Please refer to the engines field in package.json file for the minimum required versions of Node and npm. It is preferred that you use an even-numbered version of Node as these are LTS versions.
You will now need to either connect an Android device to your computer or run an emulated Android device using AVD Manager which comes shipped with Android Studio. To run an emulator using AVD Manager:
1. Download and run Android Studio
2. Click on "Open an existing Android Studio Project"
3. Open `build.gradle` file under `BlueWallet/android/` folder
4. Android Studio will take some time to set things up. Once everything is set up, go to `Tools` -> `AVD Manager`.
* 📝 This option [may take some time to appear in the menu]( if you're opening the project in a freshly-installed version of Android Studio.
The above command will build the app and install it. Once you launch the app it will take some time for all of the dependencies to load. Once everything loads up, you should have the built app running.
I was not satisfied with existing iOS Bitcoin apps, especially with BreadWallet (the one I mainly used) where development stalled and they could not even deliver such features as SegWit, RBF and custom fees (at the times where custom fees were especially needed).
So I knew I could create one to use myself and let others use it.
I had experience with awesome bitcoin-js lib (javascript), and since I dont own any Macs, don't plan to and not going to learn ObjC/Swift - ReactNative (where you also write in javascript) was an obvious choice.
Grab an issue from [the backlog](, try to start or submit a PR, any doubts we will try to guide you. Contributors have a private telegram group, request access by email
We accepts translations via [Transifex](
To participate you need to:
1. Sign up to Transifex
2. Find BlueWallet project
3. Send join request
4. After we accept your request you will be able to start translating! That's it!
Transifex automatically creates Pull Request when language reaches 100% translation. We also trigger this by hand before each release, so don't worry if you can't translate everything, every word counts.