details_address": "地址",
"details_address_field_is_not_valid": "地址內容無效",
"details_adv_fee_bump": "允許費用上漲",
"details_adv_full": "使用全部餘額",
"details_adv_full_remove": "Your other recipients will be removed from this transaction.",
"details_adv_full_sure": "Are you sure you want to use your wallet's full balance for this transaction?",
"details_adv_import": "匯入交易",
"details_amount_field_is_not_valid": "金額格式無效",
"details_create": "建立",
"details_error_decode": "Error: Unable to decode Bitcoin address",
"details_fee_field_is_not_valid": "費用格式無效",
"details_next": "下一個",
"details_no_maximum": "The selected wallet does not support automatic maximum balance calculation. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_multiple": "The selected wallet does not support sending Bitcoin to multiple recipients. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_signed_tx": "The selected file does not contain a transaction that can be imported.",
"details_note_placeholder": "訊息",
"details_scan": "掃描",
"details_total_exceeds_balance": "餘額不足",
"details_wallet_before_tx": "Before creating a transaction, you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.",
"details_wallet_selection": "Wallet Selection",
"dynamic_init": "Initializing",
"dynamic_next": "Next",
"dynamic_prev": "Previous",
"dynamic_start": "Start",
"dynamic_stop": "Stop",
"fee_10m": "10m",
"fee_1d": "1d",
"fee_3h": "3h",
"fee_custom": "Custom",
"fee_fast": "快",
"fee_medium": "中",
"fee_replace_min": "The total fee rate (satoshi per byte) you want to pay should be higher than {min} sat/byte",
"fee_satbyte": "in sat/byte",
"fee_slow": "Slow",
"header": "傳送",
"input_clear": "Clear",
"input_done": "Done",
"input_paste": "Paste",
"input_total": "Total:",
"permission_camera_message": "We need your permission to use your camera",
"permission_camera_title": "Permission to use camera",
"open_settings": "Open Settings",
"permission_storage_later": "Ask Me Later",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet needs your permission to access your storage to save this transaction.",
"permission_storage_title": "BlueWallet Storage Access Permission",
"psbt_clipboard": "Copy to Clipboard",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "This is a partially signed bitcoin transaction (PSBT). Please finish signing it with your hardware wallet.",
"psbt_tx_export": "Export to file",
"psbt_tx_open": "Open Signed Transaction",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Scan Signed Transaction",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "The selected image does not contain a QR Code.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "The selected file does not contain a wallet that can be imported.",
"success_done": "完成",
"txSaved": "The transaction file ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder .",
"problem_with_psbt": "Problem with PSBT"
"success_done": "完成"
"settings": {
"about": "關於",
"about_awesome": "Built with the awesome",
"about_backup": "Always backup your keys!",
"about_free": "BlueWallet is a free and open source project. Crafted by Bitcoin users.",
"about_release_notes": "Release notes",
"about_review": "Leave us a review",
"about_selftest": "Run self test",
"about_sm_github": "GitHub",
"about_sm_telegram": "Telegram chat",
"about_sm_twitter": "Follow us on Twitter",
"advanced_options": "Advanced Options",
"currency": "貨幣",
"currency_source": "Prices are obtained from",
"default_desc": "When disabled, BlueWallet will immediately open the selected wallet at launch.",
"default_info": "Default info",
"default_title": "On Launch",
"default_wallets": "View All Wallets",
"electrum_connected": "Connected",
"electrum_connected_not": "Not Connected",
"electrum_error_connect": "Can't connect to provided Electrum server",
"electrum_host": "host, for example {example}",
"electrum_port": "TCP port, usually {example}",
"electrum_port_ssl": "SSL port, usually {example}",
"electrum_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully. Restart may be required for changes to take effect.",
"electrum_settings": "Electrum Settings",
"electrum_settings_explain": "Set to blank to use default",
"electrum_status": "Status",
