From 4dca9d93a364bdf1e7d8f5ba533f7711cf671b43 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ivan Vershigora Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2020 14:56:55 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] ADD: new languages: Bulgarian, Polish, Welsh. Sync other languges --- loc/bg_bg.json | 474 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ loc/cs_cz.json | 24 ++- loc/cy.json | 474 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ loc/he.json | 45 +++-- loc/hu_hu.json | 61 ++++-- loc/index.js | 13 ++ loc/jp_jp.json | 45 +++-- loc/languages.js | 5 +- loc/pl.json | 474 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ loc/pt_br.json | 42 +++-- loc/sv_se.json | 190 ++++++++++++++----- 11 files changed, 1740 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-) create mode 100644 loc/bg_bg.json create mode 100644 loc/cy.json create mode 100644 loc/pl.json diff --git a/loc/bg_bg.json b/loc/bg_bg.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b573a3f4b --- /dev/null +++ b/loc/bg_bg.json @@ -0,0 +1,474 @@ +{ + "_": { + "bad_password": "Грешна парола, опитайте отново.", + "cancel": "Отказ", + "continue": "Продължи", + "enter_password": "Въведете парола", + "never": "никога", + "of": "{number} от {total}", + "ok": "OK", + "storage_is_encrypted": "Вашият уолет е криптиран. Необходима е парола за декриптиране", + "allow": "Allow", + "dont_allow": "Don't Allow", + "yes": "Yes", + "no": "No", + "save": "Save", + "seed": "Seed", + "wallet_key": "Уолет ключ", + "invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Невалиден анимиран QRCode фрагмент. Моля, опитайте отново", + "file_saved": "Файл ({filePath}) е запазен в папката със свалени файлове." + }, + "azteco": { + "codeIs": "Цода на вашият ваучър е", + "errorBeforeRefeem": "Преди осребряване, трябва да добавите Бикойн в уолета.", + "errorSomething": "Възникна грешка. Уверете се, че ваучъра е валиден?", + "redeem": "Депозирай в уолета", + "redeemButton": "Осребри", + "success": "Успех", + "title": "Осребри ваучър" + }, + "entropy": { + "save": "Запази", + "title": "Ентропия", + "undo": "Отмени" + }, + "errors": { + "broadcast": "Неуспешно изпращане", + "error": "Грешка", + "network": "Грешка с мрежата" + }, + "hodl": { + "are_you_sure_you_want_to_logout": "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да излезете от HodlHodl?", + "cont_address_escrow": "Ескроу", + "cont_address_to": "До", + "cont_buying": "купуване", + "cont_cancel": "Откажи контракта", + "cont_cancel_q": "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да откажете контракта?", + "cont_cancel_y": "Да, откажи контракта", + "cont_chat": "Стартирай чат", + "cont_how": "Как да платя", + "cont_no": "Нямате контракти в прогрес", + "cont_paid": "Маркирай контракта като Платен", + "cont_paid_e": "Продължете само в случай, че изпращате средства до търговеца според уговорения метод на плащане", + "cont_paid_q": "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да маркирате контракта като платен?", + "cont_selling": "продаване", + "cont_st_completed": "Готово!", + "cont_st_in_progress_buyer": "Койните са ескроу, моля платете на търговеца", + "cont_st_paid_enought": "Биткойна е в ескроу! Моля, платете на търговеца според уговорения метод на плащане", + "cont_st_paid_waiting": "Изчакване на търговеца да освободи койните от ескроу", + "cont_st_waiting": "Изчакване на търговеца да депозира биткойн в ескроу...", + "cont_title": "Моите контракти", + "filter_any": "Всички", + "filter_buying": "Купуване", + "filter_country_global": "Всички оферти", + "filter_country_near": "Наблизо", + "filter_currency": "Валута", + "filter_detail": "Детайли", + "filter_filters": "Филтри", + "filter_iambuying": "Купувам биткойн", + "filter_iamselling": "Продавам биткойн", + "filter_method": "Начин на плащане", + "filter_search": "Търси", + "filter_selling": "Продаване", + "item_minmax": "Мин/Макс", + "item_nooffers": "Няма оферти. Опитайте да промените \"Наблизо\" с Всички оферти!", + "item_rating": "{rating} сделки", + "item_rating_no": "Няма рейтинг", + "login": "Логин", + "mycont": "Моите контракти", + "offer_accept": "Приеми оферта", + "offer_account_finish": "Изглежда, че не сте завършили регистрацията си HodlHodl, желаете ли да завършите вашата регистрация сега?", + "offer_choosemethod": "Изберете начин на плащане", + "offer_confirmations": "потвърждения", + "offer_minmax": "мин / макс", + "offer_minutes": "мин", + "offer_promt_fiat": "Какво количество {currency} желаете да купите?", + "offer_promt_fiat_e": "Например 100", + "offer_window": "прозорец", + "p2p": "p2p ексчейндж" + }, + "lnd": { + "errorInvoiceExpired": "Изтекла фактура", + "exchange": "Ексчейндж", + "expired": "Изтекла", + "expiredLow": "изтекла", + "expiresIn": "Изтича: {time}", + "payButton": "Плати", + "placeholder": "Фактура", + "potentialFee": "Възможна такса: {fee}", + "refill": "Зареди", + "refill_card": "Зареди с банкова карта", + "refill_create": "In order to proceed, please create a Bitcoin wallet to refill with.", + "refill_external": "Refill with External Wallet", + "refill_lnd_balance": "Refill Lightning wallet balance", + "sameWalletAsInvoiceError": "You can not pay an invoice with the same wallet used to create it.", + "title": "manage funds" + }, + "lndViewInvoice": { + "additional_info": "Additional Information", + "for": "For:", + "has_been_paid": "This invoice has been paid for", + "open_direct_channel": "Open direct channel with this node:", + "please_pay": "Please pay", + "preimage": "Preimage", + "sats": "sats", + "wasnt_paid_and_expired": "This invoice was not paid for and has expired" + }, + "plausibledeniability": { + "create_fake_storage": "Create Encrypted storage", + "create_password": "Create a password", + "create_password_explanation": "Password for fake storage should not match the password for your main storage", + "help": "Under certain circumstances, you might be forced to disclose a password. To keep your coins safe, BlueWallet can create another encrypted storage, with a different password. Under pressure, you can disclose this password to a 3rd party. If entered in BlueWallet, it will unlock a new 'fake' storage. This will seem legit to a 3rd party, but it will secretly keep your main storage with coins safe.", + "help2": "The new storage will be fully functional, and you can store some minimum amounts there so it looks more believable.", + "password_should_not_match": "Password is currently in use. Please, try a different password.", + "passwords_do_not_match": "Passwords do not match, please try again.", + "retype_password": "Retype password", + "success": "Success", + "title": "Plausible Deniability" + }, + "pleasebackup": { + "ask": "Have you saved your wallet's backup phrase? This backup phrase is required to access your funds in case you lose this device. Without the backup phrase, your funds will be permanently lost.", + "ask_no": "No, I have not", + "ask_yes": "Yes, I have", + "ok": "OK, I wrote this down!", + "ok_lnd": "OK, I have saved it.", + "text": "Please take a moment to write down this mnemonic phrase on a piece of paper. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.", + "text_lnd": "Please take a moment to save this LNDHub authentication. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.", + "title": "Your wallet is created..." + }, + "receive": { + "details_create": "Create", + "details_label": "Description", + "details_setAmount": "Receive with amount", + "details_share": "share", + "header": "Receive" + }, + "send": { + "broadcastButton": "BROADCAST", + "broadcastError": "error", + "broadcastNone": "Input transaction hash", + "broadcastPending": "pending", + "broadcastSuccess": "success", + "confirm_header": "Confirm", + "confirm_sendNow": "Send now", + "create_amount": "Amount", + "create_broadcast": "Broadcast", + "create_copy": "Copy and broadcast later", + "create_details": "Details", + "create_fee": "Fee", + "create_memo": "Memo", + "create_satoshi_per_byte": "Satoshi per byte", + "create_this_is_hex": "This is your transaction's hex, signed and ready to be broadcasted to the network.", + "create_to": "To", + "create_tx_size": "TX size", + "create_verify": "Verify on", + "details_add_rec_add": "Add Recipient", + "details_add_rec_rem": "Remove Recipient", + "details_address": "address", + "details_address_field_is_not_valid": "Address field is not valid", + "details_adv_fee_bump": "Allow Fee Bump", + "details_adv_full": "Use Full Balance", + "details_adv_full_remove": "Your other recipients will be removed from this transaction.", + "details_adv_full_sure": "Are you sure you want to use your wallet's full balance for this transaction?", + "details_adv_import": "Import Transaction", + "details_amount_field_is_not_valid": "Amount field is not valid", + "details_create": "Create Invoice", + "details_error_decode": "Error: Unable to decode Bitcoin address", + "details_fee_field_is_not_valid": "Fee field is not valid", + "details_next": "Next", + "details_no_maximum": "The selected wallet does not support automatic maximum balance calculation. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?", + "details_no_multiple": "The selected wallet does not support sending Bitcoin to multiple recipients. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?", + "details_no_signed_tx": "The selected file does not contain a transaction that can be imported.", + "details_note_placeholder": "note to self", + "details_scan": "Scan", + "details_total_exceeds_balance": "The sending amount exceeds the available balance.", + "details_wallet_before_tx": "Before creating a transaction, you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.", + "details_wallet_selection": "Wallet Selection", + "dynamic_init": "Initializing", + "dynamic_next": "Next", + "dynamic_prev": "Previous", + "dynamic_start": "Start", + "dynamic_stop": "Stop", + "fee_10m": "10m", + "fee_1d": "1d", + "fee_3h": "3h", + "fee_custom": "Custom", + "fee_fast": "Fast", + "fee_medium": "Medium", + "fee_replace_min": "The total fee rate (satoshi per byte) you want to pay should be higher than {min} sat/byte", + "fee_satbyte": "in sat/byte", + "fee_slow": "Slow", + "header": "Send", + "input_clear": "Clear", + "input_done": "Done", + "input_paste": "Paste", + "input_total": "Total:", + "permission_camera_message": "We need your permission to use your camera", + "permission_camera_title": "Permission to use camera", + "open_settings": "Open Settings", + "permission_storage_later": "Ask Me Later", + "permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet needs your permission to access your storage to save this file.", + "permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet is unable save this file. Please, open your device settings and enable Storage Permission.", + "permission_storage_title": "Storage Access Permission", + "psbt_clipboard": "Copy to Clipboard", + "psbt_this_is_psbt": "This is a partially signed bitcoin transaction (PSBT). Please finish signing it with your hardware wallet.", + "psbt_tx_export": "Export to file", + "no_tx_signing_in_progress": "There is no transaction signing in progress", + "psbt_tx_open": "Open Signed Transaction", + "psbt_tx_scan": "Scan Signed Transaction", + "qr_error_no_qrcode": "The selected image does not contain a QR Code.", + "qr_error_no_wallet": "The selected file does not contain a wallet that can be imported.", + "success_done": "Done", + "txSaved": "The transaction file ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder .", + "problem_with_psbt": "Problem with PSBT" + }, + "settings": { + "about": "About", + "about_awesome": "Built with the awesome", + "about_backup": "Always backup your keys!", + "about_free": "BlueWallet is a free and open source project. Crafted by Bitcoin users.", + "about_release_notes": "Release notes", + "about_review": "Leave us a review", + "about_selftest": "Run self test", + "about_sm_github": "GitHub", + "about_sm_telegram": "Telegram chat", + "about_sm_twitter": "Follow us on Twitter", + "advanced_options": "Advanced Options", + "currency": "Currency", + "currency_source": "Prices are obtained from", + "default_desc": "When disabled, BlueWallet will immediately open the selected wallet at launch.", + "default_info": "Default info", + "default_title": "On Launch", + "default_wallets": "View All Wallets", + "electrum_connected": "Connected", + "electrum_connected_not": "Not Connected", + "electrum_error_connect": "Can't connect to provided Electrum server", + "electrum_host": "host, for example {example}", + "electrum_port": "TCP port, usually {example}", + "electrum_port_ssl": "SSL port, usually {example}", + "electrum_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully. Restart may be required for changes to take effect.", + "electrum_settings": "Electrum Settings", + "electrum_settings_explain": "Set to blank to use default", + "electrum_status": "Status", + "encrypt_decrypt": "Decrypt Storage", + "encrypt_decrypt_q": "Are you sure you want to decrypt your storage? This will allow your wallets to be accessed without a password.", + "encrypt_del_uninstall": "Delete if BlueWallet is uninstalled", + "encrypt_enc_and_pass": "Encrypted and Password protected", + "encrypt_title": "Security", + "encrypt_tstorage": "storage", + "encrypt_use": "Use {type}", + "encrypt_use_expl": "{type} will be used to confirm your identity prior to making a transaction, unlocking, exporting or deleting a wallet. {type} will not be used to unlock an encrypted storage.", + "general": "General", + "general_adv_mode": "Advanced mode", + "general_adv_mode_e": "When enabled, you will see advanced options such as different wallet types, the ability to specify the LNDHub instance you wish to connect to and custom entropy during wallet creation.", + "general_continuity": "Continuity", + "general_continuity_e": "When enabled, you will be able to view selected wallets, and transactions, using your other Apple iCloud connected devices.", + "groundcontrol_explanation": "GroundControl is a free opensource push notifications server for bitcoin wallets. You can install your own GroundControl server and put its URL here to not rely on BlueWallet's infrastructure. Leave blank to use default", + "header": "settings", + "language": "Language", + "language_restart": "When selecting a new language, restarting BlueWallet may be required for the change to take effect.", + "lightning_error_lndhub_uri": "Not a valid LndHub URI", + "lightning_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully", + "lightning_settings": "Lightning Settings", + "lightning_settings_explain": "To connect to your own LND node please install LndHub and put its URL here in settings. Leave blank to use BlueWallet's LNDHub ( Wallets created after saving changes will connect to the specified LNDHub.", + "network": "Network", + "network_broadcast": "Broadcast transaction", + "network_electrum": "Electrum server", + "not_a_valid_uri": "Not a valid URI", + "notifications": "Notifications", + "password": "Password", + "password_explain": "Create the password you will use to decrypt the storage", + "passwords_do_not_match": "Passwords do not match", + "plausible_deniability": "Plausible deniability", + "privacy": "Privacy", + "privacy_read_clipboard": "Read Clipboard", + "privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet will display shortcuts for handling an invoice or address found in your clipboard.", + "privacy_system_settings": "System Settings", + "privacy_quickactions": "Wallet Shortcuts", + "privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Touch and hold the BlueWallet app icon on your Home Screen to quickly view your wallet's balance.", + "privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Provide shortcuts if an address, or invoice, is found in your clipboard.", + "push_notifications": "Push notifications", + "retype_password": "Re-type password", + "save": "Save", + "saved": "Saved" + }, + "notifications": { + "would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Would you like to receive notifications when you get incoming payments?", + "no_and_dont_ask": "No, and Don't Ask Me Again", + "ask_me_later": "Ask Me Later" + }, + "transactions": { + "cancel_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one that pays you and has higher fees. This effectively cancels transaction. