FIX: transactions list update limit

This commit is contained in:
Overtorment 2018-07-25 00:27:21 +01:00
parent 4a10782453
commit 99db379131
2 changed files with 99 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -298,8 +298,19 @@ describe('Watch only wallet', () => {
it('can fetch tx', async () => {
jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 30 * 1000;
let w = new WatchOnlyWallet();
await w.fetchTransactions();
assert.equal(w.getTransactions().length, 233);
w = new WatchOnlyWallet();
await w.fetchTransactions();
assert.equal(w.getTransactions().length, 2);
// fetch again and make sure no duplicates
await w.fetchTransactions();
assert.equal(w.getTransactions().length, 2);

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@ -177,51 +177,102 @@ export class LegacyWallet extends AbstractWallet {
baseURI: '',
let response = await api.get(
'v1/btc/main/addrs/' + this.getAddress() + '/full' + ((useBlockcypherTokens && '?token=' + this.getRandomBlockcypherToken()) || ''),
let json = response.body;
if (typeof json === 'undefined' || !json.txs) {
throw new Error('Could not fetch transactions from API:' + response.err);
let after = 0;
let before = 100500100;
for (let oldTx of this.getTransactions()) {
if (oldTx.block_height && oldTx.confirmations < 7) {
after = Math.max(after, oldTx.block_height);
this.transactions = json.txs;
this._lastTxFetch = +new Date();
// now, calculating value per each transaction...
for (let tx of this.transactions) {
// how much came in...
let value = 0;
for (let out of tx.outputs) {
if (out.addresses.indexOf(this.getAddress()) !== -1) {
// found our address in outs of this TX
value += out.value;
while (1) {
let response = await api.get(
'v1/btc/main/addrs/' +
this.getAddress() +
'/full?after=' +
after +
'&before=' +
before +
'&limit=50' +
((useBlockcypherTokens && '&token=' + this.getRandomBlockcypherToken()) || ''),
let json = response.body;
if (typeof json === 'undefined' || !json.txs) {
throw new Error('Could not fetch transactions from API:' + response.err);
tx.value = value;
// end
// how much came out
value = 0;
for (let inp of tx.inputs) {
if (!inp.addresses) {
console.log('inp.addresses empty');
console.log('got witness', inp.witness); // TODO
let alreadyFetchedTransactions = this.transactions;
this.transactions = json.txs;
this._lastTxFetch = +new Date();
inp.addresses = [];
if (inp.witness && inp.witness[1]) {
let address = SegwitBech32Wallet.witnessToAddress(inp.witness[1]);
} else {
// now, calculating value per each transaction...
for (let tx of this.transactions) {
if (tx.block_height) {
before = Math.min(before, tx.block_height); // so next time we fetch older TXs
// how much came in...
let value = 0;
for (let out of tx.outputs) {
if (out.addresses.indexOf(this.getAddress()) !== -1) {
// found our address in outs of this TX
value += out.value;
if (inp.addresses.indexOf(this.getAddress()) !== -1) {
// found our address in outs of this TX
value -= inp.output_value;
tx.value = value;
// end
// how much came out
value = 0;
for (let inp of tx.inputs) {
if (!inp.addresses) {
// console.log('inp.addresses empty');
// console.log('got witness', inp.witness); // TODO
inp.addresses = [];
if (inp.witness && inp.witness[1]) {
let address = SegwitBech32Wallet.witnessToAddress(inp.witness[1]);
} else {
if (inp.addresses.indexOf(this.getAddress()) !== -1) {
// found our address in outs of this TX
value -= inp.output_value;
tx.value += value;
// end
this.transactions = alreadyFetchedTransactions.concat(this.transactions);
let txsUnconf = [];
let txs = [];
let hashPresent = {};
// now, rearranging TXs. unconfirmed go first:
for (let tx of this.transactions.reverse()) {
if (hashPresent[tx.hash]) continue;
hashPresent[tx.hash] = 1;
if (tx.block_height && tx.block_height === -1) {
// unconfirmed
} else {
tx.value += value;
// end
this.transactions = txsUnconf.reverse().concat(txs.reverse());
// all reverses needed so freshly fetched TXs replace same old TXs
this.transactions = this.transactions.sort((a, b) => {
return a.received < b.received;
if (json.txs.length < 50) {
// final batch, so it has les than max txs
} catch (err) {