"encrypt_decrypt": "Decrypt Storage",
"encrypt_decrypt_q": "Are you sure you want to decrypt your storage? This will allow your wallets to be accessed without a password.",
"encrypt_del_uninstall": "Delete if BlueWallet is uninstalled",
"encrypt_enc_and_pass": "Encrypted and Password protected",
"encrypt_title": "Security",
"encrypt_tstorage": "storage",
"encrypt_use": "Use {type}",
"encrypt_use_expl": "{type} will be used to confirm your identity prior to making a transaction, unlocking, exporting or deleting a wallet. {type} will not be used to unlock an encrypted storage.",
"general": "General",
"general_adv_mode": "Enable advanced mode",
"general_adv_mode_e": "When enabled, you will see advanced options such as different wallet types, the ability to specify the LNDHub instance you wish to connect to and custom entropy during wallet creation.",
"general_continuity": "Continuity",
"general_continuity_e": "When enabled, you will be able to view selected wallets, and transactions, using your other Apple iCloud connected devices.",
"groundcontrol_explanation": "GroundControl is a free opensource push notifications server for bitcoin wallets. You can install your own GroundControl server and put its URL here to not rely on BlueWallet's infrastructure. Leave blank to use default",
"header": "設定",
"language": "語言",
"language_restart": "When selecting a new language, restarting BlueWallet may be required for the change to take effect.",
"lightning_error_lndhub_uri": "Not a valid LndHub URI",
"lightning_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully",
"lightning_settings": "閃電網路設定",
"lightning_settings_explain": "如要要連線你自己的閃電節點請安裝LndHub 並把url地址輸入到下面. 空白將使用預設的LndHub (lndhub.io)",
"network": "Network",
"network_broadcast": "Broadcast transaction",
"network_electrum": "Electrum server",
"not_a_valid_uri": "Not a valid URI",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"password": "密碼",
"password_explain": "建立你的加密密碼",
"passwords_do_not_match": "兩次輸入密碼不同",
"plausible_deniability": "可否認性...",
"privacy": "Privacy",
"privacy_read_clipboard": "Read Clipboard",
"privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet will display shortcuts for handling an invoice or address found in your clipboard.",
"privacy_system_settings": "System Settings",
"privacy_quickactions": "Wallet Shortcuts",
"privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Touch and hold the BlueWallet app icon on your Home Screen to quickly view your wallet's balance.",
"privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Provide shortcuts if an address, or invoice, is found in your clipboard.",
"push_notifications": "Push notifications",
"retype_password": "再次輸入密碼",
"save": "儲存",
"saved": "Saved"
"save": "儲存"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one that pays you and has higher fees. This effectively cancels transaction. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"cancel_no": "This transaction is not replaceable",
"cancel_title": "Cancel this transaction (RBF)",
"cpfp_create": "Create",
"cpfp_exp": "We will create another transaction that spends your unconfirmed transaction. The total fee will be higher than the original transaction fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called CPFP - Child Pays For Parent.",
"cpfp_no_bump": "This transaction is not bumpable",
"cpfp_title": "Bump fee (CPFP)",
"details_block": "Block Height",
"details_copy": "複製",
"details_from": "輸入",
"details_inputs": "Inputs",
"details_outputs": "Outputs",
"details_received": "Received",
"details_show_in_block_explorer": "區塊瀏覽器展示",
"details_title": "轉賬",
"details_to": "輸出",
"details_transaction_details": "轉賬詳情",
"enable_hw": "This wallet is not being used in conjunction with a hardwarde wallet. Would you like to enable hardware wallet use?",
"list_conf": "conf: {number}",
"list_title": "轉賬",
"rbf_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one with a higher fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"rbf_title": "Bump fee (RBF)",
"status_bump": "Bump Fee",
"status_cancel": "Cancel Transaction",
"transactions_count": "transactions count"
"list_title": "轉賬"