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.", + "cancel_no": "This transaction is not replaceable", + "cancel_title": "Cancel this transaction (RBF)", + "cpfp_create": "Create", + "cpfp_exp": "We will create another transaction that spends your unconfirmed transaction. The total fee will be higher than the original transaction fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called CPFP - Child Pays For Parent.", + "cpfp_no_bump": "This transaction is not bumpable", + "cpfp_title": "Bump fee (CPFP)", + "details_balance_hide": "Hide Balance", + "details_balance_show": "Show Balance", + "details_block": "Block Height", + "details_copy": "Copy", + "details_from": "Input", + "details_inputs": "Inputs", + "details_outputs": "Outputs", + "details_received": "Received", + "details_show_in_block_explorer": "View in block explorer", + "details_title": "Transaction", + "details_to": "Output", + "details_transaction_details": "Transaction details", + "enable_hw": "This wallet is not being used in conjunction with a hardware wallet. Would you like to enable hardware wallet use?", + "list_conf": "conf: {number}", + "pending": "Pending", + "list_title": "transactions", + "rbf_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one with a higher fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.", + "rbf_title": "Bump fee (RBF)", + "status_bump": "Bump Fee", + "status_cancel": "Cancel Transaction", + "transactions_count": "transactions count" + }, + "wallets": { + "add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin", + "add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet", + "add_create": "Create", + "add_entropy_generated": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy", + "add_entropy_provide": "Provide entropy via dice rolls", + "add_entropy_remain": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy. Remaining {rem} bytes will be obtained from the System random number generator.", + "add_import_wallet": "Import wallet", + "add_lightning": "Lightning", + "add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions", + "add_lndhub": "Connect to your LNDHub", + "add_lndhub_error": "The provided node address is not valid LNDHub node.", + "add_lndhub_placeholder": "your node address", + "add_or": "or", + "add_title": "add wallet", + "add_wallet_name": "name", + "add_wallet_type": "type", + "clipboard_bitcoin": "You have a Bitcoin address on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?", + "clipboard_lightning": "You have a Lightning Invoice on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?", + "details_address": "Address", + "details_advanced": "Advanced", + "details_are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "details_connected_to": "Connected to", + "details_del_wb": "Wallet Balance", + "details_del_wb_err": "The provided balance amount does not match this wallet's balance. Please, try again", + "details_del_wb_q": "This wallet has a balance. Before proceeding, please be aware that you will not be able to recover the funds without this wallet's seed phrase. In order to avoid accidental removal this wallet, please enter your wallet's balance of {balance} satoshis.", + "details_delete": "Delete", + "details_delete_wallet": "Delete wallet", + "details_display": "display in wallets list", + "details_export_backup": "Export / backup", + "details_marketplace": "Marketplace", + "details_master_fingerprint": "Master fingerprint", + "details_no_cancel": "No, cancel", + "details_save": "Save", + "details_show_xpub": "Show wallet XPUB", + "details_title": "Wallet", + "details_type": "Type", + "details_use_with_hardware_wallet": "Use with hardware wallet", + "details_wallet_updated": "Wallet updated", + "details_yes_delete": "Yes, delete", + "enter_bip38_password": "Enter password to decrypt", + "export_title": "wallet export", + "import_do_import": "Import", + "import_error": "Failed to import. Please, make sure that the provided data is valid.", + "import_explanation": "Write here your mnemonic, private key, WIF, or anything you've got. BlueWallet will do its best to guess the correct format and import your wallet", + "import_file": "Import File", + "import_imported": "Imported", + "import_scan_qr": "Scan or import a file", + "import_success": "Your wallet has been successfully imported.", + "import_title": "import", + "list_create_a_button": "Add now", + "list_create_a_wallet": "Add a wallet", + "list_create_a_wallet_text": "It's free and you can create \nas many as you like", + "list_empty_txs1": "Your transactions will appear here", + "list_empty_txs1_lightning": "Lightning wallet should be used for your daily transactions. Fees are unfairly cheap and speed is blazing fast.", + "list_empty_txs2": "Start with your wallet", + "list_empty_txs2_lightning": "\nTo start using it tap on \"manage funds\" and topup your balance.", + "list_header": "A wallet represents a pair of keys, one private and one you can share to receive coins.", + "list_import_error": "An error was encountered when attempting to import this wallet.", + "list_import_problem": "There was a problem importing this wallet", + "list_latest_transaction": "latest transaction", + "list_long_choose": "Choose Photo", + "list_long_clipboard": "Copy from Clipboard", + "list_long_scan": "Scan QR Code", + "list_tap_here_to_buy": "Buy Bitcoin", + "list_title": "wallets", + "list_tryagain": "Try Again", + "looks_like_bip38": "This looks like password-protected private key (BIP38)", + "reorder_title": "Reorder Wallets", + "select_no_bitcoin": "There are currently no Bitcoin wallets available.", + "select_no_bitcoin_exp": "A Bitcoin wallet is required to refill Lightning wallets. Please, create or import one.", + "select_wallet": "Select Wallet", + "take_photo": "Take Photo", + "xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard.", + "pull_to_refresh": "pull to refresh", + "xpub_title": "wallet XPUB" + }, + "multisig": { + "multisig_vault": "Vault", + "multisig_vault_explain": "Best security for large amounts", + "provide_signature": "Provide signature", + "vault_key": "Vault key {number}", + "required_keys_out_of_total": "Required keys out of the total", + "fee": "Fee: {number}", + "fee_btc": "{number} BTC", + "confirm": "Confirm", + "header": "Send", + "share": "Share", + "how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "how many signatures can bluewallet make", + "scan_or_import_file": "Scan or import file", + "export_coordination_setup": "export coordination setup", + "cosign_this_transaction": "Co-sign this transaction?", + "lets_start": "Let's start", + "create": "Create", + "provide_key": "Provide key", + "native_segwit_title": "Best practice", + "wrapped_segwit_title": "Best compatibility", + "legacy_title": "Legacy", + "co_sign_transaction": "Sign a transaction", + "what_is_vault": "A Vault is a", + "what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-of-{n} multisig ", + "what_is_vault_wallet": "wallet", + "vault_advanced_customize": "Vault Settings...", + "needs": "Needs", + "what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": " {m} vault keys ", + "what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "to spend and a 3rd one you \ncan use as backup.", + "quorum": "{m} of {n} quorum", + "quorum_header": "Quorum", + "of": "of", + "wallet_type": "Wallet type", + "view_key": "view", + "invalid_mnemonics": "This mnemonic phrase doesnt seem to be valid", + "invalid_cosigner": "Not a valid cosigner data", + "invalid_cosigner_format": "Incorrect cosigner: this is not a cosigner for {format} format", + "create_new_key": "Create New", + "scan_or_open_file": "Scan or open file", + "i_have_mnemonics": "I have a seed for this key...", + "please_write_down_mnemonics": "Please write down this mnemonic phrase on paper. Don't worry, you can write it down later.", + "i_wrote_it_down": "Ok, I wrote it down", + "type_your_mnemonics": "Insert a seed to import your existing vault key", + "this_is_cosigners_xpub": "This is the cosigner's xpub, ready to be imported into another wallet. It is safe to share it.", + "wallet_key_created": "Your vault key was created. Take a moment to safely backup your mnemonic seed", + "are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Are you sure? Your mnemonic seed will be lost if you dont have a backup", + "forget_this_seed": "Forget this seed and use xpub instead", + "invalid_fingerprint": "Fingerprint for this seed doesnt match this cosigners fingerprint", + "view_edit_cosigners": "View/edit cosigners", + "this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "This cosigner is already imported", + "export_signed_psbt": "Export Signed PSBT", + "input_fp": "Enter fingerprint", + "input_fp_explain": "skip to use default one (00000000)", + "input_path": "Input derivation path", + "input_path_explain": "skip to use default one ({default})", + "view_edit_cosigners_title": "Edit Cosigners" + }, + "cc": { + "change": "change", + "coins_selected": "Coins selected ({number})", + "empty": "This wallet doesn't have any coins at the moment", + "freeze": "freeze", + "freezeLabel": "Freeze", + "header": "Coin control", + "use_coin": "Use coin", + "tip": "Allows you to see, label, freeze or select coins for improved wallet management." + } +} diff --git a/loc/cs_cz.json b/loc/cs_cz.json index 3adee129f..bc15950ef 100644 --- a/loc/cs_cz.json +++ b/loc/cs_cz.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "_": { - "bad_password": "Špatné heslo, prosím zkuste to znovu", + "bad_password": "Nesprávné heslo, zkuste to znovu.", "cancel": "Zrušit", "continue": "Pokračovat", "enter_password": "Zadejte heslo", @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ "help": "Za určitých okolností můžete být donuceni k prozrazení vašeho hesla. K zajištění bezpečností vašich prostředků, BlueWallet může vytvořit další zašifrované úložiště s rozdílným heslem. V případě potřeby můžete toto heslo dát třetí straně. Pokud bude zadáno do BlueWallet, odemkne nové \"falešné\" úložiště. To bude vypadat legitimně, ale udrží vaše pravé hlavní úložiště v bezpečí.", "help2": "Nové úložiště bude plně funkční, můžete na něj uložit minimální částku, aby vypadalo více uvěřitelně.", "password_should_not_match": "Heslo k falešnému úložišti nesmí být stejné jako heslo k hlavnímu úložišti", - "passwords_do_not_match": "Hesla se neshodují, zkuste to znovu", + "passwords_do_not_match": "Hesla se neshodují, zkuste to prosím znovu.", "retype_password": "Zadejte heslo znovu", "success": "Úspěch", "title": "Věrohodná popiratelnost" @@ -207,8 +207,9 @@ "permission_camera_title": "Povolení k použití kamery", "open_settings": "Otevřít nastavení", "permission_storage_later": "Zeptejte se mě později", - "permission_storage_message": "K uložení této transakce BlueWallet potřebuje vaše oprávnění k přístupu do vašeho úložiště.", - "permission_storage_title": "Oprávnění pro přístup k úložišti BlueWallet", + "permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet potřebuje vaše oprávnění k přístupu k vašemu úložišti, aby mohl tento soubor uložit.", + "permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet nemůže tento soubor uložit. Otevřete nastavení zařízení a povolte oprávnění úložiště.", + "permission_storage_title": "Povolení k přístupu do úložiště", "psbt_clipboard": "Zkopírovat do schránky", "psbt_this_is_psbt": "Toto je částečně podepsaná bitcoinová transakce (PSBT). Dokončete podepisování pomocí hardwarové peněženky.", "psbt_tx_export": "Export do souboru", @@ -400,6 +401,7 @@ "select_wallet": "Vyberte peněženku", "take_photo": "Vyfotit", "xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Zkopírováno do schránky.", + "pull_to_refresh": "zatáhněte pro obnovení", "xpub_title": "XPUB peněženky" }, "multisig": { @@ -453,6 +455,20 @@ "view_edit_cosigners": "Zobrazit/upravit spolupodepisující", "this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "Tento spolupodepisující je již importován", "export_signed_psbt": "Exportovat podepsanou PSBT", + "input_fp": "Zadejte otisk prstu", + "input_fp_explain": "přeskočit a použít výchozí (00000000)", + "input_path": "Vložit derivační cestu", + "input_path_explain": "přeskočit a použít výchozí ({default})", "view_edit_cosigners_title": "Upravit spolupodepisující" + }, + "cc": { + "change": "změnit", + "coins_selected": "Vybrané mince ({number})", + "empty": "Tato peněženka nemá v tuto chvíli žádné mince", + "freeze": "zmrazit", + "freezeLabel": "Zmrazit", + "header": "Kontrola mincí", + "use_coin": "Použít minci", + "tip": "Umožňuje zobrazit, označit, zmrazit nebo vybrat mince pro lepší správu peněženky." } } diff --git a/loc/cy.json b/loc/cy.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce9e2d3d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/loc/cy.json @@ -0,0 +1,474 @@ +{ + "_": { + "bad_password": "Incorrect password, please try again.", + "cancel": "Canslo", + "continue": "Parhau", + "enter_password": "Cyfrinair", + "never": "byth", + "of": "{nifer} o {gyfanswm}", + "ok": "Iawn", + "storage_is_encrypted": "Mae'r storfa wedi encryptio. Mae angen Cyfrinair i'w ddad-gryptio. ", + "allow": "Allow", + "dont_allow": "Don't Allow", + "yes": "Ie", + "no": "No", + "save": "Save", + "seed": "Seed", + "wallet_key": "Wallet key", + "invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Invalid animated QRCode fragment, please try again", + "file_saved": "File ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder ." + }, + "azteco": { + "codeIs": "Your voucher code is", + "errorBeforeRefeem": "Before redeeming you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.", + "errorSomething": "Something went wrong. Is this voucher still valid?", + "redeem": "Redeem to wallet", + "redeemButton": "Redeem", + "success": "Llwyddiant", + "title": "Redeem voucher" + }, + "entropy": { + "save": "Safio", + "title": "Entropy", + "undo": "Dad-wneud" + }, + "errors": { + "broadcast": "Methu darlledu", + "error": "Camgymeriad", + "network": "Camgymeriad rhwydwaith" + }, + "hodl": { + "are_you_sure_you_want_to_logout": "Are you sure you want to logout from HodlHodl?", + "cont_address_escrow": "Escrow", + "cont_address_to": "To", + "cont_buying": "buying", + "cont_cancel": "Cancel contract", + "cont_cancel_q": "Are you sure you want to cancel this contract?", + "cont_cancel_y": "Yes, cancel contract", + "cont_chat": "Open chat with counterparty", + "cont_how": "How to pay", + "cont_no": "You don't have any contracts in progress", + "cont_paid": "Mark contract as Paid", + "cont_paid_e": "Do this only if you sent funds to the seller via agreed payment method", + "cont_paid_q": "Are you sure you want to mark this contract as paid?", + "cont_selling": "selling", + "cont_st_completed": "All done!", + "cont_st_in_progress_buyer": "Coins are in escrow, please pay seller", + "cont_st_paid_enought": "Bitcoins are in escrow! Please pay seller\nvia agreed payment method", + "cont_st_paid_waiting": "Waiting for seller to release coins from escrow", + "cont_st_waiting": "Waiting for seller to deposit bitcoins to escrow...", + "cont_title": "My contracts", + "filter_any": "Any", + "filter_buying": "Buying", + "filter_country_global": "Global offers", + "filter_country_near": "Near me", + "filter_currency": "Currency", + "filter_detail": "Detail", + "filter_filters": "Filters", + "filter_iambuying": "I'm buying bitcoin", + "filter_iamselling": "I'm selling bitcoin", + "filter_method": "Payment method", + "filter_search": "Search", + "filter_selling": "Selling", + "item_minmax": "Min/Max", + "item_nooffers": "No offers. Try to change \"Near me\" to Global offers!", + "item_rating": "{rating} trades", + "item_rating_no": "No rating", + "login": "Login", + "mycont": "My contracts", + "offer_accept": "Accept offer", + "offer_account_finish": "Looks like you didn't finish setting up account on HodlHodl, would you like to finish setup now?", + "offer_choosemethod": "Choose payment method", + "offer_confirmations": "confirmations", + "offer_minmax": "min / max", + "offer_minutes": "min", + "offer_promt_fiat": "How much {currency} do you want to buy?", + "offer_promt_fiat_e": "For example 100", + "offer_window": "window", + "p2p": "A p2p exchange" + }, + "lnd": { + "errorInvoiceExpired": "Invoice expired", + "exchange": "Exchange", + "expired": "Expired", + "expiredLow": "expired", + "expiresIn": "Expires: {time}", + "payButton": "Talu", + "placeholder": "Anfoneb", + "potentialFee": "Potential fee: {fee}", + "refill": "Ail-lenwi", + "refill_card": "Ail-lenwi efo cerdyn banc", + "refill_create": "Er mwyn parhau, ffurfia waled Bitcoin i'w ail-lenwi. ", + "refill_external": "Ail-lenwi efo Waled Allanol", + "refill_lnd_balance": "Ail-lenwi balans waled Mellten", + "sameWalletAsInvoiceError": "Does dim modd talu anfoneb efo'r un waled ddefnyddwyd i'w greu.", + "title": "Rheoli cyllid" + }, + "lndViewInvoice": { + "additional_info": "Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol", + "for": "Ar Gyfer:", + "has_been_paid": "Mae'r anfoneb yma wedi cael ei dalu", + "open_direct_channel": "Agor sianel uniongyrchol efo'r nodyn hwn:", + "please_pay": "Talu", + "preimage": "Preimage", + "sats": "sats", + "wasnt_paid_and_expired": "Ni gafodd yr anfoneb ei dalu, ag mae wedi darfod" + }, + "plausibledeniability": { + "create_fake_storage": "Creu storfa wedi encryptio", + "create_password": "Creu cyfrinair", + "create_password_explanation": "Ni ddyliai'r cyfrinair ar gyfer y storfa ffug fod yr un cyfrinair ag ar gyfer y brif storfa", + "help": "Under certain circumstances, you might be forced to disclose a password. To keep your coins safe, BlueWallet can create another encrypted storage, with a different password. Under pressure, you can disclose this password to a 3rd party. If entered in BlueWallet, it will unlock a new 'fake' storage. This will seem legit to a 3rd party, but it will secretly keep your main storage with coins safe.", + "help2": "The new storage will be fully functional, and you can store some minimum amounts there so it looks more believable.", + "password_should_not_match": "Password is currently in use. Please, try a different password.", + "passwords_do_not_match": "Passwords do not match, please try again.", + "retype_password": "Retype password", + "success": "Success", + "title": "Plausible Deniability" + }, + "pleasebackup": { + "ask": "Have you saved your wallet's backup phrase? This backup phrase is required to access your funds in case you lose this device. Without the backup phrase, your funds will be permanently lost.", + "ask_no": "No, I have not", + "ask_yes": "Yes, I have", + "ok": "OK, I wrote this down!", + "ok_lnd": "OK, I have saved it.", + "text": "Please take a moment to write down this mnemonic phrase on a piece of paper. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.", + "text_lnd": "Please take a moment to save this LNDHub authentication. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.", + "title": "Your wallet is created..." + }, + "receive": { + "details_create": "Create", + "details_label": "Description", + "details_setAmount": "Receive with amount", + "details_share": "share", + "header": "Receive" + }, + "send": { + "broadcastButton": "BROADCAST", + "broadcastError": "error", + "broadcastNone": "Input transaction hash", + "broadcastPending": "pending", + "broadcastSuccess": "success", + "confirm_header": "Confirm", + "confirm_sendNow": "Send now", + "create_amount": "Amount", + "create_broadcast": "Broadcast", + "create_copy": "Copy and broadcast later", + "create_details": "Details", + "create_fee": "Fee", + "create_memo": "Memo", + "create_satoshi_per_byte": "Satoshi per byte", + "create_this_is_hex": "This is your transaction's hex, signed and ready to be broadcasted to the network.", + "create_to": "To", + "create_tx_size": "TX size", + "create_verify": "Verify on", + "details_add_rec_add": "Add Recipient", + "details_add_rec_rem": "Remove Recipient", + "details_address": "address", + "details_address_field_is_not_valid": "Address field is not valid", + "details_adv_fee_bump": "Allow Fee Bump", + "details_adv_full": "Use Full Balance", + "details_adv_full_remove": "Your other recipients will be removed from this transaction.", + "details_adv_full_sure": "Are you sure you want to use your wallet's full balance for this transaction?", + "details_adv_import": "Import Transaction", + "details_amount_field_is_not_valid": "Amount field is not valid", + "details_create": "Create Invoice", + "details_error_decode": "Error: Unable to decode Bitcoin address", + "details_fee_field_is_not_valid": "Fee field is not valid", + "details_next": "Next", + "details_no_maximum": "The selected wallet does not support automatic maximum balance calculation. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?", + "details_no_multiple": "The selected wallet does not support sending Bitcoin to multiple recipients. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?", + "details_no_signed_tx": "The selected file does not contain a transaction that can be imported.", + "details_note_placeholder": "note to self", + "details_scan": "Scan", + "details_total_exceeds_balance": "The sending amount exceeds the available balance.", + "details_wallet_before_tx": "Before creating a transaction, you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.", + "details_wallet_selection": "Wallet Selection", + "dynamic_init": "Initializing", + "dynamic_next": "Next", + "dynamic_prev": "Previous", + "dynamic_start": "Start", + "dynamic_stop": "Stop", + "fee_10m": "10m", + "fee_1d": "1d", + "fee_3h": "3h", + "fee_custom": "Custom", + "fee_fast": "Fast", + "fee_medium": "Medium", + "fee_replace_min": "The total fee rate (satoshi per byte) you want to pay should be higher than {min} sat/byte", + "fee_satbyte": "in sat/byte", + "fee_slow": "Slow", + "header": "Send", + "input_clear": "Clear", + "input_done": "Done", + "input_paste": "Paste", + "input_total": "Total:", + "permission_camera_message": "We need your permission to use your camera", + "permission_camera_title": "Permission to use camera", + "open_settings": "Open Settings", + "permission_storage_later": "Ask Me Later", + "permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet needs your permission to access your storage to save this file.", + "permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet is unable save this file. Please, open your device settings and enable Storage Permission.", + "permission_storage_title": "Storage Access Permission", + "psbt_clipboard": "Copy to Clipboard", + "psbt_this_is_psbt": "This is a partially signed bitcoin transaction (PSBT). Please finish signing it with your hardware wallet.", + "psbt_tx_export": "Export to file", + "no_tx_signing_in_progress": "There is no transaction signing in progress", + "psbt_tx_open": "Open Signed Transaction", + "psbt_tx_scan": "Scan Signed Transaction", + "qr_error_no_qrcode": "The selected image does not contain a QR Code.", + "qr_error_no_wallet": "The selected file does not contain a wallet that can be imported.", + "success_done": "Done", + "txSaved": "The transaction file ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder .", + "problem_with_psbt": "Problem with PSBT" + }, + "settings": { + "about": "About", + "about_awesome": "Built with the awesome", + "about_backup": "Always backup your keys!", + "about_free": "BlueWallet is a free and open source project. Crafted by Bitcoin users.", + "about_release_notes": "Release notes", + "about_review": "Leave us a review", + "about_selftest": "Run self test", + "about_sm_github": "GitHub", + "about_sm_telegram": "Telegram chat", + "about_sm_twitter": "Follow us on Twitter", + "advanced_options": "Advanced Options", + "currency": "Currency", + "currency_source": "Prices are obtained from", + "default_desc": "When disabled, BlueWallet will immediately open the selected wallet at launch.", + "default_info": "Default info", + "default_title": "On Launch", + "default_wallets": "View All Wallets", + "electrum_connected": "Connected", + "electrum_connected_not": "Not Connected", + "electrum_error_connect": "Can't connect to provided Electrum server", + "electrum_host": "host, for example {example}", + "electrum_port": "TCP port, usually {example}", + "electrum_port_ssl": "SSL port, usually {example}", + "electrum_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully. Restart may be required for changes to take effect.", + "electrum_settings": "Electrum Settings", + "electrum_settings_explain": "Set to blank to use default", + "electrum_status": "Status", + "encrypt_decrypt": "Decrypt Storage", + "encrypt_decrypt_q": "Are you sure you want to decrypt your storage? This will allow your wallets to be accessed without a password.", + "encrypt_del_uninstall": "Delete if BlueWallet is uninstalled", + "encrypt_enc_and_pass": "Encrypted and Password protected", + "encrypt_title": "Security", + "encrypt_tstorage": "storage", + "encrypt_use": "Use {type}", + "encrypt_use_expl": "{type} will be used to confirm your identity prior to making a transaction, unlocking, exporting or deleting a wallet. {type} will not be used to unlock an encrypted storage.", + "general": "General", + "general_adv_mode": "Advanced mode", + "general_adv_mode_e": "When enabled, you will see advanced options such as different wallet types, the ability to specify the LNDHub instance you wish to connect to and custom entropy during wallet creation.", + "general_continuity": "Continuity", + "general_continuity_e": "When enabled, you will be able to view selected wallets, and transactions, using your other Apple iCloud connected devices.", + "groundcontrol_explanation": "GroundControl is a free opensource push notifications server for bitcoin wallets. You can install your own GroundControl server and put its URL here to not rely on BlueWallet's infrastructure. Leave blank to use default", + "header": "settings", + "language": "Language", + "language_restart": "When selecting a new language, restarting BlueWallet may be required for the change to take effect.", + "lightning_error_lndhub_uri": "Not a valid LndHub URI", + "lightning_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully", + "lightning_settings": "Lightning Settings", + "lightning_settings_explain": "To connect to your own LND node please install LndHub and put its URL here in settings. Leave blank to use BlueWallet's LNDHub ( Wallets created after saving changes will connect to the specified LNDHub.", + "network": "Network", + "network_broadcast": "Broadcast transaction", + "network_electrum": "Electrum server", + "not_a_valid_uri": "Not a valid URI", + "notifications": "Notifications", + "password": "Password", + "password_explain": "Create the password you will use to decrypt the storage", + "passwords_do_not_match": "Passwords do not match", + "plausible_deniability": "Plausible deniability", + "privacy": "Privacy", + "privacy_read_clipboard": "Read Clipboard", + "privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet will display shortcuts for handling an invoice or address found in your clipboard.", + "privacy_system_settings": "System Settings", + "privacy_quickactions": "Wallet Shortcuts", + "privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Touch and hold the BlueWallet app icon on your Home Screen to quickly view your wallet's balance.", + "privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Provide shortcuts if an address, or invoice, is found in your clipboard.", + "push_notifications": "Push notifications", + "retype_password": "Re-type password", + "save": "Save", + "saved": "Saved" + }, + "notifications": { + "would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Would you like to receive notifications when you get incoming payments?", + "no_and_dont_ask": "No, and Don't Ask Me Again", + "ask_me_later": "Ask Me Later" + }, + "transactions": { + "cancel_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one that pays you and has higher fees. This effectively cancels transaction. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.", + "cancel_no": "This transaction is not replaceable", + "cancel_title": "Cancel this transaction (RBF)", + "cpfp_create": "Create", + "cpfp_exp": "We will create another transaction that spends your unconfirmed transaction. The total fee will be higher than the original transaction fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called CPFP - Child Pays For Parent.", + "cpfp_no_bump": "This transaction is not bumpable", + "cpfp_title": "Bump fee (CPFP)", + "details_balance_hide": "Hide Balance", + "details_balance_show": "Show Balance", + "details_block": "Block Height", + "details_copy": "Copy", + "details_from": "Input", + "details_inputs": "Inputs", + "details_outputs": "Outputs", + "details_received": "Received", + "details_show_in_block_explorer": "View in block explorer", + "details_title": "Transaction", + "details_to": "Output", + "details_transaction_details": "Transaction details", + "enable_hw": "This wallet is not being used in conjunction with a hardware wallet. Would you like to enable hardware wallet use?", + "list_conf": "conf: {number}", + "pending": "Pending", + "list_title": "transactions", + "rbf_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one with a higher fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.", + "rbf_title": "Bump fee (RBF)", + "status_bump": "Bump Fee", + "status_cancel": "Cancel Transaction", + "transactions_count": "transactions count" + }, + "wallets": { + "add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin", + "add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet", + "add_create": "Create", + "add_entropy_generated": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy", + "add_entropy_provide": "Provide entropy via dice rolls", + "add_entropy_remain": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy. Remaining {rem} bytes will be obtained from the System random number generator.", + "add_import_wallet": "Import wallet", + "add_lightning": "Lightning", + "add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions", + "add_lndhub": "Connect to your LNDHub", + "add_lndhub_error": "The provided node address is not valid LNDHub node.", + "add_lndhub_placeholder": "your node address", + "add_or": "or", + "add_title": "add wallet", + "add_wallet_name": "name", + "add_wallet_type": "type", + "clipboard_bitcoin": "You have a Bitcoin address on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?", + "clipboard_lightning": "You have a Lightning Invoice on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?", + "details_address": "Address", + "details_advanced": "Advanced", + "details_are_you_sure": "Are you sure?", + "details_connected_to": "Connected to", + "details_del_wb": "Wallet Balance", + "details_del_wb_err": "The provided balance amount does not match this wallet's balance. Please, try again", + "details_del_wb_q": "This wallet has a balance. Before proceeding, please be aware that you will not be able to recover the funds without this wallet's seed phrase. In order to avoid accidental removal this wallet, please enter your wallet's balance of {balance} satoshis.", + "details_delete": "Delete", + "details_delete_wallet": "Delete wallet", + "details_display": "display in wallets list", + "details_export_backup": "Export / backup", + "details_marketplace": "Marketplace", + "details_master_fingerprint": "Master fingerprint", + "details_no_cancel": "No, cancel", + "details_save": "Save", + "details_show_xpub": "Show wallet XPUB", + "details_title": "Wallet", + "details_type": "Type", + "details_use_with_hardware_wallet": "Use with hardware wallet", + "details_wallet_updated": "Wallet updated", + "details_yes_delete": "Yes, delete", + "enter_bip38_password": "Enter password to decrypt", + "export_title": "wallet export", + "import_do_import": "Import", + "import_error": "Failed to import. Please, make sure that the provided data is valid.", + "import_explanation": "Write here your mnemonic, private key, WIF, or anything you've got. BlueWallet will do its best to guess the correct format and import your wallet", + "import_file": "Import File", + "import_imported": "Imported", + "import_scan_qr": "Scan or import a file", + "import_success": "Your wallet has been successfully imported.", + "import_title": "import", + "list_create_a_button": "Add now", + "list_create_a_wallet": "Add a wallet", + "list_create_a_wallet_text": "It's free and you can create \nas many as you like", + "list_empty_txs1": "Your transactions will appear here", + "list_empty_txs1_lightning": "Lightning wallet should be used for your daily transactions. Fees are unfairly cheap and speed is blazing fast.", + "list_empty_txs2": "Start with your