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet",
"add_bitcoin": "比特幣",
"add_create": "建立",
"add_entropy_generated": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy",
"add_entropy_provide": "Provide entropy via dice rolls",
"add_entropy_remain": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy. Remaining {rem} bytes will be obtained from the System random number generator.",
"add_import_wallet": "匯入錢包",
"import_file": "Import File",
"add_lightning": "閃電",
"add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions",
"add_lndhub": "Connect to your LNDHub",
"add_lndhub_error": "The provided node address is not valid LNDHub node.",
"add_lndhub_placeholder": "your node address",
"add_or": "或",
"add_title": "新增錢包",
"add_wallet_name": "錢包名稱",
"add_wallet_type": "類型",
"details_address": "地址",
"details_advanced": "Advanced",
"details_are_you_sure": "你確認麼?",
"details_connected_to": "Connected to",
"details_del_wb": "Wallet Balance",
"details_del_wb_err": "The provided balance amount does not match this wallet's balance. Please, try again",
"details_del_wb_q": "This wallet has a balance. Before proceeding, please be aware that you will not be able to recover the funds without this wallet's seed phrase. In order to avoid accidental removal this wallet, please enter your wallet's balance of {balance} satoshis.",
"details_delete": "刪除",
"details_delete_wallet": "Delete wallet",
"details_display": "display in wallets list",
"details_export_backup": "匯出備份",
"details_marketplace": "Marketplace",
"details_master_fingerprint": "Master fingerprint",
"details_no_cancel": "不,取消",
"details_save": "儲存",
"details_show_xpub": "展示錢包 XPUB",
"details_title": "錢包",
"details_type": "類型",
"details_use_with_hardware_wallet": "Use with hardware wallet",
"details_wallet_updated": "Wallet updated",
"details_yes_delete": "是的,刪除",
"export_title": "錢包匯出",
"import_do_import": "匯入",
@ -360,48 +175,17 @@
"import_imported": "已經匯入",
"import_scan_qr": "或掃面二維碼",
"import_success": "成功",
"looks_like_bip38": "This looks like password-protected private key (BIP38)",
"enter_bip38_password": "Enter password to decrypt",
"import_title": "匯入",
"list_create_a_button": "立即添加",
"list_create_a_wallet": "建立一個錢包",
"list_create_a_wallet_text": "It's free and you can create \nas many as you like",
"list_empty_txs1": "你的轉賬資訊將展示在這裡",
"list_empty_txs1_lightning": "Lightning wallet should be used for your daily transactions. Fees are unfairly cheap and speed is blazing fast.",
"list_empty_txs2": "當前無資訊",
"list_empty_txs2_lightning": "\nTo start using it tap on \"manage funds\" and topup your balance.",
"list_header": "A wallet represents a pair of keys, one private and one you can share to receive coins.",
"list_import_error": "An error was encountered when attempting to import this wallet.",
"list_import_problem": "There was a problem importing this wallet",
"list_latest_transaction": "最近的轉賬",
"list_long_choose": "Choose Photo",
"list_long_clipboard": "Copy from Clipboard",
"list_long_scan": "Scan QR Code",
"take_photo": "Take Photo",
"list_tap_here_to_buy": "點選購買比特幣",
"list_title": "錢包",
"list_tryagain": "Try Again",
"reorder_title": "重新排列錢包",
"select_no_bitcoin": "There are currently no Bitcoin wallets available.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "A Bitcoin wallet is required to refill Lightning wallets. Please, create or import one.",
"select_wallet": "選擇錢包",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "複製到貼上板.",
"xpub_title": "錢包 XPUB"
"multisig": {
"multisig_vault": "Vault",
"multisig_vault_explain": "Best security for large amounts",
"provide_signature": "Provide signature",
"vault_key": "Vault key {number}",
"fee": "Fee: {number}",
"fee_btc": "{number} BTC",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"header": "Send",
"share": "Share",
"how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "how many signatures can bluewallet make",
"scan_or_import_file": "Scan or import file",
"export_coordination_setup": "export coordination setup",
"cosign_this_transaction": "Co-sign this transaction?",
"co_sign_transaction": "Co-sign QR-airgapped transaction"
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