wallet", + "list_empty_txs2_lightning": "\nTo start using it tap on \"manage funds\" and topup your balance.", + "list_header": "A wallet represents a pair of keys, one private and one you can share to receive coins.", + "list_import_error": "An error was encountered when attempting to import this wallet.", + "list_import_problem": "There was a problem importing this wallet", + "list_latest_transaction": "latest transaction", + "list_long_choose": "Choose Photo", + "list_long_clipboard": "Copy from Clipboard", + "list_long_scan": "Scan QR Code", + "list_tap_here_to_buy": "Buy Bitcoin", + "list_title": "wallets", + "list_tryagain": "Try Again", + "looks_like_bip38": "This looks like password-protected private key (BIP38)", + "reorder_title": "Reorder Wallets", + "select_no_bitcoin": "There are currently no Bitcoin wallets available.", + "select_no_bitcoin_exp": "A Bitcoin wallet is required to refill Lightning wallets. Please, create or import one.", + "select_wallet": "Select Wallet", + "take_photo": "Take Photo", + "xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard.", + "pull_to_refresh": "pull to refresh", + "xpub_title": "wallet XPUB" + }, + "multisig": { + "multisig_vault": "Vault", + "multisig_vault_explain": "Best security for large amounts", + "provide_signature": "Provide signature", + "vault_key": "Vault key {number}", + "required_keys_out_of_total": "Required keys out of the total", + "fee": "Fee: {number}", + "fee_btc": "{number} BTC", + "confirm": "Confirm", + "header": "Send", + "share": "Share", + "how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "how many signatures can bluewallet make", + "scan_or_import_file": "Scan or import file", + "export_coordination_setup": "export coordination setup", + "cosign_this_transaction": "Co-sign this transaction?", + "lets_start": "Let's start", + "create": "Create", + "provide_key": "Provide key", + "native_segwit_title": "Best practice", + "wrapped_segwit_title": "Best compatibility", + "legacy_title": "Legacy", + "co_sign_transaction": "Sign a transaction", + "what_is_vault": "A Vault is a", + "what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-of-{n} multisig ", + "what_is_vault_wallet": "wallet", + "vault_advanced_customize": "Vault Settings...", + "needs": "Needs", + "what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": " {m} vault keys ", + "what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "to spend and a 3rd one you \ncan use as backup.", + "quorum": "{m} of {n} quorum", + "quorum_header": "Quorum", + "of": "of", + "wallet_type": "Wallet type", + "view_key": "view", + "invalid_mnemonics": "This mnemonic phrase doesnt seem to be valid", + "invalid_cosigner": "Not a valid cosigner data", + "invalid_cosigner_format": "Incorrect cosigner: this is not a cosigner for {format} format", + "create_new_key": "Create New", + "scan_or_open_file": "Scan or open file", + "i_have_mnemonics": "I have a seed for this key...", + "please_write_down_mnemonics": "Please write down this mnemonic phrase on paper. Don't worry, you can write it down later.", + "i_wrote_it_down": "Ok, I wrote it down", + "type_your_mnemonics": "Insert a seed to import your existing vault key", + "this_is_cosigners_xpub": "This is the cosigner's xpub, ready to be imported into another wallet. It is safe to share it.", + "wallet_key_created": "Your vault key was created. Take a moment to safely backup your mnemonic seed", + "are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Are you sure? Your mnemonic seed will be lost if you dont have a backup", + "forget_this_seed": "Forget this seed and use xpub instead", + "invalid_fingerprint": "Fingerprint for this seed doesnt match this cosigners fingerprint", + "view_edit_cosigners": "View/edit cosigners", + "this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "This cosigner is already imported", + "export_signed_psbt": "Export Signed PSBT", + "input_fp": "Enter fingerprint", + "input_fp_explain": "skip to use default one (00000000)", + "input_path": "Input derivation path", + "input_path_explain": "skip to use default one ({default})", + "view_edit_cosigners_title": "Edit Cosigners" + }, + "cc": { + "change": "change", + "coins_selected": "Coins selected ({number})", + "empty": "This wallet doesn't have any coins at the moment", + "freeze": "freeze", + "freezeLabel": "Freeze", + "header": "Coin control", + "use_coin": "Use coin", + "tip": "Allows you to see, label, freeze or select coins for improved wallet management." + } +} diff --git a/loc/he.json b/loc/he.json index 5d08b8146..603dcf9a2 100644 --- a/loc/he.json +++ b/loc/he.json @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ "help": "בנסיבות מסוימות, יתכן ותאולצו לחשוף את סיסמת הארנק. כדי לשמור על המטבעות בטוחים, BlueWallet מאפשר ליצור אחסון מוצפן נוסף, עם סיסמה שונה. תחת לחץ, תוכלו לחשוף את סיסמה זו לצד שלישי. אם הסיסמה תוכנס ל- BlueWallet, אחסון 'מזויף' חדש יפתח. מצב זה יראה לגיטימי לצד השלישי, בזמן שהאחסון הראשי ישמר בסודיות עם כשהמטבעות מוגנים.", "help2": "האחסון החדש יתפקד באופן מלא, ותוכלו לאחסן בו סכומים מינימליים כך שיראה יותר מהימן.", "password_should_not_match": "הסיסמה כבר בשימוש. אנא נסו סיסמה אחרת.", - "passwords_do_not_match": "סיסמאות אינן תואמות, נסו שוב", + "passwords_do_not_match": "סיסמאות אינן תואמות, אנא נסו שוב", "retype_password": "הכניסו שוב סיסמה", "success": "הצלחה", "title": "הכחשה סבירה" @@ -207,11 +207,13 @@ "permission_camera_title": "הרשאה לשימוש במצלמה", "open_settings": "פתח הגדרות", "permission_storage_later": "שאל אותי מאוחר יותר", - "permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet צריך את הרשאתך לגשת לאחסון שלך כדי לשמור את ההעברה.", - "permission_storage_title": "הרשאת גישה לאחסון BlueWallet", + "permission_storage_message": "ארנק BlueWallet צריך את הרשאתך לגשת לאחסון שלך כדי לשמור את קובץ זה.", + "permission_storage_denied_message": "ארנק BlueWallet אינו יכול לשמור קובץ זה. אנא פתחו את הגדרות המכשיר שלכם ואפשרו הרשאת אחסון.", + "permission_storage_title": "הרשאת גישת אחסון", "psbt_clipboard": "העתקה ללוח", "psbt_this_is_psbt": "זוהי העברת ביטקוין חתומה חלקית (PSBT). אנא סיימו את תהליך החתימה בארנק החומרה שלכם.", "psbt_tx_export": "יצא לקובץ", + "no_tx_signing_in_progress": "אין חתימת העברה בתהליך", "psbt_tx_open": "פתחו העברה חתומה", "psbt_tx_scan": "סרקו העברה חתומה", "qr_error_no_qrcode": "התמונה אינה מכילה קוד QR.", @@ -233,7 +235,7 @@ "about_sm_twitter": "עקבו אחרינו בטוויטר", "advanced_options": "אפשרויות מתקדמות", "currency": "מטבע", - "currency_source": "מחירים מתקבלים מ-", + "currency_source": "ערכים מתקבלים מ- CoinDesk", "default_desc": "כאשר מבוטל, BlueWallet יפתח אוטומטית את הארנק הנבחר בפתיחה.", "default_info": "פתיחת ברירת מחדל", "default_title": "בעת פתיחה", @@ -292,7 +294,7 @@ }, "notifications": { "would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "האם ברצונך לקבל התראות כאשר מתקבלים תשלומים נכנסים?", - "no_and_dont_ask": "לא ואל תשאל", + "no_and_dont_ask": "לא, ואל תשאל אותי שוב", "ask_me_later": "שאל אותי מאוחר יותר" }, "transactions": { @@ -317,7 +319,7 @@ "details_transaction_details": "פרטי העברה", "enable_hw": "ארנק זה אינו בשימוש בצירוף ארנק חומרה. האם ברצונך לאפשר שימוש בארנק חומרה?", "list_conf": "אישורים: {number}", - "pending": "Pending", + "pending": "ממתין", "list_title": "תנועות", "rbf_explain": "אנו נחליף את העברה זו בהעברה עם עמלה גבוהה יותר, כך שמהירות קבלת האישור אמורה לעלות. פעולה זאת נקראת CPFP - Child Pays For Parent.", "rbf_title": "העלאת עמלה (RBF)", @@ -326,14 +328,13 @@ "transactions_count": "מספר תנועות" }, "wallets": { - "add_bitcoin_explain": "ארנק ביטקוין פשוט וחזק", "add_bitcoin": "ביטקוין", + "add_bitcoin_explain": "ארנק ביטקוין פשוט וחזק", "add_create": "יצירה", "add_entropy_generated": "{gen} בייטים של אנתרופיה", "add_entropy_provide": "ספקו אנטרופיה על ידי הטלת קוביות ", "add_entropy_remain": "{gen} בייטים של אנתרופיה. שאר {rem} בייטים יתקבלו ממחולל מספרים רנדומליים של המערכת.", "add_import_wallet": "יבוא ארנק", - "import_file": "יבוא קובץ", "add_lightning": "ברק", "add_lightning_explain": "לבזבוז עם העברות מידיות", "add_lndhub": "התחברו ל- LNDHub אישי", @@ -343,6 +344,8 @@ "add_title": "הוספת ארנק", "add_wallet_name": "שם", "add_wallet_type": "סוג", + "clipboard_bitcoin": "You have a Bitcoin address on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?", + "clipboard_lightning": "ישנה חשבונית ברק בלוח שלך. האם להשתמש בה להעברה?", "details_address": "כתובת", "details_advanced": "מתקדם", "details_are_you_sure": "האם אתם בטוחים?", @@ -364,15 +367,15 @@ "details_use_with_hardware_wallet": "שימוש עם ארנק חומרה", "details_wallet_updated": "הארנק עודכן", "details_yes_delete": "כן, מחק", + "enter_bip38_password": "הזינו סיסמה כדי לפענח", "export_title": "יצוא ארנק", "import_do_import": "יבוא", "import_error": "היבוא כשל. אנא וודאו שהמידע שסופק תקין.", "import_explanation": "כתבו כאן את מילות הגיבוי, המפתח הפרטי, WIF או כל דבר אחר שברשותכם. BlueWallet ישתדל לנחש את הפורמט הנכון וייבא את ארנק.", + "import_file": "יבוא קובץ", "import_imported": "יובא", "import_scan_qr": "סריקה או יבוא קובץ", "import_success": "ארנקך יובא בהצלחה.", - "looks_like_bip38": "זה נראה כמו מפתח פרטי מוגן בסיסמה (BIP38)", - "enter_bip38_password": "הזינו סיסמה כדי לפענח", "import_title": "יבוא", "list_create_a_button": "הוסיפו עכשיו", "list_create_a_wallet": "הוסיפו ארנק", @@ -388,15 +391,17 @@ "list_long_choose": "בחר תמונה", "list_long_clipboard": "העתקה מלוח", "list_long_scan": "סריקת קוד QR", - "take_photo": "צילום תמונה", "list_tap_here_to_buy": "קניית ביטקוין", "list_title": "ארנקים", "list_tryagain": "נסו שוב", + "looks_like_bip38": "זה נראה כמו מפתח פרטי מוגן בסיסמה (BIP38)", "reorder_title": "ארגון ארנקים מחדש ", "select_no_bitcoin": "אין ארנקי ביטקוין זמינים.", "select_no_bitcoin_exp": "דרוש ארנק ביטקוין בכדי לטעון את ארנקי הברק. צרו או יבאו אחד.", "select_wallet": "בחירת ארנק", + "take_photo": "צילום תמונה", "xpub_copiedToClipboard": "הועתק ללוח.", + "pull_to_refresh": "משכו כדי לרענן", "xpub_title": "מפתח צפייה של הארנק" }, "multisig": { @@ -420,7 +425,7 @@ "native_segwit_title": "נוהג מומלץ", "wrapped_segwit_title": "תאימות גבוהה", "legacy_title": "Legacy", - "co_sign_transaction": "Co-sign QR-airgapped transaction", + "co_sign_transaction": "חתימה על העברה", "what_is_vault": "כספת היא", "what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": "{m}-מתוך-{n} רב-חתימות", "what_is_vault_wallet": "ארנק", @@ -442,7 +447,7 @@ "please_write_down_mnemonics": "אנא רשמו על דף צרוף מנמוני זה. אל דאגה, תוכלו לרשום אותו גם אחר כך.", "i_wrote_it_down": "אוקיי, רשמתי את זה", "type_your_mnemonics": "הכניסו גרעין כדי לייבא את מפתח הכספת הקיימת שלכם", - "this_is_cosigners_xpub": "This is the cosigner's xpub, ready to be imported into another wallet. It is safe to share it.", + "this_is_cosigners_xpub": "זה מפתח הצפייה של החותם השותף, מוכן ליבוא בארנק אחר. זה בטוח לשתף אותו.", "wallet_key_created": "מפתח הכספת שלכם נוצר. קחו רגע לגבות את הגרעין המנמוני שלכם בבטחה. ", "are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "האם אתם בטוחים? הגרעין המנמוני שלכם יאבד אם אין ברשותכם גיבוי", "forget_this_seed": "שכח את גרעין זה והשתמש במפתח צפייה במקום", @@ -450,6 +455,20 @@ "view_edit_cosigners": "הצגת/עריכת שותפים חותמים", "this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "שותף חותם זה כבר יובא", "export_signed_psbt": "יצוא PSBT חתום", + "input_fp": "Enter fingerprint", + "input_fp_explain": "דלגו כדי להשתמש בברירת מחדל (00000000)", + "input_path": "נתיב גזירת קלט", + "input_path_explain": "דלגו כדי להשתמש בברירת מחדל ({default})", "view_edit_cosigners_title": "עריכת שותפים חותמים" + }, + "cc": { + "change": "change", + "coins_selected": "מטבעות נבחרו ({number})", + "empty": "בארנק זה אין מטבעות כרגע", + "freeze": "הקפאה", + "freezeLabel": "הקפאה", + "header": "שליטת מטבעות", + "use_coin": "שימוש במטבע", + "tip": "מאפשר לך לראות, לתייג, להקפיא או לבחור מטבעות למען ניהול טוב יותר של הארנק." } } diff --git a/loc/hu_hu.json b/loc/hu_hu.json index 3611c0dc6..9271faa58 100644 --- a/loc/hu_hu.json +++ b/loc/hu_hu.json @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ "help": "Bizonyos körülmények között arra kényszerülhetsz, hogy megadda jelszavadat. A pénzed biztonsága érdekében a BlueWallettel létrehozhatsz egy alternatív titkosított tárhelyet, alternatív jelszóval. Kényszer hatása alatt megadhatod az alternatív jelszavadat, ami után a BlueWallet az alternatív tárhelyedet fogja megnyitni. Ez ugyanúgy fog kinézni, mint egy igazi tárhely, azzal a különbséggel, hogy a pénzed teljes biztonságban lesz az elsődleges tárhelyen.", "help2": "Az alternatív tárhely teljesen működőképes, és akár egy kisebb összeget is elhelyezhetsz rajta, hogy hitelesebbnek tűnjön.", "password_should_not_match": "A hamis tárhely jelszava nem lehet ugyanaz, mint az igazi tárhelyé", - "passwords_do_not_match": "A megadott jelszavak különböznek!", + "passwords_do_not_match": "Jelszavak nem egyeznek, próbáld újra.", "retype_password": "Jelszó megerősítése", "success": "Hamis tárhely létrehozva!", "title": "Elfogadható tagadhatóság" @@ -207,11 +207,13 @@ "permission_camera_title": "Kamera használatának engedélyezése", "open_settings": "Beállítások megnyitása", "permission_storage_later": "Később", - "permission_storage_message": "A tranzakció elmentéséhez engedélyezned kell a BlueWallet hozzáférését a háttértárhoz.", - "permission_storage_title": "BlueWallet Tárhely Hozzáférés Engedélyezés", + "permission_storage_message": "A fájl elmentéséhez engedélyezned kell a BlueWallet hozzáférését a háttértárhoz.", + "permission_storage_denied_message": "A BlueWallet nem mentette el ezt a fájlt. Engedélyezd a háttértár hozzáférést az eszköz beállításában. ", + "permission_storage_title": "Háttértár hozzáférés engedélyezés", "psbt_clipboard": "Másolás vágólapra", "psbt_this_is_psbt": "Ez egy részlegesen aláírt Bitcoin tranzakció (PSBT). Befejezheted a hardver tárcád aláírásával. ", "psbt_tx_export": "Exportálás fájlba", + "no_tx_signing_in_progress": "Tranzakció aláírás nincs folyamatban", "psbt_tx_open": "Aláírt tranzakció megnyitása", "psbt_tx_scan": "Aláírt tranzakció szkennelése", "qr_error_no_qrcode": "A kiválasztott kép nem tartalmaz QR kódot.", @@ -233,7 +235,7 @@ "about_sm_twitter": "Kövess minket Twitteren", "advanced_options": "Haladó Beállítások", "currency": "Valuta", - "currency_source": "Az árak a CoinDesk-től származnak.", + "currency_source": "Árak forrása", "default_desc": "Ha le van tiltva, a BlueWallet azonnal megnyitja a kiválasztott tárcát indításkor. ", "default_info": "Alapértelmezett információ", "default_title": "Indításkor ", @@ -290,6 +292,11 @@ "save": "Ment", "saved": "Elmentve" }, + "notifications": { + "would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Szeretnél értesítést a bejövő utalásokról? ", + "no_and_dont_ask": "Nem és ne kérdezd újra", + "ask_me_later": "Később" + }, "transactions": { "cancel_explain": "Kiváltjuk ezt a tranzakciót egy magasabb tranzakciós díjjal járó, teljesülő tranzakcióval. Egyúttal töröljük az eredeti tranzakciót. Ezt a megoldást Tranzakciós Díj Pótlásnak hívjuk, angolul RBF - Replace by Fee.", "cancel_no": "Ez a tranzakció nem helyettesíthető", @@ -310,8 +317,9 @@ "details_title": "Tranzakció", "details_to": "Kimenő utalás", "details_transaction_details": "Tranzakció részletei", - "enable_hw": "Ez a tárca nincs használatra összekötve egy hardver tárcával. Szeretné engedélyezni a hardver tárca használatot?", + "enable_hw": "This wallet is not being used in conjunction with a hardware wallet. Would you like to enable hardware wallet use?", "list_conf": "megerősítés: {number}", + "pending": "függőben", "list_title": "tranzakciók", "rbf_explain": "Kiváltjuk ezt a tranzakciót egy magasabb tranzakciós díjjal járó tranzakcióval, így hamarabb teljesül. Ezt a megoldást Tranzakciós Díj Pótlásnak hívjuk, angolul RBF - Replace by Fee.", "rbf_title": "Kiváltási díj (RBF)", @@ -320,14 +328,13 @@ "transactions_count": "Tranzakciók száma" }, "wallets": { - "add_bitcoin_explain": "Egyszerű és masszív Bitcoin tárca", "add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin", + "add_bitcoin_explain": "Egyszerű és masszív Bitcoin tárca", "add_create": "Létrehoz", "add_entropy_generated": "{gen} generált entrópia byte", "add_entropy_provide": "Entrópia megadása véletlenszerűen ", "add_entropy_remain": "{gen} byte generálva entrópiával. A megmaradt {rem} byte a rendszer véletlenszám generátorával készül.", "add_import_wallet": "Tárca importálása", - "import_file": "fájl importálása", "add_lightning": "Lightning", "add_lightning_explain": "Költés azonnali tranzakcióval", "add_lndhub": "Kapcsolódj az LNDHub-hoz", @@ -337,6 +344,8 @@ "add_title": "új tárca", "add_wallet_name": "név", "add_wallet_type": "típus", + "clipboard_bitcoin": "Egy Bitcoin tárca cím van a vágólapodon. Akarod használni a tranzakcióhoz? ", + "clipboard_lightning": "Egy Lightning tárca cím van a vágólapodon. Akarod használni a tranzakcióhoz? ", "details_address": "Cím", "details_advanced": "Haladó", "details_are_you_sure": "Biztos vagy benne?", @@ -358,15 +367,15 @@ "details_use_with_hardware_wallet": "Használat hardver tárcával", "details_wallet_updated": "Tárca frissítve", "details_yes_delete": "Igen, töröld", + "enter_bip38_password": "Írd be a jelszót a titkosításhoz", "export_title": "tárca exportálása", "import_do_import": "Importálás", "import_error": "Importálás sikertelen. Ellenőrizd, hogy helyes adatokat adtál-e meg.", "import_explanation": "Írd be a kulcsszavaidat, a titkos kulcsodat, WIF-et, vagy bármi mást. A BlueWallet megpróbálja kitalálni a helyes formátumot, és importálja a tárcádat", + "import_file": "fájl importálása", "import_imported": "Importálva", "import_scan_qr": "vagy QR-kód szkennelése?", "import_success": "Sikeres importálás!", - "looks_like_bip38": "Ez egy jelszó védett privát kulcsnak (BIP38) tűnik", - "enter_bip38_password": "Írd be a jelszót a titkosításhoz", "import_title": "importálás", "list_create_a_button": "add hozzá", "list_create_a_wallet": "Új tárca", @@ -382,15 +391,17 @@ "list_long_choose": "Válassz fényképet", "list_long_clipboard": "Másolás vágólapról", "list_long_scan": "QR kód szkennelése", - "take_photo": "Fénykép készítése", "list_tap_here_to_buy": "Bitcoin vásárláshoz kattints ide", "list_title": "tárcák", "list_tryagain": "Próbáld újra", + "looks_like_bip38": "Ez egy jelszó védett privát kulcsnak (BIP38) tűnik", "reorder_title": "Tárcák rendezése", "select_no_bitcoin": "Jelenleg nincs elérhető Bitcoin tárca.", "select_no_bitcoin_exp": "A Lightning tárca feltöltéséhez Bitcoin tárcára van szükség. Készíts vagy importálj egy Bitcoin tárcát.", "select_wallet": "Válassz tárcát", + "take_photo": "Fénykép készítése", "xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Vágólapra másolva", + "pull_to_refresh": "pull to refresh", "xpub_title": "a tárca XPUB kulcsa" }, "multisig": { @@ -411,10 +422,10 @@ "lets_start": "Kezdjük", "create": "Létrehoz", "provide_key": "Kulcs megadása", - "native_segwit_title": "Best practice", + "native_segwit_title": "Bevált gyakorlat", "wrapped_segwit_title": "Legjobb kompatibilitás ", "legacy_title": "Hagyomány", - "co_sign_transaction": "Internet kapcsolat nélküli QR kód aláírása", + "co_sign_transaction": "Egy tranzakció aláírása", "what_is_vault": "A Trezor egy", "what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-of-{n} multisig ", "what_is_vault_wallet": "tárca", @@ -424,26 +435,40 @@ "what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "to spend and a 3rd one you \ncan use as backup.", "quorum": "{m} of {n} quorum", "quorum_header": "Quorum", - "of": "of", + "of": "/", "wallet_type": "Tárca típusa", "view_key": "megnéz", "invalid_mnemonics": "This mnemonic phrase doesnt seem to be valid", - "invalid_cosigner": "Not a valid cosigner data", + "invalid_cosigner": "Helytelen társ aláíró adat", "invalid_cosigner_format": "Incorrect cosigner: this is not a cosigner for {format} format", "create_new_key": "Készíts újat", - "scan_or_open_file": "Scan or open file", + "scan_or_open_file": "Szkennelés vagy fájl megnyitása", "i_have_mnemonics": "Megvan a jelszó sorozatom ehhez a kulcshoz...", "please_write_down_mnemonics": "Please write down this mnemonic phrase on paper. Don't worry, you can write it down later.", "i_wrote_it_down": "Rendben, leírtam!", "type_your_mnemonics": "Jelszó sorozat megadása egy létező trezor-kulcs megadásához", - "this_is_cosigners_xpub": "This is cosigner's xpub, ready to be imported in other wallet. It is safe to share it.", + "this_is_cosigners_xpub": "This is the cosigner's xpub, ready to be imported into another wallet. It is safe to share it.", "wallet_key_created": "Your vault key was created. Take a moment to safely backup your mnemonic seed", "are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Are you sure? Your mnemonic seed will be lost if you dont have a backup", "forget_this_seed": "Forget this seed and use xpub instead", "invalid_fingerprint": "Fingerprint for this seed doesnt match this cosigners fingerprint", - "view_edit_cosigners": "View/edit cosigners", + "view_edit_cosigners": "Társ aláírok megtekintése/szerkesztése ", "this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "This cosigner is already imported", "export_signed_psbt": "Export Signed PSBT", - "view_edit_cosigners_title": "Edit Cosigners" + "input_fp": "Ujjlenyomat megadása", + "input_fp_explain": "skip to use default one (00000000)", + "input_path": "Input derivation path", + "input_path_explain": "skip to use default one ({default})", + "view_edit_cosigners_title": "Társ aláírók szerkesztése" + }, + "cc": { + "change": "váltás", + "coins_selected": "Kriptopénz kiválasztva ({number})", + "empty": "Ez a tárca jelenleg üres.", + "freeze": "freeze", + "freezeLabel": "Freeze", + "header": "Coin control", + "use_coin": "Cryptovaluta használata ", + "tip": "Allows you to see, label, freeze or select coins for improved wallet management." } } diff --git a/loc/index.js b/loc/index.js index 8b71a1291..40bc7b955 100644 --- a/loc/index.js +++ b/loc/index.js @@ -24,9 +24,16 @@ dayjs.extend(relativeTime); case 'ar': require('dayjs/locale/ar'); break; + case 'bg_bg': + lang = 'bg'; + require('dayjs/locale/bg'); + break; case 'ca': require('dayjs/locale/ca'); break; + case 'cy': + require('dayjs/locale/cy'); + break; case 'da_dk': require('dayjs/locale/da'); break; @@ -83,6 +90,9 @@ dayjs.extend(relativeTime); lang = 'pt'; require('dayjs/locale/pt'); break; + case 'pl': + require('dayjs/locale/pl'); + break; case 'ru': require('dayjs/locale/ru'); break; @@ -134,7 +144,9 @@ dayjs.extend(relativeTime); const strings = new Localization({ en: require('./en.json'), ar: require('./ar.json'), + bg_bg: require('./bg_bg.json'), ca: require('./ca.json'), + cy: require('./cy.json'), cs_cz: require('./cs_cz.json'), da_dk: require('./da_dk.json'), de_de: require('./de_de.json'), @@ -153,6 +165,7 @@ const strings = new Localization({ nl_nl: require('./nl_nl.json'), pt_br: require('./pt_br.json'), pt_pt: require('./pt_pt.json'), + pl: require('./pl.json'), ru: require('./ru.json'), sk_sk: require('./sk_sk.json'), sl_si: require('./sl_SI.json'), diff --git a/loc/jp_jp.json b/loc/jp_jp.json index 9329405ed..1dccfbc11 100644 --- a/loc/jp_jp.json +++ b/loc/jp_jp.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "_": { - "bad_password": "パスワードが間違っています。", + "bad_password": "パスワードが正しくありません。もう一度試してください。", "cancel": "中止", "continue": "続行", "enter_password": "パスワードを入力", @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ "help": "BuleWallet のウォレットの復号に必要なパスワードを第三者に強要される場合、コインを安全に保護するためにメインのウォレットとは異なるパスワードで暗号化されたダミーのウォレットを作成することが可能です。第三者へ異なるパスワードを提供すれば、BlueWallet のダミーの暗号化ウォレットを復号することとなり、メインのウォレットは隠匿されコインは安全に保護されます。", "help2": "新規のダミーのウォレットはメインと同様に機能します。少額のコインを入金しておくことでダミーと疑われないようにすることが可能です。", "password_should_not_match": "ダミーのウォレットのパスワードはメインのウォレットのパスワードと異なる必要があります。", - "passwords_do_not_match": "パスワードが一致しません", + "passwords_do_not_match": "パスワードが一致しません。もう一度試してください。", "retype_password": "パスワードの再入力", "success": "成功", "title": "隠匿設定" @@ -207,11 +207,13 @@ "permission_camera_title": "カメラの使用許可", "open_settings": "設定を開く", "permission_storage_later": "後で聞く", - "permission_storage_message": "BlueWalletはこのトランザクションを保存するためにストレージへのアクセス許可を必要としています。", - "permission_storage_title": "BlueWalletストレージアクセス許可", + "permission_storage_message": "BlueWalletがこのファイルを保存するためストレージへのアクセス権を求めています。", + "permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet is unable save this file. Please, open your device settings and enable Storage Permission.", + "permission_storage_title": "ストレージアクセス許可", "psbt_clipboard": "クリップボードにコピー", "psbt_this_is_psbt": "これは部分的に署名されたビットコイントランザクション(PSBT)です。ハードウェアウォレットで署名を完了させてください。", "psbt_tx_export": "ファイルにエクスポート", + "no_tx_signing_in_progress": "There is no transaction signing in progress", "psbt_tx_open": "署名トランザクションを開く", "psbt_tx_scan": "署名トランザクションをスキャン", "qr_error_no_qrcode": "選択された画像はQRコードを含んでいません。", @@ -233,7 +235,7 @@ "about_sm_twitter": "Twitterでフォロー", "advanced_options": "上級設定", "currency": "通貨", - "currency_source": "CoinDeskから取得された価格", + "currency_source": "価格参照元:", "default_desc": "無効にすれば、BlueWalletは起動時に選択したウォレットをすぐに開きます。", "default_info": "デフォルト情報", "default_title": "起動時", @@ -292,7 +294,7 @@ }, "notifications": { "would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "支払いを受けた際に通知を受け取りますか?", - "no_and_dont_ask": "No and dont ask", + "no_and_dont_ask": "いいえ。もう聞かないでください。", "ask_me_later": "あとで" }, "transactions": { @@ -326,14 +328,13 @@ "transactions_count": "トランザクションカウント" }, "wallets": { - "add_bitcoin_explain": "シンプルかつパワフルなBitcoinウォレット", "add_bitcoin": "ビットコイン", + "add_bitcoin_explain": "シンプルかつパワフルなBitcoinウォレット", "add_create": "作成", "add_entropy_generated": "生成されたエントロピーの {gen} バイト", "add_entropy_provide": "サイコロを振ってエントロピーを提供", "add_entropy_remain": "生成されたエントロピーの{gen}バイト。残りの{rem}バイトはシステム乱数発生器から取得されます。", "add_import_wallet": "ウォレットをインポート", - "import_file": "インポートファイル", "add_lightning": "ライトニング", "add_lightning_explain": "復号のためパスワードを入力", "add_lndhub": "あなたのLNDHubに接続", @@ -343,6 +344,8 @@ "add_title": "ウォレットの追加", "add_wallet_name": "ウォレット名", "add_wallet_type": "タイプ", + "clipboard_bitcoin": "You have a Bitcoin address on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?", + "clipboard_lightning": "You have a Lightning Invoice on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?", "details_address": "アドレス", "details_advanced": "上級設定", "details_are_you_sure": "実行しますか?", @@ -364,15 +367,15 @@ "details_use_with_hardware_wallet": "ハードウェアウォレットで使用", "details_wallet_updated": "ウォレットアップデート済", "details_yes_delete": "はい、削除します", + "enter_bip38_password": "復号化のためパスワードを入力", "export_title": "ウォレットのエクスポート", "import_do_import": "インポート", "import_error": "インポートに失敗しました。入力したデータが有効か確認してください。", "import_explanation": "ここにニモニック、秘密鍵(プライベートキー)、WIFなどを入力してください。BlueWallet が正しい形式を推測しウォレットをインポートします。", + "import_file": "インポートファイル", "import_imported": "インポート完了", "import_scan_qr": "QR コードの読み取り", "import_success": "成功", - "looks_like_bip38": "パスワード保護された秘密鍵(BIP38)のようです。", - "enter_bip38_password": "復号化のためパスワードを入力", "import_title": "インポート", "list_create_a_button": "今すぐ追加", "list_create_a_wallet": "ウォレットを追加", @@ -388,15 +391,17 @@ "list_long_choose": "写真選択", "list_long_clipboard": "クリップボードからコピー", "list_long_scan": "QRコードをスキャン", - "take_photo": "写真撮影", "list_tap_here_to_buy": "Bitcoin を購入するにはここをタップ", "list_title": "ウォレット", "list_tryagain": "再度試す", + "looks_like_bip38": "パスワード保護された秘密鍵(BIP38)のようです。", "reorder_title": "ウォレットの並び替え", "select_no_bitcoin": "現在利用可能なビットコインウォレットがありません。", "select_no_bitcoin_exp": "ライトニングウォレットのリフィルにはビットコインウォレットが必要です。作成するか、インポートしてください。", "select_wallet": "ウォレット選択", + "take_photo": "写真撮影", "xpub_copiedToClipboard": "クリップボードにコピーしました。", + "pull_to_refresh": "pull to refresh", "xpub_title": "ウォレット XPUB" }, "multisig": { @@ -420,10 +425,10 @@ "native_segwit_title": "ベストプラクティス", "wrapped_segwit_title": "Best compatibility", "legacy_title": "レガシー", - "co_sign_transaction": "共同署名QRエアギャップトランザクション", + "co_sign_transaction": "トランザクションに署名", "what_is_vault": "A Vault is a", "what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-of-{n} multisig ", - "what_is_vault_wallet": "wallet", + "what_is_vault_wallet": "ウォレット", "vault_advanced_customize": "Vault Settings...", "needs": "Needs", "what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": " {m} vault keys ", @@ -450,6 +455,20 @@ "view_edit_cosigners": "View/edit cosigners", "this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "共同署名者がすでにインポートされています", "export_signed_psbt": "Export Signed PSBT", + "input_fp": "Enter fingerprint", + "input_fp_explain": "skip to use default one (00000000)", + "input_path": "Input derivation path", + "input_path_explain": "skip to use default one ({default})", "view_edit_cosigners_title": "Edit Cosigners" + }, + "cc": { + "change": "チェンジ", + "coins_selected": "Coins selected ({number})", + "empty": "This wallet doesn't have any coins at the moment", + "freeze": "フリーズ", + "freezeLabel": "フリーズ", + "header": "コイン管理", + "use_coin": "コインを利用", + "tip": "Allows you to see, label, freeze or select coins for improved wallet management." } } diff --git a/loc/languages.js b/loc/languages.js index 78e5424bc..731687942 100644 --- a/loc/languages.js +++ b/loc/languages.js @@ -2,10 +2,12 @@ export const AvailableLanguages = Object.freeze([ { label: 'English', value: 'en' }, { label: 'Afrikaans (AFR)', value: 'zar_afr' }, { label: 'Arabic (AR)', value: 'ar' }, + { label: 'Български (BG)', value: 'bg_bg' }, { label: 'Català (CA)', value: 'ca' }, - { label: 'Chinese (ZH)', value: 'zh_cn' }, { label: 'Chinese (TW)', value: 'zh_tw' }, + { label: 'Chinese (ZH)', value: 'zh_cn' }, { label: 'Croatian (HR)', value: 'hr_hr' }, + { label: 'Cymraeg (CY)', value: 'cy' }, { label: 'Česky (CZ)', value: 'cs_cz' }, { label: 'Danish (DK)', value: 'da_dk' }, { label: 'Deutsch (DE)', value: 'de_de' }, @@ -20,6 +22,7 @@ export const AvailableLanguages = Object.freeze([ { label: '日本語 (JP)', value: 'jp_jp' }, { label: 'Nederlands (NL)', value: 'nl_nl' }, { label: 'Norsk (NB)', value: 'nb_no' }, + { label: 'Polskie (PL)', value: 'pl' }, { label: 'Português (BR)', value: 'pt_br' }, { label: 'Português (PT)', value: 'pt_pt' }, { label: 'Русский (RU)', value: 'ru' }, diff --git a/loc/pl.json b/loc/pl.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3b4ec8349 --- /dev/null +++ b/loc/pl.json @@ -0,0 +1,474 @@ +{ + "_": { + "bad_password": "Incorrect password, please try again.", + "cancel": "Anuluj", + "continue": "Kontynuuj", + "enter_password": "Wprowadź hasło", + "never": "nigdy", + "of": "{number} z {total}", + "ok": "OK", + "storage_is_encrypted": "Twoje dane są zaszyfrowane. Hasło jest wymagane do ich rozszyfrowania", + "allow": "Allow", + "dont_allow": "Don't Allow", + "yes": "Tak", + "no": "No", + "save": "Save", + "seed": "Seed", + "wallet_key": "Wallet key", + "invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Nieprawidłowy fragment animowanego kodu QR, spróbuj ponownie", + "file_saved": "Plik ({filePath}) został zapisany w twoim katalogu Pobrane." + }, + "azteco": { + "codeIs": "Twój kod vouchera to", + "errorBeforeRefeem": "Zanim wykorzystasz kod rabatowy, musisz dodać najpierw portfel Bitcoinowy", + "errorSomething": "Coś poszło nie tak. Czy kod vouchera jest ciągle ważny?", + "redeem": "Redeem to wallet", + "redeemButton": "Redeem", + "success": "Sukces", + "title": "Odbierz voucher" + }, + "entropy": { + "save": "Zapisz", + "title": "Entropia", + "undo": "Cofnij" + }, + "errors": { + "broadcast": "Rozgłoszenie nie powiodło się", + "error": "Błąd", + "network": "Błąd sieciowy" + }, + "hodl": { + "are_you_sure_you_want_to_logout": "Czy na pewno chcesz się wylogować z HodlHodl? ", + "cont_address_escrow": "Escrow", + "cont_address_to": "Do", + "cont_buying": "buying", + "cont_cancel": "Anuluj kontrakt", + "cont_cancel_q": "Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz anulować ten kontrakt? ", + "cont_cancel_y": "Tak, anuluj kontrakt", + "cont_chat": "Open chat with counterparty", + "cont_how": "Jak zapłacić", + "cont_no": "Nie masz żadnych uruchomionych kontraktów", + "cont_paid": "Zaznacz kontrakt jako opłacony", + "cont_paid_e": "Do this only if you sent funds to the seller via agreed payment method", + "cont_paid_q": "Are you sure you want to mark this contract as paid?", + "cont_selling": "selling", + "cont_st_completed": "Wszystko wykonane!", + "cont_st_in_progress_buyer": "Coins are in escrow, please pay seller", + "cont_st_paid_enought": "Bitcoins are in escrow! Please pay seller\nvia agreed payment method", + "cont_st_paid_waiting": "Czekanie aż sprzedawca wypuści Bitcoiny z systemu escrow ...", + "cont_st_waiting": "Czekanie aż sprzedawca zdeponuje Bitcoiny do systemu escrow ...", + "cont_title": "Moje kontrakty", + "filter_any": "Any", + "filter_buying": "Buying", + "filter_country_global": "Oferty globalne", + "filter_country_near": "Blisko mnie", + "filter_currency": "Waluta", + "filter_detail": "Szczegóły", + "filter_filters": "Filtry", + "filter_iambuying": "Kupuję bitcoiny", + "filter_iamselling": "Sprzedaję bitcoiny", + "filter_method": "Metoda płatności", + "filter_search": "Search", + "filter_selling": "Selling", + "item_minmax": "Min/Maks", + "item_nooffers": "No offers. Try to change \"Near me\" to Global offers!", + "item_rating": "{rating} trades", + "item_rating_no": "No rating", + "login": "Login", + "mycont": "Moje kontrakty", + "offer_accept": "Akceptuj ofertę", + "offer_account_finish": "Looks like you didn't finish setting up account on HodlHodl, would you like to finish setup now?", + "offer_choosemethod": "Wybierz metodę płatności", + "offer_confirmations": "potwierdzenia", + "offer_minmax": "min/maks", + "offer_minutes": "min", + "offer_promt_fiat": "Ile {waluta} chcesz kupić? ", + "offer_promt_fiat_e": "Na przykład: 100", + "offer_window": "okno", + "p2p": "Giełda p2p" + }, + "lnd": { + "errorInvoiceExpired": "Faktura utraciła ważność", + "exchange": "Exchange", + "expired": "Expired", + "expiredLow": "expired", + "expiresIn": "Wygasa za: {time}", + "payButton": "Pay", + "placeholder": "Faktura", + "potentialFee": "Potencjalna opłata transakcyjna: {fee}", + "refill": "Refill", + "refill_card": "Refill with bank card", + "refill_create": "In order to proceed, please create a Bitcoin wallet to refill with.", + "refill_external": "Refill with External Wallet", + "refill_lnd_balance": "Refill Lightning wallet balance", + "sameWalletAsInvoiceError": "You can not pay an invoice with the same wallet used to create it.", + "title": "zarządzaj środkami" + }, + "lndViewInvoice": { + "additional_info": "Dodatkowa informacja", + "for": "For:", + "has_been_paid": "This invoice has been paid for", + "open_direct_channel": "Open direct channel with this node:", + "please_pay": "Please pay", + "preimage": "Preimage", + "sats": "sat", + "wasnt_paid_and_expired": "To polecenie zapłaty nie zostało opłacone i wygasło" + }, + "plausibledeniability": { + "create_fake_storage": "Utwórz szyfrowany schowek", + "create_password": "Utwórz hasło", + "create_password_explanation": "Password for fake storage should not match the password for your main storage", + "help": "Under certain circumstances, you might be forced to disclose a password. To keep your coins safe, BlueWallet can create another encrypted storage, with a different password. Under pressure, you can disclose this password to a 3rd party. If entered in BlueWallet, it will unlock a new 'fake' storage. This will seem legit to a 3rd party, but it will secretly keep your main storage with coins safe.", + "help2": "The new storage will be fully functional, and you can store some minimum amounts there so it looks more believable.", + "password_should_not_match": "Hasło jest aktualnie w użyciu. Spróbuj z innym hasłem.", + "passwords_do_not_match": "Passwords do not match, please try again.", + "retype_password": "Retype password", + "success": "Sukces", + "title": "Plausible Deniability" + }, + "pleasebackup": { + "ask": "Have you saved your wallet's backup phrase? This backup phrase is required to access your funds in case you lose this device. Without the backup phrase, your funds will be permanently lost.", + "ask_no": "Nie mam", + "ask_yes": "Mam", + "ok": "OK, I wrote this down!", + "ok_lnd": "OK, I have saved it.", + "text": "Please take a moment to write down this mnemonic phrase on a piece of paper. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.", + "text_lnd": "Please take a moment to save this LNDHub authentication. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.", + "title": "Twój portfel został utworzony ..." + }, + "receive": { + "details_create": "Create", + "details_label": "Opis", + "details_setAmount": "Receive with amount", + "details_share": "share", + "header": "Receive" + }, + "send": { + "broadcastButton": "BROADCAST", + "broadcastError": "błąd", + "broadcastNone": "Input transaction hash", + "broadcastPending": "pending", + "broadcastSuccess": "success", + "confirm_header": "Confirm", + "confirm_sendNow": "Wyślij teraz", + "create_amount": "Amount", + "create_broadcast": "Broadcast", + "create_copy": "Copy and broadcast later", + "create_details": "Szczegóły", + "create_fee": "Opłata", + "create_memo": "Memo", + "create_satoshi_per_byte": "Satoshi za bajt", + "create_this_is_hex": "This is your transaction's hex, signed and ready to be broadcasted to the network.", + "create_to": "To", + "create_tx_size": "TX size", + "create_verify": "Verify on", + "details_add_rec_add": "Add Recipient", + "details_add_rec_rem": "Remove Recipient", + "details_address": "address", + "details_address_field_is_not_valid": "Address field is not valid", + "details_adv_fee_bump": "Allow Fee Bump", + "details_adv_full": "Use Full Balance", + "details_adv_full_remove": "Your other recipients will be removed from this transaction.", + "details_adv_full_sure": "Czy jesteś pewien/-a, że chcesz użyć wszystkich środków z Twojego portfela w tej transakcji? ", + "details_adv_import": "Importuj transakcje", + "details_amount_field_is_not_valid": "Amount field is not valid", + "details_create": "Stwórz polecenie zapłaty", + "details_error_decode": "Błąd: Nie potrafię zdekodować adresu Bitcoin", + "details_fee_field_is_not_valid": "Fee field is not valid", + "details_next": "Następny", + "details_no_maximum": "The selected wallet does not support automatic maximum balance calculation. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?", + "details_no_multiple": "The selected wallet does not support sending Bitcoin to multiple recipients. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?", + "details_no_signed_tx": "The selected file does not contain a transaction that can be imported.", + "details_note_placeholder": "note to self", + "details_scan": "Skanuj", + "details_total_exceeds_balance": "The sending amount exceeds the available balance.", + "details_wallet_before_tx": "Before creating a transaction, you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.", + "details_wallet_selection": "Wallet Selection", + "dynamic_init": "Inicjalizuję", + "dynamic_next": "Następny", + "dynamic_prev": "Poprzedni", + "dynamic_start": "Start", + "dynamic_stop": "Stop", + "fee_10m": "10m", + "fee_1d": "1d", + "fee_3h": "3h", + "fee_custom": "Custom", + "fee_fast": "Fast", + "fee_medium": "Medium", + "fee_replace_min": "The total fee rate (satoshi per byte) you want to pay should be higher than {min} sat/byte", + "fee_satbyte": "in sat/byte", + "fee_slow": "Slow", + "header": "Send", + "input_clear": "Clear", + "input_done": "Done", + "input_paste": "Paste", + "input_total": "Total:", + "permission_camera_message": "Potrzebujemy twojej zgody na wykorzystanie kamery", + "permission_camera_title": "Zgoda na wykorzystanie kamery", + "open_settings": "Otwórz ustawienia", + "permission_storage_later": "Zapytaj mnie później", + "permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet needs your permission to access your storage to save this file.", + "permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet is unable save this file. Please, open your device settings and enable Storage Permission.", + "permission_storage_title": "Storage Access Permission", + "psbt_clipboard": "Skopiuj do schowka", + "psbt_this_is_psbt": "This is a partially signed bitcoin transaction (PSBT). Please finish signing it with your hardware wallet.", + "psbt_tx_export": "Export to file", + "no_tx_signing_in_progress": "There is no transaction signing in progress", + "psbt_tx_open": "Otwórz podpisaną transakcję", + "psbt_tx_scan": "Scan Signed Transaction", + "qr_error_no_qrcode": "The selected image does not contain a QR Code.", + "qr_error_no_wallet": "The selected file does not contain a wallet that can be imported.", + "success_done": "Wykonane", + "txSaved": "The transaction file ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder .", + "problem_with_psbt": "Problem z PSBT" + }, + "settings": { + "about": "O", + "about_awesome": "Built with the awesome", + "about_backup": "Zawsze rób kopie zapasowe swoich kluczy!", + "about_free": "BlueWallet is a free and open source project. Crafted by Bitcoin users.", + "about_release_notes": "Release notes", + "about_review": "Leave us a review", + "about_selftest": "Run self test", + "about_sm_github": "GitHub", + "about_sm_telegram": "Telegram chat", + "about_sm_twitter": "Obserwuj nas na Twitterze", + "advanced_options": "Advanced Options", + "currency": "Waluta", + "currency_source": "Prices are obtained from", + "default_desc": "When disabled, BlueWallet will immediately open the selected wallet at launch.", + "default_info": "Default info", + "default_title": "On Launch", + "default_wallets": "View All Wallets", + "electrum_connected": "Połączony", + "electrum_connected_not": "Not Connected", + "electrum_error_connect": "Nie można się połączyć z wybranym serwerem Electrum", + "electrum_host": "host, for example {example}", + "electrum_port": "TCP port, usually {example}", + "electrum_port_ssl": "SSL port, usually {example}", + "electrum_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully. Restart may be required for changes to take effect.", + "electrum_settings": "Ustawienia Electrum", + "electrum_settings_explain": "Set to blank to use default", + "electrum_status": "Status", + "encrypt_decrypt": "Decrypt Storage", + "encrypt_decrypt_q": "Are you sure you want to decrypt your storage? This will allow your wallets to be accessed without a password.", + "encrypt_del_uninstall": "Delete if BlueWallet is uninstalled", + "encrypt_enc_and_pass": "Encrypted and Password protected", + "encrypt_title": "Security", + "encrypt_tstorage": "storage", + "encrypt_use": "Use {type}", + "encrypt_use_expl": "{type} will be used to confirm your identity prior to making a transaction, unlocking, exporting or deleting a wallet. {type} will not be used to unlock an encrypted storage.", + "general": "General", + "general_adv_mode": "Tryb zaawansowany", + "general_adv_mode_e": "When enabled, you will see advanced options such as different wallet types, the ability to specify the LNDHub instance you wish to connect to and custom entropy during wallet creation.", + "general_continuity": "Continuity", + "general_continuity_e": "When enabled, you will be able to view selected wallets, and transactions, using your other Apple iCloud connected devices.", + "groundcontrol_explanation": "GroundControl is a free opensource push notifications server for bitcoin wallets. You can install your own GroundControl server and put its URL here to not rely on BlueWallet's infrastructure. Leave blank to use default", + "header": "settings", + "language": "Język", + "language_restart": "When selecting a new language, restarting BlueWallet may be required for the change to take effect.", + "lightning_error_lndhub_uri": "Niepoprawny LndHub URI", + "lightning_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully", + "lightning_settings": "Ustawienia Lightning", + "lightning_settings_explain": "To connect to your own LND node please install LndHub and put its URL here in settings. Leave blank to use BlueWallet's LNDHub ( Wallets created after saving changes will connect to the specified LNDHub.", + "network": "Sieć", + "network_broadcast": "Rozgłoś transakcje", + "network_electrum": "Serwer Electrum", + "not_a_valid_uri": "Not a valid URI", + "notifications": "Notifications", + "password": "Hasło", + "password_explain": "Create the password you will use to decrypt the storage", + "passwords_do_not_match": "Hasła się nie zgadzają", + "plausible_deniability": "Plausible deniability", + "privacy": "Privacy", + "privacy_read_clipboard": "Read Clipboard", + "privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet will display shortcuts for handling an invoice or address found in your clipboard.", + "privacy_system_settings": "System Settings", + "privacy_quickactions": "Wallet Shortcuts", + "privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Touch and hold the BlueWallet app icon on your Home Screen to quickly view your wallet's balance.", + "privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Provide shortcuts if an address, or invoice, is found in your clipboard.", + "push_notifications": "Push notifications", + "retype_password": "Re-type password", + "save": "Save", + "saved": "Saved" + }, + "notifications": { + "would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Would you like to receive notifications when you get incoming payments?", + "no_and_dont_ask": "No, and Don't Ask Me Again", + "ask_me_later": "Ask Me Later" + }, + "transactions": { + "cancel_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one that pays you and has higher fees. This effectively cancels transaction. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.", + "cancel_no": "This transaction is not replaceable", + "cancel_title": "Anuluj tę transakcję (RBF)", + "cpfp_create": "Utwórz", + "cpfp_exp": "We will create another transaction that spends your unconfirmed transaction. The total fee will be higher than the original transaction fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called CPFP - Child Pays For Parent.", + "cpfp_no_bump": "Dla tej transakcji nie można zwiększyć opłat", + "cpfp_title": "Zwiększ opłatę transakcji (CPFP)", + "details_balance_hide": "Hide Balance", + "details_balance_show": "Show Balance", + "details_block": "Block Height", + "details_copy": "Copy", + "details_from": "Input", + "details_inputs": "Inputs", + "details_outputs": "Outputs", + "details_received": "Received", + "details_show_in_block_explorer": "View in block explorer", + "details_title": "Transaction", + "details_to": "Output", + "details_transaction_details": "Transaction details", + "enable_hw": "This wallet is not being used in conjunction with a hardware wallet. Would you like to enable hardware wallet use?", + "list_conf": "conf: {number}", + "pending": "Pending", + "list_title": "transakcje", + "rbf_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one with a higher fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.", + "rbf_title": "Bump fee (RBF)", + "status_bump": "Bump Fee", + "status_cancel": "Anuluj transakcje", + "transactions_count": "transactions count" + }, + "wallets": { + "add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin", + "add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet", + "add_create": "Utwórz", + "add_entropy_generated": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy", + "add_entropy_provide": "Provide entropy via dice rolls", + "add_entropy_remain": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy. Remaining {rem} bytes will be obtained from the System random number generator.", + "add_import_wallet": "Import wallet", + "add_lightning": "Lightning", + "add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions", + "add_lndhub": "Connect to your LNDHub", + "add_lndhub_error": "The provided node address is not valid LNDHub node.", + "add_lndhub_placeholder": "your node address", + "add_or": "or", + "add_title": "add wallet", + "add_wallet_name": "name", + "add_wallet_type": "type", + "clipboard_bitcoin": "You have a Bitcoin address on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?", + "clipboard_lightning": "You have a Lightning Invoice on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?", + "details_address": "Address", + "details_advanced": "Advanced", + "details_are_you_sure": "Jesteś pewny?", + "details_connected_to": "Connected to", + "details_del_wb": "Wallet Balance", + "details_del_wb_err": "The provided balance amount does not match this wallet's balance. Please, try again", + "details_del_wb_q": "This wallet has a balance. Before proceeding, please be aware that you will not be able to recover the funds without this wallet's seed phrase. In order to avoid accidental removal this wallet, please enter your wallet's balance of {balance} satoshis.", + "details_delete": "Delete", + "details_delete_wallet": "Delete wallet", + "details_display": "display in wallets list", + "details_export_backup": "Export / backup", + "details_marketplace": "Marketplace", + "details_master_fingerprint": "Master fingerprint", + "details_no_cancel": "No, cancel", + "details_save": "Save", + "details_show_xpub": "Show wallet XPUB", + "details_title": "Wallet", + "details_type": "Type", + "details_use_with_hardware_wallet": "Use with hardware wallet", + "details_wallet_updated": "Wallet updated", + "details_yes_delete": "Yes, delete", + "enter_bip38_password": "Enter password to decrypt", + "export_title": "wallet export", + "import_do_import": "Import", + "import_error": "Failed to import. Please, make sure that the provided data is valid.", + "import_explanation": "Write here your mnemonic, private key, WIF, or anything you've got. BlueWallet will do its best to guess the correct format and import your wallet", + "import_file": "Import File", + "import_imported": "Imported", + "import_scan_qr": "Scan or import a file", + "import_success": "Twój portfel został pomyślnie zaimportowany.", + "import_title": "import", + "list_create_a_button": "Add now", + "list_create_a_wallet": "Add a wallet", + "list_create_a_wallet_text": "It's free and you can create \nas many as you like", + "list_empty_txs1": "Your transactions will appear here", + "list_empty_txs1_lightning": "Lightning wallet should be used for your daily transactions. Fees are unfairly cheap and speed is blazing fast.", + "list_empty_txs2": "Start with your wallet", + "list_empty_txs2_lightning": "\nTo start using it tap on \"manage funds\" and topup your balance.", + "list_header": "A wallet represents a pair of keys, one private and one you can share to receive coins.", + "list_import_error": "An error was encountered when attempting to import this wallet.", + "list_import_problem": "There was a problem importing this wallet", + "list_latest_transaction": "latest transaction", + "list_long_choose": "Choose Photo", + "list_long_clipboard": "Copy from Clipboard", + "list_long_scan": "Zeskanuj kod QR", + "list_tap_here_to_buy": "Buy Bitcoin", + "list_title": "wallets", + "list_tryagain": "Try Again", + "looks_like_bip38": "This looks like password-protected private key (BIP38)", + "reorder_title": "Reorder Wallets", + "select_no_bitcoin": "There are currently no Bitcoin wallets available.", + "select_no_bitcoin_exp": "A Bitcoin wallet is required to refill Lightning wallets. Please, create or import one.", + "select_wallet": "Select Wallet", + "take_photo": "Take Photo", + "xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard.", + "pull_to_refresh": "pull to refresh", + "xpub_title": "wallet XPUB" + }, + "multisig": { + "multisig_vault": "Vault", + "multisig_vault_explain": "Best security for large amounts", + "provide_signature": "Provide signature", + "vault_key": "Vault key {number}", + "required_keys_out_of_total": "Required keys out of the total", + "fee": "Fee: {number}", + "fee_btc": "{number} BTC", + "confirm": "Confirm", + "header": "Send", + "share": "Share", + "how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "how many signatures can bluewallet make", + "scan_or_import_file": "Scan or import file", + "export_coordination_setup": "export coordination setup", + "cosign_this_transaction": "Co-sign this transaction?", + "lets_start": "Let's start", + "create": "Create", + "provide_key": "Provide key", + "native_segwit_title": "Best practice", + "wrapped_segwit_title": "Best compatibility", + "legacy_title": "Legacy", + "co_sign_transaction": "Sign a transaction", + "what_is_vault": "A Vault is a", + "what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-of-{n} multisig ", + "what_is_vault_wallet": "wallet", + "vault_advanced_customize": "Vault Settings...", + "needs": "Needs", + "what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": " {m} vault keys ", + "what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "to spend and a 3rd one you \ncan use as backup.", + "quorum": "{m} of {n} quorum", + "quorum_header": "Quorum", + "of": "of", + "wallet_type": "Wallet type", + "view_key": "view", + "invalid_mnemonics": "This mnemonic phrase doesnt seem to be valid", + "invalid_cosigner": "Not a valid cosigner data", + "invalid_cosigner_format": "Incorrect cosigner: this is not a cosigner for {format} format", + "create_new_key": "Create New", + "scan_or_open_file": "Scan or open file", + "i_have_mnemonics": "I have a seed for this key...", + "please_write_down_mnemonics": "Please write down this mnemonic phrase on paper. Don't worry, you can write it down later.", + "i_wrote_it_down": "Ok, I wrote it down", + "type_your_mnemonics": "Insert a seed to import your existing vault key", + "this_is_cosigners_xpub": "This is the cosigner's xpub, ready to be imported into another wallet. It is safe to share it.", + "wallet_key_created": "Your vault key was created. Take a moment to safely backup your mnemonic seed", + "are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Are you sure? Your mnemonic seed will be lost if you dont have a backup", + "forget_this_seed": "Forget this seed and use xpub instead", + "invalid_fingerprint": "Fingerprint for this seed doesnt match this cosigners fingerprint", + "view_edit_cosigners": "View/edit cosigners", + "this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "This cosigner is already imported", + "export_signed_psbt": "Export Signed PSBT", + "input_fp": "Enter fingerprint", + "input_fp_explain": "skip to use default one (00000000)", + "input_path": "Input derivation path", + "input_path_explain": "skip to use default one ({default})", + "view_edit_cosigners_title": "Edit Cosigners" + }, + "cc": { + "change": "change", + "coins_selected": "Coins selected ({number})", + "empty": "This wallet doesn't have any coins at the moment", + "freeze": "freeze", + "freezeLabel": "Freeze", + "header": "Coin control", + "use_coin": "Use coin", + "tip": "Allows you to see, label, freeze or select coins for improved wallet management." + } +} diff --git a/loc/pt_br.json b/loc/pt_br.json index e15e829ee..79490372d 100644 --- a/loc/pt_br.json +++ b/loc/pt_br.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "_": { - "bad_password": "Senha errada, tente novamente", + "bad_password": "Senha incorreta, tente outra vez.", "cancel": "Cancelar", "continue": "Continuar", "enter_password": "Insira a senha", @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ "help": "Em algumas circunstâncias, você pode ser forçado a revelar uma senha. Para manter seus bitcoins seguros, A BlueWallet pode criar uma senha alternativa. Sob pressão, você pode revelar essa senha ao invés da senha principal. Quando inserida na BlueWallet, esta abrirá uma interface falsa, que parecerá legítima a um terceiro, enquanto suas carteiras originais continuarão à salvo em segredo.", "help2": "Essa nova interface é completamente funcional e você pode inclusive manter nele um valor minímo para que pareça mais real.", "password_should_not_match": "A senha para a interface falsa não deve coincidir com a principal", - "passwords_do_not_match": "Senhas não conferem, tente novamente", + "passwords_do_not_match": "As senhas não coincidem, tente outra vez.", "retype_password": "Inserir senha novamente", "success": "Sucesso", "title": "Negação plausível" @@ -207,8 +207,9 @@ "permission_camera_title": "Permissão para usar a câmera", "open_settings": "Abrir configurações", "permission_storage_later": "Me pergunte mais tarde", - "permission_storage_message": "A BlueWallet precisa de sua permissão para acessar seu armazenamento para salvar esta transação.", - "permission_storage_title": "Permissão de acesso de armazenamento BlueWallet", + "permission_storage_message": "A BlueWallet precisa da sua permissão para acessar seu armazenamento e salvar o arquivo.", + "permission_storage_denied_message": "A BlueWallet não conseguiu salvar o arquivo. Abra as configurações do seu dispositivo e ative a permissão de armazenamento.", + "permission_storage_title": "Permissão de acesso ao armazenamento", "psbt_clipboard": "Copiar para área de transferência", "psbt_this_is_psbt": "Esta é uma transação bitcoin parcialmente assinada (PSBT). Por favor, termine de assiná-la com sua carteira de hardware.", "psbt_tx_export": "Exportar para arquivo", @@ -234,7 +235,7 @@ "about_sm_twitter": "Siga-nos no Twitter", "advanced_options": "Opções avançadas", "currency": "Moeda", - "currency_source": "Os preços são obtidos no", + "currency_source": "Os preços são obtidos da", "default_desc": "Quando desativado, o BlueWallet abrirá imediatamente a carteira selecionada no lançamento.", "default_info": "Carteira padrão", "default_title": "No lançamento", @@ -293,7 +294,7 @@ }, "notifications": { "would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Gostaria de receber notificações quando receber pagamentos?", - "no_and_dont_ask": "Não e não perguntar", + "no_and_dont_ask": "Não e não me pergunte de novo", "ask_me_later": "Me pergunte mais tarde" }, "transactions": { @@ -327,14 +328,13 @@ "transactions_count": "contagem de transações" }, "wallets": { - "add_bitcoin_explain": "Carteira Bitcoin simples e poderosa", "add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin", + "add_bitcoin_explain": "Carteira Bitcoin simples e poderosa", "add_create": "Criar", "add_entropy_generated": "{gen} bytes de entropia gerada", "add_entropy_provide": "Entropia por meio de jogadas de dados", "add_entropy_remain": "{gen} bytes de entropia gerada. Os bytes {rem} restantes serão obtidos do gerador de números aleatórios do sistema.", "add_import_wallet": "Importar carteira", - "import_file": "Importar arquivo", "add_lightning": "Lightning", "add_lightning_explain": "Enviar com transações instantâneas", "add_lndhub": "Conectar ao seu LNDHub", @@ -344,6 +344,8 @@ "add_title": "criando carteira", "add_wallet_name": "nome", "add_wallet_type": "tipo", + "clipboard_bitcoin": "Você tem um endereço Bitcoin na área de transferência. Deseja utilizá-lo para uma transação?", + "clipboard_lightning": "Você tem uma fatura Lightning na área de transferência. Deseja utilizá-la para uma transação?", "details_address": "Endereço", "details_advanced": "Avançado", "details_are_you_sure": "Tem certeza?", @@ -365,15 +367,15 @@ "details_use_with_hardware_wallet": "Usar com carteira de hardware", "details_wallet_updated": "Carteira atualizada", "details_yes_delete": "Sim, apagar", + "enter_bip38_password": "Digite a senha para descriptografar", "export_title": "Exportar carteira", "import_do_import": "Importar", "import_error": "Erro. Por favor, confira se o formato que você passou é válido.", "import_explanation": "Escreva aqui sua frase mnemônica, chave privada, WIF, ou o que você tiver. Faremos nosso melhor para adivinhar o formato e importat sua carteira", + "import_file": "Importar arquivo", "import_imported": "Importada", "import_scan_qr": "Ler um código QR ou arquivo", "import_success": "Sucesso", - "looks_like_bip38": "Parece uma chave privada protegida por senha (BIP38)", - "enter_bip38_password": "Digite a senha para descriptografar", "import_title": "importar", "list_create_a_button": "Criar agora", "list_create_a_wallet": "Criar uma carteira", @@ -389,15 +391,17 @@ "list_long_choose": "Escolher Foto", "list_long_clipboard": "Copiar da área de transferência", "list_long_scan": "Ler QR Code", - "take_photo": "Registrar Foto", "list_tap_here_to_buy": "Comprar Bitcoin", "list_title": "carteiras", "list_tryagain": "Tente Novamente", + "looks_like_bip38": "Parece uma chave privada protegida por senha (BIP38)", "reorder_title": "Reordenar carteiras", "select_no_bitcoin": "No momento, não há carteiras Bitcoin disponíveis.", "select_no_bitcoin_exp": "Uma carteira Bitcoin é necessária para recarregar as carteiras Lightning. Por favor, crie ou importe um.", "select_wallet": "Escolher carteira", + "take_photo": "Registrar Foto", "xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Copiado para a área de transferência", + "pull_to_refresh": "puxe para atualizar", "xpub_title": "XPUB" }, "multisig": { @@ -421,7 +425,7 @@ "native_segwit_title": "Melhor prática", "wrapped_segwit_title": "Melhor compatibilidade", "legacy_title": "Antigo", - "co_sign_transaction": "Assinar transação por QR", + "co_sign_transaction": "Assinar uma transação", "what_is_vault": "Um Cofre é um", "what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": "{m}-de-{n} multisig", "what_is_vault_wallet": "wallet", @@ -451,6 +455,20 @@ "view_edit_cosigners": "Ver/editar chaves do cofre", "this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "Este co-signatário já foi importado", "export_signed_psbt": "Exportar PSBT assinado", + "input_fp": "Inserir fingerprint", + "input_fp_explain": "pule para usar a padrão (00000000)", + "input_path": "Inserir path de derivação", + "input_path_explain": "pule para usar o padrão ({default})", "view_edit_cosigners_title": "Editar co-signatários" + }, + "cc": { + "change": "troco", + "coins_selected": "Moedas selecionadas ({number})", + "empty": "Esta carteira ainda não tem nenhuma moeda", + "freeze": "congelar", + "freezeLabel": "Congelar", + "header": "Controle de moedas", + "use_coin": "Usar moeda", + "tip": "Permite que você veja, marque, congele ou selecione moedas para gerenciar melhor sua carteira." } } diff --git a/loc/sv_se.json b/loc/sv_se.json index 58e1f5636..45dfb0727 100644 --- a/loc/sv_se.json +++ b/loc/sv_se.json @@ -1,28 +1,36 @@ { "_": { - "bad_password": "Felaktigt lösenord, försök igen", + "bad_password": "Felaktigt lösenord, försök igen.", "cancel": "Avbryt", "continue": "Fortsätt", "enter_password": "Ange lösenord", "never": "aldrig", - "of": "{number} of {total}", + "of": "{number} av {total}", "ok": "OK", "storage_is_encrypted": "Lagringen är krypterad. Lösenords krävs för att dekryptera", - "yes": "Yes" + "allow": "Tillåt", + "dont_allow": "Tillåt inte", + "yes": "Ja", + "no": "Nej", + "save": "Spara", + "seed": "Seed", + "wallet_key": "Nyckel till plånbok", + "invalid_animated_qr_code_fragment" : "Invalid animated QRCode fragment, please try again", + "file_saved": "File ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder ." }, "azteco": { - "codeIs": "Your voucher code is", + "codeIs": "Din kupong är", "errorBeforeRefeem": "Before redeeming you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.", - "errorSomething": "Something went wrong. Is this voucher still valid?", + "errorSomething": "Något gick fel. Är din kupong fortfarande giltig?", "redeem": "Redeem to wallet", - "redeemButton": "Redeem", + "redeemButton": "Lös in", "success": "Success", - "title": "Redeem voucher" + "title": "Lös in kupong" }, "entropy": { "save": "Spara", - "title": "Entropy", - "undo": "Undo" + "title": "Entropi", + "undo": "Ångra" }, "errors": { "broadcast": "Sändning misslyckades", @@ -31,7 +39,7 @@ }, "hodl": { "are_you_sure_you_want_to_logout": "Är du säker på att du vill logga ut från HodlHodl?", - "cont_address_escrow": "Escrow", + "cont_address_escrow": "Säkerhet", "cont_address_to": "Till", "cont_buying": "Köp", "cont_cancel": "Avbryt kontrakt", @@ -46,7 +54,7 @@ "cont_selling": "Säljer", "cont_st_completed": "Klart!", "cont_st_in_progress_buyer": "Coins are in escrow, please pay seller", - "cont_st_paid_enought": "Bitcoins are in escrow! Please pay seller\nvia agreed payment method", + "cont_st_paid_enought": "Bitcoin hålls som säkerhet! Betala säljaren\nvia överenskommen betalmetod.", "cont_st_paid_waiting": "Waiting for seller to release coins from escrow", "cont_st_waiting": "Waiting for seller to deposit bitcoins to escrow...", "cont_title": "Mina kontrakt", @@ -67,23 +75,23 @@ "item_rating": "{rating} trades", "item_rating_no": "No rating", "login": "Login", - "mycont": "My contracts", - "offer_accept": "Accept offer", - "offer_account_finish": "Looks like you didn't finish setting up account on HodlHodl, would you like to finish setup now?", + "mycont": "Mina kontrakt", + "offer_accept": "Acceptera bud", + "offer_account_finish": "Det verkar som om du inte är klar med att skapa ett HodlHodl konto. Vill du fortsätta med att skapa ditt konto nu?", "offer_choosemethod": "Välj betalnings metod", "offer_confirmations": "Bekräftelser", "offer_minmax": "min / max", - "offer_minutes": "min", + "offer_minutes": "minimum", "offer_promt_fiat": "Hur mycket {valuta} vill du köpa?", "offer_promt_fiat_e": "till exempel 100", "offer_window": "Fönster", - "p2p": "A p2p exchange" + "p2p": "En p2p börs" }, "lnd": { - "errorInvoiceExpired": "Invoice expired", + "errorInvoiceExpired": "Fakturan har förfallit", "exchange": "Exchange", "expired": "Förfallen", - "expiredLow": "expired", + "expiredLow": "förfallen", "expiresIn": "Förfaller om: {tid}", "payButton": "Betala", "placeholder": "Faktura", @@ -91,7 +99,7 @@ "refill": "Sätt in", "refill_card": "sätt in med Bankkort", "refill_create": "För att fortsätta, vänligen skapa en Bitcoin plånbok att fylla på med", - "refill_external": "Refill with External Wallet", + "refill_external": "Fyll på från extern plånbok", "refill_lnd_balance": "Fyll på Lightning-plånbok", "sameWalletAsInvoiceError": "Du kan inte betala en faktura från samma plånbok som användes för att skapa den.", "title": "sätt in / ta ut" @@ -113,7 +121,7 @@ "help": "Under vissa omständigheter kan du bli tvingad att uppge ditt lösenord. För att se till att dina pengar är säkra kan BlueWallet skapa ytterligare en krypterad lagringsyta, med ett annat lösenord. Vid tvång kan du uppge detta alternativa lösenord. När det matas in i BlueWallet så kommer det att låsa upp din 'fejkade' lagringsyta. Det kommer att se ut precis som vanligt men i själva verket är dina pengar i säkert förvar på din primära lagringsyta.", "help2": "Den alternativa lagringsytan kommer att vara fullt fungerade och du kan eventuellt spara en mindre summa där för att den ska verka mer trovärdig.", "password_should_not_match": "Lösenordet för den fejkade lagringsytan får inte vara samma som ditt huvudlösenord", - "passwords_do_not_match": "Lösenorden är olika!", + "passwords_do_not_match": "Lösenorden du angav matchar inte. Försök igen.", "retype_password": "Ange lösenord igen", "success": "Fejkad lagringsyta skapad!", "title": "Trovärdigt förnekande" @@ -153,7 +161,7 @@ "create_this_is_hex": "Detta är transaktionens hex, signerad och redo att skickas ut på nätverket.", "create_to": "Till", "create_tx_size": "Transaktionsstorlek", - "create_verify": "Verify on", + "create_verify": "Verifiera med", "details_add_rec_add": "Lägg till mottagare", "details_add_rec_rem": "Ta bort mottagare", "details_address": "adress", @@ -162,7 +170,7 @@ "details_adv_full": "Use Full Balance", "details_adv_full_remove": "Your other recipients will be removed from this transaction.", "details_adv_full_sure": "Are you sure you want to use your wallet's full balance for this transaction?", - "details_adv_import": "Import Transaction", + "details_adv_import": "Importera Transaction", "details_amount_field_is_not_valid": "Angivet belopp är inte giltigt", "details_create": "Skapa", "details_error_decode": "Error: Unable to decode Bitcoin address", @@ -188,8 +196,8 @@ "fee_fast": "Fast", "fee_medium": "Medium", "fee_replace_min": "The total fee rate (satoshi per byte) you want to pay should be higher than {min} sat/byte", - "fee_satbyte": "in sat/byte", - "fee_slow": "Slow", + "fee_satbyte": "i sat/byte", + "fee_slow": "Långsamt", "header": "Skicka", "input_clear": "Töm", "input_done": "Klart", @@ -199,17 +207,20 @@ "permission_camera_title": "Tillåtelse för att använda kameran", "open_settings": "Öppna inställningar", "permission_storage_later": "Fråga mig senare", - "permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet needs your permission to access your storage to save this transaction.", - "permission_storage_title": "BlueWallet Storage Access Permission", + "permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet needs your permission to access your storage to save this file.", + "permission_storage_denied_message": "BlueWallet is unable save this file. Please, open your device settings and enable Storage Permission.", + "permission_storage_title": "Storage Access Permission", "psbt_clipboard": "Copy to Clipboard", "psbt_this_is_psbt": "This is a partially signed bitcoin transaction (PSBT). Please finish signing it with your hardware wallet.", - "psbt_tx_export": "Export to file", + "psbt_tx_export": "Exportera till fil", + "no_tx_signing_in_progress": "There is no transaction signing in progress", "psbt_tx_open": "Open Signed Transaction", "psbt_tx_scan": "Scan Signed Transaction", "qr_error_no_qrcode": "Bilden innehåller inte en QR kod", "qr_error_no_wallet": "The selected file does not contain a wallet that can be imported.", "success_done": "Klart!", - "txSaved": "The transaction file ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder ." + "txSaved": "The transaction file ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder .", + "problem_with_psbt": "Problem with PSBT" }, "settings": { "about": "Om", @@ -220,14 +231,14 @@ "about_review": "Leave us a review", "about_selftest": "Run self test", "about_sm_github": "GitHub", - "about_sm_telegram": "Telegram chat", - "about_sm_twitter": "Follow us on Twitter", + "about_sm_telegram": "Telegram chatt", + "about_sm_twitter": "Följ oss på Twitter", "advanced_options": "Advanced Options", "currency": "Valuta", - "currency_source": "Prices are obtained from", + "currency_source": "Priser hämtas från", "default_desc": "When disabled, BlueWallet will immediately open the selected wallet at launch.", "default_info": "Default info", - "default_title": "On Launch", + "default_title": "Vid uppstart", "default_wallets": "View All Wallets", "electrum_connected": "Connected", "electrum_connected_not": "Not Connected", @@ -245,7 +256,7 @@ "encrypt_enc_and_pass": "Encrypted and Password protected", "encrypt_title": "Security", "encrypt_tstorage": "storage", - "encrypt_use": "Use {type}", + "encrypt_use": "Använd {type}", "encrypt_use_expl": "{type} will be used to confirm your identity prior to making a transaction, unlocking, exporting or deleting a wallet. {type} will not be used to unlock an encrypted storage.", "general": "General", "general_adv_mode": "Enable advanced mode", @@ -260,28 +271,42 @@ "lightning_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully", "lightning_settings": "Lightning Network", "lightning_settings_explain": "För att ansluta till din egen LND-nod, installera LndHub och mata in dess URL nedan. Lämna blankt för att använda BlueWallet's LNDHub ( Plånböcker skapade efter att inställningarna sparats kommer att använda den angivna LNDHub:en", - "network": "Network", + "network": "Nätverk", "network_broadcast": "Broadcast transaction", "network_electrum": "Electrum server", "not_a_valid_uri": "Not a valid URI", - "notifications": "Notifications", + "notifications": "Notifikationer", "password": "Lösenord", "password_explain": "Skapa ett lösenord som du kommer att använda vid dekryptering", "passwords_do_not_match": "Lösenorden är olika!", "plausible_deniability": "Trovärdigt förnekande...", + "privacy": "Privacy", + "privacy_read_clipboard": "Read Clipboard", + "privacy_read_clipboard_alert": "BlueWallet will display shortcuts for handling an invoice or address found in your clipboard.", + "privacy_system_settings": "Systeminställningar", + "privacy_quickactions": "Wallet Shortcuts", + "privacy_quickactions_explanation": "Touch and hold the BlueWallet app icon on your Home Screen to quickly view your wallet's balance.", + "privacy_clipboard_explanation": "Provide shortcuts if an address, or invoice, is found in your clipboard.", "push_notifications": "Push notifications", "retype_password": "Ange lösenord igen", "save": "Spara", "saved": "Saved" }, + "notifications": { + "would_you_like_to_receive_notifications": "Would you like to receive notifications when you get incoming payments?", + "no_and_dont_ask": "Nej och fråga mig inte igen", + "ask_me_later": "Fråga mig senare" + }, "transactions": { "cancel_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one that pays you and has higher fees. This effectively cancels transaction. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.", "cancel_no": "This transaction is not replaceable", "cancel_title": "Cancel this transaction (RBF)", - "cpfp_create": "Create", + "cpfp_create": "Skapa", "cpfp_exp": "We will create another transaction that spends your unconfirmed transaction. The total fee will be higher than the original transaction fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called CPFP - Child Pays For Parent.", "cpfp_no_bump": "This transaction is not bumpable", "cpfp_title": "Bump fee (CPFP)", + "details_balance_hide": "Göm saldo", + "details_balance_show": "Visa saldo", "details_block": "Block Height", "details_copy": "Kopiera", "details_from": "Input", @@ -292,23 +317,24 @@ "details_title": "Transaktion", "details_to": "Output", "details_transaction_details": "Transaktionsdetaljer", - "enable_hw": "This wallet is not being used in conjunction with a hardwarde wallet. Would you like to enable hardware wallet use?", + "enable_hw": "This wallet is not being used in conjunction with a hardware wallet. Would you like to enable hardware wallet use?", + "list_conf": "conf: {number}", + "pending": "Pending", "list_title": "transaktioner", "rbf_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one with a higher fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.", "rbf_title": "Bump fee (RBF)", "status_bump": "Bump Fee", - "status_cancel": "Cancel Transaction", + "status_cancel": "Avbryt transaction", "transactions_count": "transactions count" }, "wallets": { - "add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet", "add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin", + "add_bitcoin_explain": "Simple and powerful Bitcoin wallet", "add_create": "Skapa", "add_entropy_generated": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy", "add_entropy_provide": "Provide entropy via dice rolls", "add_entropy_remain": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy. Remaining {rem} bytes will be obtained from the System random number generator.", "add_import_wallet": "Importera plånbok", - "import_file": "Import File", "add_lightning": "Lightning", "add_lightning_explain": "For spending with instant transactions", "add_lndhub": "Connect to your LNDHub", @@ -318,6 +344,8 @@ "add_title": "ny plånbok", "add_wallet_name": "namn", "add_wallet_type": "typ", + "clipboard_bitcoin": "You have a Bitcoin address on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?", + "clipboard_lightning": "You have a Lightning Invoice on your clipboard. Would you like to use it for a transaction?", "details_address": "Adress", "details_advanced": "Advanced", "details_are_you_sure": "Är du säker?", @@ -326,8 +354,8 @@ "details_del_wb_err": "The provided balance amount does not match this wallet's balance. Please, try again", "details_del_wb_q": "This wallet has a balance. Before proceeding, please be aware that you will not be able to recover the funds without this wallet's seed phrase. In order to avoid accidental removal this wallet, please enter your wallet's balance of {balance} satoshis.", "details_delete": "Radera", - "details_delete_wallet": "Delete wallet", - "details_display": "display in wallets list", + "details_delete_wallet": "Radera plånbok", + "details_display": "visa i listan med plånböcker", "details_export_backup": "Exportera / ta backup", "details_marketplace": "Marketplace", "details_master_fingerprint": "Master fingerprint", @@ -339,18 +367,19 @@ "details_use_with_hardware_wallet": "Use with hardware wallet", "details_wallet_updated": "Wallet updated", "details_yes_delete": "Ja, ta bort", + "enter_bip38_password": "Ange lösenord för att dekryptera", "export_title": "exportera plånbok", "import_do_import": "Importera", "import_error": "Import misslyckades. Kontrollera att informationen du matade in är korrekt.", "import_explanation": "Skriv in dina ord, din privata nyckel, WIF, eller vad du kan tänkas ha. BlueWallet kommer att göra sitt bästa för att gissa formatet och importera plånboken", + "import_file": "Importera fil", "import_imported": "Importerad", "import_scan_qr": "eller skanna QR-kod istället?", "import_success": "Import lyckad!", "import_title": "import", "list_create_a_button": "Ny plånbok", "list_create_a_wallet": "Ny plånbok", - "list_create_a_wallet1": "Det är gratis och du kan skapa", - "list_create_a_wallet2": "hur många du vill", + "list_create_a_wallet_text": "It's free and you can create \nas many as you like", "list_empty_txs1": "Dina transaktioner kommer att visas här", "list_empty_txs1_lightning": "Lightningplånboken ska användas för dagliga småtransaktioner. Avgifterna är minimala och transaktioner sker direkt.", "list_empty_txs2": "men än så länge finns inga!", @@ -362,15 +391,84 @@ "list_long_choose": "Choose Photo", "list_long_clipboard": "Copy from Clipboard", "list_long_scan": "Scan QR Code", - "take_photo": "Take Photo", "list_tap_here_to_buy": "Tryck här för att köpa bitcoin", "list_title": "plånböcker", - "list_tryagain": "Try Again", + "list_tryagain": "Försök igen", + "looks_like_bip38": "This looks like password-protected private key (BIP38)", "reorder_title": "Sortera plånböcker", "select_no_bitcoin": "There are currently no Bitcoin wallets available.", "select_no_bitcoin_exp": "A Bitcoin wallet is required to refill Lightning wallets. Please, create or import one.", "select_wallet": "Välj plånbok", + "take_photo": "Take Photo", "xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Kopierad till urklipp", + "pull_to_refresh": "pull to refresh", "xpub_title": "plånbokens XPUB" + }, + "multisig": { + "multisig_vault": "Vault", + "multisig_vault_explain": "Best security for large amounts", + "provide_signature": "Provide signature", + "vault_key": "Vault key {number}", + "required_keys_out_of_total": "Required keys out of the total", + "fee": "Fee: {number}", + "fee_btc": "{number} BTC", + "confirm": "Confirm", + "header": "Send", + "share": "Share", + "how_many_signatures_can_bluewallet_make": "how many signatures can bluewallet make", + "scan_or_import_file": "Scan or import file", + "export_coordination_setup": "export coordination setup", + "cosign_this_transaction": "Co-sign this transaction?", + "lets_start": "Let's start", + "create": "Skapa", + "provide_key": "Provide key", + "native_segwit_title": "Best practice", + "wrapped_segwit_title": "Best compatibility", + "legacy_title": "Legacy", + "co_sign_transaction": "Sign a transaction", + "what_is_vault": "A Vault is a", + "what_is_vault_numberOfWallets": " {m}-of-{n} multisig ", + "what_is_vault_wallet": "wallet", + "vault_advanced_customize": "Vault Settings...", + "needs": "Needs", + "what_is_vault_description_number_of_vault_keys": " {m} vault keys ", + "what_is_vault_description_to_spend": "to spend and a 3rd one you \ncan use as backup.", + "quorum": "{m} of {n} quorum", + "quorum_header": "Quorum", + "of": "of", + "wallet_type": "Wallet type", + "view_key": "view", + "invalid_mnemonics": "This mnemonic phrase doesnt seem to be valid", + "invalid_cosigner": "Not a valid cosigner data", + "invalid_cosigner_format": "Incorrect cosigner: this is not a cosigner for {format} format", + "create_new_key": "Create New", + "scan_or_open_file": "Scan or open file", + "i_have_mnemonics": "I have a seed for this key...", + "please_write_down_mnemonics": "Please write down this mnemonic phrase on paper. Don't worry, you can write it down later.", + "i_wrote_it_down": "Ok, I wrote it down", + "type_your_mnemonics": "Insert a seed to import your existing vault key", + "this_is_cosigners_xpub": "This is the cosigner's xpub, ready to be imported into another wallet. It is safe to share it.", + "wallet_key_created": "Your vault key was created. Take a moment to safely backup your mnemonic seed", + "are_you_sure_seed_will_be_lost": "Are you sure? Your mnemonic seed will be lost if you dont have a backup", + "forget_this_seed": "Forget this seed and use xpub instead", + "invalid_fingerprint": "Fingerprint for this seed doesnt match this cosigners fingerprint", + "view_edit_cosigners": "View/edit cosigners", + "this_cosigner_is_already_imported": "This cosigner is already imported", + "export_signed_psbt": "Export Signed PSBT", + "input_fp": "Enter fingerprint", + "input_fp_explain": "skip to use default one (00000000)", + "input_path": "Input derivation path", + "input_path_explain": "skip to use default one ({default})", + "view_edit_cosigners_title": "Edit Cosigners" + }, + "cc": { + "change": "ändra", + "coins_selected": "Coins selected ({number})", + "empty": "This wallet doesn't have any coins at the moment", + "freeze": "freeze", + "freezeLabel": "Freeze", + "header": "Coin control", + "use_coin": "Use coin", + "tip": "Allows you to see, label, freeze or select coins for improved wallet management." } }